100,801 research outputs found

    Bosonization for 2D Interacting Fermion Systems: Non-Fermi Liquid Behavior

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    Non-Fermi liquid behavior is found for the first time in a two-dimensional (2D) system with non-singular interactions using Haldane's bosonization scheme. The bosonized system is solved exactly by a generalized Bogoliubov transformation. The fermion momentum distribution, calculated using a generalized Mattis-Lieb technique, exhibits a non-universal power law in the vicinity of the Fermi surface for intermediate interaction strengths.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures upon request, latex. (to appear in Mod. Phys. Lett. B

    Metallic and semi-metallic <100> silicon nanowires

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    Silicon nanowires grown along the -direction with a bulk Si core are studied with density functional calculations. Two surface reconstructions prevail after exploration of a large fraction of the phase space of nanowire reconstructions. Despite their energetical equivalence, one of the reconstructions is found to be strongly metallic while the other one is semi-metallic. This electronic-structure behavior is dictated by the particular surface states of each reconstruction. These results imply that doping is not required in order to obtain good conducting Si nanowires.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures; Phys. Rev. Lett., in pres

    Conformal Symmetry on the Instanton Moduli Space

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    The conformal symmetry on the instanton moduli space is discussed using the ADHM construction, where a viewpoint of "homogeneous coordinates" for both the spacetime and the moduli space turns out to be useful. It is shown that the conformal algebra closes only up to global gauge transformations, which generalizes the earlier discussion by Jackiw et al. An interesting 5-dimensional interpretation of the SU(2) single-instanton is also mentioned.Comment: 7 pages, LaTeX, version to appear in J. Phys. A: Math. Ge

    Mapping between Hamiltonians with attractive and repulsive potentials on a lattice

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    Through a simple and exact analytical derivation, we show that for a particle on a lattice, there is a one-to-one correspondence between the spectra in the presence of an attractive potential V^\hat{V} and its repulsive counterpart −V^-\hat{V}. For a Hermitian potential, this result implies that the number of localized states is the same in both, attractive and repulsive, cases although these states occur above (below) the band-continnum for the repulsive (attractive) case. For a \mP\mT-symmetric potential that is odd under parity, our result implies that in the \mP\mT-unbroken phase, the energy eigenvalues are symmetric around zero, and that the corresponding eigenfunctions are closely related to each other.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur

    Phase-sensitive quantum effects in Andreev conductance of the SNS system of metals with macroscopic phase breaking length

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    The dissipative component of electron transport through the doubly connected SNS Andreev interferometer indium (S)-aluminium (N)-indium (S) has been studied. Within helium temperature range, the conductance of the individual sections of the interferometer exhibits phase-sensitive oscillations of quantum-interference nature. In the non-domain (normal) state of indium narrowing adjacent to NS interface, the nonresonance oscillations have been observed, with the period inversely proportional to the area of the interferometer orifice. In the domain intermediate state of the narrowing, the magneto-temperature resistive oscillations appeared, with the period determined by the coherence length in the magnetic field equal to the critical one. The oscillating component of resonance form has been observed in the conductance of the macroscopic N-aluminium part of the system. The phase of the oscillations appears to be shifted by π\pi compared to that of nonresonance oscillations. We offer an explanation in terms of the contribution into Josephson current from the coherent quasiparticles with energies of order of the Thouless energy. The behavior of dissipative transport with temperature has been studied in a clean normal metal in the vicinity of a single point NS contact.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, to be published in Low Temp. Phys., v. 29, No. 12, 200

    Magnetic circular dichroism from the impurity band in III-V diluted magnetic semiconductors

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    The magnetic circular dichroism of III-V diluted magnetic semiconductors, calculated within a theoretical framework suitable for highly disordered materials, is shown to be dominated by optical transitions between the bulk bands and an impurity band formed from magnetic dopant states. The theoretical framework incorporates real-space Green's functions to properly incorporate spatial correlations in the disordered conduction band and valence band electronic structure, and includes extended and localized electronic states on an equal basis. Our findings reconcile unusual trends in the experimental magnetic circular dichroism in III-V DMSs with the antiferromagnetic p-d exchange interaction between a magnetic dopant spin and its host.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure
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