610 research outputs found

    Psychological well-being of students is the leading trend of contemporary e-pedagogics

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    The article presents the results of the study aimed at identifying the level of influence of distance learning on the psychological well-being of students. The objects of the study are the environment and factors having a negative impact on the psychological well-being in the student environment of the Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky. In order to explore the main challenges of digital pedagogy, a questionnaire survey of 140 second year students of the medical, pediatric and dental faculties of the university was carried out. The results of the survey have demonstrated that distance learning had a negative impact on the rhythm of students’ classes, negatively affected the level of student responsibility in the educational process and the causes of emotional burnout. During remote classes, the conflict between students decreased, and along the line of student-teacher interaction, on the contrary, it increased. The results of the study may be of interest both to the management of universities and to the teaching staff, since the distance format is being introduced into the usual learning activities of students

    A Search for Small-Scale Clumpiness in Dense Cores of Molecular Clouds

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    We have analyzed HCN(1-0) and CS(2-1) line profiles obtained with high signal-to-noise ratios toward distinct positions in three selected objects in order to search for small-scale structure in molecular cloud cores associated with regions of high-mass star formation. In some cases, ripples were detected in the line profiles, which could be due to the presence of a large number of unresolved small clumps in the telescope beam. The number of clumps for regions with linear scales of ~0.2-0.5 pc is determined using an analytical model and detailed calculations for a clumpy cloud model; this number varies in the range: ~2 10^4-3 10^5, depending on the source. The clump densities range from ~3 10^5-10^6 cm^{-3}, and the sizes and volume filling factors of the clumps are ~(1-3) 10^{-3} pc and ~0.03-0.12. The clumps are surrounded by inter-clump gas with densities not lower than ~(2-7) 10^4 cm^{-3}. The internal thermal energy of the gas in the model clumps is much higher than their gravitational energy. Their mean lifetimes can depend on the inter-clump collisional rates, and vary in the range ~10^4-10^5 yr. These structures are probably connected with density fluctuations due to turbulence in high-mass star-forming regions.Comment: 23 pages including 4 figures and 4 table

    Probing of X, Y, Z exotics with hadron and heavy ion collisions

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    The possibility of selected studies of heavy exotic hadrons called X, Y, Z states is considered. The topic includes detailed analysis of their strong, weak and electromagnetic decays containing cc¯ pair, physics simulations and event reconstruction at NICA facilit

    Review of scientific topics for Millimetron space observatory

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    This paper describes outstanding issues in astrophysics and cosmology that can be solved by astronomical observations in a broad spectral range from far infrared to millimeter wavelengths. The discussed problems related to the formation of stars and planets, galaxies and the interstellar medium, studies of black holes and the development of the cosmological model can be addressed by the planned space observatory Millimetron (the "Spectr-M" project) equipped with a cooled 10-m mirror. Millimetron can operate both as a single-dish telescope and as a part of a space-ground interferometer with very long baseline.Comment: The translation of the original article in Physics Uspekhi http://ufn.ru/ru/articles/2014/12/c


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    The etiology of sarcoidosis is not completely understood. A hypothesis exists about the relationship between sarcoidosis and a complex of pathological autoimmune reactions that occur under the influence of triggering factors. In this study, specific immune complexes in the blood plasma of patients have been determined, which can indirectly reveal the causes of the disease.The study included 33 patients with lung sarcoidosis (I group), compared to 24 healthy donors who served as a control group (II group). The patients underwent standard examination. Their blood plasma was investigated by the dynamic light scattering method with addition of tuberculosis antigens (ESAT-6/SFP-10) and “lung healthy tissue extract”. Statistical analysis was performed using the Statistica 7.0 program. Test results were considered significant at p < 0.05.Аccording to the data obtained, addition of ESAT-6/SFP-10 to patient’s blood plasma almost did not lead to the formation of immune complexes in most samples. Meanwhile, development of such complexes after addition of “lung tissue extract” was revealed in all the patients. The immune complexes were not detected in any donor from control group after stimulation with both kinds of antigens (p < 0.01).The data on distinct formation of immune complexes with the addition of “lung healthy tissue extract” in patients with lung sarcoidosis may be considered an indirect evidence for occurrence of autoimmune reaction under the influence of some pathogenic factors. Absence of de novo immune complex formation after addition of tuberculosis antigens (ESAT-6/SFP-10) makes it unlikely any direct effects of tuberculosis bacteria upon development of sarcoidosis

    Skew-self-adjoint discrete and continuous Dirac type systems: inverse problems and Borg-Marchenko theorems

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    New formulas on the inverse problem for the continuous skew-self-adjoint Dirac type system are obtained. For the discrete skew-self-adjoint Dirac type system the solution of a general type inverse spectral problem is also derived in terms of the Weyl functions. The description of the Weyl functions on the interval is given. Borg-Marchenko type uniqueness theorems are derived for both discrete and continuous non-self-adjoint systems too


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    Tuberculosis is a granulomatous disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, being characterized by the development of caseous granulomas in various organs, mainly in lungs. M. tuberculosis is known to be a trigger for autoimmune inflammation, due to the possible mimicry of bacterial proteins as autoantigens. Recently, a significance of mesenchymal vimentin as an autoantigen in mycobacterial infections has been actively discussed. The aim of the present study was to determine autoantibodies for various vimentin modifications in the patients with tuberculosis.The study was performed in 2014-2017 and included 28 patients with pulmonary tuberculosis (group I), 30 patients with nonspecific lung diseases (group II): 15 with granulomatous polyangiitis, and 15 with different alveolites. Control group consisted of healthy subjects (n = 40). Concentration of antibodies to mutated citrullinated vimentin (anti-MCV) was measured using ELISA (ORGENTEC, Germany). The patients with elevated anti-MCV levels were tested for antibodies to cyclic citrullinated peptide (anti-CCP) using ELISA technique (EUROIMMUN, Germany). Statistical analysis was carried out using GraphPad Prism 6 (GraphPad Software, USA), Statistica 10 (Statsoft, USA) using nonparametric analysis of samples with Mann-Whitney and Chi-square criteria, and Spearman method for correlation analysis. The differences were considered statistically significant at p < 0.05.The anti-MCV concentrations were significantly higher in patients with tuberculosis (group I, 60.7% of cases, 17/28) than in group II, and control group (23.6 and 25.0% of cases, respectively). No statistically significant differences were revealed between the results of anti-MVC and anti-CCP levels in comparison group with the control group (p = 0.18).High levels of anti-MCV antibodies in the patients with pulmonary tuberculosis reflect an opportunity of developing autoimmune process in the disease pathogenesis. Measurement of plasma anti-MCV antibody concentrations may be important for correction of the therapy, especially upon administration of immunosuppressive and hormonal corticosteroid drugs. It has been shown that anti-CCP are not characteristic to the lung diseases

    Superconducting Receivers for Space, Balloon, and Ground-Based Sub-Terahertz Radio Telescopes

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    We give a review of both our own original scientific results of the development of superconducting receivers for sub-terahertz astronomy and the main leading concepts of the global instrumentation. The analysis of current astronomical problems, the results of microwave astroclimate research, and the development of equipment for sub-terahertz radio astronomy studies justify the need and feasibility of a major infrastructure project in Russia to create a sub-terahertz telescope, as well as to enhance the implementation of the ongoing Millimetron and Suffa projects. The following results are discussed: i) superconducting coherent receivers and broadband subterahertz detectors for space, balloon, and ground-based radio telescopes have been developed and tested; ii) ultrasensitive receiving systems based on tunnel structures such as superconductor-insulator-superconductor (SIS) and superconductor-insulator-normal metal-insulator-superconductor (SINIS) have been created, fabricated, and examined; iii) a receiving array based on SINIS detectors and microwave readout system for such structures has been implemented; iv) methods for manufacturing high-quality tunnel structures Nb/AlOx/Nb and Nb/AlN/NbN based on niobium films with a current density of up to 30 kA/cm(2) have been developed. Receivers operated at 200 to 950 GHz and having a noise temperature only a factor of 2 to 5 higher than the quantum limit have been created and tested

    Objectives of the Millimetron Space Observatory science program and technical capabilities of its realization

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    We present the scientific program of the Spectr-M project aimed at the creation and operation of the Millimetron Space Observatory (MSO) planned for launch in the late 2020s. The unique technical capabilities of the observatory will enable broadband observations of astronomical objects from 50 μm to 10 mm wavelengths with a record sensitivity (up to ~ 0.1 μJy) in the single-dish mode and with an unprecedented high angular resolution (~ 0.1 μas) in the ground-space very long baseline interferometer (SVLBI) regime. The program addresses fundamental priority issues of astrophysics and physics in general that can be solved only with the MSO capabilities: 1) the study of physical processes in the early Universe up to redshifts z ~ 2 × 106 through measuring μ-distortions of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) spectrum, and investigation of the structure and evolution of the Universe at redshifts z < 15 by measuring y-distortions of the CMB spectrum; 2) the investigation of the geometry of space-time around supermassive black holes (SMBHs) in the center of our Galaxy and M87 by imaging surrounding shadows, the study of plasma properties in the shadow formation regions, and the search for observational manifestations of wormholes; 3) the study of observational manifestations of the origin of life in the Universe - the search for water and biomarkers in the Galactic interstellar medium. Moreover, the technical capabilities of the MSO can help solve related problems, including the birth of the first galaxies and SMBHs (z ≳ 10), alternative approaches to measuring the Hubble constant, the physics of SMBHs in 'dusty' galactic nuclei, the study of protoplanetary disks and water transport in them, and the study of 'ocean worlds' in the Solar System