67 research outputs found

    Ценности и электоральное поведение российских граждан на президентских выборах (2012, 2018 гг.): постоянство и изменчивость

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    Based on the empirical data of two sociological studies conducted in accordance with the uniform methodology using the personal questionnaire method in April 2012 and May 2018 (almost immediately after the election of the President of the Russian Federation), the article analyzes the structure of values of Russian urban voters, influencing their attitude to participation in the presidential elections and to the competing candidates. The socio-economic and socio-political conditions in Russia and their influence on the structure of values of urban voters are considered in the article. The article reveals the reasons why the fewer urban voters participated in the elections and a much larger number of them voted for Vladimir Putin when the economic situation of voters deteriorated in 2012 compared to 2018.The article shows that the structure of values of urban voters remains predominantly “materialistic” (according to Ronald Inglehart). The influence of the value structure of voters on their participation in voting at the presidential election and on the support of a certain candidate is revealed. On the basis of comparing the results of the presidential elections in 2012 and 2018, it is shown that during 6 years the ideological spectrum of candidates has expanded and began to express a wider range of political views on the further development of Russian society and state — from extremely liberal, democratic to extremely conservative, totalitarian, which is essential feature of the modern Russian party and political system. The middle of this spectrum was represented by liberal conservatism of Vladimir Putin, and his support in 2018 reflects a shift in the values of urban voters from the extreme right and the extreme left to the middle, toward liberal conservatism that is becoming inherent in an increasing number of urban voters.It is revealed that within the framework of the “materialistic” value structure of urban voters, the value of material wealth does not play a significant role when voters choose the future development of Russia. The value of unselfish patriotism and family is in the first place. The difficult political conditions in Russia in 2018 gave the voters patriotism a militant character that was absent in 2012. It united Russian society around Vladimir Putin even more and was the cause of a significant increase in his support from voters. Liberal component of conservatism in the program of Vladimir Putin (the expansion of economic, political, and spiritual freedoms) led to his support from moderately liberal voters. All these factors together predetermined the great success of Vladimir Putin in the presidential elections in Russia in 2018.На протяжении многих лет кафедра методологии социологических исследований разрабатывает проблему ценностного измерения российского общества и связь его ценностной структуры с политическим поведением граждан. Результаты проведенных исследований опубликованы в ряде статей в научных журналах. Результаты последнего исследования данной проблемы представлены в данной статье.На основе эмпирических данных двух социологических исследований, проведенных по единой методике с использованием метода личного анкетирования, в апреле 2012 г. и мае 2018 г. — почти сразу после выборов Президента РФ, в статье анализируется структура ценностей городских избирателей России, оказывающая влияние на их отношение к участию в президентских выборах, к выдвинувшимся на них кандидатам. Рассматриваются социально-экономические и социально-политические условия в России и их влияние на структуру ценностей городских избирателей. Выявляются причины того, почему при ухудшении экономического положения избирателей в 2018 г. по сравнению с 2012 г., меньшее количество городских избирателей участвовало в выборах и существенно большее их количество проголосовало за В. Путина.В статье показано, что структура ценностей городских избирателей остается преимущественно “материалистической” (по Р. Инглхарту), при этом в ней усиливается роль “постматериалистических” ценностей. Раскрыто влияние ценностной структуры избирателей на их участие в голосовании на президентских выборах и на поддержку того или иного кандидата. На основе сравнения результатов президентских выборов в 2012 и 2018 г. показано, что за 6 лет идеологический спектр кандидатов расширился и стал выражать более широкий диапазон политических взглядов на дальнейшее развитие российского общества и государства — от крайне либеральных, демократических, до крайне консервативных, тоталитарных, что является существенной особенностью современной российской партийно-политической системы. Середину этого спектра представлял либеральный консерватизм В. Путина и его поддержка в 2018 г. отражает сдвиг ценностей городских избирателей от крайне правых и крайне левых к середине — к либеральному консерватизму.Выявлено, что в рамках “материалистической” структуры ценностей городских избирателей, ценность материального достатка не играет существенной роли при выборе избирателями будущего развития России. На первом месте находится ценность бескорыстного патриотизма и семьи. Сложные политические условия, в которых оказалась Россия в 2018 г., придали патриотизму избирателей воинственный характер, который отсутствовал в 2012 г., что в еще большей степени объединило российское общество вокруг В. Путина и стало причиной существенного роста его поддержки со стороны избирателей. Либеральная составляющая консерватизма в программе В. Путина — расширение экономических, политических и духовных свобод — привела к его поддержке со стороны умеренно либеральных избирателей. Все это вместе предопределило самый большой успех В. Путина на выборах Президента РФ в 2018 г

    Environmental Improvement Of Opencast Mining

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    Existing classifications of waste dumps in the quarries are given and their phenomenological nature is clarified. The need to identify the essence of the term "dump" is shown as well as the idea of "dump" as an artificial formation with everted and mixed rocks distanced from the quarry. Essential classification of man-made rock formations in quarries is developed. Characteristic of variations of man-made waste formations in quarries is developed. To reduce harmful effects of open-pit mining, dumps should be substituted with strat-lays - man-made structures relevant to natural stratification of litho-substances. Construction of strat-lays would improve ecological and technological culture of open cast mining

    Resistivity studies under hydrostatic pressure on a low-resistance variant of the quasi-2D organic superconductor kappa-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu[N(CN)2]Br: quest for intrinsic scattering contributions

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    Resistivity measurements have been performed on a low (LR)- and high (HR)-resistance variant of the kappa-(BEDT-TTF)_2Cu[N(CN)_2]Br superconductor. While the HR sample was synthesized following the standard procedure, the LR crystal is a result of a somewhat modified synthesis route. According to their residual resistivities and residual resistivity ratios, the LR crystal is of distinctly superior quality. He-gas pressure was used to study the effect of hydrostatic pressure on the different transport regimes for both variants. The main results of these comparative investigations are (i) a significant part of the inelastic-scattering contribution, which causes the anomalous rho(T) maximum in standard HR crystals around 90 K, is sample dependent, i.e. extrinsic in nature, (ii) the abrupt change in rho(T) at T* approx. 40 K from a strongly temperature-dependent behavior at T > T* to an only weakly T-dependent rho(T) at T < T* is unaffected by this scattering contribution and thus marks an independent property, most likely a second-order phase transition, (iii) both variants reveal a rho(T) proportional to AT^2 dependence at low temperatures, i.e. for T_c < T < T_0, although with strongly sample-dependent coefficients A and upper bounds for the T^2 behavior measured by T_0. The latter result is inconsistent with the T^2 dependence originating from coherent Fermi-liquid excitations.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Mott Transition, Compressibility Divergence and P-T Phase Diagram of Layered Organic Superconductors: An Ultrasonic Investigation

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    The phase diagram of the organic superconductor κ\kappa-(BEDT-TTF)2_2Cu[N(CN)2_2Cl has been investigated by ultrasonic velocity measurements under helium gas pressure. Different phase transitions were identified trough several elastic anomalies characterized from isobaric and isothermal sweeps. Our data reveal two crossover lines that end on the critical point terminating the first-order Mott transition line. When the critical point is approached along these lines, we observe a dramatic softening of the velocity which is consistent with a diverging compressibility of the electronic degrees of freedom.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Perturbation Theory on the Transition Temperature and Electronic Properties of Organic Superconductor

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    We study the superconducting transition temperature and the electronic properties of the metallic phase of κ\kappa-type (BEDT-TTF)2_2X which shows unconventional properties in experiments, on the basis of the third order perturbation theory for a simple effective Hubbard model of a nearly triangular lattice. Appropriate transition temperatures and dx2y2d_{x^2-y^2} symmetry of the gap function are obtained in good agreement with experimental results. We also calculate the transition temperature by the fluctuation-exchange approximation(FLEX) in order to compare the two approaches; FLEX gives higher transition temperatures rather than the perturbation approach. However, it is also found that the vertex corrections, which are ignored in FLEX, have a crucial effect on TcT_{\rm c} for strongly frustrated systems. The density of states and the normal self-energy calculated in this perturbation scheme show the nature of the conventional Fermi liquid near the Mott-insulator. Thus, our perturbation approach is applicable to the conventional metallic phase of this compound, while it cannot explain the (pseudo-)spin gap phenomenon which signals the non-Fermi liquid

    Spin Fluctuation-Induced Superconductivity in Organic Compounds

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    Spin fluctuation-induced superconductivity in two-dimensional organic compounds such as \kappa-(ET)_2-X is investigated by using a simplified dimer Hubbard model with right-angled isosceles triangular lattice (transfer matrices -\tau, -\tau^\prime). The dynamical susceptiblity and the self-energy are calculated self-consistently within the fluctuation exchange approximation and the value for T_c as obtained by solving the linearized Eliashberg-type equations is in good agreement with experiment. The pairing symmetry is of d_{x^2-y^2} type. The calculated (U/\tau)-dependence of T_c compares qualitatively well with the observed pressure dependence of T_c. Varying the value for \tau^\prime/\tau from 0 to 1 we interpolate between the square lattice and the regular triangular lattice and find firstly that values of T_c for \kappa-(ET)_2-X and cuprates scale well and secondly that T_c tends to decrease with increasing \tau^\prime/\tau and no superconductivity is found for \tau^\prime/\tau=1, the regular triangular lattice.Comment: 4 pages, 6 eps figures, uses jpsj.st

    Transitions from phase-locked dynamics to chaos in a piecewise-linear map

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    Recent work has shown that torus formation in piecewise-smooth maps can take place through a special type of border-collision bifurcation in which a pair of complex conjugate multipliers for a stable cycle abruptly jump out of the unit circle. Transitions from an ergodic to a resonant torus take place via border-collision fold bifurcations. We examine the transition to chaos through torus destruction in such maps. Considering a piecewise-linear normal-form map we show that this transition, by virtue of the interplay of border-collision bifurcations with period-doubling and homoclinic bifurcations, can involve mechanisms that differ qualitatively from those described by Afraimovich and Shilnikov

    Magnetic Phase Diagram and Metal-Insulator Transition of NiS2-xSex

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    Magnetic phase diagram of NiS2-xSex has been reexamined by systematic studies of electrical resistivity, uniform magnetic susceptibility and neutron diffraction using single crystals grown by a chemical transport method. The electrical resistivity and the uniform magnetic susceptibility exhibit the same feature of temperature dependence over a wide Se concentration. A distinct first order metal-insulator (M-I) transition accompanied by a volume change was observed only in the antiferromagnetic ordered phase for 0.50<x<0.59. In this region, the M-I transition makes substantial effects to the thermal evolution of staggered moments. In the paramagnetic phase, the M-I transition becomes broad; both the electrical resistivity and the uniform magnetic susceptibility exhibit a broad maximum around the temperatures on the M-I transition-line extrapolated to the paramagnetic phase.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures, corrected EPS fil

    From Kondo Effect to Fermi Liquid

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    The Kondo effect has been playing an important role in strongly correlated electon systems. The important point is that the magnetic impurity in metals is a typical example of the Fermi liquid. In the system the local spin is conserved in the ground state and continuity with respect to Coulomb repulsion UU is satisfied. This nature is satisfied also in the periodic systems as far as the systems remain as the Fermi liquid. This property of the Fermi liquid is essential to understand the cuprate high-Tc superconductors (HTSC). On the basis of the Fermi liquid theory we develop the transport theory such as the resistivity and the Hall coefficient in strongly correlated electron systems, such as HTSC, organic metals and heavy Fermion systems. The significant role of the vertex corrections for total charge- and heat-currents on the transport phenomena is explained. By taking the effect of the current vertex corrections into account, various typical non-Fermi-liquid-like transport phenomena in systems with strong magnetic and/or superconducting flucutations are explained within the Fermi liquid theory.Comment: 14 pages, an article for the special edition of JPSJ "Kondo Effect -- 40 Years after the Discovery

    Hall Effect and Resistivity in High-Tc Superconductors: The Conserving Approximation

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    The Hall coefficient (R_H) of high-Tc cuprates in the normal state shows the striking non-Fermi liquid behavior: R_H follows a Curie-Weiss type temperature dependence, and |R_H|>>1/|ne| at low temperatures in the under-doped compounds. Moreover, R_H is positive for hole-doped compounds and is negative for electron-doped ones, although each of them has a similar hole-like Fermi surface. In this paper, we give the explanation of this long-standing problem from the standpoint of the nearly antiferromagnetic (AF) Fermi liquid. We consider seriously the vertex corrections for the current which are indispensable to satisfy the conservation laws, which are violated within the conventional Boltzmann transport approximation. The obtained total current J_k takes an enhanced value and is no more perpendicular to the Fermi surface due to the strong AF fluctuations. By virtue of this mechanism, the anomalous behavior of R_H in high-Tc cuprates is neutrally explained. We find that both the temperature and the (electron, or hole) doping dependences of R_H in high-T_c cuprates are reproduced well by numerical calculations based on the fluctuation-exchange (FLEX) approximation, applied to the single-band Hubbard model. We also discuss the temperature dependence of R_H in other nearly AF metals, e.g., V_2O_3, kappa-BEDT-TTF organic superconductors, and heavy fermion systems close to the AF phase boundary.Comment: 19 pages, to appear in Phys. Rev. B, No.59, Vol.22, 199