14 research outputs found

    EV-FlowNet: Self-Supervised Optical Flow Estimation for Event-based Cameras

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    Event-based cameras have shown great promise in a variety of situations where frame based cameras suffer, such as high speed motions and high dynamic range scenes. However, developing algorithms for event measurements requires a new class of hand crafted algorithms. Deep learning has shown great success in providing model free solutions to many problems in the vision community, but existing networks have been developed with frame based images in mind, and there does not exist the wealth of labeled data for events as there does for images for supervised training. To these points, we present EV-FlowNet, a novel self-supervised deep learning pipeline for optical flow estimation for event based cameras. In particular, we introduce an image based representation of a given event stream, which is fed into a self-supervised neural network as the sole input. The corresponding grayscale images captured from the same camera at the same time as the events are then used as a supervisory signal to provide a loss function at training time, given the estimated flow from the network. We show that the resulting network is able to accurately predict optical flow from events only in a variety of different scenes, with performance competitive to image based networks. This method not only allows for accurate estimation of dense optical flow, but also provides a framework for the transfer of other self-supervised methods to the event-based domain.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, 1 table. Accompanying video: https://youtu.be/eMHZBSoq0sE. Dataset: https://daniilidis-group.github.io/mvsec/, Robotics: Science and Systems 201

    Unsupervised Event-based Learning of Optical Flow, Depth, and Egomotion

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    In this work, we propose a novel framework for unsupervised learning for event cameras that learns motion information from only the event stream. In particular, we propose an input representation of the events in the form of a discretized volume that maintains the temporal distribution of the events, which we pass through a neural network to predict the motion of the events. This motion is used to attempt to remove any motion blur in the event image. We then propose a loss function applied to the motion compensated event image that measures the motion blur in this image. We train two networks with this framework, one to predict optical flow, and one to predict egomotion and depths, and evaluate these networks on the Multi Vehicle Stereo Event Camera dataset, along with qualitative results from a variety of different scenes.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Unified Visual Relationship Detection with Vision and Language Models

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    This work focuses on training a single visual relationship detector predicting over the union of label spaces from multiple datasets. Merging labels spanning different datasets could be challenging due to inconsistent taxonomies. The issue is exacerbated in visual relationship detection when second-order visual semantics are introduced between pairs of objects. To address this challenge, we propose UniVRD, a novel bottom-up method for Unified Visual Relationship Detection by leveraging vision and language models (VLMs). VLMs provide well-aligned image and text embeddings, where similar relationships are optimized to be close to each other for semantic unification. Our bottom-up design enables the model to enjoy the benefit of training with both object detection and visual relationship datasets. Empirical results on both human-object interaction detection and scene-graph generation demonstrate the competitive performance of our model. UniVRD achieves 38.07 mAP on HICO-DET, outperforming the current best bottom-up HOI detector by 14.26 mAP. More importantly, we show that our unified detector performs as well as dataset-specific models in mAP, and achieves further improvements when we scale up the model. Our code will be made publicly available on GitHub.Comment: Accepted to ICCV 2023. Code is available at https://github.com/google-research/scenic/tree/main/scenic/projects/univr

    Spatiotemporally Discriminative Video-Language Pre-Training with Text Grounding

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    Most of existing video-language pre-training methods focus on instance-level alignment between video clips and captions via global contrastive learning but neglect rich fine-grained local information, which is of importance to downstream tasks requiring temporal localization and semantic reasoning. In this work, we propose a simple yet effective video-language pre-training framework, namely G-ViLM, to learn discriminative spatiotemporal features. Two novel designs involving spatiotemporal grounding and temporal grouping promote learning local region-noun alignment and temporal-aware features simultaneously. Specifically, spatiotemporal grounding aggregates semantically similar video tokens and aligns them with noun phrases extracted from the caption to promote local region-noun correspondences. Moreover, temporal grouping leverages cut-and-paste to manually create temporal scene changes and then learns distinguishable features from different scenes. Comprehensive evaluations demonstrate that G-ViLM performs favorably against existing approaches on four representative downstream tasks, covering text-video retrieval, video question answering, video action recognition and temporal action localization. G-ViLM performs competitively on all evaluated tasks and in particular achieves R@10 of 65.1 on zero-shot MSR-VTT retrieval, over 9% higher than the state-of-the-art method

    PolyMaX: General Dense Prediction with Mask Transformer

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    Dense prediction tasks, such as semantic segmentation, depth estimation, and surface normal prediction, can be easily formulated as per-pixel classification (discrete outputs) or regression (continuous outputs). This per-pixel prediction paradigm has remained popular due to the prevalence of fully convolutional networks. However, on the recent frontier of segmentation task, the community has been witnessing a shift of paradigm from per-pixel prediction to cluster-prediction with the emergence of transformer architectures, particularly the mask transformers, which directly predicts a label for a mask instead of a pixel. Despite this shift, methods based on the per-pixel prediction paradigm still dominate the benchmarks on the other dense prediction tasks that require continuous outputs, such as depth estimation and surface normal prediction. Motivated by the success of DORN and AdaBins in depth estimation, achieved by discretizing the continuous output space, we propose to generalize the cluster-prediction based method to general dense prediction tasks. This allows us to unify dense prediction tasks with the mask transformer framework. Remarkably, the resulting model PolyMaX demonstrates state-of-the-art performance on three benchmarks of NYUD-v2 dataset. We hope our simple yet effective design can inspire more research on exploiting mask transformers for more dense prediction tasks. Code and model will be made available.Comment: WACV 202