60 research outputs found

    Sinteza backstepping regulatora za praćenje maksimalne proizvodnje energije u fotonaponskim sustavima

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    This work presents a new control method to track the maximum power point of a grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) system. A backstepping controller is designed to be applied to a buck-boost DC-DC converter in order to achieve an optimal PV array output voltage. This nonlinear control is based on Lyapunov functions assuring the local stability of the system. Control reference voltages are initially estimated by a regression plane, avoiding local maximum and adjusted with a modified perturb and observe method (P&O). Thus, the maximum power extraction of the generating system is guaranteed. Finally, a DC-AC converter is controlled to supply AC current in the point of common coupling (PCC) of the electrical network. The performance of the developed system has been analyzed by means a simulation platform in Matlab/Simulink helped by SymPowerSystem Blockset. Results testify the validity of the designed control method.Ovaj rad predstavlja novu metodu upravljanja za slije.enje točke maksimalne snage fotonaponskog (PV) sustava. Dana je sinteza backstepping regulatora za primjenu u silazno-uzlaznom DC-DC pretvaraču za postizanje optimalnog izlaznog napona PV-a. Ova je nelinearna metoda upravljanja zasnovana na Ljapunovim funkcijama osiguravajući tako lokalnu stabilnost sustava. Upravljačke reference napona prvo su estimirane korištenjem regresijske ravnine izbjegavajući lokalne maksimume, a zatim podešene tzv. modificiranom perturbiraj i uoči metodom (P&O). Prema tome, zagarantirano je maksimalno izvlačenje energije iz sustava proizvodnje. Naposlijetku, DC-AC pretvaračem upravlja se na način da osigurava željena izmjenična struja u točki zajedničkog spoja (PCC) elektroenergetske mreže. Ponašanje razvijenog sustava analizirano je kroz simulacije provedene u Matlab/Simulink okruženju uz korištenje SymPowerSystem biblioteke

    Gene set analysis for longitudinal gene expression data

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Gene set analysis (GSA) has become a successful tool to interpret gene expression profiles in terms of biological functions, molecular pathways, or genomic locations. GSA performs statistical tests for independent microarray samples at the level of gene sets rather than individual genes. Nowadays, an increasing number of microarray studies are conducted to explore the dynamic changes of gene expression in a variety of species and biological scenarios. In these longitudinal studies, gene expression is repeatedly measured over time such that a GSA needs to take into account the within-gene correlations in addition to possible between-gene correlations.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We provide a robust nonparametric approach to compare the expressions of longitudinally measured sets of genes under multiple treatments or experimental conditions. The limiting distributions of our statistics are derived when the number of genes goes to infinity while the number of replications can be small. When the number of genes in a gene set is small, we recommend permutation tests based on our nonparametric test statistics to achieve reliable type I error and better power while incorporating unknown correlations between and within-genes. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed method has a greater power than other methods for various data distributions and heteroscedastic correlation structures. This method was used for an IL-2 stimulation study and significantly altered gene sets were identified.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The simulation study and the real data application showed that the proposed gene set analysis provides a promising tool for longitudinal microarray analysis. R scripts for simulating longitudinal data and calculating the nonparametric statistics are posted on the North Dakota INBRE website <url>http://ndinbre.org/programs/bioinformatics.php</url>. Raw microarray data is available in Gene Expression Omnibus (National Center for Biotechnology Information) with accession number GSE6085.</p

    3D Protein structure prediction with genetic tabu search algorithm

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    Abstract Background Protein structure prediction (PSP) has important applications in different fields, such as drug design, disease prediction, and so on. In protein structure prediction, there are two important issues. The first one is the design of the structure model and the second one is the design of the optimization technology. Because of the complexity of the realistic protein structure, the structure model adopted in this paper is a simplified model, which is called off-lattice AB model. After the structure model is assumed, optimization technology is needed for searching the best conformation of a protein sequence based on the assumed structure model. However, PSP is an NP-hard problem even if the simplest model is assumed. Thus, many algorithms have been developed to solve the global optimization problem. In this paper, a hybrid algorithm, which combines genetic algorithm (GA) and tabu search (TS) algorithm, is developed to complete this task. Results In order to develop an efficient optimization algorithm, several improved strategies are developed for the proposed genetic tabu search algorithm. The combined use of these strategies can improve the efficiency of the algorithm. In these strategies, tabu search introduced into the crossover and mutation operators can improve the local search capability, the adoption of variable population size strategy can maintain the diversity of the population, and the ranking selection strategy can improve the possibility of an individual with low energy value entering into next generation. Experiments are performed with Fibonacci sequences and real protein sequences. Experimental results show that the lowest energy obtained by the proposed GATS algorithm is lower than that obtained by previous methods. Conclusions The hybrid algorithm has the advantages from both genetic algorithm and tabu search algorithm. It makes use of the advantage of multiple search points in genetic algorithm, and can overcome poor hill-climbing capability in the conventional genetic algorithm by using the flexible memory functions of TS. Compared with some previous algorithms, GATS algorithm has better performance in global optimization and can predict 3D protein structure more effectively