486 research outputs found

    Competition and Productivity in Japanese Manufacturing Industries

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    This paper examines the determinants of productivity in Japanese manufacturing industries, looking particularly at the impact of product market competition on productivity. Using a newly available panel data on around ten thousand firms in Japanese manufacturing for the years 1994-2000, I show that competition, as measured by lower level of industrial price-cost margin, enhances productivity growth, controlling for a broad range of industrial and firm-specific characteristics. Moreover, I suggest that market power, as measured by either individual firm%u2019s price-cost margin or market share, has negative impact on productivity level of R&D performing firms.

    R&D Portfolios and Pharmaceutical Licensing

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    We examine how R&D portfolios of drug pipelines affect pharmaceutical licensing, controlling firm size, diversity, and competitors in R&D and product markets. The data collected comprises 329 license-outs and 434 license-ins closed by 54 Japanese pharmaceutical companies between 1997 and 2007. We pay special attention to stage-specific licensing by dividing the innovation process into an early stage and a late stage. Estimates from the fixed-effect GMM model reveal that drug pipelines significantly affect stage-specific licensing. Particularly, the state of drug pipelines is leveled off by license-outs at the early stage and license-ins at the late stage. Theoretical implications are also discussed.R&D portfolios, licensing, pharmaceutical industry, drug pipelines

    トウヒョウ サンカ ノ エピソード キオク ガ ノチ ノ トウヒョウ サンカ ニ アタエル エイキョウ

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    本稿は、認知心理学的な記憶研究のアプローチに基づき、「投票に参加した」ことにまつわるエピソード記憶(個人的な出来事や経験の記憶で、時間・空間に関連付けられる)が、その後の投票参加に及ぼす影響を明らかにすることを目的とする。JES llパネルデータの分析の結果、以下の点が明らかになった。(1)「投票に参加した」ことの正確なエピソード記憶は、後の投票参加を促進する効果を持つ。(2)投票義務感は、「投票に参加した」ことにまつわる正確な想起を経由して後の投票義務感へと至る。(3)投票参加に対するエピソード記憶の効果が特に重要性を持つのは、支持政党はあるが、その強度の弱い者においてである。「弱い政党支持」を特徴とする習慣的投票者は、「投票に参加した」ことにまつわる正確なエピソード記憶を繰り返し想起することを通じて形成されると考えられる。The purpose of this article is to investigate the effect of pohtical episodic memory on electoral participation based on the cognitive psychological theory. Episodic memory is the memory that is related to‘‘time”and‘‘place”. Using the panel survey data(JES II data), I shed light on the role of correctly recollected memory of voting. The results of analysis demonstrate,(1)correctly recollected episodic memory of voting promotes participation  in the following election,(2)the sense of civic duty of participation makes the episodic memory of voting more correct, and the correct episodic memory in tum strengthen the sense of civic duty,(3)frequent recollection of the correct episodic memory  forms the habitual voting in the long run.論説(Article