92 research outputs found

    Inscription and characterization of fiber Bragg gratings in multi-mode As2S3 optical fiber at 1550nm using interferometric and phase mask methods

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    Fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) in optical fibers are quickly growing in appeal and are being considered by researchers for use as mechanical and chemical sensors in fiber reinforced composite airframes to provide inexpensive, high sensitivity and high density sensor coverage. Such FBG detection systems offer the advantages of being rapid, sensitive, radiation-hard and low density. To date, typical silica-glass optical fibers have been studied. However, the ultimate sensitivity of FBGs in silica fiber is limited by the relatively low photosensitivity of silica glass which leads to low reflectivities of the FBGs. In this project, advantage is taken of the significantly higher photosensitivity of chalcogenide glasses, glasses based upon the chalcogenide elements, S, Se, and Te to inscript FBGs in selected chalcogenide optical fibers, specifically As2S3. Time stability, power level dependence, and temperature dependence were measured for the FBGs written in multi-mode As2S3 optical fiber;FBGs were inscripted in multi-mode arsenic sulfide (As2S 3) glass fibers at 1550 nm by He-Ne laser irradiation using the interferometric and phase mask techniques. In the set up, a broadband light source centered at 1550 nm with a bandwidth of 100nm at half intensity (Agilent Broadband light source 83437A) and an OSA (Agilent HP86412B) were used to analyze the inscribed FBGs and the reflectivity around 1550 nm;Multiple transmission dips were obtained from the FBGs writing experiment using both the interferometric and phase mask techniques that were caused by same mode reflection and neighboring mode coupling. Using the interferrometric method, we obtained FBGs with maximum reflectivity 46.6% at 1526.6 nm. The average effective index change in the glass caused by the He-Ne laser irradiation inducing the FBGs is estimated to be +0.000482. Using a 0/-1 order phase mask, we obtained FBGs of maximum reflectivity 61.9% at 1548.8 nm and the average effective index change is estimated to be +0.000491

    Pixel machine learning with clonal selection algorithm for lung nodules visualization

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    The early detection of lung nodules is critical to provide a better chance of survival from lung cancer. Since benign/malignant lung cancer may be caused by the growth of lung nodules, the diagnosis of an early detection of lung nodules is important. With rapidly development of advanced technology, detection of lung nodules becomes efficient by utilizing computer-aided detection (CAD) systems that can automatically detect and localize the nodules from computed tomography (CT) scans. CAD is fundamentally based on pattern recognition by extensive use of machine learning approaches which is highly interrelated to mathematical algorithms. In this study, a pixel machine learning algorithm which is developed by artificial immune system (AIS) based algorithm – Clonal Section Algorithm (CSA) is proposed for lung nodules visualization. By using pixel machine learning algorithm, several pre-processing procedures can be avoided to prevent the loss of information from image intensities. It is found that the proposed classification algorithm using original intensity values from CT scans is able to provide reasonable visualization results for lung nodules detection

    治水英雄的前世今生 : 以魯迅《故事新編‧理水》為例

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    洪水神話主要的主題有兩種,以故事中人物的反應來分別,一種是「逃生」,即神話當中的人物面對洪水時,(得到神的指引或助力)躲避洪水,從而在災難中生存。而「逃生」主題的洪水神話往往伴隨著懲戒和再生母題 。這類神話的主要情節為︰(人類直接挑戰或觸犯神)→神族(上帝)發現人類惡貫滿盈→觸怒神→神決定毀滅人類以示懲戒→神或知情者幫助善人逃生→洪水→世界被毀→再生。這類逃生類型神話多見於西方神話,例子有希伯來和希臘的洪水神話。 另一種主題則是「治水」類型的神話,故事的主人翁面對鋪天蓋地的洪水並沒有逃避,而是想辦法解決,拯救人類。與懲戒母題相反,表現的是救世母題,這類神話主要見於漢族,這種類型的神話往往是強調「人定勝天(自然)」。主要情節大致與英雄神話相似︰冒險的召喚→援助者→考驗→援助者→逃走→歸來(→長生不老藥) ,從而塑造出英雄人物。而大禹治水,正是「治水」類型的神話,禹繼承父任,在治水過程中,雖然禹曾與一眾神祗商量,也得到神祗的幫忙,但不同於西方神話,最終並不是諸神收回洪水,而是禹發現原來是共工施水,所以與共工大戰,然後以神祗所送的寶物幫助平息洪水。此外,大禹治水同時也是英雄神話,下文將會結合約瑟夫.坎貝爾(Joseph Campbell)的 《千面英雄》(The Hero with a thousand faces)加以分析情節

    Subcellular Localization of SUN2 Is Regulated by Lamin A and Rab5

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    SUN2 is an inner nuclear membrane protein with a conserved Sad1/UNC-84 homology SUN-domain at the C-terminus. Intriguingly, SUN2 has also been reported to interact with Rab5, which localizes in early endosomes. To clarify the dual subcellular localization of SUN2, we investigated its localization in lamin A/C deficient cells rescued with lamin A or lamin C isoform, and in HeLa cells transfected with Rab5 or its mutants. We found that expression of lamin A but not lamin C partly restored the nuclear envelope localization of SUN2. SUN2 was redistributed to endosomes upon overexpression of Rab5, but remained on the nuclear envelope when the SUN domain was deleted. To explore the physiological function of SUN2 in vesicle trafficking and endocytosis, we demonstrated the colocalization of endogenous SUN2 and Rab5. Moreover, overexpression of SUN2 stimulated the uptake of transferrin while suppression of SUN2 expression attenuated the process. These findings support a role of SUN2 in endocytosis

    Fine Mapping of the NRG1 Hirschsprung's Disease Locus

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    The primary pathology of Hirschsprung's disease (HSCR, colon aganglionosis) is the absence of ganglia in variable lengths of the hindgut, resulting in functional obstruction. HSCR is attributed to a failure of migration of the enteric ganglion precursors along the developing gut. RET is a key regulator of the development of the enteric nervous system (ENS) and the major HSCR-causing gene. Yet the reduced penetrance of RET DNA HSCR-associated variants together with the phenotypic variability suggest the involvement of additional genes in the disease. Through a genome-wide association study, we uncovered a ∼350 kb HSCR-associated region encompassing part of the neuregulin-1 gene (NRG1). To identify the causal NRG1 variants contributing to HSCR, we genotyped 243 SNPs variants on 343 ethnic Chinese HSCR patients and 359 controls. Genotype analysis coupled with imputation narrowed down the HSCR-associated region to 21 kb, with four of the most associated SNPs (rs10088313, rs10094655, rs4624987, and rs3884552) mapping to the NRG1 promoter. We investigated whether there was correlation between the genotype at the rs10088313 locus and the amount of NRG1 expressed in human gut tissues (40 patients and 21 controls) and found differences in expression as a function of genotype. We also found significant differences in NRG1 expression levels between diseased and control individuals bearing the same rs10088313 risk genotype. This indicates that the effects of NRG1 common variants are likely to depend on other alleles or epigenetic factors present in the patients and would account for the variability in the genetic predisposition to HSCR