129 research outputs found

    Evaporation induced flow inside circular wells

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    Flow field and height averaged radial velocity inside a droplet evaporating in an open circular well were calculated for different modes of liquid evaporation.Comment: 5 page, 3 figures, submitted to European Physical Journal

    Prevalence of carbohydrate metabolism disorders and association with cardiovascular diseases in a large Siberian region

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    Aim. To study the prevalence of carbohydrate metabolism disorders in a repre - sentative sample of the working-age population of the Krasnoyarsk Krai aged 25-64 years and to identify the association of these disorders with cardiovascular pathology.Material and methods. A random representative sample within the all-Russian epidemiological study ESSE-RF included 1603 residents of the Krasnoyarsk Krai aged 25 to 64 years. The gradation of carbohydrate metabolism disorders was carried out on the basis of fasting plasma glucose level in accordance with the criteria of the American Diabetes Association (ADA). Hypertension (HTN) was defined as office BP ≥140/90 mm Hg or an indication of previous use of antihypertensive drugs. The presence of myocardial infarction (MI), stroke, coronary artery disease (CAD) was detected by anamnesis collection. Statistical processing was carried out using IBM SPSS v 22 and Microsoft Excel 2021 programs. When comparing differences by sex, age, level of education, and type of residence, differences was assessed by chi-squared test and considered significant at p≤0,05.Results. In total representative sample of Krasnoyarsk Krai population, 3,6% of participants indicated prior diabetes, while its prevalence naturally increased with age. The detection rate of fasting glucose of 5,6-6,9 mmol/l among individuals without prior diabetes (impaired fasting glycemia (IFG), as one of the criteria for prediabetes, according to ADA guidelines) was 22,5% of the general population. Fasting hyperglycemia (HG) ≥7,0 mmol/l without prior diabetes was registered in 3,8%. This figure can be roughly considered as the proportion of people with newly diagnosed diabetes. IFG and HG were significantly more common among men, as well as among those with primary and secondary education compared with higher education. In rural residents, all types of carbohydrate metabolism disorders were more common than in urban ones. Compared with the normoglycemic group, the presence of prior diabetes, IFG and GH was associated with a significantly higher prevalence of hypertension, CAD and stroke.Conclusion. The prevalence of IFG, fasting HG ≥7,0 mmol/l and diagnosed diabetes in a representative sample of the Krasnoyarsk Krai aged 25-64 years exceeds the national average, although it is consistent with the data of a number of other Siberian regions. The prevalence of both carbohydrate metabolism disorders in general and the percentage of possible undiagnosed diabetes increases with age. At the same time, there are more such individuals among those with primary and secondary education, as well as among rural residents. The approximate proportion of undiagnosed diabetes in the study population reaches 50%. Timely detection of carbohydrate metabolism disorders can contribute to the earlier implementation of active preventive measures and reduce the risk of cardiovascular events


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    Trains with electric motorized coaches prevail in commuter passenger traffic in the areas surrounding large regional centers. The article studies current state of electric commuter trains and analyzes stages of their development including modernization with maintaining of DC traction motors and transition to trains of a new generation equipped with asynchronous motors. Conclusions and comments are aimed at practical implementation.В пригородном сообщении вблизи крупных региональных центров мотор-вагонные поезда занимают ведущее положение. Рассмотрено состояние парка мотор-вагонных поездов и проанализированы этапы их развития от модернизации в процессе ремонтов с сохранением тяговых двигателей постоянного тока до перехода к поездам новых поколений с асинхронными тяговыми двигателями. Сделанные в статье выводы и комментарии носят предметный характер и имеют практическую ценность


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    Первым в России электрическим  рельсовым транспортом стал  трамвай. Затем электрификация  коснулась пригородных  железнодорожных линий. Анализ  тенденций системного развития  электрической тяги. Оценка опыта  и перспектив, включая сферу  бесконтактного монорельса с  электромагнитным подвесом  и прогрессирующие виды  высокоскоростного сообщения

    NADP-Dependent Aldehyde Dehydrogenase from Archaeon Pyrobaculum sp.1860

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    We present the functional and structural characterization of the first archaeal thermostable NADP-dependent aldehyde dehydrogenase AlDHPyr1147. In vitro, AlDHPyr1147 catalyzes the irreversible oxidation of short aliphatic aldehydes at 60–85°С, and the affinity of AlDHPyr1147 to the NADP+ at 60°С is comparable to that for mesophilic analogues at 25°С. We determined the structures of the apo form of AlDHPyr1147 (3.04 Å resolution), three binary complexes with the coenzyme (1.90, 2.06, and 2.19 Å), and the ternary complex with the coenzyme and isobutyraldehyde as a substrate (2.66 Å). The nicotinamide moiety of the coenzyme is disordered in two binary complexes, while it is ordered in the ternary complex, as well as in the binary complex obtained after additional soaking with the substrate. AlDHPyr1147 structures demonstrate the strengthening of the dimeric contact (as compared with the analogues) and the concerted conformational flexibility of catalytic Cys287 and Glu253, as well as Leu254 and the nicotinamide moiety of the coenzyme. A comparison of the active sites of AlDHPyr1147 and dehydrogenases characterized earlier suggests that proton relay systems, which were previously proposed for dehydrogenases of this family, are blocked in AlDHPyr1147, and the proton release in the latter can occur through the substrate channel

    Spacial and temporal dynamics of the volume fraction of the colloidal particles inside a drying sessile drop

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    Using lubrication theory, drying processes of sessile colloidal droplets on a solid substrate are studied. A simple model is proposed to describe temporal dynamics both the shape of the drop and the volume fraction of the colloidal particles inside the drop. The concentration dependence of the viscosity is taken into account. It is shown that the final shapes of the drops depend on both the initial volume fraction of the colloidal particles and the capillary number. The results of our simulations are in a reasonable agreement with the published experimental data. The computations for the drops of aqueous solution of human serum albumin (HSA) are presented.Comment: Submitted to EPJE, 7 pages, 8 figure

    Search for direct CP-violation in K+- --> pi+-pi0pi0 decays

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    A search for direct CP-violation in K+- --> pi+-pi0pi0 decays based on 47.14 million events has been performed by the NA48/2 experiment at the CERN SPS. The asymmetry in the Dalitz plot linear slopes A_g=(g^+ - g^-)/(g^+ + g^-) is measured to be A_g=(1.8 +- 2.6).10^{-4}. The design of the experiment and the method of analysis provide good control of instrumental charge asymmetries in this measurement. The precision of the result is limited by statistics and is almost one order of magnitude better than that of previous measurements by other experiments.Comment: 14 page


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    Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the most significant problems in the Russian Health Care. Russia remains on the list of the 22 countries with a high TB incidence and on the third place in the world with a high prevalence of Drug Resistant TB [1]. It is urgently needed to develop new TB diagnostic methods as well as effective measures of the specific TB prevention, including a development of the novel vaccines, so we have to know better about the most immunogenic antigens of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis. We studied the Interferon-Q production in the whole blood after stimulating immune response with different proteins of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis in patients with active TB. The study results permitted us to evaluate the immunogenicity of the previously known proteins (Ag85a и ESAT-6) in comparison to the recently identified ones (Rv2957, Rv2958c и Rv0447), analyzing simultaneously their relation to tuberculin, as well as to antigens of the different viruses (Human Immunodeficiency Virus, Cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr Virus, Influenza Virus). Protein Rv2958c, unlike protein ESAT-6, showed the high immunogenicity in comparison to tuberculin. The expressed immunogenicity of protein Rv2958c might be indicated a possible greatest specificity of immune response to this antigen in TB patients. Meanwhile, bacillary tuberculosis was strongly associated with low immune response to this protein. Also we were found statistical differences in immune responses of patients to the different Mycobacterium Tuberculosis antigens depending on the drug sensitivity. In addition it was interesting to know about a significantly low immune response of patients with Drug Resistant TB to protein pp65 CMV.Туберкулез является одной из наиболее серьезных проблем российского здравоохранения. Россия остается в списке из 22 стран с высокой заболеваемостью туберкулезом и на 3-м месте в мире по распространенности лекарственно-устойчивых форм заболевания. Требуется разработка как новых методов диагностики, так и эффективных мер специфической профилактики, включая новые вакцины, для создания которых необходимо знание наиболее иммуногенных антигенов Mycobacterium tuberculosis. В данной работе исследовалась продукция интерферона-гамма в цельной крови пациентов с активным туберкулезом в ответ на антиген-стимуляцию различными белками Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Результаты исследования позволили дать оценку иммуногенности ранее изученных белков (Ag85a и ESAT -6) в сравнении с недавно идентифицированными белками (Rv 2957, Rv 2958c и Rv0447) с одновременным изучением их отношений к туберкулину и антигенам различных вирусов (вирус иммунодефицита человека, цитомегаловирус, вирус Эпштейна – Барр, вирус гриппа). Белок Rv2958c, в отличие от белка ESAT T-6, показал большую иммуногенность при сравнении с туберкуэффективлином. Выраженная иммуногенность белка Rv2958c может свидетельствовать о возможно большей специфичности иммунного ответа на этот антиген у больных туберкулезом. Между тем бактериовыделение было ассоциировано с достоверно низким иммунным ответом на данный белок. Также выявлены статистические различия в иммунореактивности пациентов к различным антигенам Mycobacterium tuberculosis в зависимости от наличия или отсутствия лекарственной устойчивости возбудителя. Представляет интерес достоверно низкая иммунореактивность пациентов с лекарственно-устойчивым туберкулезом в отношении белка pp65 CMV

    Carbon Dioxide Utilisation -The Formate Route

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    UIDB/50006/2020 CEEC-Individual 2017 Program Contract.The relentless rise of atmospheric CO2 is causing large and unpredictable impacts on the Earth climate, due to the CO2 significant greenhouse effect, besides being responsible for the ocean acidification, with consequent huge impacts in our daily lives and in all forms of life. To stop spiral of destruction, we must actively reduce the CO2 emissions and develop new and more efficient “CO2 sinks”. We should be focused on the opportunities provided by exploiting this novel and huge carbon feedstock to produce de novo fuels and added-value compounds. The conversion of CO2 into formate offers key advantages for carbon recycling, and formate dehydrogenase (FDH) enzymes are at the centre of intense research, due to the “green” advantages the bioconversion can offer, namely substrate and product selectivity and specificity, in reactions run at ambient temperature and pressure and neutral pH. In this chapter, we describe the remarkable recent progress towards efficient and selective FDH-catalysed CO2 reduction to formate. We focus on the enzymes, discussing their structure and mechanism of action. Selected promising studies and successful proof of concepts of FDH-dependent CO2 reduction to formate and beyond are discussed, to highlight the power of FDHs and the challenges this CO2 bioconversion still faces.publishersversionpublishe