3,913 research outputs found

    Quantum Bit Commitment with a Composite Evidence

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    Entanglement-based attacks, which are subtle and powerful, are usually believed to render quantum bit commitment insecure. We point out that the no-go argument leading to this view implicitly assumes the evidence-of-commitment to be a monolithic quantum system. We argue that more general evidence structures, allowing for a composite, hybrid (classical-quantum) evidence, conduce to improved security. In particular, we present and prove the security of the following protocol: Bob sends Alice an anonymous state. She inscribes her commitment bb by measuring part of it in the + (for b=0b = 0) or ×\times (for b=1b=1) basis. She then communicates to him the (classical) measurement outcome RxR_x and the part-measured anonymous state interpolated into other, randomly prepared qubits as her evidence-of-commitment.Comment: 6 pages, minor changes, journal reference adde

    Minimum-error discrimination between symmetric mixed quantum states

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    We provide a solution of finding optimal measurement strategy for distinguishing between symmetric mixed quantum states. It is assumed that the matrix elements of at least one of the symmetric quantum states are all real and nonnegative in the basis of the eigenstates of the symmetry operator.Comment: 10 page

    Quantum Detection with Unknown States

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    We address the problem of distinguishing among a finite collection of quantum states, when the states are not entirely known. For completely specified states, necessary and sufficient conditions on a quantum measurement minimizing the probability of a detection error have been derived. In this work, we assume that each of the states in our collection is a mixture of a known state and an unknown state. We investigate two criteria for optimality. The first is minimization of the worst-case probability of a detection error. For the second we assume a probability distribution on the unknown states, and minimize of the expected probability of a detection error. We find that under both criteria, the optimal detectors are equivalent to the optimal detectors of an ``effective ensemble''. In the worst-case, the effective ensemble is comprised of the known states with altered prior probabilities, and in the average case it is made up of altered states with the original prior probabilities.Comment: Refereed version. Improved numerical examples and figures. A few typos fixe

    Engineering squeezed states in high-Q cavities

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    While it has been possible to build fields in high-Q cavities with a high degree of squeezing for some years, the engineering of arbitrary squeezed states in these cavities has only recently been addressed [Phys. Rev. A 68, 061801(R) (2003)]. The present work examines the question of how to squeeze any given cavity-field state and, particularly, how to generate the squeezed displaced number state and the squeezed macroscopic quantum superposition in a high-Q cavity

    Clustering of childhood leukaemia in Hong Kong: association with the childhood peak and common acute lymphoblastic leukaemia and with population mixing.

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    Incidence data of childhood leukaemia (CL) in Hong Kong (1984-90) have been analysed for evidence of variation between small areas. All cases (n=261) were classified by morphological cell type, with the majority (n=205) being acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL), and haematological review has permitted immunophenotypic classification for 73% of these. The data have been examined for evidence of spatial clustering within small census areas (TPUs) and for association with population mixing, with attention focused on those subgroups (especially the childhood peak of ALL--taken here to be diagnoses in children from 24 months up to the seventh birthday--and common ALL) which, it has been hypothesized, may be caused by unusual patterns of exposure and response to common infections. For the whole of Hong Kong, there was evidence of spatial clustering of ALL at ages 0-4 years (P = 0.09) and in the childhood peak (P<0.05). When these analyses were restricted to TPUs where extreme population mixing may have occurred, overall incidence was elevated and significant evidence of clustering was found for ALL (P<0.007) at these ages and for the common ALL in the childhood peak (P = 0.032). Replication of the analyses for subsets of leukaemia that were not dominated by the childhood peak of ALL found no evidence of clustering. This is the first investigation of an association between population mixing and childhood leukaemia in Asia and the first to include clustering and to consider particular subsets. The results are supportive of the 'infectious' aetiology hypothesis for subsets of childhood leukaemia, specifically common ALL in the childhood peak

    Quantum Communication with Correlated Nonclassical States

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    Nonclassical correlations between the quadrature-phase amplitudes of two spatially separated optical beams are exploited to realize a two-channel quantum communication experiment with a high degree of immunity to interception. For this scheme, either channel alone can have an arbitrarily small signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for transmission of a coherent ``message''. However, when the transmitted beams are combined properly upon authorized detection, the encoded message can in principle be recovered with the original SNR of the source. An experimental demonstration has achieved a 3.2 dB improvement in SNR over that possible with correlated classical sources. Extensions of the protocol to improve its security against eavesdropping are discussed.Comment: 8 pages and 4 figures (Figure 1; Figures 2a, 2b; Figure 2

    Capacity building for dementia care in community care services: a mixed methods approach

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    Background The prevalence of dementia is surging that results in huge service demand in the community care services. Dementia care competence of staff working in these settings is fundamental of the care quality. This project aims to examine the effects of staff training on their competence for the anticipated challenges in dementia care and explore how the training influence their care practices. Methods This study adopted a mixed methods triangulation design, including a prospective multi-center study with pre-test post-test evaluations and a narrative analysis of the participants’ reflective essays. Seventeen experienced health and social care professionals were trained as trainers at the Dementia Services Development Centre of the University of Stirling, UK. The trainers provided local facilitator training to staff members by using training materials that were culturally adapted to the local context. The facilitators were required to deliver 12 two-hour in-service training sessions for 6 months to their colleagues in a small group format in their respective workplace. Eventually a total of 1347 staff members from community care centers, day care centers, outreach teams and care homes of 70 non-government organizations in Hong Kong participated in the study between April 2017 and December 2018. Validated instruments were used to measure knowledge, attitude, sense of competence in dementia care and job satisfaction at the baseline and at 12-month follow-up. All participants were required to write a reflective essay to describe their experiences in dementia care by the end of the training. Results A total of 1264 participants, including 195 facilitators and 1069 learners, completed all assessment were included for analysis. Significant improvements were observed in all outcomes at the 12-month follow-up assessment (Ps ≤ .001). The magnitude of improvements in attitudes was the largest. The findings also showed that the effects of the training program significantly varied across different groups of learners in terms of age, occupation, work and training experience. Conclusions This community-wide large-scale project provided evidence that the train-the-trainer model and reflective learning are effective means to facilitate situated learning that promote awareness and understanding of dementia, and consequently enhance sustainability of changes in care practices

    Numerical Study on Small-Scale Fire Whirl using Large Eddy Simulation

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    Abstract -Fire whirl is a rotating fire with either a fixed or revolving flame centre-core caused by unbalanced entrainment. In general, the flame height of a fire whirl is significantly larger than that of a free standing fire. It is suggested by several studies that fire whirl is a disastrous scenario especially in urban or bush fires since it can greatly promote the fire spread and escalate the thread to human lives and species. In this paper, as a preliminary study, the fire whirl behaviour has been studied numerically using the Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) ver 6.1.2 which is based on the large eddy simulation (LES). It incorporates the mixture fraction based combustion model along with soot formation, the subgrid-scale (SGS) turbulence model, radiation transfer equation (RTE) model which are fully coupled and interactive. This allows the modelling of all essential chemical and physical behaviours that occur during the fire whirling processes. A small-scale vertical shaft with a base of 0.34 m × 0.35 m with a total vertical height of 1.45 m is considered. The development stages including the ignition, flame-rising and fully-developed fire whirling are modelled successfully through numerical simulations. Fairly good agreements between simulation and experimental results for temperature profiles at the centreline and corner thermocouples are achieved. However, a flame height of 0.3 m to 0.4 m is estimated in the simulation while the experimental observation is around 0.6 m. Also, the temperature is slightly over-predicted at the centre while under-predicted at the corner. These could well be due to the simplified chemistry employed in the FDS. With this preliminary numerical study, it could be logically inferred that the detailed chemical reactions scheme may be needed to capture the fundamental governing characteristics of the fire whirl in future numerical modelling studies

    Binary optical communication in single-mode and entangled quantum noisy channels

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    We address binary optical communication in single-mode and entangled quantum noisy channels. For single-mode we present a systematic comparison between direct photodetection and homodyne detection in realistic conditions, i.e. taking into account the noise that occurs both during the propagation and the detection of the signals. We then consider entangled channels based on twin-beam state of radiation, and show that with realistic heterodyne detection the error probability at fixed channel energy is reduced in comparison to the single-mode cases for a large range of values of quantum efficiency and noise parameters

    Stokes Parameters as a Minkowskian Four-vector

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    It is noted that the Jones-matrix formalism for polarization optics is a six-parameter two-by-two representation of the Lorentz group. It is shown that the four independent Stokes parameters form a Minkowskian four-vector, just like the energy-momentum four-vector in special relativity. The optical filters are represented by four-by-four Lorentz-transformation matrices. This four-by-four formalism can deal with partial coherence described by the Stokes parameters. A four-by-four matrix formulation is given for decoherence effects on the Stokes parameters, and a possible experiment is proposed. It is shown also that this Lorentz-group formalism leads to optical filters with a symmetry property corresponding to that of two-dimensional Euclidean transformations.Comment: RevTeX, 22 pages, no figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.