15 research outputs found

    Oral Presentations in English Courses: Effect of Instruction on Nonverbal Communication Competence

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    English education as part of university-level liberal arts curricula requires both academic English literacy education (which includes instruction in how to give an academic presentation) and instruction in practical English conversation (Nihongakujutsukaigi, 2010a, 2010b). To learn how to give a presentation, students must develop not only their knowledge of the target language, the organization of presentations, and the contents of their presentation; they also need to develop nonverbal communication skills. This study aimed to investigate the effect of nonverbal communication competence through three types of instruction: deductive, inductive, and a mix of both. The results showed that learners attained a good performance for posture. Inductive instruction was the most effective for making eye contact, and deductive instruction had the most impact on the performance of gesture. The mixed method ranked last for both eye contact and gesture. The results show that no matter what form instruction takes, it helps learners improve their nonverbal communication competence in oral presentations.高等教育機関である大学の教養英語教育では、実用的な会話能力の教授だけでなく、アカデミック・プレゼンテーションの教授を核とするリテラシー教育が求められている(日本学術院 , 2010a, 2010b)。本稿では、プレゼンテーションのより効果的教育方法を探るため、非言語コミュニケーションの明示的教授、非明示的教授、両者を取り入れた教授を比較した。姿勢ではどの教授方法も達成度が高かった。アイコンタクトでは非明示的教授、身ぶりでは明示的教授の効果が一番高く、両者を取り入れた教授の効果は共に最下位であった。入り交じった結果が得られたが、何らかの形で教授をすることにより、学習者の非言語コミュニケーション能力の向上を期待できることが分かった

    Analysis of English Textbooks : How Nonverbal Communication is Included in English Textbooks with Intercultural Topics

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    This textbook analysis attempts to investigate how nonverbal communication is included as teaching components in EFL Intercultural communication textbooks for university students. Among the 17 textbooks I reviewed 11 textbooks refer to nonverbal communication. These 11 textbooks introduced various issues of nonverbal communication. The most commonly discussed element was kinesics followed by haptics, proxemics, chronemics, and objectics. The textbooks present both theoretical information and anecdotal information as learning resources that often take the form of short essays on the above issues together with deductive and inductive activities to promote nonverbal competence as sociolinguistic competence. The analysis also revealed that different views and approaches of intercultural literacy were observed among the textbooks. These findings suggest that language teachers should be aware of the embedded views in the textbooks when choosing and using them for seeking the most appropriate textbooks for the class they are teaching. Moreover, teachers should reflect on what cultural position they are taking

    多読の動機づけを高めるワールドカフェの実践 : 協同的・建設的な本のディスカッション

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    This paper demonstrates how the World Café, a type of discussion format that promotes group dialogue, can be adapted for use in an extensive reading program as a cooperative book discussion activity, and how it affects learners’ interest in reading English. Sixty-six Japanese university students participated in this study; their reflective comments, written/graphic works, and questionnaire responses indicated that the World Café operated in accordance with Kagan’s (1994) PIES, a useful set of principles that regulate cooperative learning, and increased the students’ interest in and motivation to read English. While the effectiveness of the World Café was enhanced by the measures incorporated to satisfy the PIES principles, the use of interactive writing during discussion, the World Café’s unique format, played a major role in promoting cooperative learning