28 research outputs found

    The method of branching ratio measurements for nuclear unbound states produced by three particle reactions

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    The direct method of decay branching ratio determination for nuclear unbound states is proposed. The method is based on the complex study of three particle reactions in kinematically complete and incomplete experiments. The resonance decay probability is defined as a ratio of experimentally observed magnitudes, namely the differential cross sections corresponding to the processes of resonance excitation and their decay. The most favourable conditions for such measurements have unbound states with the excitation energy near the decay threshold into the one of the possible channels. The peculiarities and some applications of the proposed method are discussed.Запропоновано прямий метод визначення розподілу гілок розпаду незв’язаних станів ядер. Метод базується на комплексному дослідженні тричастинкових реакцій у кінематично повних та неповних експериментах. Ймовірність розпаду резонансів визначається як відношення експериментально спостережуваних величин, а саме диференціальних перерізів, що відповідають процесам збудження резонансів та їх розпаду. Найбільш сприятливі умови для таких вимірювань мають незв’язані стани з енергією збудження, що незначно перевищує поріг розпаду в один з можливих каналів. Аналізуються особливості запропонованого методу, наведено приклади його застосування.Предложен прямой метод определения распределения ветвей распада несвязанных состояний ядер. Метод основан на комплексном исследовании трехчастичных реакций в кинематически полных и неполных экспериментах. Вероятность распада резонансов определяется как отношение экспериментально наблюдаемых величин, а именно, дифференциальных сечений, соответствующих процессам возбуждения резонансов и их распада. Наиболее благоприятные условия для таких измерений имеют несвязанные состояния с энергией возбуждения, незначительно превышающей порог распада в один из возможных каналов. Анализируются особенности предлагаемого метода, приведены примеры его использования

    Spectrometer for detailed study of radon and thoron system decay products

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    The results of development of an aspiration type spectrometer for investigation of daughter products of radon and thoron are presented. Main parameters of the device: active detector area of 32 cm2, air pumping through the filter up to 100 liters/min, energy resolution of the detection unit of 50…70 keV. Measurements are made both during the pumping and after the pumping. Accumulation, processing, representation and storage of data are made using a personal computer incorporated into the device. Setup and control of the device are made on the computer keyboard. The results of measurements of spectra of the radon and thoron system, including dependencies of α-activity of various radio-nuclides are shown. With this device it’s also possible to measure electron energy loss spectra.Представлено результати розробки спектрометра аспіраційного типу для дослідження дочірніх продуктів розпаду радону і торону. Основні параметри приладу: активна площа детектора 32 см2, швидкість продувки повітря через фільтр – до 100 л/хв, енергетична роздільна здатність блоку детектування 50… 70 кеВ. Виміри проводяться як після продувки повітря через фільтр, так і під час продувки. До складу приладу входить персональний комп'ютер, за допомогою якого виконуються набір, обробка, представлення і збереження даних. Настроювання і керування вимірами здійснюються з клавіатури комп'ютера. Приведено результати вимірів спектрів системи радону і торону, у тому числі кінетичні залежності α-активності різних радіонуклідів. Прилад дає можливість вимірювати також спектри енергетичних втрат електронів.Представлены результаты разработки спектрометра аспирационного типа для исследования дочерних продуктов распада радона и торона. Основные параметры прибора: активная площадь детектора 32 см2, скорость продувки воздуха через фильтр – до 100 л/мин, энергетическое разрешение блока детектирования 50…70 кэВ. Измерения проводятся как после продувки воздуха через фильтр, так и во время продувки. В состав прибора входит персональный компьютер, с помощью которого производится набор, обработка, представление и хранение данных. Настройки и управление измерениями осуществляются с клавиатуры компьютера. Приведены результаты измерений спектров системы радона и торона, в том числе кинетические зависимости α-активности различных радионуклидов. Прибор дает возможность измерять также спектры энергетических потерь электронов

    Improving the Wear Resistance of Thermally Sprayed Nanocomposite Cr3C2-25NiCr Coatings by Pulsed Plasma Treatment

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    In this study the surfaces of thermally sprayed nanocomposite Cr3C2-25NiCr coating have been treated by the pulsed plasma. The nanocomposite Cr3C2-25NiCr coating was deposited by a new multi-chamber gas-dynamic accelerator on grit blasted steel substrate. An automatic pulse-plasma device “Impulse-6” was employed to plasma treatment the surface of Cr3C2-25NiCr coating. The microstructure and wear resistance of the surface of the nanocomposite Cr3C2-NiCr coating before and after the pulsed plasma treatment (PPT) was studied in this paper. Wear tests were carried out using a computer controlled pin-on-disc type tribometer at 25 ºC. The specific wear rate of the nanocomposite Cr3C2-25NiCr coating after PPT is approximately four times less than that of the Cr3C2-25NiCr coating before PPT, indicating that the nanocomposite Cr3C2-25NiCr coating after PPT exhibits better wear resistance. Detailed analysis indicates that the enhanced wear resistance of the nanocomposite Cr3C2-25NiCr coating after PPT is mainly attributed to the formation of an oxide tribolayer and smoother surface, which result from the dense and amorphous microstructure of the coating

    Dependences of the yield of common beans on agrotechnical factors in the zone of chestnut soils of the Astrakhan region

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    The article presents the results of agroecological study of the common bean collection, not only under the conditions of the subtype of light chestnut soils of the Astrakhan region, but also worked out the mode of irrigation of this crop, inoculation of seeds with rhizotorphin on a drip irrigation method. The need for research was primarily due to the insufficient number of bean varieties ideally adapted to the specific climatic conditions of the region, which is associated with insufficient study of both the morphology and biology of the culture. As objects of study, a test culture of beans and the drug rhizotorfin were chosen. The study showed that when cultivating common beans under irrigated Astrakhan region in the subzone of light chestnut soils, it is advisable to carry out pre-sowing inoculation of seeds with rhizotorphin, which ensures a stable yield of common beans on drip irrigation, and also contributes to the accumulation of biological nitrogen. Thus, based on the data obtained, on drip irrigation in the subzone of light chestnut soils, it is economically feasible to sow in a wide-row method (0.70 m) with a seeding rate of 500,000 germinating seeds per hectare and carry out pre-sowing seed inoculation with rhizotorphin

    Структура покриття CoCrAlY/ZrSiO4/Al2O3 до та після термічної обробки

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    У роботі щільні покриття CoCrAlY/ZrSiO4/Al2O3 були підготовлені на підкладках із суперсплавів на основі нікелю за допомогою нового багатокамерного газодинамічного прискорювача. Покриття піддавали термічній обробці у вакуумі при температурі 950 °С протягом 2 годин. Для аналізу хімічного складу використовували скануючий мікроскоп з мікрозондом EDX. Аналіз структурних змін, в основному з точки зору пористості, проводили за допомогою оптичного мікроскопа. Вимірювання мікротвердості покриття проводили за допомогою мікротвердоміра DM-8B з використанням пірамідки Вікерса при навантаженні 50 г. Встановлено, що термічна обробка позитивно впливає на мікроструктуру і мікротвердість покриття. Покриття CoCrAlY/ZrSiO4/Al2O3 після термічної обробки суцільні, без тріщин і добре пов’язані з підкладкою. Відсутність пор на межах розділу між різними шарами свідчить про хорошу адгезії між ними. Термічна обробка призвела до підвищення твердості покриття.In work, dense CoCrAlY/ZrSiO4/Al2O3 coatings have been prepared on nickel based superalloy substrates by a new multi-chamber gas-dynamic accelerator. The coatings were subjected to thermal treatment in vacuum at a temperature of 950 °C for 2 hours. Scanning microscope with an EDX microprobe was used to analyze the chemical composition. Analysis of structural changes, mainly from the aspect of porosity, was also carried out using an optical microscope. Measurement of the microhardness of coatings was done with a microhardness tester DM-8B using a Vicker’s hardness tester at a test load of 50 g. A positive impact of thermal treatment on the coating microstructure and microhardness was observed. The CoCrAlY/ZrSiO4/Al2O3 coatings after thermal treatment were observed to be continuous, without cracks, and well bonded with the substrate. The absence of discontinuities in the interfaces among the different layers was indicative of good adhesion between them. Thermal treatment resulted in an increase in the coating hardness

    Deposition and Characterization of the Titanium-Based Coating by a Multi-Chamber Detonation Sprayer

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    This work introduces some of the aspects of the deposition of titanium-based coating (80-120 μm thick) on aluminium samples using a multi-chamber detonation sprayer (MCDS). The characteristic feature of MCDS is that the powder is accelerated by using combustion products that are formed in MCDS chambers and are converged before entering the nozzle, where they interact with the two-phase gas-powder cloud. The microstructures and properties of the coating were characterized with the use of scanning electronic microscopes (SEM), optical microscope (OM), X-ray Diffraction (XRD) techniques, and Vickers hardness tester with a 50 g test load. Wear tests were carried out using a computer controlled pin-on-disc type tribometer. It was established that MCDS has provided the conditions for formation of a dense titanium-based coating with a porosity of less than 1.0%, microhardness 810±250 HV0.05 and a specific wear rate of 2.077∙10-4 mm3(m∙N)-1

    Deposition and Characterization of the Titanium-Based Coating by a Multi-Chamber Detonation Sprayer

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    This work introduces some of the aspects of the deposition of titanium-based coating (80-120 μm thick) on aluminium samples using a multi-chamber detonation sprayer (MCDS). The characteristic feature of MCDS is that the powder is accelerated by using combustion products that are formed in MCDS chambers and are converged before entering the nozzle, where they interact with the two-phase gas-powder cloud. The microstructures and properties of the coating were characterized with the use of scanning electronic microscopes (SEM), optical microscope (OM), X-ray Diffraction (XRD) techniques, and Vickers hardness tester with a 50 g test load. Wear tests were carried out using a computer controlled pin-on-disc type tribometer. It was established that MCDS has provided the conditions for formation of a dense titanium-based coating with a porosity of less than 1.0%, microhardness 810±250 HV0.05 and a specific wear rate of 2.077∙10-4 mm3(m∙N)-1

    Structure and Properties of the Hardmetal Coatings Cr3C2-25NiCr Formed by a Multi-chamber Detonation Sprayer

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    The hardmetal Cr3C2-25NiCr (180-220 μm thick) coatings have been produced on a steel substrate by a multi-chamber detonation sprayer (MCDS). The characteristic feature of MCDS is that the powder is accelerated by using combustion products that are formed in MCDS chambers and are converged before entering the nozzle, where they interact with the two-phase gas-powder cloud. The microstructures and properties of the hardmetal coatings were examined with the use of optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray phase analysis, and a Vickers hardness tester with a 300 g test load. Wear tests were carried out using a computer controlled pin-on-disc type tribometer. It was established that MCDS has provided the conditions for formation of a dense hardmetal Cr3C2-25NiCr (180-220 μm thick) coatings with a porosity of less than 0.02%, microhardness 540±210 HV0.3 and a specific wear rate of 9.08∙10-5 mm3(m∙N)-1

    Structure and Properties of the Hardmetal Coatings Cr3C2-25NiCr Formed by a Multi-chamber Detonation Sprayer

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    The hardmetal Cr3C2-25NiCr (180-220 μm thick) coatings have been produced on a steel substrate by a multi-chamber detonation sprayer (MCDS). The characteristic feature of MCDS is that the powder is accelerated by using combustion products that are formed in MCDS chambers and are converged before entering the nozzle, where they interact with the two-phase gas-powder cloud. The microstructures and properties of the hardmetal coatings were examined with the use of optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray phase analysis, and a Vickers hardness tester with a 300 g test load. Wear tests were carried out using a computer controlled pin-on-disc type tribometer. It was established that MCDS has provided the conditions for formation of a dense hardmetal Cr3C2-25NiCr (180-220 μm thick) coatings with a porosity of less than 0.02%, microhardness 540±210 HV0.3 and a specific wear rate of 9.08∙10-5 mm3(m∙N)-1

    The nature of non-metallic inclusions in steel with additions of rare earth elements

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    Translated from Russian (Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved., Chern. Metall. 1986 (11) p. 16-22)SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:5828.4(M--37210)T / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo