

「はじめて学ぶ人のためのよくわかる看護過程」を平成20年に作成した。その演習や実習での活用度および理解度を明らかにする目的で,協力が得られ,本書を活用した1年次生57人,2年次生31人を対象に調査を行った。その結果,2年次生における本書の実習中活用度は,すべての項目で50%以上であった。最も多い項目は,情報シートの書き方と評価で71.0%であった。理解度はほとんどの項目で60%を超えていた。理解度の高い項目は,長期・短期目標,情報シート,関連図であった。理解度の低い項目は,看護診断であった。1年次生における本書の活用度は,演習時はほとんどの項目で70%以上であったが,実習中の活用度は項目でのばらつきがあった。また,看護過程の理解度はすべての項目で60%以上と高い理解度であったが,看護診断名や看護診断の確定は2年次生同様に低かった。次に満足度は80%以上と高い結果であった。以上のことから,本書は初学者にとって活用しやすく,看護過程の理解を助ける効果がある。また,今後の課題として,代表的な疾患の展開例を増やすとともに,アセスメントや関連図などさらに詳細にすることで,高学年でも活用しやすいものとなることが明らかになった。In 2008, we created an instruction manual: "Easy-to-understand nursing care procedures for beginners". We conducted a survey of nursing students to examine how they used and understood the manual in nursing training and exercises; consent was obtained from 57 first-year and 31 second-year students. Descriptions of all task items were referred to by more than 50% of second-year students. The largest percentage of students (71.0%) referred to the manual when filling out information sheets and during assessment. While more than 60% of second-year students understood descriptions of almost all care tasks in the manual, including short- and long-term goals, information sheets, and reference charts, a large number of students could not understand explanations of nursing diagnosis. In nursing exercises for first-year students, descriptions of almost all care tasks were referred to by more than 70% of them. However, the reference rate significantly varied from task to task in practical training. Nursing care procedures for all tasks were understood by more than 60% of first-year students, although most of them could not determine the names of diseases in nursing diagnosis. However, 80% or more of first-year students were satisfied with the manual. We concluded that this manual is useful for first- and second-year nursing students, and it helps them learn nursing care procedures. It is necessary to make the manual more useful for senior students by providing more descriptions of procedures for common diseases and detailed explanations of assessment and reference charts

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