14 research outputs found

    The pp-Daugavet property for function spaces

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    A natural extension of the Daugavet property for pp-convex Banach function spaces and related classes is analysed. As an application, we extend the arguments given in the setting of the Daugavet property to show that no reflexive space falls into this class

    Investigation of structural characteristics of initial substances of ibuprofen and micronization impact

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    Structural characteristics of ibuprofen substances manufactured by different firms and the impact of micronization on them were compared. The study showed that the use of X-ray diffraction methods was necessary for certification of medicinals (crystalline) since only such methods provided information on the substance crystal structure, the molecular state and polymorphous forms

    Investigation of structural characteristics of initial substances of ibuprofen and micronization impact

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    Structural characteristics of ibuprofen substances manufactured by different firms and the impact of micronization on them were compared. The study showed that the use of X-ray diffraction methods was necessary for certification of medicinals (crystalline) since only such methods provided information on the substance crystal structure, the molecular state and polymorphous forms

    Preparation of micronized ibuprofen substance and assessment of its bioavailability

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    A Buchi B-290 mini spray dryer (Switzerland) designed to dry aqueous solutions or suspensions was used to prepare micronized ibuprofen substance, which differed from the starting substance in terms of decreased crystal size. The bioavailability of ibuprofen given as oral capsules containing micronized ibuprofen substance (crystal size 30 μm) and capsules containing commercial ibuprofen substance (crystal size 150 μm) was studied in Chinchilla rabbits. Concentrations of unaltered ibuprofen were measured by reverse-phase HPLC with spectrophotometric detection at 220 nm. Ibuprofen was extracted from rabbit serum by liquid:liquid extraction and averaged 78 %. The detection limit was 0.1 μg/ml. The bioavailability of micronized ibuprofen was more than twice that of the commercial substance (mean crystal size 150 μm). There were no differences in the rates of absorption or elimination of ibuprofen from the systemic circulation. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York

    Fundamental nuclear physics research at RFNC VNIIEF over 60 years

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    Preparation of micronized ibuprofen substance and assessment of its bioavailability

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    A Buchi B-290 mini spray dryer (Switzerland) designed to dry aqueous solutions or suspensions was used to prepare micronized ibuprofen substance, which differed from the starting substance in terms of decreased crystal size. The bioavailability of ibuprofen given as oral capsules containing micronized ibuprofen substance (crystal size 30 μm) and capsules containing commercial ibuprofen substance (crystal size 150 μm) was studied in Chinchilla rabbits. Concentrations of unaltered ibuprofen were measured by reverse-phase HPLC with spectrophotometric detection at 220 nm. Ibuprofen was extracted from rabbit serum by liquid:liquid extraction and averaged 78 %. The detection limit was 0.1 μg/ml. The bioavailability of micronized ibuprofen was more than twice that of the commercial substance (mean crystal size 150 μm). There were no differences in the rates of absorption or elimination of ibuprofen from the systemic circulation. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York

    Получение микронизированной субстанции ибупрофена и оценка его биодоступности

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    С применением нанораспылительной сушилки BUCHI B-290 (Mini Spray Dryer B-290, Швейцария), предназначенной для сушки водных растворов или суспензий, получена микронизированная субстанция ибупрофена, отличающаяся от исходной субстанции уменьшенными размерами кристаллов. На кроликах породы шиншилла исследована биодоступность ибупрофена при пероральном применении капсул, содержащих микронизированную субстанцию ибупрофена (размер кристаллов 30 мкм) и капсул, содержащих коммерческую субстанцию ибупрофена (размер кристаллов 150 мкм). Концентрацию неизмененного ибупрофена определяли методом обращенно-фазной ВЭЖХ со спектрофотометрическим детектированием при 220 нм. Для извлечения ибупрофена из сыворотки крови кроликов использовали жидкостно-жидкостную экстракцию. Извлечение ибупрофена из сыворотки составило, в среднем, 78 %. Предел обнаружения — 0,1 мкг/мл. Установлено, что по сравнению с коммерческой субстанцией (средний размер кристаллов 150 мкм), биодоступность ибупрофена микронизированного повышается более чем в 2 раза. При этом скорость всасывания ибупрофена и скорость элиминации из системного кровотока остаются одинаковыми