895 research outputs found

    Awareness about breast cancer and mammography in elderly women who frequent Daycare Centers in São Paulo (SP, Brazil)

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    A detecção precoce do câncer de mama em estágio inicial por meio da mamografia é das maneiras efetivas de se reduzirem as taxas de morbidade e mortalidade. Os objetivos deste artigo foram verificar o conhecimento que as mulheres idosas têm sobre o câncer de mama e mamografia; identificar se elas fazem esse exame e apontar os motivos que as levam ou não a realizarem esse exame. Trata-se de estudo exploratório de corte transversal, com 98 mulheres de três Centros de Convivência da Terceira Idade em São Paulo. Sobre o conhecimento da mamografia como exame usado na detecção precoce do câncer de mama, 55% das mulheres responderam que conheciam. A grande maioria (77,6%) costumava fazer esse exame, e 22,4% nunca o fizeram. Os motivos mais apontados para se submeter à mamografia foram: preocupação com a saúde (53,8%) erecomendação médica (38,5%). Os motivos para não fazer o exame foram: não ter recomendação médica (50%), nunca terá a doença (23,0%), não teve sintomas (19,2%) e medo (7,7%). Este estudo mostrou que o assunto "câncer de mama" é bem conhecido pelas mulheres, porém a mamografia ainda precisa ser esclarecida quanto aos seus objetivos e recomendações. O fato de termos mulheres idosas que nunca realizaram oexame aponta a necessidade contínua de realizarmos ações educativas sobre o câncer de mama e seus exames de detecção precoce.Early detection at the initial stage of breast cancer through mammography is the best way of reducing morbidity and mortality rates. The scope of this study was to establish awareness about breast cancer and mammography among elderly women, if they take the exam and discover the reasons that lead them to take the exam or not. A cross-sectional and exploratory study was conducted with 98 elderly women in three Senior Citizen Daycare Centers in São Paulo. With respect to awareness of mammography as the exam used for early detection of breast cancer, 55% of the women answered that they knew. The majority of these women (77.6%) had taken the exam and 22.4% had never done so. The reasons most frequently cited for taking a mammography were concern with health (53.8%) and medical recommendation (38.5%). The reasons for not taking the exam were not having a medical recommendation (50%), conviction that they will never have the illness (23.1%), didn't feel symptoms (19.2%) and fear (7.7%). This study showed that the subject of "breast cancer" is well known by the women, however mammography needs to be explained better. The fact that there are elderly women who have never submitted to the exam reveals the ongoing need to stage educational campaigns about breast cancer and the early detection exams.Universidade de São Paulo (USP

    Espaços corporativos e apropriação: novas áreas livres na metrópole paulistana

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    O crescimento caótico dos grandes centros urbanos implica na crescente demanda por espaços livres, importante fator para a qualidade de vida da população. Até o final da modernidade, a gestão de espaços livres das cidades coube tradicionalmente ao poder público. Entretanto, no contexto sócio-econômico e cultural das metrópoles contemporâneas, não existe uma clara distinção dos papéis de cada agente na construção do espaço livre, tampouco uma clara definição do próprio conceito de espaço público. Atualmente, iniciativa pública e privada dividem espaço na criação e gestão dos espaços livres oferecidos à população. É preciso refletir sobre o papel de cada agente; até onde vai a atuação do poder público na mediação desses processos junto à interesses privados. Em São Paulo, (maior metrópole brasileira), encontramos inúmeros exemplos desse fenômeno nas cidades: a praça do complexo Brascan Century Plaza no Itaim, a praça da Rua Amauri (premiado na última Bienal de arquitetura de São Paulo), o Centro empresarial Itaúsa, ou a praça co complexo de edifícios Cetenco Plaza, na Avenida Paulista. O que leva as pessoas a fazerem uso de um espaço da forma que o fazem? Porque certos espaços corporativos apresentam uma vitalidade que muitos espaços públicos não têm? Tais questionamentos podem contribuir para o debate da qualidade dos espaços livres existentes nas cidades e mesmo para a importância destes a sociedade. A compreensão do cenário pós-moderno e a abordagem de questões sociológicas e mesmo psicológicas são de grande relevância para esse debate.The chaotic growth of great urban centers implies in an increasing demand for open spaces as well, important factor in the population’s quality of life. Until the end of modernism, public power was traditionally responsible for the management of open spaces in cities. However, in the context of the contemporary metropolis’ socio-economic and cultural scenery there is not a clear distinction between the roles of each agent in the construction of open spaces; neither a clear definition of public space itself. Nowadays, public and private initiatives share space in building and managing open spaces offered to the citizens. It’s important to reflect over the role that each agent holds. Where public administration stands in the negotiations with private interests? In São Paulo9 the largest Brazilian metropolis) can be found countless examples of this phenomenon in urban spaces: the plaza of the Brascan Century Plaza in Itaim, the pocket park on Amauri Street (awarded in the last Bienal de Arquitetura de São Paulo), Centro Empresarial Itaúsa, or the plaza around the Cetenco Plaza complex buildings, on Paulista Avenue. What leads people to enjoy a space the way they do? Why some corporative spaces have vitality that many public spaces don’t? These questions may contribute to the debate over the quality of open spaces in contemporary cities and even over the importance that they hold to society. The comprehension of a post-modern scenery and the approach of sociological and psychological issues are very relevant to the presented debate

    A review of EBV-positive mucocutaneous ulcers focusing on clinical and pathological aspects

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    Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-positive mucocutaneous ulcers (EBVMCUs) were first described as a lymphoproliferative disorder in 2010. Clinically, EBVMCUs are shallow, sharply circumscribed, unifocal mucosal or cutaneous ulcers that occur in immunosuppressed patients, including those with advanced age-associated immunosenescence, iatrogenic immunosuppression, primary immune disorders, and HIV/AIDS-associated immune deficiencies. In general, patients exhibit indolent disease progression and spontaneous regression. Histologically, EBVMCUs are characterized by the proliferation of EBV-positive, variable-sized, atypical B-cells. According to conventional histopathologic criteria, EBVMCUs may diagnosed as lymphomas. However, EBVMCUs are recognized as pseudomalignant lesions because they spontaneously regress without anti-cancer treatment. Therefore, overtreatment must be carefully avoided and multilateral differentiation is important. In this article, we reviewed previously reported EBVMCUs focusing on their clinical and pathological aspects in comparison with other EBV-positive B-cell neoplasms

    Activation of ADF/cofilin by phosphorylation-regulated Slingshot phosphatase is required for the meiotic spindle assembly in Xenopus laevis oocytes

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    We identify Xenopus ADF/cofilin (XAC) and its activator, Slingshot phosphatase (XSSH), as key regulators of actin dynamics essential for spindle microtubule assembly during Xenopus oocyte maturation. Phosphorylation of XSSH at multiple sites within the tail domain occurs just after germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) and is accompanied by dephosphorylation of XAC, which was mostly phosphorylated in immature oocytes. This XAC dephosphorylation after GVBD is completely suppressed by latrunculin B, an actin monomer-sequestering drug. On the other hand, jasplakinolide, an F-actin-stabilizing drug, induces dephosphorylation of XAC. Effects of latrunculin B and jasplakinolide are reconstituted in cytostatic factor-arrested extracts (CSF extracts), and XAC dephosphorylation is abolished by depletion of XSSH from CSF extracts, suggesting that XSSH functions as an actin filament sensor to facilitate actin filament dynamics via XAC activation. Injection of anti-XSSH antibody, which blocks full phosphorylation of XSSH after GVBD, inhibits both meiotic spindle formation and XAC dephosphorylation. Coinjection of constitutively active XAC with the antibody suppresses this phenotype. Treatment of oocytes with jasplakinolide also impairs spindle formation. These results strongly suggest that elevation of actin dynamics by XAC activation through XSSH phosphorylation is required for meiotic spindle assembly in Xenopus laevis

    The capacity-building and science-enabling activities of the IUGONET for the solar-terrestrial research community

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    [Background]This paper presents an overview of the capacity-building activities and science-enabling services of the Inter-university Upper atmosphere Global Observation NETwork (IUGONET) project. This Japanese program, which started in 2009, is building a metadata database (MDDB) of ground-based observations and is developing an analysis software to handle the data linked to the MDDB system for use by the solar-terrestrial physics community. Because the institutional members of the IUGONET are mainly universities in Japan, we explore tools that can contribute to advanced education as well as promote research activities. [Findings]In this paper, we describe the utilities of the IUGONET for education, including our capacity-building activities in developing countries. We have regularly facilitated training seminars for Japanese students on the use of our tools (IUGONET MDDB and the software), and we have held capacity-building seminars for young scientists in developing countries. In addition to the MDDB, we have prepared various ‘gateway’ tools for users who are unfamiliar with ‘keywords’ to search for data. One of these is a geographical display tool that uses Google Earth (KML file), which is included as supplemental material to this paper. The usefulness of the IUGONET has been proven over its first 5 years of operation by the increasing number of its users, which has led to the production of approximately 500 scientific papers, including 42 thesis papers. [Conclusions]The IUGONET community collaborates with the Scientific Committee on Solar-Terrestrial Physics program, not only in its scientific activities, but also in the establishment of E-infrastructure and capacity building

    Cesium incorporation in metakaolin-based K-geopolymer

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    Recently, considerable attention has been paid to using synthetic zeolites and titanates for cleanup of the waste water containing Cs and Sr radionuclides from Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. It has been considered that geopolymers have high potential for immobilization of Cs- and Sr-loaded zeolites and titanates, but more studies are needed to validate the geopolymers for radioactive waste disposal. The interaction of cesium with metakaolin-based K-geopolymer is studied in this paper. Geopolymers with composition of SiO2/K2O: Al2O3/K2O: H2O/K2O = 1:1:11 were synthesised and characterised based on ref. [1]. The binding of Cs and release of K in varying CsOH concentration were determined using ICP-AES (Figure 1). At very low concentration, the same amount of K is released for the binding of Cs, but the release of K is much higher than binding of Cs at high concentration of Cs. It is suggested that CsOH solution may promote the dissolution of geopolymer at high concentration. The results of zeta potential measurement indicate that there is no specific adsorption of Cs on geopolymer because the absolute value of zeta potential is increasing slightly with Cs concentration (Figure 2). Thus, the primary mechanism for Cs incorporation in geopolymer is exchange with K. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract


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    学位の種別: 課程博士審査委員会委員 : (主査)東京大学教授 伊庭 英夫, 東京大学教授 俣野 哲朗, 東京大学准教授 一戸 猛志, 東京大学准教授 加藤 直也, 東京大学准教授 川名 敬University of Tokyo(東京大学

    Epstein-Barr Virus-Positive Mucocutaneous Ulcer: A Unique and Curious Disease Entity

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    Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-positive mucocutaneous ulcer (EBVMCU) was first described as a lymphoproliferative disorder in 2010. EBVMCU is a unifocal mucosal or cutaneous ulcer that often occurs after local trauma in patients with immunosuppression; the patients generally have a good prognosis. It is histologically characterized by proliferating EBV-positive atypical B cells accompanied by ulcers. On the basis of conventional pathologic criteria, EBVMCU may be misdiagnosed as EBV-positive diffuse large B-cell lymphoma or other lymphomas. However, its prognosis differs from that of EBV-associated lymphomas, in that patients with EBVMCU frequently show spontaneous regression or complete remission without chemotherapy. Therefore, EBVMCU is now recognized as a low-grade malignancy or a pseudo-malignant lesion. Avoiding unnecessary chemotherapy by distinguishing EBVMCU from other EBV-associated lymphomas will reduce the burden and unnecessary harm on patients. On the basis of these facts, EBVMCU was first described as a new clinicopathological entity by the World Health Organization in 2017. In this review, we discuss the clinicopathological characteristics of previously reported EBVMCU cases, while focusing on up-to-date clinical, pathological, and genetic aspects

    A Chain of Dark Clouds in Projection Against the Galactic Center

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    In the J, H, and Ks bands survey of the the Galactic Center region over an area of 2deg x 5deg, we have found many dark clouds, among which a distinguished chain of dark clouds can be identified with a quiescent CO cloud. The distances of the clouds is estimated to be 3.2-4.2 kpc, corresponding to the Norma arm by our new method to determine distance to dark clouds using the cumulative number of stars against J-Ks colors. Adopting these estimated distances, the size is about 70 pc in length and the total mass of the cloud is 6x10^4 M_solar. Three compact HII regions harbor in the cloud, indicating that star forming activities are going on at the cores of the quiescent CO cloud on the spiral arm.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in PAS