58 research outputs found

    False-negative coagulation factor activity results due to the presence of antiphospholipid antibodies in a case of autoimmune hemolytic anemia

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    An 88-year-old female was admitted with autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA). Coagulation test revealed severe prolongation of activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT). APTT cross-mixing test with patient plasma and normal plasma demonstrated an inhibitory pattern. Several intrinsic coagulation factor activities, particularly factor IX, showed remarkable decreases, and the inhibitor titers for coagulation factors VIII and IX were elevated. Although AIHA with existing antiphospholipid (aPL) antibodies was diagnosed initially, purpura developed on extremities intermittently during the clinical course. Considering the possibility of coexisting acquired hemophilia, APTT cross-mixing test with patient’s plasma and equal amount of the recombinant factor VIII product instead of normal plasma was performed. The APTT value on equal mixing samples with patient plasma and recombinant factor VIII product was decreased to within the normal range, and coagulation factor IX activity was restored. These results indicate that the recombinant factor VIII product had a neutralizing effect on aPL antibodies. We concluded that recombinant factor VIII product may lead to the repair of incorrect results from the APTT-dependent diagnostic system in the presence of aPL antibodies

    Comparative proteomic analysis of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium ppGpp-deficient mutant to identify a novel virulence protein required for intracellular survival in macrophages

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The global ppGpp-mediated stringent response in pathogenic bacteria plays an important role in the pathogenesis of bacterial infections. In <it>Salmonella enterica </it>serovar Typhimurium (<it>S</it>. Typhimurium), several genes, including virulence genes, are regulated by ppGpp when bacteria are under the stringent response. To understand the control of virulence genes by ppGpp in <it>S</it>. Typhimurium, agarose 2-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE) combined with mass spectrometry was used and a comprehensive 2-DE reference map of amino acid-starved <it>S</it>. Typhimurium strain SH100, a derivative of ATCC 14028, was established.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of the 366 examined spots, 269 proteins were successfully identified. The comparative analysis of the wild-type and ppGpp<sup>0 </sup>mutant strains revealed 55 proteins, the expression patterns of which were affected by ppGpp. Using a mouse infection model, we further identified a novel virulence-associated factor, STM3169, from the ppGpp-regulated and <it>Salmonella</it>-specific proteins. In addition, <it>Salmonella </it>strains carrying mutations in the gene encoding STM3169 showed growth defects and impaired growth within macrophage-like RAW264.7 cells. Furthermore, we found that expression of <it>stm3169 </it>was controlled by ppGpp and SsrB, a response regulator of the two-component system located on <it>Salmonella </it>pathogenicity island 2.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>A proteomic approach using a 2-DE reference map can prove a powerful tool for analyzing virulence factors and the regulatory network involved in <it>Salmonella </it>pathogenesis. Our results also provide evidence of a global response mediated by ppGpp in <it>S. enterica</it>.</p

    Molecular mechanism of cerebral edema improvement via IL-1RA released from the stroke-unaffected hindlimb by treadmill exercise after cerebral infarction in rats

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    Cerebral edema following cerebral infarction can be severe and directly affect mortality and mobility. Exercise therapy after cerebral infarction is an effective therapeutic approach; however, the molecular mechanism remains unclear. Myokines such as interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1RA) are released during skeletal muscle contraction with effects on other organs. We hypothesized that myokine release during exercise might improve brain edema and confirmed the hypothesis using transient middle cerebral artery occlusion (tMCAO) model rats. Rats subjected to tMCAO were divided according to the severity of illness and further assigned to exercise and non-exercise groups. Treadmill exercises were performed at a speed of 2–8 m/min for 10 min from 1–6 days post-reperfusion after tMCAO. Exercise significantly reduced edema and neurological deficits in severely ill rats, with a reduction in aquaporin-4 (AQP4) expression in the ischemic core and increased blood IL-1RA release from the stroke-unaffected hindlimb muscle after tMCAO. Administration of IL-1RA into the lateral ventricles significantly reduced edema and AQP4 expression in the ischemic core. In conclusion, treadmill exercise performed in the early phase of stroke onset alleviated the decrease in blood IL-1RA following ischemic stroke. IL-1RA administration decreased astrocytic AQP4 expression in the ischemic core, suppressing brain edema.Gono R., Sugimoto K., Yang C., et al. Molecular mechanism of cerebral edema improvement via IL-1RA released from the stroke-unaffected hindlimb by treadmill exercise after cerebral infarction in rats. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 43(5), 812-827. © 2023 SAGE Publishing. DOI: 10.1177/0271678X231151569


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    平成18年から看護過程の重要な部分である情報収集、アセスメント能力を向上し、よりスムーズに看護診断に導く目的で、\u27情報シード\u27を作成し使用している。今後の看護過程の教授方法を検討する目的で、この\u27情報シート\u27を使用したはじめての基礎看護学実習Iでの受持患者の特性と看護診断ラベルの活用度を調査した。その結果、受持患者の入院日数は30日以内および130日以上の長期入院患者が多く、日常生活援助の必要度では、入浴/清潔援助、排泄援助、移動援助で全面的な援助が必要であった。そこで、実習開始前にチェックリストを活用し練習期間を設けるなど実技を強化する必要がある。NANDAの13領域での分類でみていくと、看護問題が最も多く挙がった領域は『活動/休息』であるが、心理・社会面に関する領域はほとんど挙がらなかった。今回の調査で多かった領域『活動/休息』『安全/防御』に関する看護診断ラベルは時間をかけ、教授する必要がある。また、情報シートを見直し、アセスメントが多面的にできるように工夫し、看護診断に結び付けられるように修正が必要である。In 2006, we devised an "information sheet" for improvement of information collection and assessment ability as important parts of the nursing process and smoother nursing diagnosis. To evaluate the future nursing process instruction method, a survey on the characteristics of assigned patients and the degree of the use of nursing diagnosis labels was performed in the first class using this "information sheet" in Basic Nursing Practice I. As a result, the hospitalization period in assigned patients was often 30 days or less or 130 days or more. Concerning the degree of necessity for assistance in daily life, total assistance was often necessary for bathing, cleaning, excretion, and locomotion, and, therefore, practical skills should be improved by establishing a practice period using a checklist. According to the 13 domains of NANDA\u27s classification, nursing problems were most frequently observed in "activity/rest" but rarely in the psychosocial area. Much time may be necessary for instructions regarding the diagnostic label for "activity/rest" and "safety/protection" in which problems were frequently observed. In addition, the information sheet should be reevaluated so as to allow assessment from multiple aspects, and revisions of expressions are necessary for nursing diagnosis


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    「はじめて学ぶ人のためのよくわかる看護過程」を平成20年に作成した。その演習や実習での活用度および理解度を明らかにする目的で,協力が得られ,本書を活用した1年次生57人,2年次生31人を対象に調査を行った。その結果,2年次生における本書の実習中活用度は,すべての項目で50%以上であった。最も多い項目は,情報シートの書き方と評価で71.0%であった。理解度はほとんどの項目で60%を超えていた。理解度の高い項目は,長期・短期目標,情報シート,関連図であった。理解度の低い項目は,看護診断であった。1年次生における本書の活用度は,演習時はほとんどの項目で70%以上であったが,実習中の活用度は項目でのばらつきがあった。また,看護過程の理解度はすべての項目で60%以上と高い理解度であったが,看護診断名や看護診断の確定は2年次生同様に低かった。次に満足度は80%以上と高い結果であった。以上のことから,本書は初学者にとって活用しやすく,看護過程の理解を助ける効果がある。また,今後の課題として,代表的な疾患の展開例を増やすとともに,アセスメントや関連図などさらに詳細にすることで,高学年でも活用しやすいものとなることが明らかになった。In 2008, we created an instruction manual: "Easy-to-understand nursing care procedures for beginners". We conducted a survey of nursing students to examine how they used and understood the manual in nursing training and exercises; consent was obtained from 57 first-year and 31 second-year students. Descriptions of all task items were referred to by more than 50% of second-year students. The largest percentage of students (71.0%) referred to the manual when filling out information sheets and during assessment. While more than 60% of second-year students understood descriptions of almost all care tasks in the manual, including short- and long-term goals, information sheets, and reference charts, a large number of students could not understand explanations of nursing diagnosis. In nursing exercises for first-year students, descriptions of almost all care tasks were referred to by more than 70% of them. However, the reference rate significantly varied from task to task in practical training. Nursing care procedures for all tasks were understood by more than 60% of first-year students, although most of them could not determine the names of diseases in nursing diagnosis. However, 80% or more of first-year students were satisfied with the manual. We concluded that this manual is useful for first- and second-year nursing students, and it helps them learn nursing care procedures. It is necessary to make the manual more useful for senior students by providing more descriptions of procedures for common diseases and detailed explanations of assessment and reference charts

    援助技術論演習ワークブックの活用度と教育上の課題 : 演習後にアンケート調査を実施して

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    基礎看護学一日実習の効果と位置づけの検討 : 実習記録の内容分析を通して(Part II)

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    基礎看護学実習IIでの看護技術項目の学生の困難さの実態を明らかにし、日常生活援助技術の学内演習の課題を検討することを目的に、実習した2年次生63名に調査研究を行った。学生が困難や失敗と思った技術項目は、「排泄援助技術」が最も多く、なかでもおしめ交換、排泄物の観察が多かった。これらに関しては、演習項目に追加するとともに、関連演習項目で強化する必要がある。次いで「車椅子援助」が挙がり、これに対しては学生にリスクマネージメント意識を高めるとともに、臨地実習指導者の指導のもとで実施することが望まれる。「清潔援助」では湯温に対する学生の課題が明らかになり、演習方法の変更が必要である。困難・失敗と思う原因についてみると【注意力不足】が最も多く、学生の周囲への目の向け方に対する指導が、課題となった。To review tasks in training programs, designed to help develop skills for daily life support, it is important to clarify what difficulties students encounter when employing nursing techniques. Therefore, we conducted a survey of sixty-three second-year students who received "Basic nursing training II". The largest number of students had difficulties in employing "techniques for toileting assistance", particularly changing diapers and checking excretions. It is necessary to include these tasks in the training program, and have students practice using these techniques when performing related tasks. The second largest number of students had difficulties when "supporting a person in a wheelchair". We need to raise the awareness of risk management among students, and provide nursing training under the supervision of practical training instructors. Since some students could not maintain an appropriate temperature of hot water in "bathing support", training methods should be revised. As the most common cause of difficulties and failures reported by students was a "lack of attention", it is necessary to advise students to pay close attention to their surroundings

    基礎看護学実習IIにおける看護過程の展開を中心とした学生の学びと指導の課題 : 実習記録の内容分析(創刊二十五周年記念号)

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    基礎看護学実習IIにおける62名の実習記録のうち、看護過程に関する学生の学びを抽出し内容分析したところ、7つのカテゴリーに分類された。学生は患者には個別性があり日々変化する存在なので観察がより重要であること、患者の全体像を把握するためには患者の背景を踏まえた総合的な視点が必要であること、患者に必要な援助をするためには看護過程の展開が必要であることを学んでいた。【A.情報収集と観察】では、コミュニケーション能力やフィジカルアセスメント能力の向上のために模擬患者を導入するなど的確な情報の収集方法が課題となった。The authors have analyzed records of Fundamental Clinical Nursing Practice II written by 62 students by focusing on nursing process. The contents were categorized into 7 categories. The students were able to understand the importance of observing patients because patients have individuality and variation. The students also learned holistic viewpoint based on patients\u27 background is needed to grasp general images of patients. In the category 【A.Data on patients】, the authors have found that they need to improve the contents of their lectures by using "paper" patients in order to develop the students\u27 abilities of communication and assessment