25 research outputs found

    Characterization of Tight Junctions and Their Disruption by UVB in Human Epidermis and Cultured Keratinocytes

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    It has not been confirmed whether tight junctions (TJs) function as a paracellular permeability barrier in adult human skin. To clarify this issue, we performed a TJ permeability assay using human skin obtained from abdominal plastic surgery. Occludin, a marker protein of TJs, was expressed in the granular layer, in which a subcutaneously injected paracellular tracer, Sulfo-NHS-LC-Biotin (556.59Da), was halted. Incubation with ochratoxin A decreased the expression of claudin-4, an integral membrane protein of TJs, and the diffusion of paracellular tracer was no longer prevented at the TJs. These results demonstrate that human epidermis possesses TJs that function as an intercellular permeability barrier at least against small molecules (∼550Da). UVB irradiation of human skin xenografts and human skin equivalents (HSEs) resulted in functional deterioration of TJs. Immunocytochemical staining of cultured keratinocytes showed that occludin was localized into dot-like shapes and formed a discontinuous network when exposed to UVB irradiation. Furthermore, UVB irradiation downregulated the active forms of Rac1 and atypical protein kinase C, suggesting that their inactivation caused functional deterioration of TJs. In conclusion, TJs function as a paracellular barrier against small molecules (∼550Da) in human epidermis and are functionally deteriorated by UVB irradiation

    Multiacquisition Variable-Resonance Image Combination Selective Can Improve Image Quality and Reproducibility for Metallic Implants in the Lumbar Spine

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    The aim of this study is to evaluate how metallic artifacts in the lumbar spine can affect images obtained from magnetic resonance (MR) sequences. We performed a phantom experiment by scanning an agar containing an orthopedic metallic implant using 64-channel multidetector row computed tomography (CT) and a 3-tesla MR unit. We compared the reproducibility in each measurement, enlargement or reduction ratio of the CT and MR measurements, and signal deviation in each voxel from the control. The reproducibility on CT and multiacquisition variable-resonance image combination selective (MAVRIC SL) was good, but that on the other MR sequences showed either fixed bias or proportional bias. The reduction ratios of the distance between the nails were significantly smaller in MAVRIC SL than in the other MR sequences after CT measurements (p<0.001, respectively). MAVRIC SL was able to reduce the metallic artifact, permitting observation of the tissue surrounding the metal with good reproducibility

    Records of several species of bees and wasps from Tottori Sand Dunes with special reference to nesting sites of a sand wasp, Bembix niponica.

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    2017年5月から11月初めまで鳥取砂丘でニッポンハナダカバチ(環境省レッドリストで絶滅危惧II類)などの希少有剣ハチ類の生息状況を調査した。アリ科をのぞく膜翅目(ハチ類)は12科21種を確認したが,そのうち次の7種は鳥取砂丘新記録である: キアシブトコバチ,サトジガバチ,アカオビケラトリバチ,コウライヨコバイバチ,キスジツチスガリ,オオムカシハナバチ,コマルハナバチ。ニッポンハナダカバチは6月下旬から8月上旬に成虫の出現を確認し,これまで不明であった営巣地が鳥取砂丘の南側の林縁近くの広い裸地にあることを確認した。確認された営巣地のうちで個体数を最も多く観察できた合せヶ谷広場で,巣穴の位置と密度を2017年と2018年の2回調査した。営巣密度は2018年のほうが大きく,2017年11月に行われたポケモン Go イベントの参加者による大規模な踏みつけは,本種の生息には大きな悪影響を与えなかったと考えられた。個体数を比較的多く確認できたツチバチ類,ニッポンハナダカバチ,ヤマトスナハキバチ,キスジツチスガリ,ルイスヒトホシアリバチについては,季節消長および鳥取砂丘内での分布などの概要を記した。 / We surveyed rare wasps and bees such as Bembix niponica (Vulnerable, VU in the Japan Ministry of Environment Red List 2019) in Tottori Sand Dunes from May to early November in 2017. A total of 21 species were recorded. Of these, the following six species are the species newly recorded from Tottori Sand Dunes: Brachymeria lasus, Larra amplipennis, Psen koreanus, Cerceris arenaria, Colletes (Colletes) collaris, Bombus ardens. Colony sites of Bembix niponica in Tottori Sand Dunes were found for the first time. Average numbers of the nests per 10 m×10 m (100 m2) square area were 7.1±4.72 in 2017 and 11.8±1.44 in 2018

    Abrupt decrease of the population of a tiger beetle species, Cylindela elisae (Carabidae, Cicindelinae), in Tottori Sand Dunes, Honshu, Japan in 2017.

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    鳥取市鳥取砂丘オアシス周辺に営巣するエリザハンミョウの集団の保全に向けて2015 年から本種の成虫が発生する夏季に標識再捕法により当地での発生個体数を調査している。すでに結果を報告している2016 年までの調査に引き続き2017 年も同様の調査をおこなった。エリザハンミョウの成虫の消長は過去2年よりも早めに進行し,成虫は6月中旬に出現,7月中にはほぼ消失した。この間にマークできた総個体数は112(2015 年は304,2016 年は270)とこの3 年間で最も少なく, Jolly-Seber 法による個体数推定値はもっとも多かった調査日(6 月27 日)でわずか153 であった(2015 年は2,300個体,2016 年は1,460 個体)。この個体数は個体群を健全に維持するために必要とされる最小集団サイズ(MVP)として従来言われてきていた500(個体数変動の大きい動植物では10,000)を大幅に下回っており,危険な状態である。2017 年におけるエリザハンミョウ成虫の早期の出現と消失は2017 年の7 月の高温が,また,個体数の減少にもっとも寄与した要因としては2017 年の4~6 月の少雨が考えられる。 / As a consecutive series of surveys of the population size of a tiger beetle species, Cylindera elisae (Motschulsky 1859) at a site so-called“ Oasis” in the Tottori Sand Dunes, Tottori City, started in 2015 (Tsurusaki et al. 2016, 2017), we estimated population size of the same population of the same species also in 2017 by using a mark-recapture method. A total of 112 adults of C. elisae were individually marked during the summer in 2017 (304 and 270 adults in 2015 and 2016 surveys, respectively). The highest number of adults of C. elisae estimated by the Jolly-Seber method was only 153 recorded on 27 June 2017. This population size is much smaller than 500 which was the number formerly often said as the minimum viable population (MVP), to say nothing of 10,000 as the MVP for univoltine insects whose population size tend to be variable every year.  It is probable that high air temperature of July in 2017 brought early emergence and disappearance of C. elisae in 2017. It is also likely that drought at “Oasis” area due to extremely low amount of precipitation from April to June in 2017 was the main factor for the marked decrease of population of this species in 2017. Some measure should be taken for the recovery of this population

    Unveiling the Non-Linear Influence of Eye-Level Streetscape Factors on Walking Preference: Evidence from Tokyo

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    Promoting walking is crucial for sustainable development and fosters individual health and well-being. Therefore, comprehensive investigations of factors that make walking attractive are vital. Previous research has linked streetscapes at eye-level to walking preferences, which usually focuses on simple linear relationships, neglecting the complex non-linear dynamics. Additionally, the varied effects of streetscape factors across street segments and intersections and different street structures remain largely unexplored. To address these gaps, this study explores how eye-level streetscapes influence walking preferences in various street segments and intersections in Setagaya Ward, Tokyo. Using street view data, an image survey, and computer vision algorithms, we measured eye-level streetscape factors and walking preferences. The Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) model was then applied to analyze their non-linear relationships. This study identified key streetscape factors influencing walking preferences and uncovered non-linear trends within various factors, showcasing a variety of patterns, including upward, downward, and threshold effects. Moreover, our findings highlight the heterogeneity of the structural characteristics of street segments and intersections, which also impact the relationship between eye-level streetscapes and walking preferences. These insights can significantly inform decision-making in urban streetscape design, enhancing pedestrian perceptions

    Utilization of Natural Gas in Japan: Trends and Challenges

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    Paper from Energy Forum study "New Energy Technologies in the Natural Gas Sector: A Policy Framework for Japan

    A Task Management Method for Product Service Systems Design

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    AbstractProduct service systems (PSS), which generate higher value by integrating physical products and services, have attracted much attention in the manufacturing industry. To design a PSS, initiating companies need to explore various PSS options at the conceptual design stage. However, our PSS design workshops have revealed that traditional product-selling manufacturers rarely include PSS options because a PSS, which includes many service elements, is far from their traditional business. This study proposes a task management framework that enables manufacturers to develop various PSS options from their product-selling business. The proposed framework provides designers with viewpoints and checklists for a PSS design. The effectiveness of the framework is demonstrated through an example case

    Palladium-Catalyzed <i>para</i>-Selective Allylation of 1‑(Cyanomethyl)arenes with Allyl Acetates

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    The Pd/PMe3-catalyzed allylation of 1-(cyanomethyl)naphthalenes with allyl acetates proved to be para- rather than α-regioselective. This reaction is thought to proceed through ligand attack of the para-carbon in the arenes, electronically enriched by a cyano-stabilized α-carbanion, to the (π-allyl)palladium and a 1,5-hydrogen shift of the para-hydrogen from the dearomatized intermediate