4,163 research outputs found

    A comparison of ISCCP and FIRE satellite cloud parameters

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    One of the goals of the First ISCCP Regional Experiment (FIRE) is the quantification of the uncertainties in the cloud parameter products derived by the International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP). This validation effort has many facets including sensitivity analyses and comparisons to similar data or theoretical results with known accuracies. The FIRE provides cloud-truth data at particular points or along particular lines from surface and aircraft measurement systems. Relating these data to the larger, area-averaged ISCCP results requires intermediate steps using higher resolution satellite data analyses. Errors in the cloud products derived with a particular method can be determined by performing analyses of high resolution satellite data over the area surrounding the point or line measurement. This same analysis technique may then be used to derive cloud parameters over a larger area containing similar cloud fields. It is assumed that the uncertainties found for the small scale analyses are the same for the large scale so that the method has been calibrated for the particular cloud type; i.e., its accuracy is known. Differences between the large scale results using the ISCCP technique and the calibrated method can be computed and used to determine if any significant biases or rms errors occur in the ISCCP results. Selected ISCCP results are compared to cloud parameters derived using the hybrid bispectral threshold method over the FIRE IFO and extended observation areas

    Probing ISM Structure in Trumpler 14 & Carina I Using The Stratospheric Terahertz Observatory 2

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    We present observations of the Trumpler 14/Carina I region carried out using the Stratospheric Terahertz Observatory 2 (STO2). The Trumpler 14/Carina I region is in the west part of the Carina Nebula Complex, which is one of the most extreme star-forming regions in the Milky Way. We observed Trumpler 14/Carina I in the 158 μ\mum transition of [C\,{\sc ii}] with a spatial resolution of 48'' and a velocity resolution of 0.17 km s1^{-1}. The observations cover a 0.25^\circ by 0.28^\circ area with central position {\it l} = 297.34^\circ, {\it b} = -0.60^\circ. The kinematics show that bright [C\,{\sc ii}] structures are spatially and spectrally correlated with the surfaces of CO clouds, tracing the photodissociation region and ionization front of each molecular cloud. Along 7 lines of sight that traverse Tr 14 into the dark ridge to the southwest, we find that the [C\,{\sc ii}] luminosity from the HII region is 3.7 times that from the PDR. In same los we find in the PDRs an average ratio of 1:4.1:5.6 for the mass in atomic gas:dark-CO gas: molecular gas traced by CO. Comparing multiple gas tracers including HI 21cm, [C\,{\sc ii}], CO, and radio recombination lines, we find that the HII regions of the Carina Nebula Complex are well-described as HII regions with one-side freely expanding towards us, consistent with the champagne model of ionized gas evolution. The dispersal of the GMC in this region is dominated by EUV photoevaporation; the dispersal timescale is 20-30 Myr.Comment: ApJ accepte

    Mechanism of Ad5 Vaccine Immunity and Toxicity: Fiber Shaft Targeting of Dendritic Cells

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    Recombinant adenoviral (rAd) vectors elicit potent cellular and humoral immune responses and show promise as vaccines for HIV-1, Ebola virus, tuberculosis, malaria, and other infections. These vectors are now widely used and have been generally well tolerated in vaccine and gene therapy clinical trials, with many thousands of people exposed. At the same time, dose-limiting adverse responses have been observed, including transient low-grade fevers and a prior human gene therapy fatality, after systemic high-dose recombinant adenovirus serotype 5 (rAd5) vector administration in a human gene therapy trial. The mechanism responsible for these effects is poorly understood. Here, we define the mechanism by which Ad5 targets immune cells that stimulate adaptive immunity. rAd5 tropism for dendritic cells (DCs) was independent of the coxsackievirus and adenovirus receptor (CAR), its primary receptor or the secondary integrin RGD receptor, and was mediated instead by a heparin-sensitive receptor recognized by a distinct segment of the Ad5 fiber, the shaft. rAd vectors with CAR and RGD mutations did not infect a variety of epithelial and fibroblast cell types but retained their ability to transfect several DC types and stimulated adaptive immune responses in mice. Notably, the pyrogenic response to the administration of rAd5 also localized to the shaft region, suggesting that this interaction elicits both protective immunity and vector-induced fevers. The ability of replication-defective rAd5 viruses to elicit potent immune responses is mediated by a heparin-sensitive receptor that interacts with the Ad5 fiber shaft. Mutant CAR and RGD rAd vectors target several DC and mononuclear subsets and induce both adaptive immunity and toxicity. Understanding of these interactions facilitates the development of vectors that target DCs through alternative receptors that can improve safety while retaining the immunogenicity of rAd vaccines

    Receptor-targeted peptide conjugates based on diphosphines enable preparation of 99mTc and 188Re theranostic agents for prostate cancer

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    Benchtop 99Mo/ 99mTc and 188W/ 188Re generators enable economical production of molecular theranostic 99mTc and 188Re radiopharmaceuticals, provided that simple, kit-based chemistry exists to radiolabel targeting vectors with these radionuclides. We have previously described a diphosphine platform that efficiently incorporates 99mTc into receptor-targeted peptides. Here, we report its application to label a prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA)-targeted peptide with 99mTc and 188Re for diagnostic imaging and systemic radiotherapy of prostate cancer. Methods: Two diphosphine-dipeptide bioconjugates, DP1-PSMAt and DP2-PSMAt, were formulated into kits for radiolabeling with 99mTc and 188Re. The resulting radiotracers were studied in vitro, in prostate cancer cells, and in vivo in mouse xenograft models, to assess similarity of uptake and biodistribution for each 99mTc/ 188Re pair of agents. Results: Both DP1-PSMAt and DP2-PSMAt could be efficiently radiolabeled with 99mTc and 188Re using kit-based methods to furnish the isostructural compounds M-DP1-PSMAt and M-DP2-PSMAt (M = [ 99mTc]Tc, [ 188Re]Re). All 99mTc/ 188Re radiotracers demonstrated specific uptake in PSMA-expressing prostate cancer cells, with negligible uptake in prostate cancer cells that did not express PSMA or in which PSMA uptake was blocked. M-DP1-PSMAt and M-DP2-PSMAt also exhibited high tumor uptake (18-30 percentage injected dose per gram at 2 h after injection), low retention in nontarget organs, fast blood clearance, and excretion predominantly via a renal pathway. Importantly, each pair of 99mTc/ 188Re radiotracers showed near-identical biologic behavior in these experiments. Conclusion: We have prepared and developed novel pairs of isostructural PSMA-targeting 99mTc/ 188Re theranostic agents. These generator-based theranostic agents have potential to provide access to the benefits of PSMA-targeted diagnostic imaging and systemic radiotherapy in health care settings that do not routinely have access to either reactor-produced 177Lu radiopharmaceuticals or PET/CT infrastructure. </p

    Treatment of neonatal infections: a multi-country analysis of health system bottlenecks and potential solutions.

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    BACKGROUND: Around one-third of the world's 2.8 million neonatal deaths are caused by infections. Most of these deaths are preventable, but occur due to delays in care-seeking, and access to effective antibiotic treatment with supportive care. Understanding variation in health system bottlenecks to scale-up of case management of neonatal infections and identifying solutions is essential to reduce mortality, and also morbidity. METHODS: A standardised bottleneck analysis tool was applied in 12 countries in Africa and Asia as part of the development of the Every Newborn Action Plan. Country workshops involved technical experts to complete a survey tool, to grade health system "bottlenecks" hindering scale up of maternal-newborn intervention packages. Quantitative and qualitative methods were used to analyse the data, combined with literature review, to present priority bottlenecks and synthesise actions to improve case management of newborn infections. RESULTS: For neonatal infections, the health system building blocks most frequently graded as major or significant bottlenecks, irrespective of mortality context and geographical region, were health workforce (11 out of 12 countries), and community ownership and partnership (11 out of 12 countries). Lack of data to inform decision making, and limited funding to increase access to quality neonatal care were also major challenges. CONCLUSIONS: Rapid recognition of possible serious bacterial infection and access to care is essential. Inpatient hospital care remains the first line of treatment for neonatal infections. In situations where referral is not possible, the use of simplified antibiotic regimens for outpatient management for non-critically ill young infants has recently been reported in large clinical trials; WHO is developing a guideline to treat this group of young infants. Improving quality of care through more investment in the health workforce at all levels of care is critical, in addition to ensuring development and dissemination of national guidelines. Improved information systems are needed to track coverage and adequately manage drug supply logistics for improved health outcomes. It is important to increase community ownership and partnership, for example through involvement of community groups

    The Cool ISM in Elliptical Galaxies. I. A Survey of Molecular Gas

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    We present preliminary results from a survey of CO emission from members of a volume-limited sample of non-cluster elliptical galaxies. Our intent is to compare the gas properties of these ellipticals to a sample of lenticulars selected using similar criteria. The data, although still sparse, suggest that the cool gas in ellipticals shows the same puzzling upper mass cutoff found in the lenticular galaxies. We find, however, significantly lower detection rates and possibly much lower H2/HI mass ratios in the ellipticals. The detection rate is higher among the lower-mass galaxies, as has been found previously. This seems puzzling given that the deeper potential wells of the larger galaxies ought to make gas retention easier, but perhaps that effect is overwhelmed by feedback from the central suppermassive black hole. As we have observed ~40 percent of our sample, the conclusions are necessarily tentative at this time.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    A bioreactor for in-cell protein NMR

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    The inside of the cell is a complex environment that is difficult to simulate when studying proteins and other molecules in vitro. We have developed a device and system that provides a controlled environment for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) experiments involving living cells. Our device comprises two main parts, an NMR detection region and a circulation system. The flow of medium from the bottom of the device pushes alginate encapsulated cells into the circulation chamber. In the chamber, the exchange of oxygen and nutrients occurs between the media and the encapsulated cells. When the media flow is stopped, the encapsulated cells fall back into the NMR detection region, and spectra can be acquired. We have utilized the bioreactor to study the expression of the natively disordered protein α-synuclein, inside Escherichia coli cells