43 research outputs found
Immune Profile of Litopenaeus vannamei in Monoculture and IMTA Ponds System
Integrated Multi Trophic Level (IMTA) is identified as the integrating culture of multi-species in one area. The effectiveness of space and feed is the main aspect from this point. The disease and health of shrimp management on shrimp production including immune boosters plays a critical aspect. The aim of this research is to determine and analyze the Litopenaeus vannamei immune system in different culture systems, namely polyculture (IMTA) and monoculture. Alginate was applied as supplementation diet by oral administration. The cellular and humoral immune parameters ie. Total hemolymph Count (THC), Phagocyte Activity (PA), Phagocyte Index (PI), Phenoloxidase activity (PO), and Superoxide dismutase activity (SOD) were assessed, monthly. A completely randomized design (CRD) with two treatments (IMTA and monoculture, and four replications in 500 m2 pond area was conducted. In the third month, THC and PA of shrimp from the monoculture pond resulted in significant differences (p<0.05) compared to polyculture (IMTA). SOD activity from monoculture is significantly higher (p<0.05) at every sampling period. In PO enzyme activity of shrimps from monoculture pond produced higher results compared to IMTA ponds in the 2nd and 3rd months. It is concluded that L. vannamei monoculture ponds produced higher immune parameters compared to IMTA ponds. The food competition in terms of feed and space from IMTA ponds may affect this fact. Improving the feeding technique is recommended
Keterkaitan Megabentos yang Berasosiasi dengan Padang Lamun terhadap Karakteristik Lingkungan di Perairan Jepara
Seagrass bed are one of the ecosistems in shallow waters that can support the biodiversity of marine organisms. Megabenthos as benthic organisms that usually live in association in seagrass beds, have an important role in the food web in their habitat. This study aims to analyse the diversity of megabenthos associated with their habitat characteristics in seagrass waters in Bandengan, Teluk Awur and Panjang Island Jepara. This research was conducted using a descriptive field method, and megabenthos data collecting was carried out using the line transect method. Thr result showed that 158 individuals from 8 species of megabenthos were found (from 2 phyla: Echinodermata and Molluska) from three observation locations. Condition factors that influence the abundance and diversity of megabenthos are the substrat type and seagrass cover. Padang lamun sebagai salah satu ekosistem di perairan laut dangkal dapat menopang keanekaragaman hayati organisme laut. Megabentos yang termasuk dalam organisme bentik merupakan organisme yang biasa hidup berasosiasi di padang lamun, mempunyai peranan penting dalam jaring-jaring makanan di habitatnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa keanekaragaman megabentos dikaitkan dengan karakteristik habitatnya di perairan padang lamun di Bandengan, Teluk Awur dan Pulau Panjang Jepara. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metoda deskriptif lapangan, dan pengambilan data megabentos dilakukan dengan metoda line transek. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan ditemukan 158 individu dari 8 spesies megabentos (dari 2 filum: Echinodermata dan Molluska) dari ketiga lokasi pengamatan. Faktor kondisi yang berpengaruh terhadap kelimpahan dan keanekaragaman megabentos adalah jenis substrat dasar dan tutupan lamun
Kajian Hubungan Fosfat Air Dan Fosfat Sedimen Terhadap Pertumbuhan Lamun Thalassia Hemprichii Di Perairan Teluk Awur Dan Pulau Panjang Jepara
Seagrass growth is limited by the supply of nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphate particulates that serve as energy for photosynthesis. The magnitude of the role of phosphate in the metabolism and growth of seagrass Thalassia hemprichii important to serve as a study to determine the relationship of nutrients to the growing rate of seagrass in Teluk Awur and Pulau Panjang Jepara. The purpose of this study was to determine the concentration of phosphate in the water and sediment in the waters of the Teluk Awur and Pulau Panjang and its relation to seagrass leaf growth rate of T. hemprichii. The study was conducted in April - July 2012 includes literature studies, site surveys, field data collection and analysis of samples. Analysis of the relationship phosphate concentration on the rate of growth of seagrass T. hemprichii using bivariate correlation analysis. The results showed that the average growth rate - the average seagrass highest type T. hemprichii found in Teluk Awur on 8 week (0.81 cm/day). Meanwhile, the lowest growth rate found in Teluk Awur at week 2 (0.14 cm/day). The content of phosphate concentration of water in the Teluk Awur ranged from 0.009 to 0.028 mg/L and in Pulau Panjang ranged from 0.012 to 0.025 mg/L. The concentration of phosphate sediments in the Teluk Awur ranged from 20.870 to 23.250 mg/kg and Pulau Panjang 25.650 to 27.190 mg/kg. Relations water phosphate concentration and phosphate sediments to seagrass leaf growth in Teluk Awur are not considered closely related ,instead phosphate water to the growing rate of seagrass in Pulau Panjang is low and phosphate sediments to seagrass growth as very closely
The Effect of Enhancing Ulvan's Antioxidant Properties in Supplemented Diets on Accelerating The Phenoloxidase Immune Response in White Shrimp
This study investigated the total phenol content (TPC) and DPPH inhibition of ulvan from Ulva lactuca, along with its supplementation effects on the specific growth rate (SGR) and phenoloxidase (PO) activity of Litopenaeus vannamei. Ulva lactuca samples were processed to obtain four ulvan extracts using different methods such as P-HWE (Polysaccharide-Hot Water Extract), O-HWE (Oligosaccharide-Hot Water Extract), P-A-HWE (Polysaccharide-Acid-Hot Water Extract), and O-A-HWE (Oligosaccharide-Acid-Hot Water Extract). The U. lactuca powder was treated with 80% ethanol overnight, then centrifuged and dried. Depigmented U. lactuca was extracted with water (65°C, 2 hours), and polysaccharides were precipitated with 99% ethanol, yielding P-HWE. P-HWE was heated at 145°C for 4.5 hours to yield O-HWE. Another extraction after depigmentation, using water containing H2O2 and ascorbic acid (65°C, 2 hours), precipitated P-A-HWE, which was dried and heated to yield O-A-HWE. FTIR analysis provided insights into the chemical composition and structural characteristics of ulvan extracts. TPC and DPPH inhibition were measured spectrophotometrically, and PO activity using a colorimetric assay with L-DOPA. Ulvan supplementation in shrimp feed was evaluated for growth and immune response. Results showed significant differences in TPC, DPPH inhibition, and PO activity among extracts, with O-A-HWE having the highest phenol content and DPPH inhibition. Ulvan supplementation significantly influenced the SGR of L. vannamei, with the highest SGR in the O-A-HWE treatment. This study suggests that ulvan extracts, especially O-A-HWE, could be effective natural immunostimulants for enhancing the health and growth of L. vannamei, warranting further research to optimize extraction methods and understand the underlying mechanisms
Transplantasi Lamun Thalassia Hemprichii Dengan Metode Jangkar Di Perairan Teluk Awur Dan Bandengan, Jepara
The seagrass bed is a coastal ecosystem which have an important role for the coastal environment. The seagrass beds are vulnerable with changes of water environmental conditions. The decrease of seagrass beds area in the world are the result from environmental stresses both of natural and impact of human activities. Transplantation is one way of to rehabilitate the condition of seagrass beds were damaged. The purpose of this research was to determine the survival rate and the rate of growth of transplanted seagrass Thalassia hemprichii with anchor method at Teluk Awur and Bandengan Waters Jepara. The method used in this research was field experimental method. Determination of sites using purposive random sampling method. The research was conducted at two stations are Teluk Awur Water as Station I and Bandengan Water as Station II. Each station divided into 3 plots of observation. The environmental parameters were taken are: salinity, temperature, current velocity, depth, nitrate, phosphate, dissolved oxygen, organic matter, composition and grain size of the substrate. The results showed that the survival rate of seagrass transplants at Teluk Awur water was higher when compared to the survival rate of seagrass transplants at Bandengan water. The survival rate of seagrass transplants at Teluk Awur water have a range of of 38,89% to 41,67%, while the survival rate of seagrass transplants at Bandengan water have a range of 20,97% to 23,15%. The average range growth rate of seagrass transplants at Teluk Awur water was 0,13 cm/day to 0,16 cm/day, while the average range growth rate of seagrass transplants at Bandengan water was 0.16 cm/day up to 0.17 cm/day
Adsorpsi merupakan proses penting dalam mengontrol transfer logam dari fase terlarut menjadi fase padatan. Logam Pb, Cu dan Zn merupakan logam yang dalam konsentrasi tinggi membahayakan bagi lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memprediksi model adsorpsi Pb, Cu dan Zn dalam sistem air laut-sedimen di Muara Sungai Banjir Kanal Barat, Semarang. Sampel air dan sedimen diambil dari 7 stasiun. Untuk mendapatkan konsentrasi Pb, Cu dan Zn, sampel air diekstraksi menggunakan larutan organic APDC_MIBK. Sedangkan untuk sampel sedimen melalui tahapan destruksi menggunakan asam chlorida (HCl) dan asam nitrat (HNO3) pada suhu 1000C selama 8 jam. Pembacaan nilai absorbansi dilakukan dengan AAS merk Shimidzu tipe 680 AA. Data yang didapat dikalkulasi berdasarkan model adsorpsi yaitu model Partisi, model Freundlich dan model Langmuir. Hasil perhitungan linieritas menunjukkan bahwa transfer ion logam Pb, Cu dan Zn ke dalam sedimen mengikuti model Langmuir dengan koefisien determinasi (R2) 0,72 untuk Pb, 0,96 (Cu) dan 0,73 (Zn). Sementara nilai kapasitas adsorpsi maksimum logam Pb (11,01-25,72), logam Cu (22,88-112,79) dan Zn (216,68-25.106). Kapasitas adsorpsi maksimum antara fase terlarut terhadap material partikel jauh lebih besar dibanding antara sistem terlarut terhadap sedimen.KATA KUNCI: Adsorpsi, Freundlich, Langmuir, model, partisi
Pengaruh Perbedaan Periode Aerasi Karbondioksida Terhadap Laju Pertumbuhan Dan Kadar Total Lipid Pada Kultur Nannochloropsis Oculata
N. oculata is commonly used as a natural food in larviculture. Due to the fact on its highly lipid content, N. oculata is recently becoming one of a good candidate for a source of alternative energy. Microalgae utilizes CO2 during photosynthesis. This fact will lead and used this microalgaeas a carbondioxide degradator. Providing of carbon dioxide aeration is expected to increase the rate of growth of N. oculata as well as total lipid production.This research aimed to determine the effect of different periods on carbondioxide aerationon the growth rate and total lipid production in N. oculata culture.The results showed that different time on carbondioxide aeration was significantly different (P < 0.05) on the average growth rate as well as total lipid production. Carbondioxide aeration treatment for 3 minutes have the highest average growth rate which is0,574 doubling/ day. While the average growth rate at treatment aeration for 4 minutes almost equal to the control i.e. 0,484 doubling/ day and 0,462 doubling/ day. The highest percentage of total lipid production has reached in 4 minutes carbondioxide aeration treatment (80.58%-dw). Furthermore, the lipid production on 1 minute, 2 minutes aeration time and control were 65.98%-dw, 65.77%-dw and 64.98%-dw, respectively. The treatment with carbondioxide aeration for 3 min was the lowest (39.72%-dw). Based on these results it can be concluded that carbondioxide aeration for 3 minutes increased the growth rate of N. oculata. However, the incrementon growth ratewere not accompanied withthe incrementon total lipid production
Alginate from Sargassum sp. Improve the Hematology Performance and Oxygen Tolerance Exposure of Lates calcarifer
Indonesia's fish production is abundant, especially in aquaculture. Lates calcarifer is farmed fish species. The failure of L. calcarifer cultivation due to disease problems. We are utilizing a natural compound derived from tropical Sargassum sp. extracts, namely alginate. This study aims to determine and analyse the supplementation of alginate in the diet by oral administration to improve the fish's hematological performance and oxygen stress tolerance. There were one control and three treatments (2 g.kg-1, 4 g.kg-1, and 8 g.kg-1 alginate/feed). The experiment was a completely randomized design with three replications. Fish were reared in a 350 L fiber tank for 12 days at a density of 20 ind.tank-1. Stress oxygen tolerance was applied by rearing the 10 fish in 12 L fully plastic-wrapped containers. The parameters test analyzed were phagocytic activity and phagocytic index, red blood parameters which are hematocrit and hemoglobin. The survival rate after 5 hr anoxic exposure was also recorded. The best treatments were achieved at a dose of 6 g.kg-1 and 8 g.kg-1in all parameters, except the phagocytic index. The alginate addition at all oxygen stress treatments also performed a better survival rate compared to the control. Adding alginate to feed as feed supplementation by oral administration can boost hematological performance and higher tolerance from oxygen stress exposure
Improving The Antioxidant Activity of Sodium Alginate from Sargassum sp. by Thermal Heating and Chemical Methods
The relationship between molecular structure and bioactivity was evaluated for sodium alginates obtained under different degradation treatment (raw alginates, heat-treated, and chemical-treated) from Sargassum sp. This study was conducted to identify the antioxidant activities of the degraded sodium alginate from Sargassum sp. compared to raw extract. Raw alginate as the control treatment was dried overnight at 60 °C, while heat-treated was heated raw alginate at 140oC in a laboratory oven (4.5 hours). Two chemical-treated were applied. Raw alginate added hydrogen peroxide and raw alginat with hydrogen peroxide plus ascorbic acid. This treatments were replicated three times. All the parameters were evaluated spectrophotometrically. The spectroscopy results from the degradation methods showed a new absorbance spectra pattern. The FT-IR spectrum revealed that treatment affects the structure of the alginates. Heat treated and chemical treated sodium alginates showed non significantly different on DPPH radical scavenging activity. Meanwhile, the combination of alginate and hydrogen peroxide treatment was at the lowest scavenging ability. Therefore, alginate oligosaccharides (AOS) produced by heating or adding chemical reagents could be considered as a stronger antioxidant than raw alginate, which may be applied in the industry and biomedica