1,556 research outputs found

    Institutionalized Child Abuse: The Troubled Teen Industry

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    The “troubled teen industry” is an industry providing behavioral modification treatment to youths that promises to keep children safe, but by design is a breeding grounds for institutionalized child abuse through legal loopholes. By analyzing the legal shortcomings and alleged abuses, Yasmin Younis stresses the importance of heavy regulation in order to provide the necessary treatment some of these children need.https://scholarship.law.slu.edu/lawjournalonline/1071/thumbnail.jp

    Strategija razvoja kontejnerskog terminala u luci Port Saidu

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    Since 1960 there has been a growing trend for utilizing containers in marine shipping due to the growth of global trade, safety of containers, faster handling in ports and door to door services. This trend led to a development of container ships from 1000 TEU to 12000 TEU capacities. Consequently there is a continuous development in all related parties to container shipping such as port authorities, container terminals, cargo handling equipment manufacturers, management of container terminals and information technology. The system of containerization made a revolution at the entire pattern of trade and ports around the world, gearing up to meet trade growth and its requirements. Although there is a development in most of container terminals globally, our Egyptian container terminals still suffer from low performance which leads to losing the competitive capability. The paper is discussing the problems of public sector container terminals in Egypt and pointing particularly to Port Said Container Terminal, focusing on existing problems and suggested solutions for solving and improving the performance and productivity to compete and face the challenges due to the continuous growth in container shipping market.Od 1960. stalno raste trend rabljenja kontejnera u pomorskom brodarstvu. Taj je rast generiran prije svega zbog rasta globalnog prometa, sigurnosti kontejnera, bržeg rukovanja u lukama i servisom „od vrata – do vrata“. Taj trend doveo je do kontejnerskih brodova kapaciteta od 1000 do 12000 TEU. Sukladno tome, došlo je do razvoja svih ostalih subjekata međusobno povezanih s kontejnerskim brodarstvom, kao što su: lučke vlasti, kontejnerski terminali, proizvođači za opremu pri rukovanju teretom, upravom kontejnerskih terminala i tehnologijom informacija. Sustav prijevoza robe u kontejnerima revolucionarno je djelovao na globalnu strukturu prometa i luka, čvrsto se povezujući da bi se zadovoljio zahtjev porast prometa. Na globalnom planu većina se kontejnerskih terminala razvila. Ali, primjerice, egipatski kontejnerski terminali još uvijek pate od niskog stupnja učinkovitosti, što dovodi do nedostatne konkurentske sposobnosti. U ovom se radu raspravlja o problemima javnog sektora kontejnerskih terminala u Egiptu s posebnim osvrtom na kontejnerski terminal Port Saida, fokusirajući se na postojeće probleme i na elaboriranje prijedloga za rješavanje i usavršavanje rada i produktivnosti kako bi se povećala konkurentnost i suočilo s izazovima neprekidnog rasta na tržištu kontejnerskog brodarstva

    A piecewise-linear reduced-order model of squeeze-film damping for deformable structures including large displacement effects

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    This paper presents a reduced-order model for the Reynolds equation for deformable structure and large displacements. It is based on the model established in [11] which is piece-wise linearized using two different methods. The advantages and drawbacks of each method are pointed out. The pull-in time of a microswitch is determined and compared to experimental and other simulation data.Comment: Submitted on behalf of EDA Publishing Association (http://irevues.inist.fr/handle/2042/16838

    Solution-focused practices in child welfare supervision

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    This research was an exploratory pilot study on the use and need of solution-focused practices in supervision according to child welfare workers and child welfare supervisors in Nova Scotia, Canada. Child welfare workers and supervisors were invited to participate in an online questionnaire exploring the use and need of solution-focused practices in child welfare supervision. The collected data indicated that these practices were being implemented and that workers and supervisors believe there is a need for them. Further research and training on solution-focused practices in the supervision of child welfare workers could be beneficial to help create the most productive supervision experience that positively impacts everyone involved

    Serum Macromineral Levels in Estrual, Fertile, Subfertile and Pregnant Mares Kept Under Two Different Managemental Conditions

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    This study was conducted on 300 mares kept under one of the two managemental conditions: field (individual management) and farm (organizational management). Mares were categorized as estrual, fertile, subfertile or pregnant. Any possible relationship between fertility and serum levels of sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and calcium was investigated. The serum sodium level differed significantly (P<0.05) among all groups of mares at both conditions, with pregnant mares having the highest and subfertile the lowest levels. Also, independent of the condition, the pregnant mares had significantly higher (P<0.05) serum potassium levels compared with subfertile ones. Serum calcium levels were significantly higher in estrual mares when compared with those of pregnant mares under farm management or subfertile mares under field conditions. In each group, mares kept under farm management had significantly higher serum magnesium levels but significantly lower serum calcium levels than those of mares kept under field. In estrual group, mares raised under field condition had significantly higher serum phosphorus levels. These results sufficiently provide the foundation for more rigorous and controlled studies to establish a firm basis for fertility versus serum-mineral-profile relationship. Moreover, due to marginally adequate serum mineral levels in mares kept under both managements, supplementation with mineral mixture was recommended for optimum fertility

    Exploring Possible Humanoids on Mars: A Lesson Designed for Twice-Exceptional Gifted Students

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    This practical article presents a classroom-tested pedagogical plan to assist instructors in teaching thinking skills to gifted students with disabilities in the context of science. The lesson, which focused on using Edward de Bono thinking skills to explore humanoid images that appear in NASA photos, provided accommodations for students with hearing impairment, along with disabilities associated with short and long-term memory. The instructional design team presented the arts-integrated activity of drawing scenes showing possible ways the anomalies could have been generated, and an interactive electronic game using iPads that asked participants to gather needed items for a trip to Mars. High-achieving doctoral students, many of whom were identified as gifted during their K-12 schooling, participated in the lesson. Incorporation of electronic game technology along with creative arts-integrated activities was received positively and was an effective strategy to increase motivation, to sustain student’s engagement, and to attract and retain the directed attention of students, especially because of the social interaction

    Shortening Sow Restraint Period During Lactation Improves Production and Decreases Hair Cortisol Concentrations in Sows and Their Piglets

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    Food animal welfare is an issue of great concern, as society has a responsibility for animals under human care. Pork is the most consumed meat worldwide, with more than a billion pigs being slaughtered globally every year. Still, in most countries, sows are restrained in farrowing crates throughout lactation. In these crates, sows arc confined with bars to an area that is just slightly larger than their body. Thus, moving and turning around, grooming, or expressing other natural behaviors are typically impossible. In this study, we utilized a simple and practical modification of conventional farrowing crates to designed farrowing pens, by removable confinement bars, which provide the flexibility to change the housing system from one to another. Our objective was to examine the parameters of production and hair cortisol concentrations after different restraint periods during lactation. Analyses included data from 77 sows and their 997 piglets. Sows were housed in farrowing crates, but the confinement bars were removed after different periods, from 3 days post-farrowing to full restraint. For certain analyses, sows were grouped into Short or Long Restraint groups (3-10 days vs 13-24 days, respectively). Multiple linear regression revealed that for any additional day in restraint of the sows, piglets\u27 weaning rate decreases by 0.4% (P \u3c 0.05). Moreover, the total number of weaned piglets per litter was higher in the Short Restraint group as compared to the Long Restraint group (10.4 +/- 0.3 vs 9.7 +/- 0.3, respectively; P \u3c 0.05). Accordingly, total litter weight on the weaning day tended to be higher in the Short Restraint group (68.8 +/- 2.2 vs 64.9 +/- 1.8 kg; P = 0.1210). The requirement for medical treatments during lactation (e.g., antibiotics, NSAID) tended to be less frequent in the Short Restraint group (Sows: 21.9% vs 40%; P = 0.1219. Piglets: 2.4% vs 17.1%; P = 0.0609). Hair cortisol as a marker for chronic stress during lactation decreased when the restraint period was shortened in both sows and piglets. Our analysis revealed that sows\u27 hair cortisol is a significant mediator between the restraint of the sow and its piglets\u27 hair cortisol (Sobel test; P \u3c0.05). For every day of sows\u27 restraint sows\u27 hair cortisol increased by 05 pg/mg, and for any additional unit of sows\u27 hair cortisol, piglets\u27 hair cortisol increased by 0.36 pg/mg. In condusion, sustainable swine farming management can be beneficial for both animals and farmers; limiting sow restraint during lactation is expected to reduce stress, enhance welfare and production, and potentially improve the economics of swine operations. (C) 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of The Animal Consortium
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