13 research outputs found

    Environmental Problems of Production and Disposal of Batteries for Electric Vehicles

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    В последние годы производство и использование электромобилей стали все более популярными во всем мире. Однако, производство батарей для этих автомобилей имеет свои экологические последствия. В данной статье мы исследуем, как производство батарей для электромобилей отражается на экологии и какие шаги могут быть предприняты, чтобы уменьшить негативное воздействие на окружающую среду.In recent years, the production and use of electric vehicles have become increasingly popular all over the world. However, the production of batteries for these cars has its own environmental consequences. In this article, we will explore how the production of batteries for electric vehicles affects the environment and what steps can be taken to reduce the negative impact on the environment

    Environmental Friendliness of Electric Vehicle Production

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    Рассмотрены безопасность для природы электромобилей и их производство. Приведены расчеты выбросов углерода при эксплуатации электромобиля.In this article we have considered how safe electric vehicles and their production are for nature. We reviewed examples from different countries and compared them with Russia's decision

    Исследование антимикробных эффектов фитотерапии при лечении пиелонефрита у детей

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    Background. Improvement of treatment methods and relapse prevention of pyelonephritis in children is relevant to pediatrics. The study of the antibacterial possibilities of herbal medicines (HM) provoke great interest for researches . The aim of the survey was to investigate the antimicrobial properties of combined phytotherapy in vitro. Methods. Two microbiological researches were performed in vitro. One of them was conducted using the microtechnique for serial dilution-antibiotic sensitivity testing of 62 cultures (genera Escherichia, Klebsiella, Proteus and Pseudomonas, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus) isolated in significantly diagnostic concentration from the urine of children in the acute phase of pyelonephritis. The antibacterial effect of RLP was detected using the microtechnique for serial dilution. To exclude the antibacterial effect of the alcohol present in the phytopreparations, a number of analogous dilutions were placed in 19.5% solution of ethyl alcohol. At the same time, the sterility of the reaction components was monitored. The second research studied the concentration changes of the microbial suspension of Escherichia coli isolated from the urine of children before the treatment onset with incubation of different concentrations of phytopreparations and at a different exposure periods. Results. Studies on the antimicrobial activity of HM in vitro demonstrated the antimicrobial effect of HM on 58% of the examined cultures. The highest drug sensitivity was revealed in the genera Klebsiella (80%), Staphylococcus (77%), and E. coli (51.5%). Studies on the concentration changes of microbial suspension of E. coli detected 100% activity of undiluted HM at a 24-hour exposure period (sample D). A significant decrease in the pathogen growth was also obtained with HM with the dilution ratio 1:1 at a 24-hour exposure period. Conclusion. The microbiological analyses demonstrated and confirmed the antibacterial characteristics of HM. Обоснование. Совершенствование методов лечения и профилактики рецидивов пиелонефрита у детей является актуальной задачей педиатрии. Особый интерес вызывает изучение антибактериальных возможностей растительных лекарственных препаратов (РЛП). Цель исследования — изучение антимикробных свойств комбинированной фитотерапии in vitro. Методы. In vitro было выполнено два микробиологических исследования. Одно из них проведено микрометодом тестирования серийных разведений 62 урокультур, относящихся к родам Escherichia, Klebsiella, Proteus и Pseudomonas, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, изолированных из мочи детей в острой фазе пиелонефрита в диагностически значимой концентрации. Антибактериальное действие РЛП определяли микрометодом серийных разведений. Для исключения антибактериального действия присутствующего в фитопрепарате спирта ставили ряд аналогичных разведений с 19,5% раствором этилового спирта. Одновременно проводили контроль стерильности компонентов реакции. Во втором исследовании было изучено изменение концентрации микробной суспензии Escherichia coli, выделенной также до начала лечения из мочи детей, при инкубации вместе с различными концентрациями фитопрепарата и разной длительности экспозиции. Результаты. Исследования антимикробной активности РЛП in vitro показали антимикробный эффект РЛП в отношении 58% исследуемых урокультур. Наибольшая чувствительность к препарату выявлена у родов Klebsiella (80%), Staphylococcus (77%) и E. coli (51,5%). Исследования изменений концентрации микробной суспензии E. coli показали 100% активность неразведенного РЛП при 24-часовой экспозиции (проба D). Достоверное снижение роста возбудителя получено и при 24-часовой экспозиции с РЛП в его разведении 1:1. Заключение. Микробиологические исследования продемонстрировали и подтвердили антибактериальные свойства РЛП. 

    Clinical Recommendations of the Northwest Society for Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition, Interregional Association for Emergency Surgery, Russian Gastroenterological Association, Union of Rehabilitation Therapists of Russia and Russian Transplantation Society on Diagnosis and Treatment of Short Bowel Syndrome-Associated Intestinal Failure in Adults

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    Aim. Current clinical recommendations address the epidemiology, causes, clinical manifestations and pathogenesis of possible immediate and long-term complications, as well as the problematic issues related to treatment and rehabilitation of adult short bowel syndrome patients.Key points. Short bowel syndrome (SBS) is a symptom complex of impaired digestion caused by the reduction of small intestine absorptive surface and manifested by intestinal failure (IF) of various severity (maldigestion and malabsorption) developing into malnutrition and systemic somatogenic disorders. The vital strategic aspects of its treatment are the personalisation of liquid, macro- and micronutrients consumption as well as avoidance of intestinal failure- and parenteral nutrition-associated complications. Various nutritional support regimes and the indications for infusion therapy and maintenance parenteral nutrition are considered in this patient category, also in outpatient settings. To mitigate the dependence on intravenous fluid- and nutrient administration and attain enteral autonomy in SBS-IF patients, the use of recombinant glucagon-like peptide-2 (GLP-2) is justified as exerting a pronounced trophic effect on the epithelial regenerative potential as well as structural and functional adaptation of intestinal mucosa. The SBS-IF patients prescribed with home parenteral nutrition and/or their caregivers should be trained in a special programme that covers the catheter care, preparation of infusion solutions and nutrient mixture container, infusion pump operation as well as the prevention, recognition and management of complications. The main referral indications for small bowel transplantation (SBT) are: fast-progressing cholestatic liver disease-complicated irreversible intestinal failure; thrombosis of two or more central venous conduits used for parenteral nutrition; recurrent catheter-associated bloodstream infection.Conclusion. Current recommendations on diagnosis and treatment as well as the developed criteria of medical aid quality assessment are applicable at different levels of healthcare

    Бактериальные инфекции у пациентов детского и подросткового возраста после трансплантации аллогенных гемопоэтических стволовых клеток: этиология, структура, факторы риска

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    155 children and adolescents who had been diagnosed oncohematological diseases and had undergone allogeneic hemapoetic stem cell transplantation were examined. In post-transplant period 80% of patients developed different bacterial complications. Main risk factors of bacterial infections were acute leukemia (73%), acute «graft versus host disease» (61%), severe infectious complications before HSCT (30%), cytomegaloviral reactivation (51%). Main causative agents were Kl. pneumoniae (15%), Escherichia coli (8%), Enterobacter sp. (7%), Pseudomonas sp. (6,5%), Enterococcus sp. (16,5%), S.еpidermidis (13,5%). Most frequent involved sites are urinary tract (30,6%), lungs (22,5%) and bacteriemia (38,7%). Rise in ciprofloxacin resistans among Entorobactri, aerobic and Gram-positive cocci. General survival rate of patients with bacterial complications was 36,3% (p<0,001). Number of infectious episodes and their severity were statistically significant (both p<0,001) deteriorating factor for general surviral rate.Обследовано 155 пациентов детского и подросткового возраста со злокачественными заболеваниями системы крови после трансплантации аллогенных гемопоэтических стволовых клеток (алло-ТГСК). У 80% больных на разных этапах после алло-ТГСК развились бактериальные осложнения различной степени тяжести. Основными факторами риска бактериальных инфекций были диагноз острого лейкоза (73%), развитие острой «реакции трансплантат против хозяина» (61%), тяжелые инфекционные осложнения в анамнезе до трансплантации (30%), реактивация цитомегаловирусной инфекции (51%). Основные возбудители: Kl. pneumoniae (15%), Escherichia coli (8%), Enterobacter sp. (7%), Pseudomonas sp. (6,5%), Enterococcus sp. (16,5%), S. еpidermidis (13,5%). Наиболее часто возникает поражение мочевыводящих путей (30,6%), легких (22,5%) и бактериемия (38,7%). Отмечен рост резистентности к ципрофлоксацину среди энтеробактерий, аэробной и грам-положительной кокковой флоры. Общая выживаемость больных с развившимися бактериальными осложнениями составила 36,3% (p<0,001). Статистически значимо ухудшает показатели общей выживаемости больных с бактериальными инфекциями количество инфекционных эпизодов (p<0,001) и их тяжесть (p<0,001)

    Chromatographic study of the component composition and antioxidant activity of polyphenol complex in biological raw materials

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    Recently, the attention of many researchers has been attracted by raw materials that contain flavonoids. The purpose of the research is to summarize the results of studies of the composition of flavonoids of a non-fat sea buckthorn meal, which is a secondary raw material for the production of sea buckthorn oil. In this case, the sum of the five identified flavonoid compounds was isolated by extraction and subsequent adsorption column chromatography. At this stage, the actual problem of identifying and determining individual isolated flavonoids was solved using chromatographic (TLC, HPLC) and spectroscopic methods in comparison with reliably known samples. During the study, the flavonoids were identified: isorhamnetin, kaempferol, myritin, quercetin and its glycoside rutin, quercetin and isorhamnetin predominate. Ultimately, the effective parameters of the method for the improvement of the competitiveness of dietary supplements are established

    Study on Antimicrobial Effects of Phytotherapy in the Treatment of Children with Pyelonephritis

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    Background. Improvement of treatment methods and relapse prevention of pyelonephritis in children is relevant to pediatrics. The study of the antibacterial possibilities of herbal medicines (HM) provoke great interest for researches . The aim of the survey was to investigate the antimicrobial properties of combined phytotherapy in vitro. Methods. Two microbiological researches were performed in vitro. One of them was conducted using the microtechnique for serial dilution-antibiotic sensitivity testing of 62 cultures (genera Escherichia, Klebsiella, Proteus and Pseudomonas, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus) isolated in significantly diagnostic concentration from the urine of children in the acute phase of pyelonephritis. The antibacterial effect of RLP was detected using the microtechnique for serial dilution. To exclude the antibacterial effect of the alcohol present in the phytopreparations, a number of analogous dilutions were placed in 19.5% solution of ethyl alcohol. At the same time, the sterility of the reaction components was monitored. The second research studied the concentration changes of the microbial suspension of Escherichia coli isolated from the urine of children before the treatment onset with incubation of different concentrations of phytopreparations and at a different exposure periods. Results. Studies on the antimicrobial activity of HM in vitro demonstrated the antimicrobial effect of HM on 58% of the examined cultures. The highest drug sensitivity was revealed in the genera Klebsiella (80%), Staphylococcus (77%), and E. coli (51.5%). Studies on the concentration changes of microbial suspension of E. coli detected 100% activity of undiluted HM at a 24-hour exposure period (sample D). A significant decrease in the pathogen growth was also obtained with HM with the dilution ratio 1:1 at a 24-hour exposure period. Conclusion. The microbiological analyses demonstrated and confirmed the antibacterial characteristics of HM


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    The aim of the study was to identify the epidemiological features of bacterial infections in patients and circulation of epidemiologically significant microorganisms in the bone marrow transplant (BMT) units. Materials and methods. The study was conducted in three BMT departments. To identify the epidemiological features of bacterial infections, a prospective observational study was conducted from 01 April 2014 to 31 August 2014 (91 patients) which included active detection of cases of infection and microbiological examination of patients. In order to detect the circulation of epidemiologically significant microorganisms, point prevalence studies (59 patients, 170 environmental samples) were conducted. To study the role of colonization, microbiological monitoring of patients on admission to the department was carried out, and repeated every week before discharge. Swab samples from skin and mucous membrane of the oral cavity and stool sampleswere included in the monitoring. In total, 639 samples from 50 patients were tested. Results. The study revealed a high incidence of infectious complications in BMT patients (100 cases of bacterial infections in 57 patients: sepsis 30.8 per 100 patients, pneumonia 26.4 per 100 patients, urinary tract infections 32.9 per 100 patients, soft tissue infection 9.9 per 100 patients, catheter-associated bloodstream infection 9.9 per 100 patients). Most infections were caused by Gram-negative bacteria, in particular K. pneumoniae. The onset of disease manifestation was preceded by colonization of the patient with these microorganisms. Fatal outcomes were observed from sepsis and pneumonia caused by K. pneumoniae and/or P. aeruginosa. Sepsis and pneumonia were often associated with cytopenia, RR 2.63 [95% CI 1.52–4.57] p = 0.004 and RR 3.97 [95% CI 2.19–7.19] p < 0.001 respectively. In course of observation, the frequency of colonization of patients with microorganisms susceptible to antibiotics decreased, and colonization with resistant pathogens increased. A series of prevalence studies revealed a constant circulation of VRE in the BMT units with a contacttransmission via household objects. Multidrug-resistant gram-negative microorganisms did not have a constant circulation and appeared sporadically against the background of the constant circulation of susceptible strains of these pathogens. Conclusions. Prospective epidemiological surveillance and microbiological monitoring are required in the BMT units. Widespread contamination of household objects in the environment indicates the need to strengthen the hygienic education of patients and visitors as well as disinfection of these facilities. In addition, we recommend introduction of weekly fecal screening cultures to monitor intestinal colonization of patients with MDRO