70 research outputs found

    Whole-Genome Profiling of a Novel Mutagenesis Technique Using Proofreading-Deficient DNA Polymerase δ

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    A novel mutagenesis technique using error-prone DNA polymerase δ (polδ), the disparity mutagenesis model of evolution, has been successfully employed to generate novel microorganism strains with desired traits. However, little else is known about the spectra of mutagenic effects caused by disparity mutagenesis. We evaluated and compared the performance of the polδMKII mutator, which expresses the proofreading-deficient and low-fidelity polδ, in Saccharomyces cerevisiae haploid strain with that of the commonly used chemical mutagen ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS). This mutator strain possesses exogenous mutant polδ supplied from a plasmid, tthereby leaving the genomic one intact. We measured the mutation rate achieved by each mutagen and performed high-throughput next generation sequencing to analyze the genome-wide mutation spectra produced by the 2 mutagenesis methods. The mutation frequency of the mutator was approximately 7 times higher than that of EMS. Our analysis confirmed the strong G/C to A/T transition bias of EMS, whereas we found that the mutator mainly produces transversions, giving rise to more diverse amino acid substitution patterns. Our present study demonstrated that the polδMKII mutator is a useful and efficient method for rapid strain improvement based on in vivo mutagenesis

    Bacterial Diversity Associated With the Rhizosphere and Endosphere of Two Halophytes: Glaux maritima and Salicornia europaea

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    Root-associated microbial communities are very important in the adaptation of halophytes to coastal environments. However, little has been reported on microbial community structures related to halophytes, or on comparisons of their compositions among halophytic plant species. Here, we studied the diversity and community structure of both rhizosphere and root endosphere bacteria in two halophytic plants: Glaux maritima and Salicornia europaea. We sampled the rhizosphere, the root endosphere, and bulk control soil samples, and performed bacterial 16S rRNA sequencing using the Illumina MiSeq platform to characterize the bacterial community diversities in the rhizosphere and root endosphere of both halophytes. Among the G. maritima samples, the richness and diversity of bacteria in the rhizosphere were higher than those in the root endosphere but were lower than those of the bulk soil. In contrast for S. europaea, the bulk soil, the rhizosphere, and the root endosphere all had similar bacterial richness and diversity. The number of unique operational taxonomic units within the root endosphere, the rhizosphere, and the bulk soil were 181, 366, and 924 in G. maritima and 126, 416, and 596 in S. europaea, respectively, implying habitat-specific patterns for each halophyte. In total, 35 phyla and 566 genera were identified. The dominant phyla across all samples were Proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes. Actinobacteria was extremely abundant in the root endosphere from G. maritima. Beneficial bacterial genera were enriched in the root endosphere and rhizosphere in both halophytes. Rhizobium, Actinoplanes, and Marinomonas were highly abundant in G. maritima, whereas Sulfurimonas and Coleofasciculus were highly abundant in S. europaea. A principal coordinate analysis demonstrated significant differences in the microbiota composition associated with the plant species and type of sample. These results strongly indicate that there are clear differences in bacterial community structure and diversity between G. maritima and S. europaea. This is the first report to characterize the root microbiome of G. maritima, and to compare the diversity and community structure of rhizosphere and root endosphere bacteria between G. maritima and S. europaea

    Discovery of Genome-Wide DNA Polymorphisms in a Landrace Cultivar of Japonica Rice by Whole-Genome Sequencing

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    Molecular breeding approaches are of growing importance to crop improvement. However, closely related cultivars generally used for crossing material lack sufficient known DNA polymorphisms due to their genetic relatedness. Next-generation sequencing allows the identification of a massive number of DNA polymorphisms such as single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and insertions–deletions (InDels) between highly homologous genomes. Using this technology, we performed whole-genome sequencing of a landrace of japonica rice, Omachi, which is used for sake brewing and is an important source for modern cultivars. A total of 229 million reads, each comprising 75 nucleotides of the Omachi genome, was generated with 45-fold coverage and uniquely mapped to 89.7% of the Nipponbare genome, a closely related cultivar. We identified 132,462 SNPs, 16,448 insertions and 19,318 deletions between the Omachi and Nipponbare genomes. An SNP array was designed to validate 731 selected SNPs, resulting in validation rates of 95 and 88% for the Omachi and Nipponbare genomes, respectively. Among the 577 SNPs validated in both genomes, 532 are entirely new SNP markers not previously reported between related rice cultivars. We also validated InDels on a part of chromosome 2 as DNA markers and successfully genotyped five japonica rice cultivars. Our results present the methodology and extensive data on SNPs and InDels available for whole-genome genotyping and marker-assisted breeding. The polymorphism information between Omachi and Nipponbare is available at NGRC_Rice_Omachi (http://www.nodai-genome.org/oryza_sativa_en.html)

    Comparative genomics of Fructobacillus spp. and Leuconostoc spp. reveals niche-specific evolution of Fructobacillus spp.

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    Background: Fructobacillus spp. in fructose-rich niches belong to the family Leuconostocaceae. They were originally classified as Leuconostoc spp., but were later grouped into a novel genus, Fructobacillus, based on their phylogenetic position, morphology and specific biochemical characteristics. The unique characters, so called fructophilic characteristics, had not been reported in the group of lactic acid bacteria, suggesting unique evolution at the genome level. Here we studied four draft genome sequences of Fructobacillus spp. and compared their metabolic properties against those of Leuconostoc spp.Results: Fructobacillus species possess significantly less protein coding sequences in their small genomes. The number of genes was significantly smaller in carbohydrate transport and metabolism. Several other metabolic pathways, including TCA cycle, ubiquinone and other terpenoid-quinone biosynthesis and phosphotransferase systems, were characterized as discriminative pathways between the two genera. The adhE gene for bifunctional acetaldehyde/alcohol dehydrogenase, and genes for subunits of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex were absent in Fructobacillus spp. The two genera also show different levels of GC contents, which are mainly due to the different GC contents at the third codon position.Conclusion: The present genome characteristics in Fructobacillus spp. suggest reductive evolution that took place to adapt to specific niches

    The genome sequence of Streptomyces rochei 7434AN4, which carries a linear chromosome and three characteristic linear plasmids

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    Streptomyces rochei 7434AN4 produces two structurally unrelated polyketide antibiotics, lankacidin and lankamycin, and carries three linear plasmids, pSLA2-L (211 kb), -M (113 kb), and -S (18 kb), whose nucleotide sequences were previously reported. The complete nucleotide sequence of the S. rochei chromosome has now been determined using the long-read PacBio RS-II sequencing together with short-read Illumina Genome Analyzer IIx sequencing and Roche 454 pyrosequencing techniques. The assembled sequence revealed an 8,364,802-bp linear chromosome with a high G + C content of 71.7% and 7,568 protein-coding ORFs. Thus, the gross genome size of S. rochei 7434AN4 was confirmed to be 8,706,406 bp including the three linear plasmids. Consistent with our previous study, a tap-tpg gene pair, which is essential for the maintenance of a linear topology of Streptomyces genomes, was not found on the chromosome. Remarkably, the S. rochei chromosome contains seven ribosomal RNA (rrn) operons (16S-23S-5S), although Streptomyces species generally contain six rrn operons. Based on 2ndFind and antiSMASH platforms, the S. rochei chromosome harbors at least 35 secondary metabolite biosynthetic gene clusters, including those for the 28-membered polyene macrolide pentamycin and the azoxyalkene compound KA57-A.This work was supported by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (23108515, 25108718 and 17H05446 to K.A.) from Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan (MEXT), Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) (16H04917 to K.A.) from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), and the Sasakawa Scientific Research Grant from the Japan Science Society to Y.N. This work was partly supported by a JSPS A3 Foresight Program. A.A.F. and R.M. were supported by the Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education (LPDP). Sequencing analysis using an Illumina GAIIx sequencer was supported by the Grant in Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (22108010 to J.I.) from MEXT

    Sequence-specific error profile of Illumina sequencers

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    We identified the sequence-specific starting positions of consecutive miscalls in the mapping of reads obtained from the Illumina Genome Analyser (GA). Detailed analysis of the miscall pattern indicated that the underlying mechanism involves sequence-specific interference of the base elongation process during sequencing. The two major sequence patterns that trigger this sequence-specific error (SSE) are: (i) inverted repeats and (ii) GGC sequences. We speculate that these sequences favor dephasing by inhibiting single-base elongation, by: (i) folding single-stranded DNA and (ii) altering enzyme preference. This phenomenon is a major cause of sequence coverage variability and of the unfavorable bias observed for population-targeted methods such as RNA-seq and ChIP-seq. Moreover, SSE is a potential cause of false single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) calls and also significantly hinders de novo assembly. This article highlights the importance of recognizing SSE and its underlying mechanisms in the hope of enhancing the potential usefulness of the Illumina sequencers

    Whole-genome resequencing shows numerous genes with nonsynonymous SNPs in the Japanese native cattle Kuchinoshima-Ushi

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Because the Japanese native cattle <it>Kuchinoshima-Ushi </it>have been isolated in a small island and their lineage has been intensely protected, it has been assumed to date that numerous and valuable genomic variations are conserved in this cattle breed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this study, we evaluated genetic features of this breed, including single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) information, by whole-genome sequencing using a Genome Analyzer II. A total of 64.2 Gb of sequence was generated, of which 86% of the obtained reads were successfully mapped to the reference sequence (Btau 4.0) with BWA. On an average, 93% of the genome was covered by the reads and the number of mapped reads corresponded to 15.8-fold coverage across the covered region. From these data, we identified 6.3 million SNPs, of which more than 5.5 million (87%) were found to be new. Out of the SNPs annotated in the bovine sequence assembly, 20,432 were found in protein-coding regions containing 11,713 nonsynonymous SNPs in 4,643 genes. Furthermore, phylogenetic analysis using sequence data from 10 genes (more than 10 kbp) showed that <it>Kuchinoshima-Ushi </it>is clearly distinct from European domestic breeds of cattle.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These results provide a framework for further genetic studies in the <it>Kuchinoshima-Ushi </it>population and research on functions of SNP-containing genes, which would aid in understanding the molecular basis underlying phenotypic variation of economically important traits in cattle and in improving intrinsic defects in domestic cattle breeds.</p

    Genetic Predisposition to Ischemic Stroke

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    Background and Purpose—The prediction of genetic predispositions to ischemic stroke (IS) may allow the identification of individuals at elevated risk and thereby prevent IS in clinical practice. Previously developed weighted multilocus genetic risk scores showed limited predictive ability for IS. Here, we investigated the predictive ability of a newer method, polygenic risk score (polyGRS), based on the idea that a few strong signals, as well as several weaker signals, can be collectively informative to determine IS risk.Methods—We genotyped 13 214 Japanese individuals with IS and 26 470 controls (derivation samples) and generated both multilocus genetic risk scores and polyGRS, using the same derivation data set. The predictive abilities of each scoring system were then assessed using 2 independent sets of Japanese samples (KyushuU and JPJM data sets).Results—In both validation data sets, polyGRS was shown to be significantly associated with IS, but weighted multilocus genetic risk scores was not. Comparing the highest with the lowest polyGRS quintile, the odds ratios for IS were 1.75 (95% confidence interval, 1.33–2.31) and 1.99 (95% confidence interval, 1.19–3.33) in the KyushuU and JPJM samples, respectively. Using the KyushuU samples, the addition of polyGRS to a nongenetic risk model resulted in a significant improvement of the predictive ability (net reclassification improvement=0.151; P<0.001).Conclusions—The polyGRS was shown to be superior to weighted multilocus genetic risk scores as an IS prediction model. Thus, together with the nongenetic risk factors, polyGRS will provide valuable information for individual risk assessment and management of modifiable risk factors

    Draft Genome Sequence of the Polychlorinated Biphenyl Degrader Comamonas testosteroni Strain YAZ2, Isolated from a Natural Landscape in the Tohoku Region of Japan

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    We report a draft genome sequence of Comamonas testosteroni strain YAZ2, a polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) degrader that was isolated from a PCB-unpolluted environment. The assembled genome contains a single 5.4-Mb chromosome and an 87-kb plasmid. The bph gene cluster, which is involved in PCB degradation, was found on the chromosome