32,339 research outputs found

    Time-Reversal Invariance Violation in Heavy and in Few-body Nuclei

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    Time reversal invariance violating (TRIV) effects in neutron scattering are very important in a search for new physics, being complementary to neutron and atomic electric dipole moment measurements. In this relation, a sensitivity of TRIV observables to different models of CP-violation and their dependencies on nuclear structure, which can lead to new enhancement factors, are discussed.Comment: talk at PANIC1

    Storage and Retrieval of Thermal Light in Warm Atomic Vapor

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    We report slowed propagation and storage and retrieval of thermal light in warm rubidium vapor using the effect of electromagnetically-induced transparency (EIT). We first demonstrate slowed-propagation of the probe thermal light beam through an EIT medium by measuring the second-order correlation function of the light field using the Hanbury-Brown−-Twiss interferometer. We also report an experimental study on the effect of the EIT slow-light medium on the temporal coherence of thermal light. Finally, we demonstrate the storage and retrieval of thermal light beam in the EIT medium. The direct measurement of the photon number statistics of the retrieved light field shows that the photon number statistics is preserved during the storage and retrieval process.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Some characterizations of spheres and elliptic paraboloids II

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    We show some characterizations of hyperspheres in the (n+1)(n+1)-dimensional Euclidean space En+1{\Bbb E}^{n+1} with intrinsic and extrinsic properties such as the nn-dimensional area of the sections cut off by hyperplanes, the (n+1)(n+1)-dimensional volume of regions between parallel hyperplanes, and the nn-dimensional surface area of regions between parallel hyperplanes. We also establish two characterizations of elliptic paraboloids in the (n+1)(n+1)-dimensional Euclidean space En+1{\Bbb E}^{n+1} with the nn-dimensional area of the sections cut off by hyperplanes and the (n+1)(n+1)-dimensional volume of regions between parallel hyperplanes. For further study, we suggest a few open problems.Comment: 10 page

    Opinion formation driven by PageRank node influence on directed networks

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    We study a two states opinion formation model driven by PageRank node influence and report an extensive numerical study on how PageRank affects collective opinion formations in large-scale empirical directed networks. In our model the opinion of a node can be updated by the sum of its neighbor nodes' opinions weighted by the node influence of the neighbor nodes at each step. We consider PageRank probability and its sublinear power as node influence measures and investigate evolution of opinion under various conditions. First, we observe that all networks reach steady state opinion after a certain relaxation time. This time scale is decreasing with the heterogeneity of node influence in the networks. Second, we find that our model shows consensus and non-consensus behavior in steady state depending on types of networks: Web graph, citation network of physics articles, and LiveJournal social network show non-consensus behavior while Wikipedia article network shows consensus behavior. Third, we find that a more heterogeneous influence distribution leads to a more uniform opinion state in the cases of Web graph, Wikipedia, and Livejournal. However, the opposite behavior is observed in the citation network. Finally we identify that a small number of influential nodes can impose their own opinion on significant fraction of other nodes in all considered networks. Our study shows that the effects of heterogeneity of node influence on opinion formation can be significant and suggests further investigations on the interplay between node influence and collective opinion in networks.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures. Published in Physica A 436, 707-715 (2015

    Highlighting Entanglement of Cultures via Ranking of Multilingual Wikipedia Articles

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    How different cultures evaluate a person? Is an important person in one culture is also important in the other culture? We address these questions via ranking of multilingual Wikipedia articles. With three ranking algorithms based on network structure of Wikipedia, we assign ranking to all articles in 9 multilingual editions of Wikipedia and investigate general ranking structure of PageRank, CheiRank and 2DRank. In particular, we focus on articles related to persons, identify top 30 persons for each rank among different editions and analyze distinctions of their distributions over activity fields such as politics, art, science, religion, sport for each edition. We find that local heroes are dominant but also global heroes exist and create an effective network representing entanglement of cultures. The Google matrix analysis of network of cultures shows signs of the Zipf law distribution. This approach allows to examine diversity and shared characteristics of knowledge organization between cultures. The developed computational, data driven approach highlights cultural interconnections in a new perspective.Comment: Published in PLoS ONE (http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0074554). Supporting information is available on the same webpag

    The Strengthened Hardy Inequalities and its New Generalizations

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    In this article, using the properties of power mean, new generalizations of the strengthened Hardy Inequalities are proved
