18 research outputs found

    What best animal science teachers do

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    Great teachers have the extraordinary ability to inspire and motivate even those students who resist learning. The top educators are knowledgeable not only about the content of the course they are teaching but also of the information, literature, and practice of instructional delivery to their audience. Many exemplary educators have been profiled and studied; however, there is a paucity of information pertaining to how the top animal science teachers teach. The objective of this study was to identify and describe characteristics of award-winning animal science teachers. The inclusion criterion for selecting faculty was being bestowed an excellence in teaching award through their professional organization. Each teacher answered a series of questions about themselves, their students, and the class being taught. Lecture was captured using a digital all-inclusive camera and later analyzed for pedagogical trends and instructor–student interactions. Despite a variety of topics being taught by award-winning teachers, there were multiple trends emerging from their classrooms. Common events included reviewing highlights of previous lectures, distributing something to students, posing questions during class, and calling on students by name. Each teacher taught differently, but they all understood their audience; they grasped the subject matter and most importantly, they valued students learning. Collectively, these findings can be utilized and applied by animal science teachers in their own environments in an attempt to foster improved student learning through excellent teaching

    Superovulation Response and In vivo Embryo

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     አህፅሮት የጥናቱ ዋና ዓሊማ ንፁህ የቦረና ሊሞችና የቦረና ዲቃሊ ሊሞች ተጨማሪ ዕንቁሊል የማኮረትና ፅንስ የመስጠት አቅማቸውን ሇማጥናት የተሰራነው፡፡ ሊሞች በሦስት ቡድን ተከፍሇው 300፣ 250 እና 200 አይ.ዩ. ኤፍ.ኤስ.ኤች. ሆርሞን ተሰጣቸው፤ ከዚያም የኮርማ ፍሊጎት እስከሚያሳዩበት የወሰደባቸው ጊዜ፣ የኮርማ ፍሊጎት እያሳዩ የሚቆዩት ጊዜ እና ጠቅሊሊ አኮርተው የሇቀቁት ዕንቁሊል ቁጥር በማየት ሇሆርሞኑ የነበራቸው ምሊሽ ተጠንቷል፡፡ ተጨማሪ ዕንቁሊል እንዲያኮርቱ ሇማድረግ ሆርሞን በተሰጣቸው በ16-17 ቀን ሊይ ፅንሶችን በመሰብሰብ የዕድገታቸው ሁኔታና ጥራት ግምገማ ተደርጓል፡፡ በመጨረሻው ጊዜ ሆርሞን ከተሰጠበት የኮርማ ፍሊጎት እስከሚያሳዩበት ጊዜ በአማካይ 20.4 ሰዓታ የወሰደባቸው ሲሆን በቦረና እና በዲቃሎቻቸው መካከል የጎሊ የሰዓታት ልዩነት አልታየም፡፡ ይሁን እንጂ ከተሰጣቸው ሦስት የተሇያየ የሆርሞን መጠን 250 አይ.ዩ የወሰዱት ቀደም ብሇው በ10 ሰዓታ ውስጥ የኮርማ ፍሊጎት አሳይተዋል፡፡ የተኮረቱት ዕንቁሊል ቁጥር ሲታይ ቦረናዎች (10.1 ዕንቁሊል) ከዲቃሎቻቸው የተሸሇ በዛ ያለ አዘጋጅተዋል፡፡ የፅንስ ብዛትም ሲታይ ቦረናዎች 4 ሲሰጡ ዲቃሎቻቸው 2.67 ሰጥተዋል፡፡ ከፅንስ ዕድገትና ጥራት ግምገማ ውጤት ቦረናዎች ሉተሊሇፉ የሚችለ ፅንስ 3.8 ሲሆን የዲቃሎቻቸው 2.67 ነበር፡፡ በመሆኑም በታዩት መስፈርቶች ቦረና ሊሞች ከዲቃሎቻቸው የተሸሇ ዕንቁሊ ማኮረት እንደሚችለና የተሻሇ የዕድገት ደረጃና ጥራት ያሇው ፅንስ መስጠት የሚችል አቅም እንዳሇቸው ታይቷል፡፡ AbstractBoran (n=25) and Boran*Holstein (n=11) cows were superovullatedFSH with three doses level (300, 250 and 200IU) divided in to morning and afternoon decreasing doses over 4 daysto study the superovulatory response and embryo production potential. Time to estrus, duration of estrus, and CL count were used to determine superovulatory response. Embryos were flushed on Day 16/17 by non-surgical gravitational method and evaluated for development stage, and quality grade. The mean (±SEM) time interval from CIDR withdrawal to onset of estrus was 20.4±1.8 hours, and breed difference was not significant.However, the interval from CIDR removal to onset of estrus was shorter (p=0.01) in cows treated with 250 IU FSH (10.75±3.3 hours) than in cows received 200 or 300 IU. The total CL count was significantly higher (p=0.01) in Boran (10.1CL/cow/cycle) than Boran x Holstein cows (7.2CL/cow/cycle). A mean number of 4.1 and 2.67embryos’/cow were flushed from Boran and Boran*Holstein, respectively. The average transferable embryos/cow were 3.8±0.57 and 2.67±0.99 in Boran and Boran*Holstein, respectively. And hence, Boran cows’ response to superovulation and yield of better quality and number of embryo than their Boran*Holstein counterparts showed the high potential of the breed for in-vivo and in-vitro embyo production

    Risk factors for occurrence of displaced abomasum and their relation to nutritional management of Holstein dairy cattle

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    The aim of the present study was to identify nutritional risk factors for the occurrence of displaced abomasum (DA) in Holstein dairy cattle raised in regions with highly variable nutritional management. Feeding program data were collected from 30 dairy farms throughout Kosovo via use of a standardized questionnaire, and an AgriNIR™ Analyser was used to analyze the nutrient composition of forage (hay, corn silage) fed to cattle on those farms. A diagnosis of DA was made via auscultation/percutation in the area of the last rib and hearing of a ping sound. Multivariate linear regression models were used to determine risk factors associated with the incidence of DA. The overall incidence of DA in this study was 4.9% (38 cases among 769 cows). Of cows diagnosed with DA, 81.6% (31/38) had left side DA and 18.4% (7/38) had right side DA. Nearly all DA occurred during the first month of the postpartum period - 92.1% (35/38); only 7.9% (3/38) were observed in the pre-partum period. Risk factors that elevated the occurrence of DA included increased intake of concentrate feed after parturition (P\u3c0.002), increased body condition score at calving (P\u3c0.01), larger herd size (P\u3c0.021), and increased daily consumption of corn silage in the pre-partum transition period (P\u3c0.051). An increase in daily consumption of grass hay in the pre-partum transition period decreased (P\u3c0.014) the incidence of DA. The results of this study are useful for developing enhanced nutritional management protocols to reduce the incidence of DA in Holstein dairy cattle

    Čimbenici rizika za pojavu dislokacije sirišta i njihova povezanost s uvjetima hranidbe kod mliječnih goveda holštajnske pasmine

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    The aim of the present study was to identify nutritional risk factors for the occurrence of displaced abomasum (DA) in Holstein dairy cattle raised in regions with highly variable nutritional management. Feeding program data were collected from 30 dairy farms throughout Kosovo via use of a standardized questionnaire, and an AgriNIR™ Analyser was used to analyze the nutrient composition of forage (hay, corn silage) fed to cattle on those farms. A diagnosis of DA was made via auscultation/percutation in the area of the last rib and hearing of a ping sound. Multivariate linear regression models were used to determine risk factors associated with the incidence of DA. The overall incidence of DA in this study was 4.9% (38 cases among 769 cows). Of cows diagnosed with DA, 81.6% (31/38) had left side DA and 18.4% (7/38) had right side DA. Nearly all DA occurred during the first month of the postpartum period - 92.1% (35/38); only 7.9% (3/38) were observed in the pre-partum period. Risk factors that elevated the occurrence of DA included increased intake of concentrate feed after parturition (P<0.002), increased body condition score at calving (P<0.01), larger herd size (P<0.021), and increased daily consumption of corn silage in the pre-partum transition period (P<0.051). An increase in daily consumption of grass hay in the pre-partum transition period decreased (P<0.014) the incidence of DA. The results of this study are useful for developing enhanced nutritional management protocols to reduce the incidence of DA in Holstein dairy cattleCilj istraživanja bio je identificirati čimbenike rizika u hranidbi koji doprinose pojavi dislokacije sirišta (DS) kod mliječnih goveda holštajnske pasmine, uzgajanih u područjima s različitim uvjetima hranidbe. Podatci o programu hranidbe prikupljeni su pomoću standardnog upitnika na 30 farmi za proizvodnju mlijeka širom Kosova, a analiza nutritivnog sastava u krmivima (sijeno, kukuruzna silaža) koja su na tim farmama korištena za hranidbu goveda obavljena je AgriNIR™ analizatorom. Dislokacija sirišta dijagnosticirana je osluškivanjem timpaničnog zvuka, uz primjenu metoda auskultacije/perkusije u području posljednjeg rebra. Modeli multivarijantne linearne regresije korišteni su za određivanje čimbenika rizika koji su povezani s incidencijom dislokacije sirišta. Ukupna incidencija dislokacije sirišta u ovom istraživanju bila je 4,9 % (38 slučajeva od 769 krava). Među kravama s dijagnosticiranom dislokacijom sirišta 81,6 % (31/38) krava imalo je dislokaciju u lijevu stranu, a 18,4 % (7/38) u desnu stranu. Gotovo sve dislokacije (92,1 %; 35/38) dogodile su se tijekom prvog mjeseca nakon teljenja, a samo 7,9 % (3/38) u razdoblju prije teljenja. Čimbenici rizika koji doprinose pojavnosti dislokacije sirišta uključivali su povećani unos koncentriranih krmiva nakon teljenja (P<0,002), višu ocjenu tjelesne kondicije pri teljenju (P<0,01), veću veličinu stada (P<0,021) i povećano dnevno uzimanje kukuruzne silaže u tranzicijskom razdoblju prije teljenja (P<0,051). Povećanje dnevnog uzimanja sijena od trava u tranzicijskom razdoblju prije teljenja doprinijelo je sniženju incidencije dislokacije sirišta (P<0,014). Rezultati ovog istraživanja korisni su za razvijanje boljih protokola u upravljanju hranidbom kojima bi se smanjila incidencija dislokacije sirišta u mliječnih goveda holštajnske pasmine

    Convergent functional genomic studies of omega-3 fatty acids in stress reactivity, bipolar disorder and alcoholism

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    Omega-3 fatty acids have been proposed as an adjuvant treatment option in psychiatric disorders. Given their other health benefits and their relative lack of toxicity, teratogenicity and side effects, they may be particularly useful in children and in females of child-bearing age, especially during pregnancy and postpartum. A comprehensive mechanistic understanding of their effects is needed. Here we report translational studies demonstrating the phenotypic normalization and gene expression effects of dietary omega-3 fatty acids, specifically docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), in a stress-reactive knockout mouse model of bipolar disorder and co-morbid alcoholism, using a bioinformatic convergent functional genomics approach integrating animal model and human data to prioritize disease-relevant genes. Additionally, to validate at a behavioral level the novel observed effects on decreasing alcohol consumption, we also tested the effects of DHA in an independent animal model, alcohol-preferring (P) rats, a well-established animal model of alcoholism. Our studies uncover sex differences, brain region-specific effects and blood biomarkers that may underpin the effects of DHA. Of note, DHA modulates some of the same genes targeted by current psychotropic medications, as well as increases myelin-related gene expression. Myelin-related gene expression decrease is a common, if nonspecific, denominator of neuropsychiatric disorders. In conclusion, our work supports the potential utility of omega-3 fatty acids, specifically DHA, for a spectrum of psychiatric disorders such as stress disorders, bipolar disorder, alcoholism and beyond

    Tecnologías Reproductivas Modernas para Mejorar la Producción Pecuaria

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    Cattle contribute significantly to the global supply of animal-derived proteins which are an important part of a well-balanced human diet.  With the human population increasing by 1 billion people every 13 years, there will be an estimated 9.6 billion people on planet Earth by the year 2050. To attain global food security the amount of available food will need to double between now and then. Enhancing reproductive efficiency is a prerequisite for boosting production of meat and milk from cattle, and, fortunately, an arsenal of modern reproductive technologies is available to assist with that effort. The objective of this manuscript is to provide an overview of reproductive biotechnologies that can bolster the efficient production of meat and milk from cattle. Protocols for synchronization of estrus and synchronization of ovulation facilitate more efficient artificial insemination using conventional or sex-sorted semen. In vivo and in vitro production of preimplantation embryos from genetically superior females enable creation of multiple offspring with high production potential. Biochemical and ultrasonographic methods for pregnancy testing identify non-pregnant females that can be re-mated or sold to prevent wastage of valuable feed resources. Somatic cell nuclear transfer is used to create copies of highly productive animals, and genome editing of zygotes provides a novel opportunity to selectively enhance the genetic makeup of cattle for the benefit of animal and human health. Wise use of these reproductive technologies will increase food production from cattle and will help alleviate world hunger.      El ganado contribuye significativamente al suministro global de proteínas de origen animal que son una parte importante de una dieta humana bien balanceada. Con el incremento de la población a un ritmo de mil millones de personas cada 13 años, habrá aproximadamente 9.6 mil millones de personas en el año 2050. Para alcanzar una seguridad alimentaria global, la cantidad de comida disponible deberá ser el doble entre la actual y la de esta fecha futura. Mejorar la eficiencia reproductiva es un prerrequisito para aumentar la producción de carne y leche, y afortunadamente, un arsenal de tecnologías reproductivas modernas está disponibles para asistir con este esfuerzo. El objetivo de este artículo es proveer un resumen de las biotecnologías reproductivas que pueden mejorar la eficiencia de producción de carne y leche. Con los protocolos para la sincronización del celo y de la ovulación se logra una inseminación artificial más eficiente usando semen convencional o sexado. La producción in vitro e in vivo de embriones a partir de hembras genéticamente superiores ayuda a la creación de crías múltiples con un alto potencial de producción. Los métodos bioquímicos y ultrasonográficos identifican de hembras vacías que pueden volver a ser servidas o vendidas para prevenir el desperdicio de recursos valiosos de alimento. La transferencia nuclear de células somáticas es usada para crear copias de animales altamente productivos, y la edición del genoma de cigotos provee una oportunidad nueva para mejorar selectivamente la genética del ganado para el beneficio de la salud animal y humana. El uso adecuado de estas tecnologías reproductivas aumentará la producción de alimento a partir del ganado y ayudará a aliviar el hambre mundial

    What best animal science teachers do

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    Great teachers have the extraordinary ability to inspire and motivate even those students who resist learning. The top educators are knowledgeable not only about the content of the course they are teaching but also of the information, literature, and practice of instructional delivery to their audience. Many exemplary educators have been profiled and studied; however, there is a paucity of information pertaining to how the top animal science teachers teach. The objective of this study was to identify and describe characteristics of award-winning animal science teachers. The inclusion criterion for selecting faculty was being bestowed an excellence in teaching award through their professional organization. Each teacher answered a series of questions about themselves, their students, and the class being taught. Lecture was captured using a digital all-inclusive camera and later analyzed for pedagogical trends and instructor–student interactions. Despite a variety of topics being taught by award-winning teachers, there were multiple trends emerging from their classrooms. Common events included reviewing highlights of previous lectures, distributing something to students, posing questions during class, and calling on students by name. Each teacher taught differently, but they all understood their audience; they grasped the subject matter and most importantly, they valued students learning. Collectively, these findings can be utilized and applied by animal science teachers in their own environments in an attempt to foster improved student learning through excellent teaching.This article is published as Whitaker, Brian D., William R. Lamberson, Michael F. Smith, B. S. Walters, and C. R. Youngs. "What best animal science teachers do." Translational Animal Science 5, no. 1 (2021): txaa223. doi:10.1093/tas/txaa223.</p

    Slaughterhouse survey of culled female camels (Camelus dromedarius) in southeast Algeria: Fetal wastage and pregnancy characteristics

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    This study determined the prevalence of fetal wastage due to slaughter of pregnant camels, and the relationship between fetal wastage and factors such as breed, season, abattoir location, and age. Pregnancy characteristics of indigenous camels were also investigated. Reproductive tracts were collected from 912 female camels at two abattoirs in southeast Algeria over 2.5 years. Before slaughter, data regarding reasons for culling were obtained. Pregnancy was detected in 21.7% of camels and was higher (P < 0.05) in the Targui than Sahraoui breed. Fetal wastage was higher (P < 0.05) in the dry than wet season. Fetal wastage in the first and second trimester (57.1% of total waste) was greater (P < 0.05) than that in third and fourth trimester (42.9% of total). Right and left ovaries showed equal ovulatory activity. Mean diameter of the corpus luteum (CL) was higher (P < 0.05) in females with a single corpus luteum than in those with twin or triple CLs. All but one camel carried the fetus in the left uterine horn. Embryo migration was observed in 50% of pregnant camels, and migration was from the right to left uterine horn in all cases. Prevalence of embryonic and fetal loss was 10.0% and was influenced by ovulation rate. The two most prevalent reasons for culling pregnant camels were old age (23.7%) and poor body condition (11.6%). These findings document the magnitude of fetal wastage which represents substantial economic loss to the camel industry. Livestock owners should receive education on reproductive management, including pregnancy testing, to minimize fetal wastage