15 research outputs found

    Beam and SKS spectrometers at the K1.8 beam line

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    High-resolution spectrometers for both incident beams and scattered particles have been constructed at the K1.8 beam line of the Hadron Experimental Facility at J-PARC. A point-to-point optics is realized between the entrance and exit of QQDQQ magnets for the beam spectrometer. Fine-pitch wire chamber trackers and hodoscope counters are installed in the beam spectrometer to accept a high rate beam up to 107 Hz. The superconducting kaon spectrometer for scattered particles was transferred from KEK with modifications to the cryogenic system and detectors. A missing-mass resolution of 1.9 ± 0.1 MeV/c2 (FWHM) was achieved for the ∑ peaks of (π±, K+) reactions on a proton target in the first physics run of E19 in 2010

    Beam diagnostics using a chopped beam

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    A new type of beam chopper has been developed and installed at HIMAC (Heavy Ion Medical Accelerator in Chiba) in NIRS (National Institute of Radiological Sciences).The chopper has only 11.6 cm length and has been set between the ion sources and the RFQ.It is similar to a beam transformer, and modulates the beam kinetic energy by 10%.The beam is successfully chopped because the RFQ has a rather small energy acceptance. A chopped beam was injected into the synchrotron and a beam study has been performed.A very short bunch was formed and accelerated to the topenergy.The behavior of the short bunch shows that a dipole oscillation was excited because of an unexpected frequency error of the RF system.It was caused by noise in the B-clock (Gauss Clock)circuit. The dipole oscillation caused by the frequency error was signi ficantly reduced and the acceleration efficiency was improved by replacing the B-clock module

    Pulsed Power Applications in High Intensity Proton Rings

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    The pulsed power technology has been applied in particle accelerators and storage rings for over four decades. It is most commonly used in injection, extraction, beam manipulation, source, and focusing systems. These systems belong to the class of repetitive pulsed power. In this presentation, we review and discuss the history, present status, and future challenge of pulsed power applications in high intensity proton accelerators and storage rings

    Monitoring System for the Gold Target by Radiation Detectors in Hadron Experimental Facility at J-PARC

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    At the Hadron Experimental Facility in J-PARC, we inject a 30-GeV proton beam into a gold target to produce secondary particle beams required for various particle and nuclear physics experiments. The gold target is placed in a hermetic chamber, and helium gas is circulated in the chamber to monitor the soundness of the target. The radioactivity in helium gas is continuously monitored by gamma-ray detectors such as a germanium detector and a NaI(Tl) detector. Beam operations with those target-monitoring systems were successfully performed from April to June and October to December 2015, and from May to June 2016. In this paper, the details of the helium gas circulation system and gamma-ray detectors and the analysis results of the obtained gamma-ray spectra are reported

    Monitoring System for the Gold Target by Radiation Detectors in Hadron Experimental Facility at J-PARC

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    At the Hadron Experimental Facility in J-PARC, we inject a 30-GeV proton beam into a gold target to produce secondary particle beams required for various particle and nuclear physics experiments. The gold target is placed in a hermetic chamber, and helium gas is circulated in the chamber to monitor the soundness of the target. The radioactivity in helium gas is continuously monitored by gamma-ray detectors such as a germanium detector and a NaI(Tl) detector. Beam operations with those target-monitoring systems were successfully performed from April to June and October to December 2015, and from May to June 2016. In this paper, the details of the helium gas circulation system and gamma-ray detectors and the analysis results of the obtained gamma-ray spectra are reported