16,288 research outputs found

    Intercomparisons of GOES-derived cloud parameters and surface observations over San Nicolas Island

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    The spatial sampling limitations of surface measurement systems necessitate the use of satellite data for the investigation of large-scale cloud processes. Understanding the information contained in the satellite-observed radiances, however, requires a connection between the remotely sensed cloud properties and those more directly observed within the troposphere. Surface measurements taken during the First ISCCP Regional Experiment (FIRE) Marine Stratocumulus Intensive Field Observations (IFO) are compared here to cloud properties determined from Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) data in order to determine how well the island measurements represent larger areas and to verify some of the satellite-measured parameters

    Fabrication of transparent conducting amorphous Zn–Sn–In–O thin films by direct current magnetron sputtering

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    Amorphous ZnO–SnO2–In2O3 films were grown by direct current magnetron sputtering from vacuum hot pressed ceramic oxide targets of Zn:In:Sn cation ratios 1:2:1 and 1:2:1.5 onto glass substrates. X-ray diffraction analysis showed that the microstructure remained amorphous during annealing at 200 °C for up to 5 hours. By monitoring the electrical resistivity, oxygen content and substrate temperature were optimized during deposition. The optimal films were characterized by Hall Effect, work function and optical spectroscopy measurements. Films of 1:2:1 composition showed the lowest resistivity (7.6×10−4 Ω-cm), when deposited onto substrates preheated to 300 °C. Transmissivity of all films exceeded 80% in the visible spectral region. The energy gap was 3.52–3.74 eV, and the work function ranged 5.08–5.22 eV, suitable for cathode applications in organic light emitting diodes. Overall, the film characteristics were comparable or superior to those of amorphous tin-doped indium oxide and zinc-doped indium oxide films and may serve as viable, lower-cost alternatives

    Hydrological Investigations at Biafo Glacier, Karakoram Range, Himalaya; an Important Source of Water For the Indus River

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    Over 80% of the flow of the Upper Indus River is derived from less than 20% of its area: essentially from zones of heavy snowfall and glacierized basins above 3500 m elevation. The trans-Himalaya n contribution comes largely from an area of some 20000 km2 of glacierized basins, mostly along the axis of the Greater Karakoram range and especially from 20-30 of the largest glacier basins. Very few glaciological investigations have so far been undertaken in this the major glacierized region of Central Asia. Biafo Glacier, one of the largest of the Karakoram glaciers, drains south-eastwards from the central Karakoram crest. Its basin covers a total area of 853 km2 , 628 km2 of which are permanent snow and ice, with 68% of the glacier area forming the accumulation zone. This paper describes investigations of snow accumulation, ablation , glacier movement, and glacier depth undertaken in the period 1985-87 , set against a background of investigations carried out over the last 130 yea rs. Biafo Glacier differs from most of the other Karakoram glaciers in being nourished mainly by direct snowfall rather than by avalanching; this has the advantage of allowing extensive investigation of accumulation over a broad range of altitude. Snow-accumulation studies in the Biafo Glacier basin have indicated that annual accumulation varies from 0.9 to 1.9 m of water equivalent between 4650 and 5450 m a .. s.l. This suggests an annual moisture input above the equilibrium line of approximately 0.6 km3. Monopulse radar measurements indicate the presence of ice thickness as great as 1400 m at the equilibrium line, although these results may not be completely reliable . Mean surface velocity during the summer of 0.8 m d -I has been measured near to the equilibrium line. Calculations of annual ice flux through the vertical cross-profile at the equilibrium line indicate a throughput of 0.7 km3 a-I Estimates from stake ablation measurements also suggest that ice loss on Biafo Glacier is about 0.7 km3 a-I. The close agreement between these three sets of measurements is reassuring, indicating that the ablation zone of Biafo Glacier, whose area covers 0.09% of the whole Upper Indus basin, produces approximately 0.9% of the total run-off. However. it should be mentioned that this estimate does not include water originating from seasonal snow melt, e either above or below the equilibrium line, or from rainfall. Net annual ice losses due to wastage of the glacier since 1910 are probably of the order of 0.4-{).5 m a-I; this would represent between 12 and 15% of annual water yield from melting ice

    Economic Analysis of Base Acre and Payment Yield Designations Under the 2002 U.S. Farm Act

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    The 2002 Farm Act provided farmland owners the opportunity to update commodity program base acres and payment yields used for calculating selected program benefits. Findings in this report suggest that farmland owners responded to economic incentives in these decisions, selecting those options for designating base acres that resulted in the greatest expected flow of program payments. Decisions of farmland owners in South Dakota, in upland cotton area, and in the Heartland region support the payment-maximization argument. In general, landowners favored maximizing payments over aligning base acres to current or recent plantings. Farmland owners with high-payment base acres, such as rice and cotton, held on to these base acres and, whenever possible, expanded them. Analogously, landowners with low-payment commodity base acres, such as oats and barley, switched to higher payment commodities whenever possible.base, 2002 Farm Act, direct payments, counter-cyclical payments, production flexibility contract payments, base acres, program yields, Agricultural and Food Policy, Farm Management,

    The Discovery of Extended Thermal X-ray Emission from PKS 2152-699: Evidence for a `Jet-cloud' Interaction

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    A Chandra ACIS-S observation of PKS 2152-699 reveals thermal emission from a diffuse region around the core and a hotspot located 10" northeast from the core. This is the first detection of thermal X-ray radiation on kiloparsec scales from an extragalactic radio source. Two other hotspots located 47" north-northeast and 26" southwest from the core were also detected. Using a Raymond-Smith model, the first hotspot can be characterized with a thermal plasma temperature of 2.6×106\times10^6 K and an electron number density of 0.17 cm−3^{-3}. These values correspond to a cooling time of about 1.6×107\times10^7 yr. In addition, an emission line from the hotspot, possibly Fe xxv, was detected at rest wavelength 10.04\AA. The thermal X-ray emission from the first hotspot is offset from the radio emission but is coincident with optical filaments detected with broadband filters of HST/WFPC2. The best explanation for the X-ray, radio, and optical emission is that of a `jet-cloud' interaction. The diffuse emission around the nucleus of PKS 2152-699 can be modeled as a thermal plasma with a temperature of 1.2×107\times10^7 K and a luminosity of 1.8×1041\times10^{41} erg s−1^{-1}. This emission appears to be asymmetric with a small extension toward Hotspot A, similar to a jet. An optical hotspot (EELR) is seen less than an arcsecond away from this extension in the direction of the core. This indicates that the extension may be caused by the jet interacting with an inner ISM cloud, but entrainment of hot gas is unavoidable. Future observations are discussed.Comment: To appear in the Astrophysical Journal 21 pages, 5 Postscript figures, 1 table, AASTeX v. 5.

    The Impact of Hydrodynamic Mixing on Supernova Progenitors

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    Recent multidimensional hydrodynamic simulations have demonstrated the importance of hydrodynamic motions in the convective boundary and radiative regions of stars to transport of energy, momentum, and composition. The impact of these processes increases with stellar mass. Stellar models which approximate this physics have been tested on several classes of observational problems. In this paper we examine the implications of the improved treatment on supernova progenitors. The improved models predict substantially different interior structures. We present pre-supernova conditions and simple explosion calculations from stellar models with and without the improved mixing treatment at 23 solar masses. The results differ substantially.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Generalized conjugate-gradient acceleration of nonsymmetrizable iterative methods

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    AbstractConjugate-gradient acceleration provides a powerful tool for speeding up the convergence of a symmetrizable basic iterative method for solving a large system of linear algebraic equations with a sparse matrix. The object of this paper is to describe three generalizations of conjugate-gradient acceleration which are designed to speed up the convergence of basic iterative methods which are not necessarily symmetrizable. The application of the procedures to some commonly used basic iterative methods is described

    On the simplification of generalized conjugate-gradient methods for nonsymmetrizable linear systems

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    AbstractThe conjugate-gradient (CC) method, developed by Hestenes and Stiefel in 1952, can be effectively used to solve the linear system Au = b when A is symmetrixable in the sense that ZA and Z are symmetric and positive definite (SPD) for some Z. A number of generalizations of the CG method have been proposed by the authors and by others for handling the nonsymmetrizable case. For many problems the amount of computer memory and computational effort required may be so large as to make the procedures not feasible. Truncated schemes are often used, but in some cases the truncated methods may not converge even though the nontruncated schemes converge. However, it is well known that if A is symmetric, the generalized CG schemes can be greatly simplified, even though A is not SPD, so that the truncated schemes are equivalent to the nontruncated schemes. In the present paper it is shown that such a simplification can occur if a nonsingular matrix H is available such that HA = ATH. (Of course, if A = AT, then H can be taken to be the identity matrix.) It is also shown that such an H always exists; however, it may not be practical to compute H. These results are used to derive three variations of the Lanczos method for solving nonsymmetrizable systems. Two of the forms are well known, but the third appears to be new. An argument is given for choosing the third form over the other two

    Classic Article: The influence of deposit-feeding organisms on sediment stability and community trophic structure

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    Deposit-feeding and suspension-feeding benthos in Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts, show marked spatial separation; suspension feeders are largely confined to sandy or firm mud bottoms while deposit feeders attain high densities on soft muddy substrata. Food source and bottom stability have been investigated as potential factors effecting this trophic-group separation. Between October 4, 1967 and August 22, 1969, observations were made at 11 stations in Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts, along two widely separated transects over bottoms ranging in texture from silt to fine and medium sand. Water depths at these stations ranged from 3 m to 20 m. Scuba divers made many of the field observations and collected most of the samples. This study included sampling of benthic macrofauna, taking bottom photographs, analyzing sedimentary structures, texture, organic content and water content of the sediments, and measuring both water currents and suspended sediment above the bottom. Laboratory experiments were also carried out to determine differential resuspension between burrowed and unburrowed muds. Intensive reworking of the upper few centimeters of a mud bottom by deposit feeders produces a fluid fecal-rich surface that is easily resuspended by low-velocity tidal currents. We suggest that the physical instability of this fecal surface tends to: (i) clog the filtering structures of suspension-feeding organisms, (ii) bury newly settled larvae or discourage the settling of suspension-feeding larvae, and (iii) prevent sessile epifauna from attaching to an unstable mud bottom. Thus suspension feeders are unable to successfully populate all areas of the bottom where a suspended food source is available, especially in areas where mud bottoms are intensively reworked by deposit feeders. Modification of the benthic environment by deposit feeders, resulting in the exclusion of many suspension feeders and sessile epifauna, is an example of trophic group amensalism. This biotic relationship appears to be important in shaping trophic-group distributions in embayments and basins on continental shelves

    A Glimpse Inside: Considering the Impact of Curriculum Outcomes and Personal Ideology on Social Studies Pedagogy: A Study Summary

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    This article summarizes the research findings of a Master of Education thesis that aimed to find meaningful answers to the following central question: To what extent, if any, are there pedagogical differences between Social Studies educators who self-identify as ‘liberal’ or ‘conservative’? This study explored how those who self-identify as being on the left (liberal) of the so-called political spectrum would deliver specific social studies curriculum and conversely, how those who identify as being on the political right (conservative) would deliver course content. Ultimately, these questions will serve to present a clear understanding of the extent of political liberties taken by public school social studies teachers, their implications and potential impact on student learning and political understandings
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