32 research outputs found

    Оптимизация параметров лазерного раскалывания силикатных стекол U-образными пучками

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    Regression and neural network models to analyze the laser cleaving process of silicate glasses using U-shaped laser beams have been developed. The numerical experiment employed a central composite layout. The processing speed, laser beam power, and its geometrical parameters were chosen as variable factors. The values of maximum temperatures and maximum thermoelastic tensile stresses in the treatment zone were calculated as responses. The responses were determined via APDL (Ansys Parametric Design Language). Effective architectures for artificial neural networks have been established with TensorFlow in order determine the maximum temperatures and thermoelastic stresses in the laser-treated area. A comparison was conducted to assess the accuracy of neural network and regression models. The evaluation was performed to determine the impact of input parameters on the responses. The genetic algorithm of the DesignXplorer module was employed to ascertain the optimal modes for separating cracksformation in silicate glass though the use of U-shaped laser beams and a refrigerant.Получены регрессионные и нейросетевые модели процесса лазерного раскалывания силикатных стекол U-образными лазерными пучками. Численный эксперимент выполнялся при помощи центрального композиционного плана. Скорость обработки, мощность лазерного пучка и его геометрические параметры были выбраны в качестве варьируемых факторов. Значения максимальных температур и максимальных термоупругих напряжений растяжения в зоне обработки вычислялись в качестве откликов. Определение откликов было выполнено с использованием языка программирования APDL. С использованием программы TensorFlow установлены эффективные архитектуры искусственных нейронных сетей для определения максимальных температур и максимальных термоупругих напряжений в зоне лазерной обработки. Выполнено сравнение точности нейросетевых и регрессионных моделей. Осуществлена оценка влияния вход- ных параметров на отклики. С использованием генетического алгоритма модуля DesignXplorer определены оптимальные режимы формирования разделяющих трещин в силикатном стекле U-образными лазерными пучками и хладагентом

    Влияние медико-социальных факторов на отношение родителей к специфической профилактике инфекционных заболеваний у детей Саратовской области в период пандемии новой коронавирусной инфекции

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    Objective: to analyze the influence of medical and social factors on the attitude of parents to the specific prevention of infectious diseases in children during the pandemic of a new coronavirus infection. Material and methods. Anonymous questioning of parents on the attitude to vaccination was conducted. A specially designed questionnaire included questions about attitudes towards vaccines included in the National Immunization Schedule, as well as those not included in it, in particular, the desire of parents to vaccinate their children against COVID-19 was assessed. In total, 153 people aged 17 to 42 took part in the survey — parents of children aged 1 to 14 years. Results. All parents under 18 years of age support vaccination in accordance with the National Vaccination Calendar; 52.1% of parents aged 18—25 years (p < 0.001), 55.6% of parents aged 26—35 years (p < 0.001 compared to parents under 18 years old), and 66.7% of parents over 35 years old (p < 0.001 compared to parents under 18 years old and parents 18—35 years old). Conclusion. The main medical and social factors associated with the refusal to carry out preventive vaccinations for their children are: the age of parents under 35, incomplete higher education and trust in information received on the Internet. The results obtained indicate the need to determine the «risk group» among parents who express doubts about the need for vaccination. It is necessary to conduct educational programs for them in order to form a positive attitude towards the specific prevention of infectious diseases.Цель: анализ влияния медико-социальных факторов на отношение родителей к специфической профилактике инфекционных заболеваний у детей в период пандемии новой коронавирусной инфекции. Материалы и методы. Проводилось анонимное анкетирование родителей по вопросам отношения к вакцинопрофилактике. Специально разработанная анкета включала в себя вопросы: об отношении к вакцинам, входящим в Национальный календарь профилактических прививок, а также не входящим в него, в частности, оценивалось желание родителей вакцинировать своих детей против COVID-19. Всего в анкетировании приняли участие 153 человека в возрасте от 17 до 42 лет — родители детей в возрасте от 1 года до 14 лет. Результаты. Поддерживают вакцинацию в соответствии с Национальным календарём прививок все родители младше 18 лет; 52,1% родителей в возрасте 18—25 лет (р < 0,001 по сравнению с родителями младше 18 лет), 55,6% родителей в возрасте 26—35 лет (p < 0,001 по сравнению с родителями младше 18 лет), и 66,7% родителей старше 35 лет (p < 0,001 по сравнению с родителями младше 18 лет и родителями 18—35 лет). Заключение. Основными медико-социальными факторами, ассоциированными с отказом от проведения профилактических прививок своим детям являются: возраст родителей до 35 лет, неоконченное высшее образование и доверие к информации, полученной в сети Интернет. Полученные результаты свидетельствуют о необходимости определения «группы риска» среди родителей, высказывающих сомнения в пользе вакцинопрофилактики. Для этой группы родителей требуется проведение образовательных программ с целью формирования позитивного отношения к специфической профилактике инфекционных заболеваний


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    We present new age constraints for igneous rocks and ore-metasomatic formations of the gold deposits in the Akzhal-Boko-Ashalin ore zone. In terms of their ore formation, these deposits correspond mainly to the orogenic type, which generally reflects specific metallogeny of the West Kalba gold-bearing belt in East Kazakhstan. Gold-quartz veins and mineralized zones of the gold-sulphide formation are confined to fractures feathering regional NW-striking and sublatitudinal faults. Their common features include the following: gold-bearing veinlet-disseminated pyrite-arsenopyrite ores that are localized in carbonaceous-sandy-schist and turbidite strata of different ages; structural-tectonic control of mineralization, numerous dikes of medium-basic compositions in ore-control zones; and the presence of post-orogenic heterochronous granite-granodiorite rocks, although their relation to gold-ore mineralization is not obvious. Igneous rocks of the study area have similar ages in a narrow range from 309.1±4.1 to 298.7±3.2 Ma, which is generally consistent with the previously determined age of granitoid massifs of gold-ore fields in East Kazakhstan. A younger age (292.9±1.3 to 296.7±1.6 Ma) is estimated for felsic rocks of the dyke complex. For the ore mineralization, the 40Ar/39Ar dating of sericite from near-ore metasomatites yields two age intervals, 300.4±3.4 Ma and 279.8±4.3 Ma. A gap between of the ages of the ore mineralization and the igneous rocks is almost 20 Ma, which may indicate that the processes of ore formation in the ore field continued in an impulse-like pattern for at least 20 Ma. Nevertheless, this confirms a relationship between the hydrothermal activity in the study area and the formation and evolution of silicic igneous rocks of the given age interval, which belong to the Kunush complex, according to previous studies. This interpretation is supported by reconstructed tectonic paleostress fields, showing that directions of the main normal stress axes changed during the ore mineralization stage, which is why the ore bodies significantly differ in their orientations. The above-mentioned data are the first age constraints for the study area. Additional age determinations are needed to further improve understanding of the chronology of ore-forming processes. Actually, all the features characterizing the gold mineralization of the Akzhal, Ashalin and Dauba ore fields, including the data on lithology, stratigraphy, structural tectonics, magmatism, isotope geochronology, mineralogy and geochemistry, can be used as criteria when searching for similar ore fields in East Kazakhstan.Представлены новые данные о возрасте магматических пород и рудно-метасоматических образований на золоторудных месторождениях Акжал-Боко-Ашалинской рудной зоны. Месторождения по своей рудно-формационной принадлежности более всего соответствуют орогенному типу золоторудных месторождений, что в целом отражает металлогеническую специфику Западно-Калбинского золотоносного пояса Восточного Казахстана. Оруденение представлено золотокварцевыми жилами и минерализованными зонами золотосульфидной формации и приурочено к разрывам, оперяющим региональные северо-западные и субширотные разломы. Общим для них является локализация золотосодержащих прожилково-вкрапленных пирит-арсенопиритовых руд в углеродисто-песчаносланцевых и турбидитовых толщах разного возраста, структурно-тектонический контроль оруденения, частое присутствие в рудоконтролирующих зонах даек среднеосновного состава, проявление посторогенных разновозрастных интрузивных гранит-гранодиоритовых пород, связь золотого оруденения с которыми неочевидна. Возраст магматических пород района показал близкие величины в узком интервале значений – от 309.1±4.1 до 298.7±3.2 млн лет, что в целом согласуется с ранее установленным возрастом гранитоидных массивов золоторудных полей Восточного Казахстана. Несколько более молодой возраст получен для кислых пород дайкового комплекса в диапазоне от 292.9±1.3 до 296.7±1.6 млн лет. Возраст формирования рудной минерализации, по данным 40Ar/39Ar исследования серицита из околорудных метасоматитов, показал два уровня: 300.4±3.4 и 279.8±4.3 млн лет. В целом, отрыв возраста минерализации от возраста магматических пород почти на 20 млн лет может свидетельствовать о том, что процессы рудообразования импульсно продолжались в рудном поле на протяжении как минимум 20 млн лет, что, тем не менее, подтверждает связь гидротермальной деятельности в районе со становлением и эволюцией кислых магматических пород данного возрастного уровня, относимых предшественниками к кунушскому комплексу. В пользу такой интерпретации свидетельствуют результаты восстановления полей тектонических палеонапряжений, показывающие, что в течение рудного этапа происходила смена направлений осей главных нормальных напряжений, обусловившая формирование рудных тел существенно различных направлений. Полученные возрастные характеристики являются первыми для района и должны быть в будущем дополнены для более четкого понимания хронологии рудообразующих процессов. Все приведенные характеристические признаки золотого оруденения Акжальского, Ашалинского и Даубайского рудных полей (литологические, стратиграфические, структурно-тектонические, магматические, изотопногеохронологические, минералого-геохимические) являются, по сути, критериями поиска подобного рода оруденения в Восточном Казахстане


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    The research described in this publication was made possible in part by Grant N NY3000 from the International Science Foundation.Author Institution: Institute of Atmospheric Optics, 634055 Tomsk, RussiaIntracavity laser (ICL) spectroscopy is a perspective method for investigation of atoms and molecules with different external excltation condition because of its high sensitivity to absorption, amplification, and small size of the investigated volume. ICL-spectrometers based on Nd-glass and dye broad-bands lasers have been designed with pulse duration 2000 and 100 microsecond, respectively. Those allow one to record absorption or amplification coefficients as small as 5×1095 \times 10^{-9} and 107cm110^{-7} cm^{-1} corresponding to 500,000 and 10000 path lengths used in traditional spectroscopy. Different techniques were used in our experiments for exciting molecules and atoms; these included heating up to 1200 K, atomization with a laser, hollow cathode atomization, and excitation with a discharge plasma. Large number of absorption and emission lines were recorded in atomic and electronic molecular spectra. The complicated character of ICL-spectra is connected to the fact that the broad-band laser provides the realization of conditions for laser generation in a wide region: COEFFICIENT OF AMPLIFICATION = COEFFICIENT OF RESONATOR LOSSES^{\ast}\hbox{COEFFICIENT OF AMPLIFICATION = COEFFICIENT OF RESONATOR LOSSES}^{\ast} As a result, any absorption (emission) line with Kabs (Kamp) more than 107cm110^{-7} cm^{-1} inside the resonator cavity leads to the deep dips (sharp peaks) in the spectrum of the laser generation. Results obtained In this investigation were used to measure low concentrations of atoms. For example, the detection limit for the U-atom is $107 atoms/cm^{-3}.


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    Introduction.In programs of training of students of medical specialties, Mathematics is a subject of basic education, i.e. non-core discipline. However, studying Mathematics is extremely important for future physicians, as recently there has been an impetuous development of mathematization in the field of health care. Today, a set of the new medical devices, the equipment and high technologies are being developed based on the mathematical modeling, analysis and forecasting. Mathematical methods are widely applied to diagnostics, development of life-support systems and the description of various biological processes both at the molecular level,  and at the level of a whole organism, its systems, bodies and tissues. The solution of many medical tasks in the field of taxonomy, genetics, and organization of medical service is impossible without knowledge of mathematics. Unfortunately, along with the evident importance of mathematical preparation for a medical profession, its need is poorly realized not only by junior students, but even by some teachers of specialized departments of medical schools.The aim of the publication is to discuss the problems that arise in the teaching of mathematical disciplines to students at a medical school and to suggest possible solutions to these problems.Methodology and research methods. The study is based on the use of modeling of the educational process. The methods of analysis, generalization and the method of expert assessments were applied in the course of the research.Results and scientific novelty. The aspects of mathematical preparation at the university are considered on the basis of the application of the multiplicative model of training quality. It is shown that the main students’ learning difficulties in Mathematics are connected with the following factors: the initial level of mathematical preparation of students and their motivation; outdated methods of Mathematics teaching and academic content designing which is being complicated by existing imbalance between the amount of training material and time frame for its studying. The authors suppose that it is possible to improve the quality of education through the increase or redistribution of the number of teaching hours; stimulation students’ motivation; enhancement of content and methodical components of teaching by means of active use of electronic resources and information technologies. Teachers should aspire to avoid excessive mathematical formalism as well to form in students the skills of independent work through the use of mathematical and computer methods.Practical significance. The authors come to the conclusion that the transition from traditional teaching to the teaching through the technological application of mathematical methods in medical practice and independent conduction of medical research is required for improvement the quality of Mathematics teaching of future physicians

    Dependence between factors of an environmens and a state of the population of the Astrakhan area

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    The regional analysis of features of the general death rate in the Astrakhan area for last 25 years is lead. Cases of death behind the instruction of features with revealing intensive and extensive parameters on a floor, age, the reasons of death are analyzed all. For the 25-years period growth of death rate of the population of the Astrakhan area is distinguished, death rate of the man's population prevailed above female. The tendency of increase of mortality rate coefficients in all age groups is noted


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    Objective: to reveal carbohydrate and lipid metabolic disturbances and their possible importance in examined young men with early arterial hypertension (AH). Subjects and methods. A total of 130 men aged 40.3 ± 4.3 years were examined. There were 3 patient groups: stage I hypertensive disease with a history of AH (n = 61); primarily diagnosed hypertensive disease without evidence of long-term AH (n = 39); a control group noncardiovascular diseases (n = 30). Results. The patients with long-term AH were more commonly found to have a compromised history of cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes mellitus, signs of insulin resistance and subclinical atherosclerosis than those with the primarily diagnosed disease and the control group. Conclusion. Carbohydrate and lipid metabolic disturbances are latent in young men with long-term AH. Both 2and 1-hour oral glucose tolerance tests are recommended for the early diagnosis of glycemic disorders in the above patient cohort


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    Aim. To identify major clinical and ultrasound predictors of heart failure development in patients with subacute myocardial infarction (MI). Material and methods. In total, 135 patients with acute and subacute MI were examined. The assessment of pre-existing cardiovascular risk factors and MI clinical course was combined with ultrasound examination of the heart and hepatic vessels. Results. Chronic heart failure was associated with selected parameters of systolic and diastolic cardiac function, as well as central and hepatic hemodynamics. Conclusion. In patients with subacute MI, the predictors of congestive heart failure included acute left ventricular failure, pulmonary hypertension, and hepatic venous congestion

    LED-based Fourier transform spectroscopy of 16O12C18O and 12C18O2 in the 11,260 - 11,430 cm-1 range

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    The absorption spectrum of the 16O12C18O and 12C18O2 carbon dioxide isotopologues has been recorded in the 11,260– 11,430 cm−1 spectral range using Bruker IFS 125 HR Fourier transform spectrometer with resolution 0.05 cm−1 at temperature 297 K and path length 24 m. The 18O enriched sample of carbon dioxide at total pressure 96.5 mbar was used for these purposes. The spectrometer used LED emitter as a light source. This gave possibility to reach the minimal detectable absorption coefficient αmin~1.4×10−7 cm−1 using 23,328 scans. In the recorded spectrum we have assigned the 00051–00001 band for both 16O12C18O and 12C18O2 isotopologues using the predictions performed within the framework of the method of effective operators. The line positions and intensities of the observed bands are found. The comparison of the observed and predicted line positions and intensities is performed confirming good accuracy of the predictions. The spectroscopic parameters for the observed bands are determined