70 research outputs found


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    Toxicology services in russian Federation.Представляем Вашему вниманию интервью с главным токсикологом ДЗ г. Москвы и МЗ РФ, директором Научно-практического токсикологического центра ФМБА России, к.м.н. доцентом Остапенко Юрием Николаевичем

    Oscillatory regularity of charge carrier traps energy spectra in silicon organic polymer poly(di-n-hexylsilane)

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    Charge carrier traps energy spectra have been investigated in silicon organic polymer poly(di-n-hexylsilane) by fractional thermally stimulated luminescence in the temperature range from 5 to 200 K. The energy spectrum of traps has been found to be discrete in nature, not the quasi-continuous, as it was considered earlier. It has been established that the traps energies form two characteristic series resulting from the vibrational quanta at 373 and 259 cm⁻¹, respectively. It is important that these vibrational quanta coincide with the frequencies of the totally symmetric vibrational modes of silicon chain which are active in Raman spectrum. The regularities mentioned are analyzed using the oscillatory traps model as the basis

    Tuning a sign of magnetoelectric coupling in paramagnetic NH2(CH3)2Al1-xCrx(SO4)*6H2O crystals by metal ion substitution

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    Hybrid organometallic systems offer a wide range of functionalities, including magnetoelectric interactions. However, the ability to design on-demand ME coupling remains challenging despite a variety of host-guest configurations and ME phases coexistence possibilities. Here, we report the effect of metal-ion substitution on the magnetic and electric properties in the paramagnetic ferroelectric DMAAS crystals. Doing so we are able to induce and even tune a sign of the ME interactions in the paramagnetic ferroelectric state. Both studied samples with 6.5% and 20% of Cr become paramagnetic, contrary to the initial diamagnetic compound. Due to the isomorphous substitution with Cr the ferroelectric phase transition temperature increases nonlinearly, with the shift being larger for the sample with Cr content of 6.5%. A magnetic field applied along the polar c axis increases ferroelectricity for this sample and shifts Tc to higher values, while inverse effects are observed for sample containing 20% of Cr. The ME coupling coefficient of 1.7ns/m found for a crystal with 20% of Cr is among the highest reported up to now. The observed sign change of ME coupling coefficient with a small change in Cr content paves the way for ME coupling engineering.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures. New Organometallic Magnetoelectric and Ferroelectric compoun

    Исторические аспекты развития государственной системы обучения в области клинической токсикологии в России

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    Summary. The analysis of the historical development of the state system of training in the field of clinical toxicology showed that the opening of the first specialized departments (centers) served as an impulse for the adoption in the future of appropriate organizational decisions and regulatory documents that led to the creation of the country’s first department of clinical toxicology. In addition, this became possible after the emergence of qualified personnel of clinical toxicologists, as well as scientific and practical areas, primarily general resuscitation and toxicological chemistry, and the achievements of fundamental sciences, new pharmacological and technical means of detoxification of the body, on which basis educational materials of the proper level were formed.An important role for the creation of the Department of Clinical Toxicology was played by the publication by E.A. Luzhnikov, the country’s first textbook on clinical toxicology. The results of the activities of Academician E.A. Luzhnikov in the organization of training in the field of clinical toxicology also contributed to the acquisition of a comprehensive level of knowledge and the expansion of teaching in this direction.However, today, clinical toxicology has not become a basic specialty in the vast majority of medical institutions of higher education, including Moscow, which, in our opinion, hinders the process of training the required number of practical, scientific, and teaching personnel in this area.The choice of clinical bases for training is of fundamental importance, of which multidisciplinary research emergency hospitals or emergency hospitals are optimal.Along with the proven form of teaching in the form of field cycles, further reflection requires the place of distance learning as another approach to expanding the audience of listeners. It is also absolutely necessary to support the teaching process within the framework of continuous professional education, including cooperation with scientific and practical medical societies.The most important component of the learning process is the accumulation of scientific experience in the specialty, to which a decisive contribution is made by the creation of scientific schools on the bases of toxicological subdivisions. Additional opportunities are also provided by the modern formation of the scientific specialty “Toxicology”, which makes it possible to achieve the most qualified examination of the results of scientific research.Conclusion.The development of the state educational system in the field of clinical toxicology in Russia is closely related to its formation as an independent scientific and practical direction in medicine, which has high social significance, and the adoption of the experience gained in the course of educational activities.Проведенный анализ исторического развития государственной системы обучения в области клинической токсикологии показал, что открытие первых специализированных отделений (центров) послужило импульсом к принятию в дальнейшем соответствующих организационных решений и нормативно-правовых документов, приведших к созданию первой в стране кафедры клинической токсикологии. Это, кроме того, стало возможным после появления квалифицированных кадров клинических токсикологов, а также научно-практических направлений, прежде всего общей реаниматологии и токсикологической химии, и достижений фундаментальных наук, новых фармакологических и технических средств детоксикации организма, на основе чего были сформированы учебные материалы должного уровня.Важную роль для создания кафедры клинической токсикологии имело опубликование Е.А. Лужниковым первого в стране учебника по клинической токсикологии. Результаты деятельности академика Е.А. Лужникова в организации обучения в области клинической токсикологии также способствовали получению всестороннего уровня знаний и расширению преподавания в этом направлении.Однако на сегодняшний день клиническая токсикология не стала базовой специальностью в абсолютном большинстве медицинских учреждений высшего образования, в том числе и в Москве, что, на наш взгляд, сдерживает процесс подготовки необходимого количества практических, научных и преподавательских кадров в данной области. Принципиальное значение имеет выбор клинических баз для обучения, из которых оптимальны многопрофильные научно-исследовательские стационары скорой помощи либо больницы скорой медицинской помощи.Наряду с оправдавшей себя формой преподавания в виде выездных циклов дальнейшего осмысления требует место дистанционного обучения как еще одного из подходов к расширению аудитории слушателей. Совершенно необходимым представляется также поддержание преподавательского процесса в рамках непрерывного профессионального образования, в том числе во взаимодействии с научно-практическими врачебными обществами.Важнейший компонент процесса обучения – накопление научного опыта по специальности, во что решающий вклад вносит создание на базах токсикологических подразделений научных школ. Дополнительные возможности также предоставляет современное формирование научной специальности «Токсикология», позволяющее достичь наиболее квалифицированного рассмотрения результатов научных исследований.Заключение. Развитие государственной системы обучения в области клинической токсикологии в России тесно связано с ее формированием как самостоятельного научно-практического направления в медицине, имеющего высокую социальную значимость, и распространением полученного опыта в ходе образовательной деятельности

    Diagnosis and Treatment of Elderly and Senile Chronic Constipation: an Expert Consensus

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    Aim. An appraisal of practitioners with chronic constipation management details in older and senile adults.Key points. Chronic constipation is a common issue in geriatrics. Aside to age-related physiological bowel disfunction, a higher constipation incidence is conditioned by declined physical activity and frailty, polypharmacy and a series of secondary constipation-developing chronic states and diseases. Chronic constipation is associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular disease and complications, impaired general perception of health and pain, growing alarm and depression, and reduced quality of life. The treatment tactics in chronic constipation is cause-conditioned and should account for the patient’s history and therapy line, overall clinical condition, cognitive status and functional activity level. An essential baseline aspect of constipation management is apprising the patient and his family of the underlying factors and methods for non-drug and drug correction. An higher-fibre diet is recommended as first measure, with osmotic laxatives added and titrated to clinical response if none observed towards the non-drug and high-fibre regimens. Stimulant laxatives and prokinetics should be recommended in patients reluctant to fibre supplements and osmotic laxatives. Subsidiary correction includes biofeedback, transanal irrigation, acupuncture, foot reflexology and percutaneous tibial nerve stimulation.Conclusion. Elderly and senile chronic constipation is a prevalent multifactorial state requiring an efficient management via assessment and correction of total risk factors and consistent use of non-medication and drug therapies

    Tuning a sign of magnetoelectric coupling in paramagnetic NH2(CH3)(2)Al1-xCrx(SO4)(2) x 6H(2)O crystals by metal ion substitution

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    Hybrid organometallic systems offer a wide range of functionalities, including magnetoelectric (ME) interactions. However, the ability to design on-demand ME coupling remains challenging despite a variety of host-guest configurations and ME phases coexistence possibilities. Here, we report the effect of metal-ion substitution on the magnetic and electric properties in the paramagnetic ferroelectric NH2(CH3)(2)Al1-xCrx(SO4)(2) x 6H(2)O. Doing so we are able to induce and even tune a sign of the ME interactions, in the paramagnetic ferroelectric (FE) state. Both studied samples with x = 0.065 and x = 0.2 become paramagnetic, contrary to the initial diamagnetic compound. Due to the isomorphous substitution with Cr the ferroelectric phase transition temperature (T-c) increases nonlinearly, with the shift being larger for the 6.5% of Cr. A magnetic field applied along the polar c axis increases ferroelectricity for the x = 0.065 sample and shifts Tc to higher values, while inverse effects are observed for x = 0.2. The ME coupling coefficient alpha(ME) = 1.7 ns/m found for a crystal with Cr content of x = 0.2 is among the highest reported up to now. The observed sign change of aME with a small change in Cr content paves the way for ME coupling engineering

    Массовое отравление таллием

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    We report the results of studies of clinical manifestations, chemical and toxico-logical tests, efficacy of complex treatment, which included antidote therapy, intestinal lavage and symptomatic treatment in patients with acute thallium poisoning, who were admitted to the Department of Acute Poisonings Treatment of the N.V. Sklifosovsky Research Institute for Emergency Medicine or underwent outpatient treatment.Представлены результаты изучения клинических проявлений, химико-токсикологических исследований эффективности комплексного лечения, включающего антидотную терапию, кишечный лаваж и симптоматическое лечение пациентов с острым отравлением таллием, госпитализированных в отделение лечения острых отравлений НИИ СП им. Н.В. Склифосовского, а также проходивших амбулаторное лечение

    Unrecorded alcohol consumption in Russia: toxic denaturants and disinfectants pose additional risks

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    In 2005, 30% of all alcohol consumption in Russia was unrecorded. This paper describes the chemical composition of unrecorded and low cost alcohol, including a toxicological evaluation. Alcohol products (n=22) from both recorded and unrecorded sources were obtained from three Russian cities (Saratov, Lipetsk and Irkutsk) and were chemically analyzed. Unrecorded alcohols included homemade samogons, medicinal alcohols and surrogate alcohols. Analysis included alcoholic strength, levels of volatile compounds (methanol, acetaldehyde, higher alcohols), ethyl carbamate, diethyl phthalate (DEP) and polyhexamethyleneguanidine hydrochloride (PHMG). Single samples showed contamination with DEP (275–1269 mg/l) and PHMG (515 mg/l) above levels of toxicological concern. Our detailed chemical analysis of Russian alcohols showed that the composition of vodka, samogon and medicinal alcohols generally did not raise major public health concerns other than for ethanol. It was shown, however, that concentration levels of DEP and PHMG in some surrogate alcohols make these samples unfit for human consumption as even moderate drinking would exceed acceptable daily intakes