320 research outputs found

    Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar Based on Digital Beamforming and Waveform Diversity

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    This paper introduces innovative SAR system concepts for the acquisition of high resolution radar images with wide swath coverage from spaceborne platforms. The new concepts rely on the combination of advanced multi-channel SAR front-end architectures with novel operational modes. The architectures differ regarding their implementation complexity and it is shown that even a low number of channels is already well suited to significantly improve the imaging performance and to overcome fundamental limitations inherent to classical SAR systems. The more advanced concepts employ a multidimensional encoding of the transmitted waveforms to further improve the performance and to enable a new class of hybrid SAR imaging modes that are well suited to satisfy hitherto incompatible user requirements for frequent monitoring and detailed mapping. Implementation specific issues will be discussed and examples demonstrate the potential of the new techniques for different remote sensing applications

    SIGNAL: A Ka-band Digital Beam-Forming SAR System Concept to Monitor Topography Variations of Ice Caps and Glaciers

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    This paper discusses the implementation of an endto- end simulator for the BIOMASS mission. An overview of the system architecture is provided along with a functional description of the modules that comprise the simulator

    Ultra Wide Swath Imaging With Multi-Channel SAR Systems

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    Multi-channel radar systems allow for overcoming the inherent limitation of conventional synthetic aperture radar (SAR). An example is the combination of digital beamforming on receive in elevation with multi-aperture SAR signal reconstruction in azimuth which enables high-resolution wide-swath. As a next step, focus is turned to advanced concepts for the imaging of even wider swaths with high azimuth resolution. In this regard, the paper investigates the operation of multi-channel SAR systems in burst modes like ScanSAR or TOPS-SAR and analyses aspects of applying the multi-aperture reconstruction algorithm in combination with burst mode operation. The impact of the digital processing network on the SNR and the azimuth ambiguity-to-signal-ratio in multi-channel burst mode systems are considered and embedded in the design example of a ScanSAR system that enables the imaging of a 400 km wide swath with a geometric resolution of 5

    Performance Investigation on Scan-On-Receive and Adaptive Digital Beam-Forming for High-Resolution Wide-Swath Synthetic Aperture Radar

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    The work investigates the performance of the Smart Multi-Aperture Radar Technique (SMART) Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) system for high-resolution wide-swath imaging based on Scan-on-Receive (SCORE) algorithm for receive beam steering. SCORE algorithm works under model mismatch conditions in presence of topographic height. A study on the potentiality of an adaptive approach for receive beam steering based on spatial spectral estimation is presented. The impact of topographic height on SCORE performance in different operational scenarios is examined, with reference to a realistic SAR system. The SCORE performance is compared to that of the adaptive approach by using the CramĂšr Rao lower bound analysis

    Digital beam-forming for high resolution wide swath real and synthetic aperture radar [online]

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    Advanced Concepts for Ultra-Wide-Swath SAR Imaging

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    This paper reviews advanced multi-channel SAR system concepts for the imaging of ultra-wide swaths with high azimuth resolution. Novel system architectures and operational modes are introduced and compared to each other with regard to their performance

    A Versatile Processing Chain for Experimental TanDEM-X Product Evaluation

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    TanDEM-X is a high-resolution interferometric mission with the main goal of providing a global digital elevation model (DEM) of the Earth surface by means of single-pass X-band SAR interferometry. It is, moreover, the first genuinely bistatic spaceborne SAR mission, and, independently of its usual quasi-monostatic configuration, includes many of the peculiarities of bistatic SAR. An experimental, versatile, and flexible interferometric chain has been developed at DLR Microwaves and Radar Institute for the scientific exploitation of TanDEM-X data acquired in non-standard configurations. The paper describes the structure of the processing chain and focusses on some essential aspects of its bistatic part
