1,899 research outputs found

    Evolution of Interferon-Based Therapy for Chronic Hepatitis C

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    Since 1986, interferon-alfa (IFN-α) monotherapy has been administered for patients with chronic hepatitis C (CHC). However, sustained response rate is only about 8% to 9%. Subsequent introduction of ribavirin in combination with IFN-α was a major breakthrough in the treatment of CHC. Sustained virological responses (SVRs) rate is about 30% in hepatitis C virus genotype 1 (HCV-1) patients, and is about 65% in HCV-2 or -3 patients. After 2000, pegylated interferon (PegIFN) much improved the rates of SVR. Presently, PegIFN-α-ribavirin combination therapy has been current standard of care for patients infected with HCV. In patients with HCV-1, treatment for 48 weeks is optimal, but 24 weeks of treatment is sufficient in HCV-2 or -3 infected patients. Clinical factors have been identified as predictors for the efficacy of the IFN-based therapy. The baseline factor most strongly predictive of an SVR is the presence of HCV-2 or -3 infections. Rapid virological response (RVR) is the single best predictor of an SVR to PegIFN-ribavirin therapy. If patients can't achieve a RVR but achieve a complete early virological response (cEVR), treatment with current standard of care can provide more than 90% SVR rate. HCV-1 patients who do not achieve an EVR should discontinue the therapy. Recent advances of protease inhibitor may contribute the development of a novel triple combination therapy

    The Relationship Of Development Status Of Investee Countries And Investor Perceptions Of Foreign Earnings

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    This study investigates the impact of corporate internationalization and the development status of investee countries on the foreign earnings response coefficient (FERC), which is a measure of the value-relevance of foreign earnings. To improve competitiveness, firms worldwide have expanded aggressively into foreign markets, thereby increasing their exposure to external risks and uncertainties on the one hand, and sources of growth and reward on the other. Using a Taiwanese sample, we found that greater corporate internationalization via investments in developed countries was positively related to the foreign ERC. We expected, and found, that companies can enhance the positive effects of internationalization by investing in countries that are relatively better developed than in countries that are less well developed. The public policy implications of these findings are discussed

    Lagged Influence of Fine Particulate Matter and Geographic Disparities on Clinic Visits for Children’s Asthma in Taiwan

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    Recent studies have revealed the influence of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) on increased medication use, hospital admission, and emergency room visits for asthma attack in children, but the lagged influence of PM2.5 on children’s asthma and geographic disparities of children’s asthma have rarely been discussed simultaneously. This study investigated the documented diagnosis of children’s asthma in clinic visits for children aged less than 15 years old that were associated with PM2.5 in two counties located in west-central Taiwan during 2005–2010. The result shows that PM2.5 had a significant lagged effect on children’s asthma for up to 6 days. A significantly higher relative risk for children’s asthma was more likely to happen at 2-day lag compared to the present day when PM2.5 increased from 36.17 μg/m3 to 81.26 μg/m3. Considering all lagged effects, the highest relative risk for children’s asthma was 1.08 (95% CI = 1.05, 1.11) as PM2.5 increased as high as 64.66 μg/m3. In addition, geographic disparities of children’s asthma were significant, and 47.83% of areas were identified to have children vulnerable to asthma. To sum up, our findings can serve as a valuable reference for the implementation of an early warning to governmental agencies about a susceptible population of children

    Estudio comparativo y selección de modelos matemáticos para el análisis del fenómeno BLEVE

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    La demanda de nuevos productos y la necesidad de reducir los costes de producción han conducido al desarrollo de nuevos procesos y tecnologías en la industria moderna. Estos cambios, pese al esfuerzo simultáneamente realizado para conseguir una mayor seguridad, han sido una de las razones por las que continúan ocurriendo accidentes graves, tanto en las instalaciones industriales como en el transporte de determinados productos. Entre estos accidentes ocupan un lugar significativo las explosiones que liberan a la atmósfera gases licuados o líquidos sobrecalentados y presurizados. Estos accidentes pueden ocurrir por la pérdida de las propiedades mecánicas del material con el que está construido el recipiente, por un calentamiento excesivo del mismo, en algunos casos por la abertura de una válvula de alivio que puede conducir a una expansión explosiva del vapor de un líquido en ebullición, etc. Este tipo de explosiones reciben la denominación de BLEVE, acrónimo de “Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion”. Si el gas es inflamable, la explosión puede resultar en la probable e inmediata formación de una bola de fuego, lo cual constituye uno de los riegos térmicos más peligrosos debido a la alta radiación que puede emitir. Así, la explosión BLEVE va a menudo acompañada de la formación de una bola de fuego, por lo que, en conjunto, este tipo de accidente cuando involucra una substancia inflamable presenta simultáneamente las características de explosión e incendio, con los efectos correspondientes. Este proyecto tiene por objetivo el análisis de los efectos mecánicos de estos accidentes, es decir, la sobrepresión, mediante el estudio comparativo de los diversos modelos existentes propuestos por diferentes autores. Finalmente, se ha desarrollado una herramienta de Microsoft Excel® para estimar dicho efecto. Para verificar la funcionalidad de la herramienta, se ha aplicado a dos casos reales de los que se ha encontrado suficiente información, comparando los resultados obtenidos con los datos reales

    DFAHP multicriteria risk assessment model for redeveloping derelict public buildings

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    Reusing abandoned public buildings is a positive strategy in sustainable urban development. An appropriate assessment method is needed to reduce the risks of redeveloping derelict public properties. The Delphi method is an optimal group decision-making technique; whereas the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) method is useful for solving multicriteria decision-making problems. In addition, fuzzy logic manages artificial uncertainty and ambiguity, where an explicit number or ratio can express the level of preference. This study uses the Delphi method, fuzzy logic, and AHP (DFAHP) as a risk assessment model to redevelop derelict public buildings. The DFAHP provides an objective reference for investment decisions and is beneficial in reducing the risk of the public sector investing in the reuse of abandoned public buildings, in aiding in reuse cases that revitalize urban economic development, and in appreciating the value of sustainable city development

    Prevalence of Dyslipidemia in Patients Receiving Health Checkups: A Hospital-Based Study

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    We used the dataset from one medical center in Taiwan to explore the prevalence of dyslipidemia, which included 2695 subjects receiving private health checkups in 2003-2004. The overall prevalence of hypercholesterolemia was 53.3% in men and 48.2% in women (P = 0.008). The overall prevalence of hypertriglyceridemia was 29.3% in men and 13.7% in women (P < 0.001). The overall prevalence of elevated LDL level was 50.7% in men and 37.9% in women (P < 0.001). The overall prevalence of low HDL level was 47.4% in men and 53% in women (P = 0.004)

    The Information-Leveling Role of Voluntary Disclosure Quality in Facilitating Investment Efficiency

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    This study examines whether and under what conditions voluntary disclosure quality plays an information-leveling role in facilitating investment efficiency. Measuring voluntary disclosure quality as the (inverse) standard deviation of managers’ prior earnings forecast errors (i.e., management forecast consistency), we document a positive association between management forecast consistency and investment efficiency that strengthens when the information environment becomes more constrained and when there are negative shocks to financial reporting quality. We also find that the management forecast consistency/investment efficiency association strengthens when firms are younger, faster growing, and financially constrained, but not when firms are weakly governed and financially unconstrained, which suggests that voluntary disclosure quality facilitates investment efficiency by mitigating adverse selection (but not moral hazard) frictions. Last, when we employ a changes-based model, we find that increases in management forecast consistency are associated with increases in investment efficiency, which mitigates concerns that voluntary disclosure quality’s empirical link to investment efficiency is purely driven by managers’ inherent forecasting abilities. Overall, we show that voluntary disclosure quality can facilitate investment efficiency when financial reporting and other elements of the information environment are constrained in their ability to mitigate market frictions that impede efficiency