285 research outputs found

    O-Alkylation of Dihydroxo(tetraarylporphyrinato)phosphorus(V) and Antimony(V) Complexes with Alkyl Halides

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    The O-alkylation of dihydroxo(tetraarylporphyrinato)phosphorus(V) complexes with several kinds of alkyl bromide in MeCN in the presence of K2CO3 and 18-crown-6 ether produced dialkoxo(tetraarylporphyrinato)phosphorus(V) complexes in-moderate-good yields. Similar O-alkylation was applied to dihydroxo(tetraarylporphyrinato)antimony(V) complexes. The O-alkylation proceeded by the occurrence of an SN2 attack of the alkoxide anion of the complexes at the carbon substituted with halides

    Precision Fe Kalpha and Fe Kbeta Line Spectroscopy of the Seyfert 1.9 Galaxy NGC 2992 with Suzaku

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    We present detailed time-averaged X-ray spectroscopy in the 0.5--10 keV band of the Seyfert~1.9 galaxy NGC 2992 with the Suzaku X-ray Imaging Spectrometers (XIS). We model the complex continuum in detail. There is an Fe K line emission complex that we model with broad and narrow lines and we show that the intensities of the two components are decoupled at a confidence level >3sigma. The broad Fe K line has an EW of 118 (+32,-61) eV and could originate in an accretion disk (with inclination angle greater than ~30 degrees). The narrow Fe Kalpha line has an EW of 163 (+47,-26) eV and is unresolved FWHM <4090 km/s) and likely originates in distant matter. The absolute flux in the narrow line implies that the column density out of the line-of-sight could be much higher than measured in the line-of-sight, and that the mean (historically-averaged) continuum luminosity responsible for forming the line could be a factor of several higher than that measured from the data. We also detect the narrow Fe Kbeta line with a high signal-to-noise ratio and describe a new robust method to constrain the ionization state of Fe responsible for the Fe Kalpha and Fe Kbeta lines that does not require any knowledge of possible gravitational and Doppler energy shifts affecting the line energies. For the distant line-emitting matter (e.g. the putative obscuring torus) we deduce that the predominant ionization state is lower than Fe VIII (at 99% confidence), conservatively taking into account residual calibration uncertainties in the XIS energy scale and theoretical and experimental uncertainties in the Fe K fluorescent line energies. From the limits on a possible Compton-reflection continuum it is likely that the narrow Fe Kalpha and Fe Kbeta lines originate in a Compton-thin structure.Comment: Abstract is abridged. Accepted for publication in the Suzaku special issue of PASJ (November 2006). 18 pages, 6 figure

    Development of Ultra-Super Sensitive Immunohistochemistry and Its Application to the Etiological Study of Adult T-Cell Leukemia/Lymphoma

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    Antigen retrieval (AR) and ultra-super sensitive immunohistochemistry (ultra-IHC) have been established for application to archival human pathology specimens. The original ultra-IHC was the ImmunoMax method or the catalyzed signal amplification system (ImmunoMax/CSA method), comprising the streptavidin-biotin complex (sABC) method and catalyzed reporter deposition (CARD) reaction with visualization of its deposition. By introducing procedures to diminish non-specific staining in the original ultra-IHC method, we developed the modified ImmunoMax/CSA method with AR heating sections in an AR solution (heating-AR). The heating-AR and modified ImmunoMax/CSA method visualized expression of the predominantly simple present form of HTLV-1 proviral DNA pX region p40Tax protein (Tax) in adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATLL) cells in archival pathology specimens in approximately 75% of cases. The simple present form of Tax detected exhibited a close relation with ATLL cell proliferation. We also established a new simplified CSA (nsCSA) system by replacing the sABC method with the secondary antibody- and horse radish peroxidase-labeled polymer reagent method, introducing the pretreatments blocking non-specific binding of secondary antibody reagent, and diminishing the diffusion of deposition in the CARD reaction. Combined with AR treating sections with proteinase K solution (enzymatic-AR), the nsCSA system visualized granular immunostaining of the complex present form of Tax in a small number of ATLL cells in most cases, presenting the possibility of etiological pathological diagnosis of ATLL and suggesting that the complex present form of Tax-positive ATLL cells were young cells derived from ATLL stem cells. The heating-AR and ultra-IHC detected physiological expression of the p53 protein and its probable phosphorylation by Tax in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of peripheral blood tissue specimens from HTLV-1 carriers, as well as physiological and pathological expression of the molecules involved with G1 phase progression and G1–S phase transition (E2F-1, E2F-4, DP-1, and cyclin E) in ATLL and peripheral T-cell lymphoma cells. The ultra-IHC with AR is useful for etiological pathological diagnosis of ATLL since HTLV-1 pathogenicity depends on that of Tax, and can be a useful tool for studies translating advanced molecular biology and pathology to human pathology

    Pulmonary Manifestations of Plasma Cell Type Idiopathic Multicentric Castleman Disease: A Clinicopathological Study in Comparison with IgG4-Related Disease

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    Plasma cell type idiopathic multicentric Castleman disease (PC-iMCD) occasionally manifests as parenchymal lung disease. This study aimed to elucidate the detailed clinicopathological features of lung lesions in PC-iMCD and compare the findings with those in immunoglobulin (Ig) G4-related disease (IgG4-RD), the most difficult differential diagnosis of PC-iMCD. We analyzed the clinicopathological findings and immunohistochemical expression patterns of interleukin-6 (IL-6) and Igs in lung specimens from 16 patients with PC-iMCD and 7 patients with IgG4-RD. Histologically, pulmonary PC-iMCD could not be differentiated from IgG4-RD based on lesion distribution patterns, the number of lymphoid follicles and obliterative vasculitis, or fibrosis types. The eosinophil count was higher in the IgG4-RD group than in the PC-iMCD group (p = 0.004). The IgG4/IgG-positive cell ratio was significantly higher in the IgG4-RD group (p < 0.001). The IgA-positive cell count and IL-6 expression intensity were higher in the PC-iMCD group than in the IgG4-RD group (p < 0.001). Based on these findings, we proposed a new diagnostic approach to differentiate lung lesions of PC-iMCD and IgG4-RD. Our approach can be utilized to stratify patients with suspected lung-dominant PC-iMCD to identify candidates for strong immunosuppressive treatment, including IL-6 blockade, at an early stage

    Detection of Strong Millimeter Emission from the Circumstellar Dust Disk Around V1094 Sco: Cold and Massive Disk around a T Tauri Star in a Quiescent Accretion Phase?

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    We present the discovery of a cold massive dust disk around the T Tauri star V1094 Sco in the Lupus molecular cloud from the 1.1 millimeter continuum observations with AzTEC on ASTE. A compact (rr\lesssim320 AU) continuum emission coincides with the stellar position having a flux density of 272 mJy which is largest among T Tauri stars in Lupus. We also present the detection of molecular gas associated with the star in the five-point observations in 12^{12}CO J=3--2 and 13^{13}CO J=3--2. Since our 12^{12}CO and 13^{13}CO observations did not show any signature of a large-scale outflow or a massive envelope, the compact dust emission is likely to come from a disk around the star. The observed SED of V1094 Sco shows no distinct turnover from near infrared to millimeter wavelengths, which can be well described by a flattened disk for the dust component, and no clear dip feature around 10 \micron suggestive of absence of an inner hole in the disk. We fit a simple power-law disk model to the observed SED. The estimated disk mass ranges from 0.03 to \gtrsim0.12 M_\sun, which is one or two orders of magnitude larger than the median disk mass of T Tauri stars in Taurus.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    The apelin‑apelin receptor signaling pathway in fibroblasts is involved in tumor growth via p53 expression of cancer cells

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    Cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) are pivotal in tumor progression. TP53-deficiency in cancer cells is associated with robust stromal activation. The apelin-apelin receptor (APJ) system has been implicated in suppressing fibroblast-to-myofibroblast transition in non-neoplastic organ fibrosis. The present study aimed to elucidate the oncogenic role of the apelin-APJ system in tumor fibroblasts. APJ expression and the effect of APJ suppression in fibroblasts were investigated for p53 status in cancer cells using human cell lines (TP53-wild colon cancer, HCT116, and Caco-2; TP53-mutant colon cancer, SW480, and DLD-1; and colon fibroblasts, CCD-18Co), resected human tissue samples of colorectal cancers, and immune-deficient nude mouse xenograft models. The role of exosomes collected by ultracentrifugation were also analyzed as mediators of p53 expression in cancer cells and APJ expression in fibroblasts. APJ expression in fibroblasts co-cultured with p53-suppressed colon cancer cells (HCT116sh p53 cells) was significantly lower than in control colon cancer cells (HCT116sh control cells). APJ-suppressed fibroblasts treated with an antagonist or small interfering RNA showed myofibroblast-like properties, including increased proliferation and migratory abilities, via accelerated phosphorylation of Sma- and Mad-related protein 2/3 (Smad2/3). In addition, xenografts of HCT116 cells with APJ-suppressed fibroblasts showed accelerated tumor growth. By contrast, apelin suppressed the upregulation of phosphorylated Smad2/3 in fibroblasts. MicroRNA 5703 enriched in exosomes derived from HCT116sh p53 cells inhibited APJ expression, and inhibition of miR-5703 diminished APJ suppression in fibroblasts caused by cancer cells. APJ suppression from a specific microRNA in cancer cell-derived exosomes induced CAF-like properties in fibroblasts. Thus, the APJ system in fibroblasts in the tumor microenvironment may be a promising therapeutic target.Saiki H., Hayashi Y., Yoshii S., et al. The apelin‑apelin receptor signaling pathway in fibroblasts is involved in tumor growth via p53 expression of cancer cells. International Journal of Oncology 63, 139 (2023); https://doi.org/10.3892/ijo.2023.5587

    Predicting reliable H2_2 column density maps from molecular line data using machine learning

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    The total mass estimate of molecular clouds suffers from the uncertainty in the H2_2-CO conversion factor, the so-called XCOX_{\rm CO} factor, which is used to convert the 12^{12}CO (1--0) integrated intensity to the H2_2 column density. We demonstrate the machine learning's ability to predict the H2_2 column density from the 12^{12}CO, 13^{13}CO, and C18^{18}O (1--0) data set of four star-forming molecular clouds; Orion A, Orion B, Aquila, and M17. When the training is performed on a subset of each cloud, the overall distribution of the predicted column density is consistent with that of the Herschel column density. The total column density predicted and observed is consistent within 10\%, suggesting that the machine learning prediction provides a reasonable total mass estimate of each cloud. However, the distribution of the column density for values >2×1022> \sim 2 \times 10^{22} cm2^{-2}, which corresponds to the dense gas, could not be predicted well. This indicates that molecular line observations tracing the dense gas are required for the training. We also found a significant difference between the predicted and observed column density when we created the model after training the data on different clouds. This highlights the presence of different XCOX_{\rm CO} factors between the clouds, and further training in various clouds is required to correct for these variations. We also demonstrated that this method could predict the column density toward the area not observed by Herschel if the molecular line and column density maps are available for the small portion, and the molecular line data are available for the larger areas.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Distance determination of molecular clouds in the 1st quadrant of the Galactic plane using deep learning : I. Method and Results

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    Machine learning has been successfully applied in varied field but whether it is a viable tool for determining the distance to molecular clouds in the Galaxy is an open question. In the Galaxy, the kinematic distance is commonly employed as the distance to a molecular cloud. However, there is a problem in that for the inner Galaxy, two different solutions, the ``Near'' solution, and the ``Far'' solution, can be derived simultaneously. We attempted to construct a two-class (``Near'' or ``Far'') inference model using a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), a form of deep learning that can capture spatial features generally. In this study, we used the CO dataset toward the 1st quadrant of the Galactic plane obtained with the Nobeyama 45-m radio telescope (l = 62-10 degree, |b| < 1 degree). In the model, we applied the three-dimensional distribution (position-position-velocity) of the 12CO (J=1-0) emissions as the main input. The dataset with ``Near'' or ``Far'' annotation was made from the HII region catalog of the infrared astronomy satellite WISE to train the model. As a result, we could construct a CNN model with a 76% accuracy rate on the training dataset. By using the model, we determined the distance to molecular clouds identified by the CLUMPFIND algorithm. We found that the mass of the molecular clouds with a distance of < 8.15 kpc identified in the 12CO data follows a power-law distribution with an index of about -2.3 in the mass range of M >10^3 Msun. Also, the detailed molecular gas distribution of the Galaxy as seen from the Galactic North pole was determined.Comment: 29 pages, 12 figure