20,055 research outputs found

    Heterogeneous aggregation in binary colloidal alloys

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    Molecular dynamics (MD) simulation has been employed to study the nonequilibrium structure formation of two types of particles in a colloidal suspension, driven by type-dependent forces. We examined the time evolution of structure formation as well as the structural properties of the resulting aggregation by studying the radial distribution function (RDF). The resulting aggregation is well described by a binary colloidal gelation. We compared the structural properties to those for one type of particles. From the MD results, it is evident that there are significant differences between the RDF's of the two cases. Moreover, we found that the average coordination number is generally larger in the monodisperse case for all area fractions considered. Thus, by means of heterogeneous aggregation, it is possible to obtain a wide variety of structures while more close-packed structures are formed for monodisperse colloidal aggregation.Comment: 15 pages, 5 eps figures; preliminary results have been reported at the APS March Meeting 2002; accepted by Physica

    Contact-eutectic-lens fabrication technique

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    Method enables use of crystal or semiconductor materials with selective spectral-response characteristics (ultraviolet, visible, or infrared wavelengths) in fabrication of contact lenses, reading glasses, and photographic processing equipment

    Behavioral analysis of anisotropic diffusion in image processing

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    ©1996 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or distribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE. This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.DOI: 10.1109/83.541424In this paper, we analyze the behavior of the anisotropic diffusion model of Perona and Malik (1990). The main idea is to express the anisotropic diffusion equation as coming from a certain optimization problem, so its behavior can be analyzed based on the shape of the corresponding energy surface. We show that anisotropic diffusion is the steepest descent method for solving an energy minimization problem. It is demonstrated that an anisotropic diffusion is well posed when there exists a unique global minimum for the energy functional and that the ill posedness of a certain anisotropic diffusion is caused by the fact that its energy functional has an infinite number of global minima that are dense in the image space. We give a sufficient condition for an anisotropic diffusion to be well posed and a sufficient and necessary condition for it to be ill posed due to the dense global minima. The mechanism of smoothing and edge enhancement of anisotropic diffusion is illustrated through a particular orthogonal decomposition of the diffusion operator into two parts: one that diffuses tangentially to the edges and therefore acts as an anisotropic smoothing operator, and the other that flows normally to the edges and thus acts as an enhancement operator

    Why It Is Time to Eliminate Genomic Patents, Together with Natural Extracts Doctrine That Have Supported Such Patents

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    The constitutional purpose of intellectual property is to “promote the progress of science and useful arts.” Given the utilitarian basis of patents, it is critical that policies and laws must be continually adjusted to reflect the needs of new technologies. When the law tries to shield itself from rather than confront the realities of underlying technologies, patents end up actually subverting rather than promote technological progress. This paper explores why the natural extracts doctrine belongs to the class of doctrines that subvert progress. The doctrine, established over a century ago to enable the patenting of purified compounds for use as drugs, represent codification of old, outdated science, by allowing genes to be patented. While this paper does not give a whole scale solution regarding the policies that best incentivize biotechnological innovations, it does show how the natural extracts doctrine and the genetic patents it has spawned can impede innovations in the biotechnological context. It ends by offering a glimpse of how eliminating the natural extracts doctrine can remove not only some of unnecessary wrinkles in current patent law but more importantly the many current and future patent shackles to biotechnological innovations

    On the theory of superfluidity

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    We investigate the properties of dispersion spectra of one-dimensional periodic Bose systems with repulsive interparticle interactions. These systems with sufficient large interactions can support metastable supercurrent states, which correspond to the local minima of the dispersion spectra at non-zero momenta. The existence of local minima in the spectra and the energy barriers, which separate the minima, can be explained in terms of Bose exchange symmetry. We extend our study to the case of higher dimensional Bose systems. We suggest that superfluidity could be understood as a Bose exchange effect.Comment: simplified version; added references; 6 pages, 6 figure

    Zero-gravity growth of NaF-NaCl eutectics in the NASA Skylab program

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    Continuous and discontinuous NaF fibers, embedded in a NaCl matrix, were produced in space and on earth. The production of continuous fibers in a eutectic mixture is attributed to the absence of convection current in the liquid during solidification in space. Image transmission and optical transmittance measurements of transverse sections of the space-grown and earth-grown ingots were made with a light microscope and a spectrometer. It is shown that better optical properties were obtained from samples grown in space. This was attributed to a better alignment of NaF fibers along the ingot axis. A new concept is advanced to explain the phenomenon of transmittance versus far infrared wavelength of the directionally solidified NaCl-NaF eutectic in terms of the two-dimensional Bragg Scattering and the polarization effect of Rayleigh scattering. This concept can be applied to other eutectic systems as long as the index of refraction of the matrix over a range of wavelengths is known. Experimental data are in agreement with the theoretical prediction

    Vacuum polarization near cosmic string in RS2 brane world

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    Gravitational field of cosmic strings in theories with extra spatial dimensions must differ significantly from that in the Einstein's theory. This means that all gravity induced properties of cosmic strings need to be revised too. Here we consider the effect of vacuum polarization outside a straight infinitely thin cosmic string embedded in a RS2 brane world. Perturbation technique combined with the method of dimensional regularization is used to calculate vacren{}_{vac}^{ren} for a massless scalar field.Comment: 8 pages, RevTeX