48 research outputs found

    Kaplan–Meier survival analysis and Cox regression analyses regarding right ventricular septal pacing: Data from Japanese pacemaker cohort

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    AbstractThe presented data were obtained from 982 consecutive patients receiving their first pacemaker implantation with right ventricular (RV) lead placement between January 2008 and December 2013 at two centers in Japan. Patients were divided into RV apical and septal pacing groups. Data of Kaplan–Meier survival analysis and Cox regression analysis are presented. Refer to the research article “Implications of right ventricular septal pacing for medium-term prognosis: propensity-matched analysis” (Mizukami et al., in press) [1] for further interpretation and discussion

    Two submarine cavernicolous crabs, Atoportunus gustavi Ng & Takeda, 2003, and Neoliomera cerasinus Ng, 2002 (Crustacea : Decapoda : Brachyura : Portunidae and Xanthidae), from Shimojijima Island, Miyako Group, Ryukyu Islands, Japan

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    宮古諸島下地島の海底洞窟より, モモイロドウクツガザミ (新称) とクラヤミヒラオウギガニが採集されたので報告する. 今回得られたモモイロドウクツガザミは, 先行研究による形態と色彩の記載に多くの点で一致するが, 鉗脚長節内縁に5–6歯を備える (先行研究では6歯), 鉗部可動指の咬合に2–3 歯を備える (先行研究では2 歯), という変異が見られた. また,クラヤミオウギガニにおいては, 体サイズが先行研究の例より1.6–2.3倍大きかった.Two submarine cavernicolous crabs, Atoportunus gustavi Ng & Takeda, 2003, and Neoliomera cerasinus Ng, 2002 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura: Portunidae and Xanthidae), are reported on the basis of the specimens collected at Shimojijima Island, Miyako Group, the southern Ryukyu Islands. Although examined materials of A. gustavi agree well with the previous descriptions in their morphology and coloration in life, two minor intraspecific variations are observed: the inner margin of cheliped merus armed with 5 or 6 prominent teeth (6 teeth in the previous report); and the cutting edge of chelal dactylus with 2–3 teeth (2 teeth in the previous report). The body size of N. cerasinus on hand is much larger (1.6–2.3 times) than those of the previous records

    Catoptrus iejima Fujita & Naruse, 2011, n. sp.

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    <i>Catoptrus iejima</i>, n. sp. <p>(Figs. 2–7)</p> <p> <b>Material examined.</b> Holotype, female, 21.8 × 35.6 mm, RUMF-ZC-1317, point “Ohoba No. 1”, Ie Island, Ryukyu Islands, Japan, - 10m, submarine cave, baited with Pacific saury (<i>Cololabis saira</i>), coll. Y. Yamada & K. Yunokawa, 15 Jul. 2010.</p> <p> <b>Comparative material.</b> <i>Atoportunus dolichopus</i> Takeda, 2003: 1 female, 23.9 × 36.0 mm, RUMF-ZC-1318, 1 female, 20.6 × 30.9 mm, ZRC 2011.0014, KUMEJIMA 2009 stn. Diving 38, Hidenchigama, Kume Island, Ryukyu Islands, Japan, submarine limestone cave, - 35–40 m, coll. Y. Fujita, 19 Nov. 2009. <i>Catoptrus nitidus</i> A. Milne- Edwards, 1870: 1 male, 15.6 × 23.9 mm, MNHN B- 4639, Iles Viti; 2 males, 7.8 × 12.1 mm, 6.5 x ca. 10.1 mm (damaged), 1 juvenile, 4.2 x 6.4 mm, MNHN B- 22342, Samoa. <i>Catoptrus rathbunae</i> Serène, 1966: Holotype, male, 5.0 × 7.0 mm, MNHN B- 5564, Nhatrang, Vietnam, coll. R. Serène, 14 Aug. 1964; paratype, 1 female, 6.0 × 8.5 mm, MNHN B- 5563, same data as holotype.</p> <p> <b>Diagnosis.</b> Carapace ovoid, longitudinally, transversely convex. Supraorbital margin beaded on convex part, without fissure; infraorbital margin discontinuous. External orbital angle dorso-ventrally flattened, distally rounded, continuous to anterolateral margin. Anterolateral margins with 5 teeth excluding external orbital angle, first and second teeth, third and fourth teeth placed closer to each other, fifth tooth largest; margins between bases of teeth lined with granules, forming ridge-like structure. Eyes small, not completely occupying orbit. Chelipeds slender; anterior margin of merus with 1 subproximal small tooth, 1 subdistal small tooth; palm swollen with no striae or granules; fingers slender, as long as palm, distally hooked, 3–4 long sharp teeth and few small sharp teeth between them. Ambulatory legs slender, long; propodus of P5 with subparallel inner, outer margins, slender; P5 dactylus lanceolate, dactylus narrower than propodus.</p> <p> <b>Description.</b> Carapace ovoid, longitudinally, transversely convex, dorsal surface smooth, regions poorly defined (Figs. 2, 3 A, 4A, B, 5A). Front bilobed, with small median notch, frontal margin straight, lined with 2 parallel rows of granules; supraorbital margin beaded on convex part, without fissure; infraorbital margin discontinuous, inner orbital lobe dorso-ventrally flattened, produced anteriorly, lobe followed laterally by few, small, granules, one relatively large granule, not continuous to external orbital angle (Figs. 4 B, 5A). External orbital angle dorso-ventrally flattened, distally rounded, reaching slightly beyond level of frontal margin (Fig. 5 A, C), continuous to anterolateral margin. Antero- and posterolateral margins (Figs. 3 A, 4A, 5C) almost of same length; anterolateral margin with 5 teeth excluding external orbital angle, first and second teeth, third and fourth teeth placed closer to each other, fifth tooth largest, first to fourth teeth small, almost of same size; margins between bases of teeth lined with granules, forming ridge-like structure.</p> <p>Epistome (Fig. 5 A) with posterior margin medially produced, produced part medially notched, posterior margin rimmed, beaded, except for median notch.</p> <p>Eyes small, not completely occupying orbit, slightly mobile; eyestalk with L-shaped prominence along proximal margin of cornea of anterior surface to concave part of cornea on upper surface; cornea small, width as long as length (Figs. 4 B, 5A, B). Distomesial angle of basal antennal segment continuous with ventral extension of distolateral angle of front (Fig. 5 A). First maxilliped with distinct “portunoid lobe”. Third maxilliped (Fig. 5 D) with ischium to merus semi-rectangular; ischium with median sinuous groove, distal margin sinuous, with produced distomesial angle, mid-length about 2 times that of merus; merus with distolateral angle almost right angle, dorso-ventrally flattened.</p> <p>Thoracic sternites 3, 4 weakly divided by lateral short grooves; suture of thoracic sternites 4, 5 mesially end in elongated slit; vulva transversely elongated, longitudinally placed about middle of sternite 6; suture between sternites 6, 7 reaching to below inner end of vulva, but not connected to posterior margin of transverse median “ridge” connects sternites; median longitudinal groove between sternites 7, 8 reaching as far as median “ridge” near vulva.</p> <p>Chelipeds slender, longer than ambulatory legs (Figs. 2, 3); merus (Figs. 3, 6) slightly shorter than chela, subovate in cross section with slightly concave lower surface, anterior margin with 1 subproximal small tooth, 1 subdistal small tooth; left chela (Fig. 6 A–C) relatively stouter; chela with swollen palm, surfaces smooth, with no striae or granules; fingers slender, as long as palm, distally hooked, 3–4 long sharp teeth and few small sharp teeth between them along cutting edges which interdigitate. Ambulatory legs (Figs. 3, 7) slender, P3 longest, P5 shortest, with long, fine setae, ratios of lengths of P2–P5 meri to CL 0.98, 1.03, 0.93, 0.67 respectively; propodus of P5 with subparallel inner, outer margins, slender; P5 dactylus lanceolate, dactylus narrower than propodus.</p> <p>All abdominal somites (Fig. 5 E) free, somite 4 to telson triangular in shape; telson longer than broad, lateral margins slightly concave; pleopods setose, developed.</p> <p> <b>Coloration.</b> Dorsal surfaces of carapace and chelipeds orange, except for the tip of the fifth anterolateral tooth, tips of two teeth on the anterior margin of cheliped merus, and occlusal margins and about distal third of cheliped fingers; ventral surfaces and ambulatory legs yellowish-white (Figs. 2–4, 6).</p> <p> <b>Etymology.</b> The new species is named after the Iejima (= Ie Island), where the holotype of the species was collected. The name is used as noun in apposition.</p> <p> <b>Common name.</b> The standard Japanese name for this species is given here as Iejima-gama-gazami. <b>Ecological note.</b> <i>Catoptrus iejima</i>, <b>n. sp.</b>, was collected from a submarine cave with depth of about 10 m. When the collectors checked the set trap baited with Pacific saury (<i>Cololabis saira</i>; “Sanma” in Japanese), about five individuals of this species, including a very small one, were observed to be wandering outside the trap. The crabs observed all appear to move very slowly. Although no individual was actually trapped, one female was caught by hand from outside the trap (Y. Yamada & K. Yunokawa, pers. comm.) (Fig. 2).</p> <p> <b>Remarks.</b> <i>Catoptrus iejima</i>, <b>n. sp.</b>, superficially resembles <i>Atoportunus</i> Ng & Takeda, 2003, in its remarkable characters, such as the long and slender pereopods (Figs. 3, 7) and relatively small eyes (Figs. 4 B, 5A). It is noteworthy that the new species possesses all the diagnostic characters of <i>Catoptrus</i> A. Milne-Edwards, 1870, e.g. laterally ovate or rounded carapace (Fig. 4 A), subproximal and subdistal teeth present on the anterior margin of cheliped merus (Fig. 6 A, D) (except in <i>C. inaequalis</i> (Rathbun, 1906) and <i>C. quinquedentatus</i> Yang, Chen & Tang, 2006), almost right angled distolateral angle of the merus of the third maxilliped (Fig. 5 D), and straight to lanceolate dactylus of P5 (Fig. 7 H) (Serène, 1966; Ng, 2011). Although no male specimen was collected, the characters of <i>C. iejima</i>, <b>n. sp.</b>, best fit <i>Catoprtus</i> A. Milne-Edwards, 1870.</p> <p> <i>Catoptrus</i> currently contains five species: <i>C. inaequalis</i> (Rathbun, 1906), <i>C. quinquedentatus</i> Yang, Chen & Tang, 2006, <i>C. nitidus</i> A. Milne-Edwards, 1870 [type species], <i>C. rathbunae</i> Serène, 1966, and <i>C. undulatipes</i> Yang, Chen & Tang, 2006 (Ng et al., 2008). <i>Catoptrus iejima</i>, <b>n. sp.</b> most closely resembles <i>C. nitidus</i> and <i>C. undulatipes</i> in their laterally ovate carapace outlines and the presence of two teeth on the anterior margin of each cheliped merus. However, <i>C. iejima</i>, <b>n. sp.</b> can be readily distinguished from <i>C. nitidus</i> and <i>C. undulatipes</i> by its proportionately more elongated pereopods and the shape of the teeth on the anterolateral margin of the carapace. In <i>C. iejima</i>, the merus of P3, for example, is 1.03 times as long as the CL (Figs. 3 A, 7B), while that of <i>C. nitidus</i> is only 0.74 (Fig. 8). Yang <i>et al.</i> (2006) did not describe or indicate how long the ambulatory legs of <i>C. undulatipes</i> were, but their figure of its cheliped (Yang <i>et al.</i>, 2006: fig. 3D) shows a merus which is clearly shorter than that of <i>C. iejima</i> (Figs. 2, 3). Eyes of <i>C. iejima</i> is reduced and not occupying the orbit (Figs. 2, 4 A, B, 5A–C). In contrast, the eyes of <i>C. nitidus</i> and <i>C. undulatipes</i> are developed and fully occupying the orbits (Fig. 8; Yang <i>et al.</i>, 2006: fig. 3A, B). Furthermore, in <i>C. iejima</i>, <b>n. sp.</b>, the teeth of the anterolateral margin are relatively small, so that their bases are well apart from each other. In contrast, the teeth of <i>C. nitidus</i> and <i>C. undulatipes</i> are proportionately larger and wider, so the bases of the teeth are adjacent to each other (Fig. 8; Yang et al., 2006: fig. 3A).</p> <p> Although <i>C. iejima</i>, <b>n. sp.</b> and <i>Atoportunus</i> species share remarkable characters, e.g. elongated pereopods and reduced eyes; they can be differentiated by the following characters. In <i>C. iejima</i>, <b>n. sp.</b>, the chelipeds are moderately stronger (Figs. 2, 3), the palm of the chela is more swollen and the fingers are alternatively lined with long sharp teeth and a few small sharp teeth (Fig. 6); the outline of the carapace is elliptical in dorsal view (Figs. 3 A, 4A, B, 5A); and the shape of the P5 propodus and dactylus are similar with those of the P2–P4 (Fig. 7). In <i>Atoportunus</i>, the cheliped is very slender (Ng & Takeda, 2003: figs. 2A, 3A, 5A, 6A, 7; Takeda, 2003: figs. 1, 2E, 3); the palm is as narrow as the merus (Ng & Takeda, 2003: figs. 2A, 3A, 5A, 6A, 7; Takeda, 2003: figs. 1, 2E, 3), the very slender fingers are sparsely provided with long and thin teeth (Ng & Takeda, 2003: figs. 5B, 6C, 7; Takeda, 2003: fig. 2F); the outline of the carapace is more typical, been fan-shaped outline with stronger lobes or teeth along anterolateral margin (Ng & Takeda, 2003: figs. 2B, 3A, 4A, 6B 8A; Takeda, 2003: figs. 1A, 2A); and the propodus and dactylus of P5 are always foliaceous and widely lanceolate, respectively (Ng & Takeda, 2003: figs. 5C, 8C; Takeda, 2003: figs. 1B, 2G).</p>Published as part of <i>Fujita, Yoshihisa & Naruse, Tohru, 2011, Catoptrus iejima, a new species of cavernicolous swimming crab (Crustacea: Brachyura: Portunidae) from a submarine cave at Ie Island, Ryukyu Islands, Japan, pp. 29-38 in Zootaxa 2918</i> on pages 30-37, DOI: <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/207593">10.5281/zenodo.207593</a&gt

    Circadian and Light-Induced Transcription of Clock Gene Per1 Depends on Histone Acetylation and Deacetylation

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    Circadian clock genes are regulated through a transcriptional-translational feedback loop. Alterations of the chromatin structure by histone acetyltransferases and histone deacetylases (HDACs) are commonly implicated in the regulation of gene transcription. However, little is known about the transcriptional regulation of mammalian clock genes by chromatin modification. Here, we show that the state of acetylated histones fluctuated in parallel with the rhythm of mouse Per1 (mPer1) or mPer2 expression in fibroblast cells and liver. Mouse CRY1 (mCRY1) repressed transcription with HDACs and mSin3B, which was relieved by the HDAC inhibitor trichostatin A (TSA). In turn, TSA induced endogenous mPer1 expression as well as the acetylation of histones H3 and H4, which interacted with the mPer1 promoter region in fibroblast cells. Moreover, a light pulse stimulated rapid histone acetylation associated with the promoters of mPer1 or mPer2 in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) and the binding of phospho-CREB in the CRE of mPer1. We also showed that TSA administration into the lateral ventricle induced mPer1 and mPer2 expression in the SCN. Taken together, these data indicate that the rhythmic transcription and light induction of clock genes are regulated by histone acetylation and deacetylation

    Uruma ourana Naruse, Fujita & Ng, 2009, n. sp.

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    <i>Uruma ourana</i> n. sp. <p>(Figs. 1–4)</p> <p> <b>Material examined.</b> Holotype, male, 4.2 × 9.2 mm, RUMF-ZC-907, Oura Bay Okinawa, Ryukyu Islands, Japan, 8 m, from a tube of unidentified, possibly polychaete, worm, coll. M. Obuchi, 28 Jul. 2007.</p> <p> <b>Comparative material</b>. <i>Pinnixa penultipedalis</i> Stimpson, 1858: 1 female, 1.8 × 3.6 mm, ZRC 1970.8.4.10, Nhatrang Bay, Vietnam, coll. Gallardo, 1954. <i>Pinnixa sayana</i> Stimpson, 1860: 2 males, 2.1 × 4.4 mm, 2.5 × 5.6 mm, ZRC 2008.0152, Maceió, Brasil, coll. 1990.</p> <p> <b>Description of holotype.</b> Carapace (Fig. 1 a) wide, trapezoidal, widest at anterolateral margin, CW 2.19 times CL; dorsal surface smooth, glabrous, flat (Figs. 2 a, 3a), anterior, posterior quarters of carapace sloping downwards, regions poorly defined, epibranchial regions with 3 low protuberances, cervical groove very shallow, H-shaped gastric groove distinct, cardiac region laterally demarcated by grooves. Anterolateral margin strongly produced, continuous to posterolateral margin, proximal three-quarters of carapace gently convergent posteriorly, margin cristate from proximolateral angle to just mesial to anterolateral angle, not continuing to external orbital end (Fig. 3 a); epimeral suture just inferior to carapace margin proper. Front narrow, 0.14 times CW, deflexed medially, deflexed part triangular (Fig. 3 a). Orbit oblique, mesial part of supraorbital margin distinctly placed more posteriorly than external orbital end; orbital margins entire, outer part granular, infraorbital margin mesially ending as sharp tooth (Figs. 2 a, 3a). Epistome short, medially sunken, posterior margin with sharp median tooth. Milne Edwards’ aperture distinct, upper margin of aperture rimmed, anterior margin of rim fringed with long setae. Eyes (Figs. 2 a, 3a) short, stout, mobile, fully occupying orbit. Antennule small, folded somewhat obliquely. Antenna (Fig. 3 a) entering orbit, flagellum short, distal segment reaching external orbital end. Third maxillipeds (Figs. 2 b, 3b) convering about fourfifths of trapezoidal buccal cavern; ischium produced proximolaterally, mid-length slightly longer than merus; merus completely articulated from ischium by horizontal suture, palp (carpus, propodus, dactylus) attached to medial concave part of distal margin of merus, each segment of palp connected to distal ends of respective proximal segments; exopod broad proximally, reaching distal third of merus, flagellum long, exceeding mesial margin of merus.</p> <p>Thoracic sternites 1/2 completely fused, sternite 1 tooth-like, directed dorsally at proximal end of buccal cavern; sternites 2/3 demarcated by deep groove; sternites 3/4 fused, lateral parts marked by very shallow depressions, pits; sternites 4–8 demarcated by narrow lateral grooves at outside of sternal cavity, grooves ending at lateral part of sternal cavity; sternal cavity depressed medially, no clear longitudinal groove (Fig. 2 b, c). Penis (Fig. 2 c) distinctly sternal, opening at anterior margin of sternite 8, adjacent to posterior margin of sternite 7.</p> <p>Chelipeds (Fig. 1) equal, short. Merus triangular in cross section; ventral, dorsal margins with setae, dorsal margin with large subdistal lobe triangular in distal view (Fig. 3 c). Carpus (Fig. 3 c) suboval, outer surface covered with short setae, no inner angle. Chela (Fig. 3 d) small, as long as merus, short setae covering ventral half of palm to proximal part of cutting edge of immovable, movable fingers in outer, inner surfaces; cutting edge of immovable finger concave proximally, distally blade-like, tip hooked; movable finger straight, tip slightly hooked, cutting edge blade-like, slightly dentate proximally.</p> <p>P2 to P4 similar in shape, P4 (Fig. 3 e) longest, combined length of merus to dactylus of P4 1.08 times CW; merus stout, long, merus of P4 0.66 times CW, about two-thirds of combined length of respective carpus to dactylus; anterior, posterior margins subparallel, anterior portion covered with short setae, proximal half of anterior margin lined with granules, posterior margin scattered with long setae. Carpus longer than propodus; carpus, propodus with flattened outer surface, covered with short and long setae; distoflexor angle of propodus with a pair of short, sharp claws (Fig. 3 f). Dactyli very short, claw-like (Fig. 3 e, f). P5 (Fig. 3 g) short, reaching only proximal half of P4 merus. Ischium with flexor surface extended distally, with subdistal sharp tooth. Merus slightly longer than combined length of respective carpus to dactylus, posterior margin with strong proximal tooth. Carpus as long as propodus, propodus somewhat compressed, distoflexor teeth of propodus, dactylus similar to those of anterior legs.</p> <p>All abdominal somites, telson free (Fig. 4 a); first somite widest, thoracic sternite 8 exposed when abdomen closed; first two somites shorter than other somites, lateral margins of somite 3 to telson gradually converging distally; telson reaching imaginary line joining proximal half of cheliped coxae. G1 (Fig. 4 b) straight, slender, subparallel in about proximal five-sixths, distally tapered, incurved. G2 (Fig. 4 c) short, about one-fifth length of G1.</p> <p> <b>Etymology.</b> The species is named after Oura Bay, Okinawa, where this interesting the crab was discovered. The name is used as a noun.</p> <p> <b>Habitat.</b> The holotype of <i>Uruma ourana</i> <b>n. sp.</b> was collected from a tube, presumably made by a polychaete worm, from a depth of 8 m. The tube was collected from a gentle slope of a mixed rudaceous and muddy sediments. The holotype was seen from the opening of the tube (M. Obuchi, personal communication). A large colony of acorn sea pens (Cavernulariidae) was also observed on this site. Subsequent attempts to collect more specimens from the same locality were not successful.</p> <p>The holotype was partially covered with calcium deposits (left side of the intestinal region in Fig. 1). Several individuals of encrusting foraminiferans were also observed on the surfaces of the carapace and the ambulatory legs (three individuals in the left epibranchial region in Fig. 1).</p>Published as part of <i>Naruse, Tohru, Fujita, Yoshihisa & Ng, Peter K. L., 2009, A new genus and new species of symbiotic crab (Crustacea: Brachyura: Pinnotheroidea) from Okinawa, Japan, pp. 59-68 in Zootaxa 2053</i> on pages 62-66, DOI: <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/186636">10.5281/zenodo.186636</a&gt

    Uruma Naruse, Fujita & Ng, 2009, n. gen.

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    <i>Uruma</i> n. gen. <p> <b>Type species.</b> <i>Uruma ourana</i> <b>n. sp.</b> by present designation.</p> <p> <b>Diagnosis.</b> Carapace wide, trapezoidal; lateral, anterolateral margins cristate, but becoming poorly defined lateral to orbits. Front narrow, deflexed medially, deflexed part triangular in frontal view. Orbit oblique, mesial part of supraorbital margin placed more posteriorly than external orbital end; orbital margins entire, outer part granulated, infraorbital margin mesially terminated as sharp tooth. Epistome short, medially sunken. Eyes short, mobile, fully occupying orbit. Third maxillipeds covering about four-fifths of buccal cavern; ischium and merus distinctly separated by horizontal suture, ischium slightly longer than merus, palp (carpus, propodus, dactylus) attached to medial concave part of distal margin of merus, each segment of palp attached to distal end of proximal segment. Thoracic sternites 1/2 completely fused, sternite 1 tooth-like, directed dorsally at proximal end of buccal cavern; sternites 2/3 demarcated by deep groove; sternites 3/4 fused, lateral parts marked by very shallow depressions, pits; sternites 4–8 demarcated by narrow lateral grooves at outside of sternal cavity, grooves ending at lateral parts of sternal cavity; sternal cavity depressed medially, no clear longitudinal groove. Penis distinctly sternal, opening at anterior margin of sternite 8, adjacent to posterior margin of sternite 7. Cheliped merus with large transverse, triangular lobe on subdistal part of dorsal margin. P3 to P5 similar in shape, P4 longest; merus about two-thirds of respective carpus to dactylus length; carpus longer than propodus. P5 leg just reaching only proximal half of P4 merus; distal end of ischium, proximal end of merus each with single sharp tooth on flexor margin. All ambulatory legs with single pair of short, sharp claw on distoflexor angle of propodi; dactyli very short, claw-like. Male abdomen with all somites freely articulating, first somite widest, thoracic sternite 8 exposed when abdomen closed, third somite to telson forming triangular outline. G1 straight, slender, distally tapering, incurved. G2 very short.</p> <p> <b>Etymology.</b> The new genus is named after the Ryukyuan word <i>uruma</i> (“Okinawa” or “Ryukyus”), which literally means “coral” (<i>uru</i>) and “island” (<i>ma</i>). The gender is neuter.</p> <p> <b>Remarks.</b> Although <i>Uruma</i> <b>n. gen.</b> has an unusual physiognomy (Fig. 1), it shares a number of key characters with <i>Aphanodactylus</i> Tesch, 1918. In both genera, the ischium and merus of the third maxillipeds are subquadrate, the palp of the third maxilliped is attached to a median concave part of the distal margin of the merus, with the propodus and dactylus of the palp connected to the distal end of the respective proximal segment (Figs. 2 b, 3b). <i>Uruma</i> <b>n. gen.</b> and <i>Aphanodactylus</i> also share diagnostic orbital characters: the orbital margins are entire, the infraorbital margins are terminated mesially as a sharp inner tooth, the external orbital corners are not connected to anterolateral margin of the carapace, and suborbital cristae are absent (Figs. 2 a, 3a). Furthermore, both genera have slender and straight G1s except for gently incurved distal tip, freely articulating male abdomens with almost straight lateral margins, and distally rounded telson being slightly longer than the sixth abdominal somite (Fig. 4 a, b). Both genera also share the characteristic, very short ambulatory dactyli (Fig. 3 e–g). <i>Uruma</i> <b>n. gen.</b> is distinct in that all ambulatory legs are almost subcheliform, the short dactylus being bracketed by strong claws at the distoflexor angle of the propodus. In preserved specimens, the dactylus can be folded proximally as far back as between the tips of a pair of distoflexor claws of the propodus. This structure is presumably to cling onto the host worm and/or its tube. On the other hand, the ambulatory dactyli of <i>Aphanodactylus</i> are short and not bracketed by claws (see Tesch 1918; Rathbun 1932; Edmondson 1962; Konishi & Noda 1999; Ng <i>et al.</i> 2009). In <i>A. loimiae</i> and one undescribed species of <i>Aphanodactylus</i> (Ng & Naruse, manuscript), there are 2–3 sharp claws on the distoflexor angle of the ambulatory propodus, which could be homologous with the claws of <i>Uruma</i> <b>n. gen.</b> but it is much less developed and not as prominent. Nevertheless, the form of the third maxillipeds, ambulatory legs and male abdomen suggest a relatively close relationship with <i>Aphanodactylus</i>. <i>Gandoa</i> (as <i>Voeltzkowia</i>), with only one species, <i>Gandoa zanzibarensis</i> (Lenz, 1905), is very poorly known and represented by only one 5.0 by 8.0 female obtained from Zanzibar (Fig. 5; Lenz 1905: 364, pl. 47 figs. 9–9c). Compared to <i>Uruma</i> <b>n. gen.</b>, <i>Gandoa</i> has a proportionately more rectangular carapace (trapezoidal in <i>Uruma</i>), the orbits are incomplete, with supra- and infraorbital margins meeting far from tip of cornea (complete in <i>Uruma</i>), the third maxilliped ischium is proportionately longer, and the ambulatory legs much shorter, with the short dactylus not bracketed by claws on the propodus (longer ambulatory legs with claws on propodus in <i>Uruma</i>).</p> <p> As discussed at length by Ng <i>et al.</i> (2008), <i>Aphanodactylus</i> and <i>Gandoa</i> may eventually be referred to their own family. <i>Uruma</i> <b>n. gen.</b> should also be placed in the same family. The phylogenetic relationships of these genera should then also be reappraised. For the moment, we tentatively assign <i>Uruma</i> <b>n. gen.</b> to the Pinnotheridae <i>sensu lato</i>.</p> <p> Members of <i>Sakaina</i> (Pinnotherinae) most closely resemble <i>Uruma</i> <b>n. gen.</b> in their external appearance, especially in the transversely elongated carapace, long and stout P2–P4, and very short P5. <i>Uruma</i> <b>n. gen.</b>, however, is readily distinguished from <i>Sakaina</i> by its general shape and the structure of the third maxillipeds, male abdomen, telson and G1. In <i>Uruma</i> <b>n. gen.</b> the merus and ischium of the third maxilliped are clearly articulated from each other and subrectangular in shape (Figs. 2 b, 3b), the lateral margins of the male abdomen and telson are gradually convergent distally, the telson is only slightly longer than sixth abdominal somite, the distal margin of the telson is rounded (Fig. 4 a) and the G1 is straight and slightly curved distally (Fig. 4 b). In <i>Sakaina</i>, however, the merus and ischium of the third maxilliped are fused and subtriangular in shape, the lateral margins of the male abdomen are abruptly narrowed from the third abdominal somite, the telson is about three times longer than the sixth abdominal somite, the distal margin of the telson is straight to strongly concave and the G1 is slender and L-shaped (Sakai, 1936: Fig. 103a, c; 1969: Fig. 19; Serène, 1964: Fig. 22).</p> <p> Species of <i>Austinixa</i> Heard & Manning, 1997, <i>Glassella</i> Campos & Wicksten, 1997, <i>Indopinnixa</i> Manning & Morton, 1987, <i>Pinnixa</i> White, 1846, and <i>Pseudopinnixa</i> Ortmann, 1894 (all Pinnotherelinae) also have transversely elongated carapace and short P5. These pinnothereline genera, however, remarkably differ from <i>Uruma</i> <b>n. gen.</b> in that the ischium of the third maxilliped is distinctly smaller than the merus and the palp is often enlarged. The male abdomen and telson are also different (narrow subrectangular in <i>Austinixa</i>, e.g. Manning & Felder 1989: Figs. 2 h, 3h, 5g, 7g, 9g, 10d, 12d; narrow abdomen with rounded wide telson in <i>Indopinnixa</i>, e.g. Davie 1992: Fig. 1 F; Manning & Morton 1987: Fig. 1 E; narrow to wide abdomen, including fused somites in some species of <i>Pinnixa</i>, e.g. Garth 1957: Figs. 3, 4 E, 5E, 6E, 7E, 8E; Zmarzly 1992: Figs. 6G, 11E, 16C).</p>Published as part of <i>Naruse, Tohru, Fujita, Yoshihisa & Ng, Peter K. L., 2009, A new genus and new species of symbiotic crab (Crustacea: Brachyura: Pinnotheroidea) from Okinawa, Japan, pp. 59-68 in Zootaxa 2053</i> on pages 60-62, DOI: <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/186636">10.5281/zenodo.186636</a&gt

    Direct interaction of NRSF with TBP: chromatin reorganization and core promoter repression for neuron-specific gene transcription

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    Neural restrictive silencer factor, NRSF (also known as REST) binds a neuronal cell type selective silencer element to mediate transcriptional repression of neuron-specific genes in non-neuronal cells and neuronal progenitors. Two repression domains (RD-1 and RD-2) occur in its N-terminal and C-terminal regions, respectively. RD-1 recruits mSin3 and HDAC, thereby inhibiting transcription by inducing reorganization of the chromatin structure. However, little is known about how such global repression becomes promoter-specific repression or whether the NRSF–HDAC complex can interact with transcriptional core factors at each specific promoter. Here we show evidence that NRSF interacts with core promoter factors, including TATA-binding protein (TBP). The NRSF–TBP interaction occurred between the linear segments of the N- and C-terminal-most portions of NRSF and the C-terminal half of TBP. A RD-2 mutant of NRSF lost the TBP-binding activity and was unable to repress transcription at an exogenously introduced TGTA promoter. These results indicate that the direct interaction between the NRSF C-terminal domain and TBP is essential for the C-terminal repression mechanism of NRSF. Thus, the RD-1 and RD-2 repression domains of NRSF utilize both chromatin-dependent and chromatin-independent mechanisms, which may be segregated at various stages of neural development and modulation