12 research outputs found

    Reciprocal Learning Between Canadian and Chinese Schools Through the 24 Nature Notes Project

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    The 24 Nature Notes project was part of the China-Canada Reciprocal Learning Program. Two sister schools participated in the project. Following the same set of dates, students from both schools conducted outdoor observations and collected data. Skype meetings were arranged to exchange ideas and share student work. This study aims to understand the impact of the project on Canadian and Chinese teachers and students, what they learned from each other, and what challenges they faced. Data was collected through observation notes, meeting minutes, student work, and interviews with both Chinese and Canadian teachers and students. Data analysis revealed that the project was a positive opportunity for participants from both countries to gain cross-cultural understanding. The Canadian students enjoyed the freedom in topic selection and presentation formats. They particularly liked the life lessons that the Chinese students shared through their work. The Canadian teachers also valued the idea as it allows students to reflect their observations from a different context. The Chinese teachers and students appreciated the Canadian students’ creativity. They gained inspiration from Canadian teachers and students and as a return their project work became more creative

    Risk assessment method of loop closing operation in low-voltage distribution network based on fuzzy comprehensive evaluation

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    The loop closing operation can decrease the power outages of consumers and enhance the reliability of power supply. In low-voltage distribution network, to scientifically assess the risk of loop closing operation, and obtain the risk grade conclusion, a risk assessment method based on fuzzy comprehensive evaluation is proposed. Firstly, the risk assessment indicator system of loop closing operation is established, with the corresponding weights calculated. Secondly, the risk comment set and the calculation method of subordinate degrees are determined. Finally, the fuzzy method is adopted to obtain the risk grade conclusion of loop closing operation, which provides the rationale and technical support for the comprehensive promotion of loop closing operation in low-voltage distribution network. The method is applied to a 123-bus test system, and the risk of loop closing operation is divided into 5 grades. The assessment results are analyzed to verify the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed method

    CEPC Conceptual Design Report: Volume 2 - Physics & Detector

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    The Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC) is a large international scientific facility proposed by the Chinese particle physics community to explore the Higgs boson and provide critical tests of the underlying fundamental physics principles of the Standard Model that might reveal new physics. The CEPC, to be hosted in China in a circular underground tunnel of approximately 100 km in circumference, is designed to operate as a Higgs factory producing electron-positron collisions with a center-of-mass energy of 240 GeV. The collider will also operate at around 91.2 GeV, as a Z factory, and at the WW production threshold (around 160 GeV). The CEPC will produce close to one trillion Z bosons, 100 million W bosons and over one million Higgs bosons. The vast amount of bottom quarks, charm quarks and tau-leptons produced in the decays of the Z bosons also makes the CEPC an effective B-factory and tau-charm factory. The CEPC will have two interaction points where two large detectors will be located. This document is the second volume of the CEPC Conceptual Design Report (CDR). It presents the physics case for the CEPC, describes conceptual designs of possible detectors and their technological options, highlights the expected detector and physics performance, and discusses future plans for detector R&D and physics investigations. The final CEPC detectors will be proposed and built by international collaborations but they are likely to be composed of the detector technologies included in the conceptual designs described in this document. A separate volume, Volume I, recently released, describes the design of the CEPC accelerator complex, its associated civil engineering, and strategic alternative scenarios