93 research outputs found

    The Role of a Bibliographer in a Japanese Collection

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    Positive Correlation between Severity of Blepharospasm and Thalamic Glucose Metabolism

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    A 43-year-old woman with drug-related blepharospasm was followed up for 22 months. She had undergone etizolam treatment for 19 years for indefinite complaints. We examined her cerebral glucose metabolism 5 times (between days 149 and 688 since presentation), using positron emission tomography, and identified regions of interest in the thalamus, caudate nucleus, putamen, and primary somatosensory area on both sides. The severity of the blepharospasm was evaluated by PET scanning using the Wakakura classification. Sixteen women (mean age 42.4 ± 11.7 years) were examined as normal controls. The thalamic glucose metabolism in our patient was significantly increased on days 149, 212, and 688. The severity of the blepharospasm was positively correlated with the thalamic glucose metabolism, suggesting that the severity of blepharospasms reflects thalamic activity

    Screening method for severe sleep-disordered breathing in hypertensive patients without daytime sleepiness

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    SummaryThe high prevalence of sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) in hypertensive patients has been well studied. However, regular screening of SDB in these patients is not performed routinely as the diagnostic procedures are both time-consuming and labour-intensive. Overnight portable device screening is useful, but is sometimes not acceptable for asymptomatic SDB patients. We evaluated the usefulness of daytime 30-min recording with a portable recording device during pulse wave velocity (PWV) measurement sessions as a screening method for detection of asymptomatic SDB in hypertensive patients. Eighty-one hypertensive patients underwent 30-min daytime screening session using a Type III portable recording device during PWV measurement. Each screening session was followed by full overnight Level I polysomnography (PSG). The screening session included recordings of airflow (mouth–nose), chest movement, oximetry, and electrocardiography. The correlation coefficient between respiratory disturbance index (RDI) by screening session and apnea–hypopnea index (AHI) by PSG was 0.64. Using AHI ≥30 as diagnostic of severe SDB, 47 of 80 patients had the disorder based on PSG results. Using an RDI cut-off value of 22, the sensitivity and specificity for detection of severe SDB were 86.1% and 64.5%, respectively. Daytime 30-min recording with a portable device for apnea detection during PWV recording is useful for screening of asymptomatic severe SDB in hypertensive patients

    Extreme Suppression of Lateral Floret Development by a Single Amino Acid Change in the VRS1 Transcription Factor

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    Increasing grain yield is an endless challenge for cereal crop breeding. In barley (Hordeum vulgare), grain number is controlled mainly by Six-rowed spike 1 (Vrs1), which encodes a homeodomain leucine zipper class I transcription factor. However, little is known about the genetic basis of grain size. Here, we show that extreme suppression of lateral florets contributes to enlarged grains in deficiens barley. Through a combination of fine-mapping and resequencing of deficiens mutants, we have identified that a single amino acid substitution at a putative phosphorylation site in VRS1 is responsible for the deficiens phenotype. deficiens mutant alleles confer an increase in grain size, a reduction in plant height, and a significant increase in thousand grain weight in contemporary cultivated germplasm. Haplotype analysis revealed that barley carrying the deficiens allele (Vrs1.t1) originated from two-rowed types carrying the Vrs1.b2 allele, predominantly found in germplasm from northern Africa. In situ hybridization of histone H4, a marker for cell cycle or proliferation, showed weaker expression in the lateral spikelets compared with central spikelets in deficiens. Transcriptome analysis revealed that a number of histone superfamily genes were up-regulated in the deficiens mutant, suggesting that enhanced cell proliferation in the central spikelet may contribute to larger grains. Our data suggest that grain yield can be improved by suppressing the development of specific organs that are not positively involved in sink/source relationships

    The leucine-rich repeat receptor kinase QSK1 is a novel regulator of PRR-RBOHD complex and is employed by the bacterial effector HopF2Pto_{Pto} to modulate plant immunity

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    Plants detect pathogens using cell-surface pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) like EFR and FLS2, which recognize bacterial EF-Tu and flagellin, respectively. These PRRs, belonging to the leucine-rich repeat receptor kinase (LRR-RK) family, activate the production of reactive oxygen species via the NADPH oxidase RBOHD. The PRR-RBOHD complex is tightly regulated to prevent unwarranted or exaggerated immune responses. However, certain pathogenic effectors can subvert these regulatory mechanisms, thereby suppressing plant immunity. To elucidate the intricate dynamics of the PRR-RBOHD complex, we conducted a comparative co-immunoprecipitation analysis using EFR, FLS2, and RBOHD. We identified QSK1, an LRR-RK, as a novel component of the PRR-RBOHD complex. QSK1 functions as a negative regulator of PRR-triggered immunity (PTI) by downregulating the abundance of FLS2 and EFR. QSK1 is targeted by the bacterial effector HopF2Pto_{Pto}, a mono-ADP ribosyltransferase, resulting in the reduction of FLS2 and EFR levels through both transcriptional and transcription-independent pathways, thereby inhibiting PTI. Furthermore, HopF2Pto_{Pto} reduces transcript levels of PROSCOOP genes encoding important stress-regulated phytocytokines and their receptor MIK2. Importantly, HopF2Pto requires QSK1 for its accumulation and virulence functions within plants. In summary, our results provide novel insights into the mechanism by which HopF2Pto_{Pto} employs QSK1 to desensitize plants to pathogen attack. One Sentence Summary: QSK1, a novel component in the plant immune receptor complex, downregulates these receptors and phytocytokines, and is exploited by bacterial effector HopF2Pto_{Pto} to desensitize plants to pathogen attack