1,021 research outputs found

    A cellular automation which incorporates finite element method and meshless algorithm

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    Message Passing-Based Joint User Activity Detection and Channel Estimation for Temporally-Correlated Massive Access

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    This paper studies the user activity detection and channel estimation problem in a temporally-correlated massive access system where a very large number of users communicate with a base station sporadically and each user once activated can transmit with a large probability over multiple consecutive frames. We formulate the problem as a dynamic compressed sensing (DCS) problem to exploit both the sparsity and the temporal correlation of user activity. By leveraging the hybrid generalized approximate message passing (HyGAMP) framework, we design a computationally efficient algorithm, HyGAMP-DCS, to solve this problem. In contrast to only exploit the historical estimations, the proposed algorithm performs bidirectional message passing between the neighboring frames for activity likelihood update to fully exploit the temporally-correlated user activities. Furthermore, we develop an expectation maximization HyGAMP-DCS (EM-HyGAMP-DCS) algorithm to adaptively learn the hyperparameters during the estimation procedure when the system statistics are unknown. In particular, we propose to utilize the analysis tool of state evolution to find the appropriate hyperparameter initialization of EM-HyGAMP-DCS. Simulation results demonstrate that our proposed algorithms can significantly improve the user activity detection accuracy and reduce the channel estimation error.Comment: 31 pages, 14 figures, minor revisio

    Study on the Influence of Sudden Change of Water Level on High Fill Canal Segment

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    Extreme conditions will cause the water level of high fill canal segment to change suddenly, which will affect the velocity and pore pressure of the slope. In this paper, numerical method is used to study the influence of water level sudden change on seepage characteristics of high fill canal segment. HyperMesh software is used to establish the finite element model of typical high fill canal segment under complex foundation conditions. Through the combination of secondary development program and fluid-structure coupling calculation method, the fluid structure cou-pling effect of canal under sudden change of water level is analyzed in ABAQUS. The results show that when the water level changes suddenly, the pore pressure below the free water surface and the velocity near the free surface will be greatly affected

    The Geotechnical Hazard Induced by 8.1 Earthquake in West Pass of Kunlun Mountatin in China in 2001

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    On November 14, 2001, a great earthquake with a magnitude of Ms=8.1 occurred in the Qinhai-Tibet Plateau, China, which is called as the west pass of Kunlun mountain Ms8.1 earthquake. This earthquake is the largest and the first one with a magnitude greater than 8.0 in mainland China in the recent 50 years. It caused a large-scale deformation zone with a length of 426 km in frozen soil deposit in the plateau with a height of 4000-5500 meters above sea level. Some geotechnical hazards induced in the meizoseismal area, such as compression and tension failure of soil deposit, shaking landslides (collapse of slope and cliff), seismic settlement, sliding of glacier and snow. Unexpectedly, liquefaction occurred within the melting sand layer in frozen soil deposit on the banks of lakes and rivers. All the hazards were investigated in the field by the authors. This paper presents the results of the field investigation and tests made

    Cooperative Multi-Cell Massive Access with Temporally Correlated Activity

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    This paper investigates the problem of activity detection and channel estimation in cooperative multi-cell massive access systems with temporally correlated activity, where all access points (APs) are connected to a central unit via fronthaul links. We propose to perform user-centric AP cooperation for computation burden alleviation and introduce a generalized sliding-window detection strategy for fully exploiting the temporal correlation in activity. By establishing the probabilistic model associated with the factor graph representation, we propose a scalable Dynamic Compressed Sensing-based Multiple Measurement Vector Generalized Approximate Message Passing (DCS-MMV-GAMP) algorithm from the perspective of Bayesian inference. Therein, the activity likelihood is refined by performing standard message passing among the activities in the spatial-temporal domain and GAMP is employed for efficient channel estimation. Furthermore, we develop two schemes of quantize-and-forward (QF) and detect-and-forward (DF) based on DCS-MMV-GAMP for the finite-fronthaul-capacity scenario, which are extensively evaluated under various system limits. Numerical results verify the significant superiority of the proposed approach over the benchmarks. Moreover, it is revealed that QF can usually realize superior performance when the antenna number is small, whereas DF shifts to be preferable with limited fronthaul capacity if the large-scale antenna arrays are equipped.Comment: 16 pages, 17 figures, minor revisio

    Bonded Excimer in Stacked Cytosines: A Semiclassical Simulation Study

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    The formation of a covalent bond between two stacked cytosines, one of which is excited by an ultrafast laser pulse, was studied by semiclassical dynamics simulations. The results show that a bonded excimer is created, which sharply lowers the energy gap between the LUMO and HOMO and consequently facilitates the deactivation of the electronically excited molecule. This is different from the case of two stacked adenines, where the formation of a covalent bond alters the nonadiabatic deactivation mechanism in two opposite ways. It lowers the energy gap and consequently leads to the coupling between the HOMO and LUMO levels, thus enhancing the deactivation of the electronically excited molecule. On the other hand, it leads to restriction of the deformation vibration of the pyrimidine in the excited molecule, because of a steric effect, and this delays the deactivation process of the excited adenine molecule with return to the electronic ground state

    Development of an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) assay based on a recombinant truncated VP2 (tVP2) protein for the detection of canine parvovirus antibodies

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    By removing the N-terminal hydrophobic sequence, truncated VP2 (tVP2) genes were cloned into the pET-32a (+) plasmid and subsequently expressed as His fusion proteins. The purified recombinant tVP2 proteins were specific to canine parvovirus (CPV), and one of them was used in an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the detection of CPV antibodies. The minimum detection limit of this method was 1:1280. There was good agreement between tVP2-based indirect ELISA and the commercially available diagnostic kit. The results suggest that the recombinant tVP2 protein-based ELISA could be used to detect CPV antibodies.Key words: Canine parvovirus, recombinant truncated VP2 (tVP2), enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), antibody detection


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    Background: To observe the inhibition effects of the Buthus matensii Karsch (BmK) scorpion venom extracts on the growth of human breast cancer MCF-7 cells, and to explore its mechanisms. Methods: Two common tumor cells (SMMC7721, MCF-7) were examined for the one which wasmore sensitivity to scorpion venom by MTT method. Cell cycle was determined by flow cytometry. Immunocytochemistry was applied to detect apoptosis-related protein Caspase-3 and Bcl-2 levels, while the expression of cell cycle-related protein Cyclin D1 was shown by Western blotting. Results: Our data indicated that MCF-7 was the more sensitive cell line to scorpion venom. The extracts of scorpion venom could inhibit the growth and proliferation of MCF-7 cells. Furthermore, the extract of scorpion venom induced apoptosis through Caspase-3 up-regulation while Bcl-2 down-regulation in MCF-7 cells. In addition, the extracts of scorpion venom blocked the cells from G0/G1 phase to S phase and decreased cell cycle-related protein Cyclin D1 level after drug intervention compared with the negative control group. Conclusions: These results showed that the BmK scorpion venom extracts could inhibit the growth of MCF-7 cells by inducing apoptosis and blocking cell cycle in G0/G1 phase. The BmK scorpion venom extracts will be very valuable for the treatment of breast cancer