518 research outputs found

    Gating of memory encoding of time-delayed cross-frequency MEG networks revealed by graph filtration based on persistent homology

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    To explain gating of memory encoding, magnetoencephalography (MEG) was analyzed over multi-regional network of negative correlations between alpha band power during cue (cue-alpha) and gamma band power during item presentation (item-gamma) in Remember (R) and No-remember (NR) condition. Persistent homology with graph filtration on alpha-gamma correlation disclosed topological invariants to explain memory gating. Instruction compliance (R-hits minus NR-hits) was significantly related to negative coupling between the left superior occipital (cue-alpha) and the left dorsolateral superior frontal gyri (item-gamma) on permutation test, where the coupling was stronger in R than NR. In good memory performers (R-hits minus false alarm), the coupling was stronger in R than NR between the right posterior cingulate (cue-alpha) and the left fusiform gyri (item-gamma). Gating of memory encoding was dictated by inter-regional negative alpha-gamma coupling. Our graph filtration over MEG network revealed these inter-regional time-delayed cross-frequency connectivity serve gating of memory encoding


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    立命館アジア太平洋大学・九州情報大学本研究の目的は,「日本語と韓国語の文構成は杉田(1994b)が主張するように異なっているかどうか」と「韓国人日本語学習者の日本語能力と日本語の文構成能力の関係」を明らかにすることである。そのため,日本人16名,韓国人64名を対象に12の論説文を配列する課題を課す方法で調査を実施した。その結果,次のことが明らかになった。(i)杉田(1994b)の研究とは違って日本語と韓国語の文構成はよく似ている。(ii)韓国人は日本語能力の向上につれ日本人と非常によく似た文構成パターンを示すようになる。(iii)習得に関しては,結論部より冒頭部の文構成の習得が容易である。This research was aimed at clarifying whether the Japanese and Korean sentences are different, as Sugita (1994b) insists, and correlations between Japanese competency of Korean Japanese learners and competency of arrangement Japanese sentences of Korean Japanese learners. In this study, 16 native Japanese speakers and 64 Korean learners of Japanese were compared. Participants were required to arrange parts of a text that was separated into 12 sections. Results demonstrated that Japanese and Korean sentences look different from the research of Sugita (1994b). The Korean learners\u27 Japanese skills improved. They were able to emulate native Japanese speakers\u27 abilities to compose texts. Furthermore, this study clarified that initial sentence structure is more easily acquired than the body or conclusion of sentences

    RNA-Guided Genome Editing in Drosophila with the Purified Cas9 Protein

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    We report a method for generating Drosophila germline mutants effectively via injection of the complex of the purified Cas9 protein, tracrRNA, and gene-specific crRNAs, which may reduce delayed mutations because of the transient activity of the Cas9 protein, combined with the simple mutation detection in GO founders by the T7E1 assay.

    Cerebellar Hypoperfusion during Transient Global Amnesia: An MRI and Oculographic Study

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    Background and Purpose Transient global amnesia (TGA) is characterized by sudden anterograde and retrograde amnesia lasting for LIP to 24 hours. Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DWI) in cases of TGA and ischemia demonstrates a high frequency of high signal intensities restricted to the hippocampus, and this has been proposed as an etiology of TGA. The aims of this study were to characterize the DWI and single-photon-emission computed tomography (SPECT) findings during the acute and recovered phases of TGA and to correlate the findings with oculomotor abnormalities. Methods Five consecutive patients with a clinical diagnosis of TGA underwent DWI and SPECT of the brain within 24 hours after symptom onset and again 3 days later. Eye movements were also recorded using three-dimensional video-oculography. Results In all patients, DWI disclosed small punctuate (1-3 mm), high-signal lesions in the lateral portion of the hippocampus. The initial SPECT also revealed hypoperfusion in the cerebellar vermis, which had recovered by the follow-up examination. Three patients showed saccadic hypermetria or impaired smooth pursuit only during the acute phase. Conclusions Our patients with TGA showed cerebellar vermian hypoperfusion in addition to ischemic insults to the lateral hippocampus. The oculomotor abnormalities observed in our patients support the Occurrence of cerebellar dysfunction during the TGA attack. J Clin Neurol 2009;5:74-80This study was supported by a grant of the Korean Health 21 R&D Project, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Republic of Korea (no. A050079).Yang Y, 2008, J CLIN NEUROL, V4, P59Sander K, 2005, LANCET NEUROL, V4, P437Lampl Y, 2004, ACTA NEUROL SCAND, V110, P75Tong DC, 2004, NEUROLOGY, V62, P2154Takeuchi R, 2004, EUR J NUCL MED MOL I, V31, P578, DOI 10.1007/s00259-003-1406-8Teicher MH, 2003, NEUROSCI BIOBEHAV R, V27, P33, DOI 10.1016/S0149-7634(03)00007-1Anderson CM, 2002, PSYCHONEUROENDOCRINO, V27, P231Asada T, 2000, PSYCHIAT CLIN NEUROS, V54, P691Pantoni L, 2000, ACTA NEUROL SCAND, V102, P275Jovin TG, 2000, J NEUROIMAGING, V10, P238Warren JD, 2000, J CLIN NEUROSCI, V7, P57Levitt JJ, 1999, AM J PSYCHIAT, V156, P1105Loeber RT, 1999, SCHIZOPHR RES, V37, P81Giedd JN, 1999, PROG NEURO-PSYCHOPH, V23, P571SCHMAHMANN JD, 1999, MOVEMENT DISORDERSBerquin PC, 1998, NEUROLOGY, V50, P1087Schmidtke K, 1998, J NUCL MED, V39, P155Ghelarducci B, 1997, ARCH ITAL BIOL, V135, P369HODGES JR, 1994, J NEUROL NEUROSUR PS, V57, P605HODGES JR, 1990, J NEUROL NEUROSUR PS, V53, P834HODGES JR, 1990, BRAIN, V113, P639HEATH RG, 1976, J NEUROL NEUROSUR PS, V39, P1037

    Profiling age-related epigenetic markers of stomach adenocarcinoma in young and old subjects

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    The purpose of our study is to identify epigenetic markers that are differently expressed in the stomach adenocarcinoma (STAD) condition. Based on data from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA), we were able to detect an age-related difference in methylation patterns and changes in gene and miRNA expression levels in young (n = 14) and old (n = 70) STAD subjects. Our analysis identified 323 upregulated and 653 downregulated genes in old STAD subjects. We also found 76 miRNAs with age-related expression patterns and 113 differentially methylated genes (DMGs), respectively. Our further analysis revealed that significant upregulated genes (n = 35) were assigned to the cell cycle, while the muscle system process (n = 27) and cell adhesion-related genes (n = 57) were downregulated. In addition, by comparing gene and miRNA expression with methylation change, we identified that three upregulated genes (ELF3, IL1??, and MMP13) known to be involved in inflammatory responses and cell growth were significantly hypomethylated in the promoter region. We further detected target candidates for age-related, downregulated miRNAs (hsa-mir-124-3, hsa-mir-204, and hsa-mir-125b-2) in old STAD subjects. This is the first report of the results from a study exploring age-related epigenetic biomarkers of STAD using high-throughput data and provides evidence for a complex clinicopathological condition expressed by the age-related STAD progression. © the authors, publisher and licensee Libertas Academica Limitedopen

    Development and Validation of a Virtual Reality-Based Training Program for Promoting Subjective Well-Being

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    Objective Enhancing subjective well-being is an effective way to improve mental health. This study aimed to validate a virtual realitybased interactive feedback program as an intervention tool for promoting subjective well-being. Methods Thirty-six males participated in this program, consisting of three tasks constructed based on the theories of positive psychology: 'Experience-based problem recognition task', 'Future self-based success story expression task', and 'Strength expression task'. Participants rated visual analog scores associated with each of the tasks contents. The concurrent validity of task scores was evaluated by correlations with the psychological scale scores. Results The total task score was positively correlated with scores of Mental Health Continuum-Short Form (MHC-SF) emotional wellbeing and psychological well-being, Rosenberg's Self-Esteem Scale, Dispositional Hope Scale agency dimension and pathways dimension, and Life Orientation Test Revised, but not with MHC-SF social well-being scores. After controlling for the effects of the other task scores, the task scores had linear relationships with certain psychological assessments. Conclusion Since the task scores are closely related to indicators of well-being, self-esteem, hope, and optimism, the program contents are well associated with certain aspects of subjective well-being and thus may be available for training that improves subjective well-being through interactive feedback.11Nsciessciscopuskc