90 research outputs found

    Managing the Composition of the Plasma Flow of the Technological Plasma Sources by Changing the Temperature of the Cathode Working Surface

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    The problems of managing the amount of drop fraction in the plasma flow of technological plasma vac-uum-arc discharge sources by controlling the changing the cathode surface temperature were considered. The possibilities for regulation and stabilization of cathode surface temperature by cooling the front and the lateral cathode surface were investigated. Designs of cathode assemblies in which the control of tem-perature of the working surface cathode is exercised by changing the coolant flow rate and by changing dis-tance between the cathode working surface and its cooling area were developed. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3559

    Changes in somatosensory evoked potentials in rats following transient cerebral ischemia

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    Background. Cerebral ischemia induced by transient middle cerebral artery occlusion is one of the most popular ischemic stroke models used to evaluate drug candidates with neuroprotective properties. The possibilities of combining this model with neurophysiological techniques (e.g., electroencephalography, electrocorticography, evoked potential registration, etc.) to assess the effectiveness of novel pharmacotherapeutic strategies appear to be of great interest to current biomedical research.The aim. Identifying specific changes in somatosensory evoked potentials occurring after cerebral ischemia induced by middle cerebral artery occlusion in rats.Materials and methods. A total number of 18 white outbred male rats were randomized into 3 groups by 6 animals in each: 1) control (presumably healthy animals); 2) ischemia-30 (30-minute middle cerebral artery occlusion); 3) ischemia-45 (45-minute occlusion). At post-surgery day 7, cortical responses to sequential electrical stimulation of left and right n. ischiadicus were registered. N1, P2, N2, P3, and N3 peak latencies and amplitudes, peak-to-peak interval durations and amplitudes were calculated. Spearman’s rank correlation coefficients were used to assess the relationship between ischemia duration and evoked potential parameters, and the Chaddock scale was used to qualitatively evaluate the strength of correlations.Results. The rats subjected to cerebral ischemia demonstrated a decrease in some of the peak amplitudes of the ipsi- and contralateral somatosensory potentials evoked by n. ischiadicus stimulation. In the injured hemisphere, decreased P2 and N3 peak and P3–N3 interval amplitudes were registered ipsilaterally, and decreased P3 peak amplitudes and N2–P3 interval durations were observed contralaterally.Conclusions. The obtained data suggest that somatosensory evoked potential registration and analysis can be used to evaluate the functional state of central nerve tracts in rats subjected to cerebral ischemia

    Effect of annealing on the corrosion-fatigue strength and hot salt corrosion resistance of fine-grained titanium near-{\alpha} alloy Ti-5Al-2V obtained by Rotary Swaging

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    The corrosion-fatigue strength in 3% aqueous NaCl solution and the resistance against hot salt corrosion (HSC) of the fine-grained near-a alloy Ti-5Al-2V (Russian analog of Grade 9 titanium alloy with increased aluminum content) has been studied. The properties of the Ti-5Al-2V alloy in the coarse-grained state, in the fine-grained after cold Rotary Swaging (RS), in partly recrystallized state, and in fully recrystallized one have been investigated. The mechanical properties of the alloy were characterized using compression tests and microhardness measurements. The effects of RS and of the annealing temperature and time on the character of corrosion destruction of the surface and on the composition of the products of the HSC were studied. RS was shown to result in an increase in the depth of the intergranular corrosion defects while the recrystallization annealing promotes the increasing of the corrosion resistance of the Ti-5Al-2V titanium alloy. The parameters of the Basquin equation for the corrosion-fatigue curves for the near-a Ti-5Al-2V alloy in the coarse-grained state, in the severely strained one, and after recrystallization annealing were determined for the first time. An effect of nonmonotonous dependencies of the slopes of the corrosion-fatigue curves for the strained near-a Ti-5Al-2V alloy on the recrystallization annealing temperature has been observed.Comment: 46 pages, 1 table, 19 figures, 64 reference

    Укорачивающая резекция и коррекция длины голени при лечении посттравматических дефектов большеберцовой кости, осложненных остеомиелитом

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    Background. Severe fractures of the shin bones are often accompanied by the formation of defects in the tibia, suppuration and soft tissue necrosis. In the case of surgical treatment of fractures, infectious complications reach 3.6-9.1%. One of the methods of treatment of infected defects is resection of the ends of the tibia with shortening. This operation has proven to be effective in the treatment of fresh fractures. The relevance of the work is due to the prospects of using this technique in the treatment of the consequences of fractures with the formation of infected defects of the tibia.Aim of the study. Improving the results of treatment of patients with post-traumatic defects of the tibia complicated by osteomyelitis by performing a shortening resection with simultaneous or sequential correction of the segment length.Material and methods. The results of treatment of 65 patients with diaphyseal post-traumatic tibial defects complicated by osteomyelitis were analysed. They were divided into 2 groups. Group 1 was formed by 31 (47.7%) patients, they underwent shortening resection of the ends of bone fragments in the defect zone with simultaneous lengthening at another level. Group 2 included 34 (52.3%) patients who underwent a shortening resection of the tibia without lengthening. In all cases, the Ilizarov apparatus was used as a fixator.Results. The technique for assessing the size of the true defect of the tibia was optimized taking into account the initial shortening of the segment and the distance between the proximal and distal fragments after resection of their ends. A treatment regimen was developed depending on the level of localization of the tibial defect, and the results of treatment of patients in the compared groups were assessed.Conclusion. Shortening resection is an effective treatment for patients with post-traumatic tibial defects complicated by osteomyelitis. Depending on the level of localization of the defect, it is advisable to carry out treatment according to one of two possible options. When the defect is localized in the upper and middle third of the tibia, shortening resection in an isolated form is shown. If the defect is localized in the lower third of the tibia, it is possible to supplement the shortening resection with an osteotomy in the upper third with Ilizarov lengthening. Актуальность. Тяжелые переломы костей голени нередко сопровождаются образованием дефектов большеберцовой кости, нагноением и формированием некрозов мягких тканей. При оперативном лечении переломов инфекционные осложнения достигают частоты 3,6–9,1%. Одним из методов лечения инфицированных дефектов является резекция концов большеберцовой кости с укорочением с одновременной или последовательной коррекцией длины сегмента. Эта операция доказала свою эффективность при лечении свежих переломов. Актуальность работы обусловлена перспективностью применения данной методики при лечении последствий переломов с образованием инфицированных дефектов большеберцовой кости.Цель работы. Улучшение результатов лечения пациентов с посттравматическими дефектами большеберцовой кости, осложненными остеомиелитом, путем выполнения укорачивающей резекции с одновременной или последовательной коррекцией длины сегмента.Материал и методы. Проанализировали результаты лечения 65 пациентов с диафизарными посттравматическими дефектами большеберцовой кости, осложненными остеомиелитом, которых разделили на две группы. Группу 1 сформировал 31 пациент (47,7%), им выполнили укорачивающую резекцию концов костных фрагментов в зоне дефекта с одновременным удлинением на другом уровне. В группу 2 вошли 34 пациента (52,3%), которым выполнили укорачивающую резекцию большеберцовой кости без удлинения. Во всех случаях в качестве фиксатора использовали аппарат Илизарова.Результаты. Оптимизировали методику оценки величины истинного дефекта большеберцовой кости с учетом исходного укорочения сегмента и расстояния между проксимальным и дистальным фрагментами после резекции их концов. Разработали схему лечения в зависимости от уровня локализации дефекта большеберцовой кости, оценили результаты лечения пациентов в сравниваемых группах.Выводы. Укорачивающая резекция является эффективным методом лечения пациентов с посттравматическими дефектами большеберцовой кости, осложненными остеомиелитом. В зависимости от уровня локализации дефекта целесообразно проводить лечение по одному из двух возможных вариантов. При локализации дефекта в верхней и средней трети большеберцовой кости показана укорачивающая резекция в изолированном виде. При локализации дефекта в нижней трети большеберцовой кости возможно укорачивающую резекцию дополнить остеотомией в верхней трети с удлинением по Илизарову.


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    The paper deals with current challenges in improving the technical capabilities of forensicdivisions in ballistic and trace evidence examinations focused on surface morphology. Theproposed combination of equipment and methodology enables the automation of morphology measurement and comparative characterization, and thus contributes to ensuring the quality of forensic examinations.Рассматриваются актуальные вопросы совершенствования технико-криминалистическогообеспечения деятельности экспертных подразделений при производстве судебно-баллистических и трасологических исследований, связанных с изучением морфологииповерхности. Предлагаемый технический комплекс в совокупности с методикойпозволяет автоматизировать процесс измерения и сравнения выявленных особенностейморфологии поверхности, что способствует повышению качества проводимыхэкспертными подразделениями исследований

    Влияние антагонистов α2-адренорецепторов на характеристики электроэнцефалограмм кроликов при введении дексмедетомидина

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    The humane treatment of laboratory animals is an integral part of good laboratory practice. It remains relevant to study the anaesthetic effects of various medicinal products helping to reduce pain and distress in laboratory animals.The aim of the study was to compare the effects of the α2 blockers proroxan and atipamezole on changes in electroencephalogram rhythm index ratios after dexmedetomidine administration.Materials and methods. The study used male Soviet chinchilla rabbits weighing 3.0±0.3 kg (n=12). Study animals received single injections of 100 μg/kg dexmedetomidine subcutaneously, 50 μg/kg atipamezole intramuscularly, and 170 μg/kg proroxan intravenously (equimolar to the dose of dexmedetomidine). The effects of these medicinal products were evaluated by pharmacoelectroencephalography. The authors recorded electroencephalograms using cup electrodes and a Neuron-Spectrum-1 8-channel encephalograph (Neurosoft, Russia)  with  a  bandwidth of 0.5–35 Hz and a sampling frequency of 500 Hz. The distribution of quantitative characteristics was checked for normality using the Shapiro–Wilk W test. The authors used one-way ANOVA with Dunnett’s post hoc test to evaluate the significance of differences for the normal distribution of quantitative characteristics; they used the nonparametric Kruskal–Wallis test with  Dunn’s  post  hoc  test  for the non-normal one.Results. Dexmedetomidine administration resulted in significant two-hour changes in the rabbit brain, and the authors observed an increase in the delta rhythm and     a decrease in the theta rhythm. At equimolar doses, atipamezole returned the ratios of the wave rhythm indices to the baseline values, whereas proroxan had no effect on the ratios.Conclusions. As demonstrated by the neutralisation of dexmedetomidine sedative and hypnotic effects, atipamezole can be used in veterinary for recovery from anaesthesia. Proroxan, on the contrary, is not effective in reversing the sedative effect of dexmedetomidine.Неотъемлемой частью надлежащей лабораторной практики является гуманное отношение к лабораторным животным. Актуальными  остаются  исследования  по изучению анестезирующего действия различных препаратов, позволяющих снизить болевой синдром и дистресс у лабораторных животных.Цель работы: оценка  влияния  α2-адреноблокаторов  пророксана  и  атипамезола на изменение отношения индексов ритмов  волн  электроэнцефалограмм при введении дексмедетомидина.Материалы и методы: в исследовании были использованы кролики-самцы линии Советская шиншилла массой 3,0±0,3 кг (n=12). Дексмедетомидин вводили однократно подкожно в дозе 100 мкг/кг, атипамезол — 50 мкг/кг внутримышечно, пророксан — 170 мкг/кг внутривенно (дозы эквимолярны дозе дексмедетомидина). Действие препарата оценивали методом фармакоэлектроэнцефалографии. Запись электроэнцефалограмм животных осуществляли с помощью чашечковых электродов с использованием 8-канального энцефалографа «Нейрон-Спектр-1» с полосой пропускания 0,5–35 Гц и частотой квантования 500 Гц. Осуществляли проверку распределения количественных признаков с использованием W-критерия Шапиро–Уилка. При нормальном распределении количественных признаков значимость различий оценивали с помощью однофакторного дисперсионного  анализа  ANOVA  с  post-hoc-тестом  по  Даннетту; при распределении, отличном от нормального, — с помощью непараметрического критерия Краскела–Уоллиса с post-hoc-тестом по Данну.Результаты: в результате введения дексмедетомидина наблюдали достоверное увеличение δ-ритма и снижение θ-ритма головного мозга кроликов на протяжении 2 ч. Введение атипамезола в эквимолярных количествах возвращало соотношение индексов ритмов к исходным значениям, эквимолярное введение пророксана не влияло на соотношение индексов ритмов волн.Выводы: атипамезол устраняет седативное и гипнотическое действие дексмедетомидина, что подтверждает возможность его применения в ветеринарной практике для вывода из наркоза. В свою очередь, применение пророксана с целью устранения седативного эффекта дексмедетомидина неэффективно

    Prospects in Analytical Atomic Spectrometry

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    Tendencies in five main branches of atomic spectrometry (absorption, emission, mass, fluorescence and ionization spectrometry) are considered. The first three techniques are the most widespread and universal, with the best sensitivity attributed to atomic mass spectrometry. In the direct elemental analysis of solid samples, the leading roles are now conquered by laser-induced breakdown and laser ablation mass spectrometry, and the related techniques with transfer of the laser ablation products into inductively-coupled plasma. Advances in design of diode lasers and optical parametric oscillators promote developments in fluorescence and ionization spectrometry and also in absorption techniques where uses of optical cavities for increased effective absorption pathlength are expected to expand. Prospects for analytical instrumentation are seen in higher productivity, portability, miniaturization, incorporation of advanced software, automated sample preparation and transition to the multifunctional modular architecture. Steady progress and growth in applications of plasma- and laser-based methods are observed. An interest towards the absolute (standardless) analysis has revived, particularly in the emission spectrometry.Comment: Proofread copy with an added full reference list of 279 citations. A pdf version of the final published review may be requested from Alexander Bol'shakov <[email protected]

    A Survey of Bayesian Statistical Approaches for Big Data

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    The modern era is characterised as an era of information or Big Data. This has motivated a huge literature on new methods for extracting information and insights from these data. A natural question is how these approaches differ from those that were available prior to the advent of Big Data. We present a review of published studies that present Bayesian statistical approaches specifically for Big Data and discuss the reported and perceived benefits of these approaches. We conclude by addressing the question of whether focusing only on improving computational algorithms and infrastructure will be enough to face the challenges of Big Data