52 research outputs found

    Добыча и потребление водных биоресурсов в Украине

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    Описанное значение водных биоресурсов для человечества. Произведена оценка вылова (добычи) водных биоресурсов из водных объектов Украины по 2018–2020 гг. Показаны показатели уровня потребления рыбы и рыбной продукции в Украине за последний период

    Monolithic Solid-State Lasers for Spaceflight

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    A new solution for building high power, solid state lasers for space flight is to fabricate the whole laser resonator in a single (monolithic) structure or alternatively to build a contiguous diffusion bonded or welded structure. Monolithic lasers provide numerous advantages for space flight solid state lasers by minimizing misalignment concerns. The closed cavity is immune to contamination. The number of components is minimized thus increasing reliability. Bragg mirrors serve as the high reflector and output coupler thus minimizing optical coatings and coating damage. The Bragg mirrors also provide spectral and spatial mode selection for high fidelity. The monolithic structure allows short cavities resulting in short pulses. Passive saturable absorber Q-switches provide soft aerturing fro spatial mode filtering and improved pointing stability. We will review our recent commercial and in-house developments toward fully monolithic solid state lasers

    On the Distribution of Air Temperatures when Determining Air Exchange in Foundries

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    В настоящей работе проведена оценка безразмерного коэффициента m, путем определения средних температур в воздухе рабочей зоны разливки литейного цеха с помощью программного комплекса Ansys.In this work, an assessment of the dimensionless coefficient m is carried out by determining the average temperatures in the air of the casting working zone of the foundry using the Ansys software package


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    The quantum-chemical calculation of structures of sulfur vulcanization organic thiazole accelerators was performed. It was established that there is a correlation between the atomic electronegativity of nitrogen, the S–N length bond of and the rheokinetic properties of sulfur vulcanizates with Shungite and ZnO as activators. Moreover, scorching time was influenced on type of an activator. It should be noted that in the presence of Shungite under vulcanization began earlier than with ZnO except for MBT. So the strength of the physical adsorption of MBT on the surface of ZnO similars to Shungite.Проведен квантово-химический расчет структурных формул органических ускорителей серной вулканизации тиазолового ряда. Определены длины и углы связей, а также рассчитаны заряды атомов. Установлена взаимосвязь между электроотрицательностью атома азота, длиной связи S-N и реометрическими свойствами серных вулканизатов c шунгитом и оксидом цинка в качестве активаторов


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    Leukemia incidence in the cohort of Russian male recovery operation workers (liquidators) was estimated at 78110 people for the follow-up period 1986-2014. The average age of the liquidators at the time of entry into the zone of works for liquidation of the Chernobyl accident was 34 years. Radiation risk of leukemia incidence (with the exception of chronic lymphocytic leukemia) was analyzed for liquidators who had official data on the individual dose of external gamma radiation of the entire body accumulated over the period of work. During the follow-up period, 157 cases of leukemia were detected (with the exception of chronic lymphocytic leukemia). Collection and verification of data of hemoblastoses cases among persons exposed to radiation exposure was carried out according to a specially developed algorithm. The average dose of the liquidators was 108 mGy. During the period 1986–1997 was established a statistically significant (p<0.05) linear dose dependence of the leukemia incidence with an excess relative risk of ERR/Gy=4.17 (90% CI: 0.18, 13.24). From 1998 until the end of the follow-up period, as well as for the entire follow-up period (from 1986 to 2014), no statistically significant estimates of excess relative risk were found. For mortality, no statistically significant estimates of excess relative risk and relative risk were found for any of the observation periods. The obtained estimates of the radiation risk of morbidity indicate that a statistically significant excess leukemia incidence of liquidators, which may be associated with external gamma irradiation, is manifested in the first decade after exposure.Исследована заболеваемость лейкозами в когорте российских ликвидаторов-мужчин численностью 78 110 человек за период наблюдения 1986–2014 гг. Средний возраст ликвидаторов на момент въезда в зону работ по ликвидации аварии на Чернобыльской АЭС составил 34 года. Радиационный риск заболеваемости лейкозами (за исключением хронического лимфолейкоза) анализировали для ликвидаторов, имевших официальные данные об индивидуальной дозе внешнего гамма-облучения всего тела, накопленной за период работы. За период наблюдения были выявлены 157 случаев заболеваний лейкозами (за исключением хронического лимфолейкоза). Сбор и верификацию данных о случаях гемобластозов среди лиц, подвергшихся радиационному воздействию, проводили согласно специально разработанному алгоритму. Средняя доза ликвидаторов составила 108 мГр. В период 1986–1997 гг. установлена статистически значимая (p<0,05) линейная дозовая зависимость заболеваемости лейкозами с избыточным относительным риском ERR/Гр=4,17 (90% ДИ: 0,18; 13,24). С 1998 г. до конца периода наблюдения, а также за весь период наблюдения (с 1986 по 2014 гг.), статистически значимых оценок избыточного относительного риска обнаружено не было. Для смертности статистически значимых оценок избыточного относительного риска и относительного риска не было обнаружено ни для одного из периодов наблюдения. Полученные оценки радиационного риска заболеваемости свидетельствуют о том, что статистически значимая избыточная заболеваемость лейкозами ликвидаторов, которая может быть связана с внешним гамма-облучением, проявляется в первое десятилетие после облучения


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    Cyclonic activity in the Asia-Pacific region is largely determined by state of the seasonal centers of atmosphere action. In turn, cyclones themselves influence on conditions in certain «key» areas. Recently the Aleutian Low activity declines in fall-winter and this center is shifted westward, but activity of the Hawaiian High increases in warm season. As the result, heightened air pressure prevails over the Ocean (positive anomalies of the sea level pressure) and lowered pressure (negative anomalies) — over the Far Eastern Seas. In this anomalous situation, the number of cyclones over the Ocean has increased but they become weaker that causes SST increasing in the North Pacific both in winter and summer. Over the Bering Sea, the cyclones become weaker, as well, but this regime causes the ice cover increasing, so SST decreasing in spring. On the contrary, over the Okhotsk Sea and Kuril Islands area, the number of cyclones has decreased gradually but they become stronger in both seasons that causes the ice cover reducing and spring SST rising. In the Japan Sea, cyclonic activity has intensified, too, but this tendency causes cooling in winter and warming in summer

    Reformational direction of fish industry development in Ukraine

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    Purpose. Exploitation of aquatic bioresources in Ukraine was traditionally low. In order to provide the population of Ukraine with high-quality fish products, the task of fish industry workers in the country is to create appropriate conditions for increasing fish catches and improve the organization of labor and material provision at fish farms. Our immediate goal in the work was to identify the areas of reforms in the fish industry, which would ensure the progress in it and would be aimed at attracting investments in aquaculture, establishing fish protection bodies with a qualitative change in their working principles, forming a culture of socially responsible fishing, achieving transparency and openness in the work of the State Agency for Fisheries, as well as improving the efficiency of the functioning of state institutions. Methodology. The basis of the research is the scientific, statistical and reporting data in the fish industry of Ukraine. The research uses the methods of monitoring and retrospective analysis of recent research and publications. Findings. The information on the implementation of reforms in the field of fish industry in Ukraine is presented: change of territorial bodies, State Fisheries Agency, fisheries regimes, use of aquatic biological resources, regulatory framework, strengthening of international activities and use of foreign experience. In order to increase the capacity of the fish industry, it is being reformed in the direction of changing its structure, increasing funding, introducing foreign investment and using their expertise. Originality. The need for reforming the fish industry of Ukraine became highly important. Modern socio-economic conditions require changes in the approaches to the organization of the activity of f groups that are marked by significant technological, economic, organizational, regulatory and legal peculiarities that need to be taken into account in economic processes. In accordance with the need for changes in the fish industry, the importance of reforming the fish industry of Ukraine has become urgent. Practical value. The materials of the article may be appropriate for using by scientists and fish industry workers