11 research outputs found


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    Made available in DSpace on 2015-10-02T12:45:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license.txt: 1914 bytes, checksum: 7d48279ffeed55da8dfe2f8e81f3b81f (MD5) marilda_siqueira_etal_IOC_2013.pdf: 124463 bytes, checksum: adaa9d6892ca08363d203a2f07d20c4f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013Instituto Adolfo Lutz. Centro de Virologia. São Paulo, SP, BrasilInstituto Adolfo Lutz. Centro de Virologia. São Paulo, SP, BrasilInstituto Adolfo Lutz. Centro de Virologia. São Paulo, SP, BrasilFundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.Centro de Vigilância Epidemiológica do Estado de São Paulo,Instituto Adolfo Lutz. Centro de Virologia. São Paulo, SP, Brasi

    Surto de sarampo na regiao metropolitana de Campinas, SP

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    O Brasil não apresenta circulação endêmica do vírus do sarampo desde o ano 2000. Entre maio e junho de 2011, a Região Metropolitana de Campinas, Estado de São Paulo, registrou três casos de sarampo. Foram descritos casos, as medidas de controle, a busca de possível fonte e de casos secundários. A caracterização genotípica do vírus identificou o genótipo D4, circulante no continente europeu. Não foram encontrados casos índice ou secundários. As medidas de controle efetuadas, aliadas à cobertura vacinal adequada da Região Metropolitana de Campinas contribuíram para que a transmissão da doença fosse interrompida

    SARS-CoV-2 reinfection: report of two cases in Southeast Brazil

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    From February 26, 2020 to March 11, 2021, coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic resulted in 11,439,558 cases and 277,102 deaths in Brazil. Among them, 2,195,130 cases and 63,965 deaths occurred in Sao Paulo State, Southeast Brazil. The recent emergence and rise of new variants of SARS-CoV-2 is of concern because of their higher transmissibility and possible association with more severe disease. Cases of SARS-CoV-2 reinfections have been described since December 2020 in Brazil. This report describes two cases of COVID-19 reinfection, that occurred five and six months after the first infection, during the second wave of the pandemic in Sao Paulo State. Both patients presented mild symptoms in the two COVID-19 episodes and different lineages of SARS-CoV-2 were identified: B.1.1.33 and B.1.1.28 lineages in case 1 and B1.1.128 and P. 2 lineages in case 2

    Measles outbreak in the metropolitan region of Campinas, Sao Paulo State, Brazil

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    O Brasil não apresenta circulação endêmica do vírus do sarampo desde o ano 2000. Entre maio e junho de 2011, a Região Metropolitana de Campinas, Estado de São Paulo, registrou três casos de sarampo. Foram descritos casos, as medidas de controle, a busca de possível fonte e de casos secundários. A caracterização genotípica do vírus identificou o genótipo D4, circulante no continente europeu. Não foram encontrados casos índice ou secundários. As medidas de controle efetuadas, aliadas à cobertura vacinal adequada da Região Metropolitana de Campinas contribuíram para que a transmissão da doença fosse interrompida.Brasil no presenta circulación endémica del virus sarampión desde el año 2000. Entre mayo y junio de 2011, la Región Metropolitana de Campinas, Estado de Sao Paulo, registró tres casos de sarampión. Se describieron los casos, las medidas de control, la búsqueda de la posible fuente y de casos secundarios. La caracterización genotípica del virus identificó el genotipo D4. No se encontraron casos índices o secundarios. Las medidas de control efectuadas, aliadas a la adecuada cobertura de la vacuna en la Región Metropolitana de Campinas contribuyeron para que la transmisión de la enfermedad fuera interrumpida.Brazil has not had endemic circulation of the measles virus since 2000. Between May and June 2011, the Metropolitan Region of Campinas, State of Sao Paulo, Southeastern Brazil, reported three cases of measles. This report presents a descriptive study of the cases, control measures, and the search for a possible source and secondary cases. The genotypic characterization of the virus identified genotype D4, circulating in Europe. Secondary cases or index case were not found. The control measures and adequate vaccination coverage in Metropolitan Region of Campinas contributed to the interruption of disease transmission

    Spatial, spatio-temporal, and origin-destination flow analyses of patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome hospitalized for COVID-19 in Southeastern Brazil, 2020-2021

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    Brazil experienced one of the fastest increasing numbers of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) cases worldwide. The Sao Paulo State (SPS) reported a high incidence, particularly in Sao Paulo municipality. This study aimed to identify clusters of incidence and mortality of hospitalized patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome for COVID-19 in the SPS, in 2020–2021, and describe the origin flow pattern of the cases. Cases and mortality risk area clusters were identified through different analyses (spatial clusters, spatio-temporal clusters, and spatial variation in temporal trends) by weighting areas. Ripley’s K12-function verified the spatial dependence between the cases and infrastructure. There were 517,935 reported cases, with 152,128 cases resulting in death. Of the 470,441 patients hospitalized and residing in the SPS, 357,526 remained in the original municipality, while 112,915 did not. Cases and death clusters were identified in the Sao Paulo metropolitan region (SPMR) and Baixada Santista region in the first study period, and in the SPMR and the Campinas, Sao Jose do Rio Preto, Barretos, and Sorocaba municipalities during the second period. We highlight the priority areas for control and surveillance actions for COVID-19, which could lead to better outcomes in future outbreaks

    COVID-19 no estado de São Paulo: a evolução de uma pandemia

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    OBJECTIVES: To describe retrospectively severe hospitalized cases and deaths related to the COVID-19 epidemic in the state of São Paulo, starting from the date of the first record with symptoms onset on 02/10/2020 up to 05/20/2021 records. METHODS: This is a descriptive study. The data source used was from the Influenza Epidemiological Surveillance System (SIVEP-Gripe). The rates of incidence, mortality and accumulated incidence in the period were calculated, stratified by age group and Regional Health Department (DRS). In addition, severe cases were geocoded to analyze their spread across the state; and the Effective R, which determines the spread potential of a virus within a population, was calculated. RESULTS: There was a significant increase in severe cases and deaths recorded in the period of one year, with incidence and mortality rates being heterogeneous within the state. The most critical periods regarding the incidence of severe cases occurred between May and July 2020 and between March and April 2021. The DRSs in São José do Rio Preto, Grande São Paulo and Araçatuba concentrated the highest incidence and mortality rates. Severe cases and deaths were more frequent in men and in the population over 60 years, while the main risk conditions related to deaths were heart disease (59%) and diabetes (42,8%). CONCLUSIONS: These results not only provide a detailed profile for more efficient control action plan, but will also allow the historical understanding of the COVID-19 evolution within the state of São Paulo.OBJETIVOS: Descrever, de forma retrospectiva, os casos graves hospitalizados e óbitos relacionados à epidemia de COVID-19 no estado de São Paulo, desde a data do primeiro registro com início de sintomas em 10/02/2020 até registros disponíveis em 20/05/2021. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um estudo descritivo realizado por meio da base de dados do Sistema de Vigilância Epidemiológica da Gripe (SIVEP-Gripe). Foram calculadas as taxas de incidência, mortalidade e incidência acumulada no período, estratificadas por faixa etária e Departamento Regional de Saúde (DRS). Os casos graves foram geocodificados para análise de seu espalhamento pelo estado e foi calculado o R Efetivo, que estima o potencial de propagação de um vírus dentro de uma população. RESULTADOS: Houve um aumento significativo dos casos graves e óbitos registrados no período de um ano, sendo que as taxas de incidência e mortalidade foram heterogêneas dentro do estado. Os períodos mais críticos em relação à incidência de casos graves ocorreram entre maio e julho de 2020 e entre março e abril de 2021. Os DRS de São José do Rio Preto, Grande São Paulo e Araçatuba concentraram as maiores taxas de incidência e mortalidade. Os casos graves e óbitos foram mais frequentes nos homens e na população acima de 60 anos, e as principais condições de risco relacionadas aos óbitos foram cardiopatia (59%) e diabetes (42,8%). CONCLUSÕES: Espera-se que esses resultados ofereçam embasamento e possam contribuir para uma ação de controle mais eficiente, além de permitir o entendimento histórico da evolução da COVID-19 no estado

    Molecular analysis of rubella virus in travelers suspected of measles infection in São Paulo, Brazil

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    OBJECTIVE: To identify measles virus genotypes in three cases of travelers suspected of measles infection. METHODS: Samples (blood and urine) were collected for serology, virus isolation, and genotyping. Sera were analyzed for IgM antibodies against measles virus and rubella virus by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) (Siemens - Marburg, Germany). Clinical samples (lymphocytes and urine) were inoculated into Statens Serum Institute rabbit corneal epithelial cell line- ATCC CL 60 (SIRC) and Vero Slam cells. RNA was extracted from clinical samples and cell culture was inoculated and processed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with oligonucleotides specific for measles virus (MV) and rubella virus (RV). RESULTS: All patients showed IgM negative serology for MV and positive IgM for RV. RV belonging to genotypes 1B, 1C, and 1E were isolated from patients who came from Finland, Peru, and Germany, respectively. Genotype 1B has been found in Europe and on the East Coast of South America; 1C has been found in Peru and the West Coast of South America, and 1E, first identified in 1997, now appears to have worldwide distribution. CONCLUSION: Information about RV and MV genotypes circulating in São Paulo is essential for the control of measles, rubella, and congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) in Brazil