274 research outputs found
On Estimating the Flux of the Brightest Cosmic Ray Source above 57x10^18 eV
The sources of ultra-high energy cosmic rays are not yet known. However, the
discovery of anisotropic cosmic rays above 57x10^18 eV by the Pierre Auger
Observatory suggests that a direct source detection may soon be possible. The
near-future prospects for such a measurement are heavily dependent on the flux
of the brightest source. In this work, we show that the flux of the brightest
source above 57x10^18 eV is expected to comprise 10% or more of the total flux
if two general conditions are true. The conditions are: 1.) the source objects
are associated with galaxies other than the Milky Way and its closest
neighbors, and 2.) the cosmic ray particles are protons or heavy nuclei such as
iron and the Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuz'min effect is occurring. The Pierre Auger
Observatory collects approximately 23 events above 57x10^18 eV per year.
Therefore, it is plausible that, over the course of several years, tens of
cosmic rays from a single source will be detected.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Astrophysical Journal Letter
Broadband Laser Ranging for Explosive Experiments
Author Institution: National Security Technologies, LLC Special Technologies Laboratory; Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory; Los Alamos National LaboratorySlides presented at the 2016 Photonic Doppler Velocimetry (PDV) unclassified program, Bankhead Theater, Livermore, California, June 7 - 9, 2016. Plenary Talk 3, June 9, 2016
Population Dynamics and Angler Exploitation of the Unique Muskellunge Population in Shoepack Lake, Voyageurs National Park, Minnesota
A unique population of muskellunge Esox masquinongy inhabits Shoepack Lake in Voyageurs National Park, Minnesota. Little is known about its status, dynamics, and angler exploitation, and there is concern for the long-term viability of this population. We used intensive sampling and mark–recapture methods to quantify abundance, survival, growth, condition, age at maturity and fecundity and angler surveys to quantify angler pressure, catch rates, and exploitation. During our study, heavy rain washed out a dam constructed by beavers Castor canadensis which regulates the water level at the lake outlet, resulting in a nearly 50% reduction in surface area. We estimated a population size of 1,120 adult fish at the beginning of the study. No immediate reduction in population size was detected in response to the loss of lake area, although there was a gradual, but significant, decline in population size over the 2-year study. Adults grew less than 50 mm per year, and relative weight (W r) averaged roughly 80. Anglers were successful in catching, on average, two fish during a full day of angling, but harvest was negligible. Shoepack Lake muskellunge exhibit much slower growth rates and lower condition, but much higher densities and angler catch per unit effort (CPUE), than other muskellunge populations. The unique nature, limited distribution, and location of this population in a national park require special consideration for management. The results of this study provide the basis for assessing the long-term viability of the Shoepack Lake muskellunge population through simulations of long-term population dynamics and genetically effective population size
The Sensitivity of HAWC to High-Mass Dark Matter Annihilations
The High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) observatory is a wide field-of-view
detector sensitive to gamma rays of 100 GeV to a few hundred TeV. Located in
central Mexico at 19 degrees North latitude and 4100 m above sea level, HAWC
will observe gamma rays and cosmic rays with an array of water Cherenkov
detectors. The full HAWC array is scheduled to be operational in Spring 2015.
In this paper, we study the HAWC sensitivity to the gamma-ray signatures of
high-mass (multi- TeV) dark matter annihilation. The HAWC observatory will be
sensitive to diverse searches for dark matter annihilation, including
annihilation from extended dark matter sources, the diffuse gamma-ray emission
from dark matter annihilation, and gamma-ray emission from non-luminous dark
matter subhalos. Here we consider the HAWC sensitivity to a subset of these
sources, including dwarf galaxies, the M31 galaxy, the Virgo cluster, and the
Galactic center. We simulate the HAWC response to gamma rays from these sources
in several well-motivated dark matter annihilation channels. If no gamma-ray
excess is observed, we show the limits HAWC can place on the dark matter
cross-section from these sources. In particular, in the case of dark matter
annihilation into gauge bosons, HAWC will be able to detect a narrow range of
dark matter masses to cross-sections below thermal. HAWC should also be
sensitive to non-thermal cross-sections for masses up to nearly 1000 TeV. The
constraints placed by HAWC on the dark matter cross-section from known sources
should be competitive with current limits in the mass range where HAWC has
similar sensitivity. HAWC can additionally explore higher dark matter masses
than are currently constrained.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, version to be published in PR
Observation of the Crab Nebula with the HAWC Gamma-Ray Observatory
The Crab Nebula is the brightest TeV gamma-ray source in the sky and has been
used for the past 25 years as a reference source in TeV astronomy, for
calibration and verification of new TeV instruments. The High Altitude Water
Cherenkov Observatory (HAWC), completed in early 2015, has been used to observe
the Crab Nebula at high significance across nearly the full spectrum of
energies to which HAWC is sensitive. HAWC is unique for its wide field-of-view,
nearly 2 sr at any instant, and its high-energy reach, up to 100 TeV. HAWC's
sensitivity improves with the gamma-ray energy. Above 1 TeV the
sensitivity is driven by the best background rejection and angular resolution
ever achieved for a wide-field ground array.
We present a time-integrated analysis of the Crab using 507 live days of HAWC
data from 2014 November to 2016 June. The spectrum of the Crab is fit to a
function of the form . The data is well-fit with values of
, , and
log when
is fixed at 7 TeV and the fit applies between 1 and 37 TeV. Study of the
systematic errors in this HAWC measurement is discussed and estimated to be
50\% in the photon flux between 1 and 37 TeV.
Confirmation of the Crab flux serves to establish the HAWC instrument's
sensitivity for surveys of the sky. The HAWC survey will exceed sensitivity of
current-generation observatories and open a new view of 2/3 of the sky above 10
TeV.Comment: Submitted 2017/01/06 to the Astrophysical Journa
Daily monitoring of TeV gamma-ray emission from Mrk 421, Mrk 501, and the Crab Nebula with HAWC
We present results from daily monitoring of gamma rays in the energy range
to TeV with the first 17 months of data from the High
Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) Observatory. Its wide field of view of 2
steradians and duty cycle of % are unique features compared to other TeV
observatories that allow us to observe every source that transits over HAWC for
up to hours each sidereal day. This regular sampling yields
unprecedented light curves from unbiased measurements that are independent of
seasons or weather conditions. For the Crab Nebula as a reference source we
find no variability in the TeV band. Our main focus is the study of the TeV
blazars Markarian (Mrk) 421 and Mrk 501. A spectral fit for Mrk 421 yields a
power law index and
an exponential cut-off
TeV. For Mrk 501, we find an index and exponential cut-off TeV. The light curves for both sources show clear
variability and a Bayesian analysis is applied to identify changes between flux
states. The highest per-transit fluxes observed from Mrk 421 exceed the Crab
Nebula flux by a factor of approximately five. For Mrk 501, several transits
show fluxes in excess of three times the Crab Nebula flux. In a comparison to
lower energy gamma-ray and X-ray monitoring data with comparable sampling we
cannot identify clear counterparts for the most significant flaring features
observed by HAWC.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical
The 2HWC HAWC Observatory Gamma Ray Catalog
We present the first catalog of TeV gamma-ray sources realized with the
recently completed High Altitude Water Cherenkov Observatory (HAWC). It is the
most sensitive wide field-of-view TeV telescope currently in operation, with a
1-year survey sensitivity of ~5-10% of the flux of the Crab Nebula. With an
instantaneous field of view >1.5 sr and >90% duty cycle, it continuously
surveys and monitors the sky for gamma ray energies between hundreds GeV and
tens of TeV.
HAWC is located in Mexico at a latitude of 19 degree North and was completed
in March 2015. Here, we present the 2HWC catalog, which is the result of the
first source search realized with the complete HAWC detector. Realized with 507
days of data and represents the most sensitive TeV survey to date for such a
large fraction of the sky. A total of 39 sources were detected, with an
expected contamination of 0.5 due to background fluctuation. Out of these
sources, 16 are more than one degree away from any previously reported TeV
source. The source list, including the position measurement, spectrum
measurement, and uncertainties, is reported. Seven of the detected sources may
be associated with pulsar wind nebulae, two with supernova remnants, two with
blazars, and the remaining 23 have no firm identification yet.Comment: Submitted 2017/02/09 to the Astrophysical Journa
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