7 research outputs found


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    Abstract: Problem of housing in Indonesia is still as a complex problem, with many problems of: land acquisition, backlog 13,8 million of housing needĀ  and high price of house. All of that problems is crucial which need the best and faster solution, therefore analysis and problem solving for this is necessary. In this paper will describe about analysis about public housing in Japan (Danchi) to complete the housing literature study in Indonesia to understand many positive aspects from that. From this analysis can be known that Danchi has many positive aspects, there are : (1). The role of government is as main keyword on Danchi Program by subsidy and totality application, (2). The role of government onĀ  land acquisition is also as the second factor (the justice on right of the land), (3). The simple layout and design is also significant factor to get the price being affordable, (4). The system of payment is based on affordability of community, different salary can be possible to buy/rent housingĀ  (5). The building maintenance is keep on high quality, therefore the age can be longer and the quality can be better.Ā  Keyword: Public Housing, Danchi, Backlog of housing needsĀ Abstrak: Masalah perumahan di Indonesia masih merupakan masalah yang kompleks, dengan aneka masalah yakni: permasalahan tanah, backlog kebutuhan rumah sebanyak 13,8 juta, dan tingginya harga rumah. Semua masalah ini adalah masalah penting yang masih memerlukan solusi yang terbaik dan paling efisien, maka dari itu analisis dan pemecahan masalah adalah sangat penting. Dalam telaah literatur ini akan menganalisis dan membahas mengenai nilai-nilai positif mengenai perumahan di Jepang (Danchi) untuk melengkapi kajian literarur mengenai perumahan dan permukiman di Indonesia. Dari analisis dapat diketahui bahwa : (1). Pranata dan prosedur penanganan pihak pemerintah yang konsisten dan berkeadilan, (2). Penataan lahan, (3). Layout dan desain yang sederhana dan efektif, (4). Sistem pembayaran dan penyewaan sesuai dengan tingkat kemampuan (level of payment) dan (5) Pemeliharaan bangunan secara high quality, adalah prasyarat untuk usia dan kualitas bangunan yang lebih baik.Kata Kunci: Perumahan massal (public housing), Danchi dan Kebutuhan perumahan (housing needs

    Application Model Learning Scaffolding on the Subject Lesson Vocational Competence Student

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    The background of this study is about the lack result and motivation of student in the Building Technique Class. Meanwhile the aims to determine the difference between the learning outcomes as well as motivation of students whose learning application of the learning model scaffolding to students who are learning to apply conventional learning models. This study uses a true experimental research methods by using posttest only control group design with quantitative approach. The subjects were students of class X Building Design Technique SMKN 9 Garut totaling 40 subjects involving teacher's vocational competence. The research instrument is 5 essay tests to measure learning outcomes, 20 questionnaires to measure the motivation to learn and research documentation. Based on the analysis of research we concluded that: a) there is a difference between learning outcomes of students whose learning applying the learning model scaffolding with students who learning without applying the learning model scaffolding (conventional). This is indicated by the acquired Sig. amounting to 2.851> 1.695 b) there is a difference between students' motivation is learning to apply learning models scaffolding with students whose learning without applying the learning model scaffolding (conventional). This is indicated by the acquired Sig. amounting to 2.851> 1.68

    Menuju Perencanaan Lansekap Apartemen yang Berkelanjutan Setelah Covid-19: : Perencanaan Berdasarkan Fenomena atau Hanya Atas Faktor Landasan Kebutuhan Kapitalisme?

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    Perancangan lansekap akan senantiasa mengalami perkembangan mengikuti kebutuhan manusia yang dinamis dan tuntutan perubahan zaman. Dengan adanya fenomena Covid-19 juga menjadikan perencanaan kebutuhan lansekap apartemen menjadi pertanyaan besar ke mana akan mengalami perubahan, karena kota-kota besar akan senantiasa berkembang dan fenomena Covid-19 menjadikan disaster management perencanaan lansekap menjadi pertimbangan dasar yang perlu menjadi landasan dalam mem-breakdown ke arah mana konsep-konsep baru perlu dikembangkan. Analisis ini dilakukan secara kualitatif, berupaya menganalisis dan mengambil contoh-contoh kasus pula dan mengevaluasinya sehingga dapat diketahui elemen-elemen yang perlu diperhatikan dalam perancangan lansekap apartemen di masa mendatang. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah berupa perbandingan antara ke-3 kasus apartemen yang dibangun pada periode berbeda antara tahun 2009-2016. Rekomendasi penelitian ini adalah berupa usulan ketetapan regulasi perbandingan prosentase antara fungsi perumahan dan sarana prasarana komersial, menerapkan regulasi yang ada mengenai sarana prasarana (dari Kementerian PU) secara lebih konsekuen, ketetapan regulasi mengenai aturan vegetasi yang sesuai kaidah lingkungan hidup dan degradasi yang terjadi, proporsi ruang bermain anak yang ramah anak, dan mengkaji serta menerapkan adaptasi adaptasi ruang yang terjadi sebagai adaptasi terhadap perencananaan ruang setelah pandemik yang berorientasi keberlanjutan kota dan masyarakat secara jangka panjang

    PRELIMINARY STUDY TO PRIMARY EDUCATION FACILITIES (A Comparison Study between Indonesia and Developed Countries)

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    This writing is a preliminary study to condition of primary education facilities in Indonesia, and then comparing these with theories as well as various relevant cases aimed to know the problem more obviously. Basically, there is difference between primary education facilities in Indonesia with those in developed countries. Meanwhile on the other hand, the condition as well as the completion of education facility is actually as the main factor contributes to address the purpose of learning process. If building design, interior and also site plan were dynamic in form, space, colour and tools, those would be probably more stimulate activity and influence into the growth of students. However, lastly, it is still required further analysis, as an example analysis to student's behaviour in spaces of learning environment, more detail and within enough time, not only at indoor but also at outdoor

    Pusat Promosi Kerajinan Sumatera Selatan : Arsitektur Untuk Memperkuat Karakter Gerbang Kawasan.

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    viii,74 hlm.;bib.;ill.;lamp

    Strategi perencanaan dan perancangan perumahan pada era kontemporer

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