232 research outputs found

    Noble gas composition in unique meteorite Yamato-74063

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    Unique meteorite Yamato-74063 contains large amounts of trapped heavy noble gases whereas it is depleted in trapped He and Ne. The concentration of trapped ^Ar is comparable with that of E- and C-chondrites and ureilites. Trapped ^Xe is unusually abundant. Y-74063 contains a very high concentration of radiogenic ^Xe. Trapped ^Ne/^Ar is low and similar to that of ureilites. Trapped ^Ar/^Xe of 32±4 is lower than that of any meteorites ever reported. The trapped gases in Y-74063 are depleted in Ar relative to Xe. Planetary-type noble gases may be mixtures of an Ar-depleted component and the "sub-solar" or "Ar-rich" component isolated in E-chondrites. The cosmic-ray exposure age is 6.2±0.4 Ma. Gas-retention ages are calculated to be less than 3.7±0.2,and 4.8±0.4 Ga from radiogenic ^4He and ^Ar respectively. The K-Ar age older than the age of the solar system may attributed to chemical inhomogeneities resulting in an exceptionally high K concentration of the investigated sample. The gasretention ages, the large amounts of radiogenic ^Xe and the trapped noble gases indicate that the meteorite was a closed system for the noble gases since crystallization

    Noble gases in Yamato-793274 and -86032 lunar meteorites

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    Isotopic abundances of noble gases are reported for whole rock samples, mineral and grain size separates prepared from lunar meteorites Yamato-793274 and -86032. Y-793274 is rich in trapped solar gases, whereas Y-86032 is depleted in them, resembling the Y-82192 and -82193 lunar meteorites. From measurements of radiogenic Ar, the K-Ar age of Y-86032 is calculated to be 3940±240 Ma, in agreement with the K-Ar and Ar-Ar ages for Y-82192 and -82193. From measurements of cosmogenic noble gases, the total duration of cosmic-ray exposure is calculated to be 510±140 and 11±1 Ma for Y-793274 and -86032,respectively. The exposure age of Y-86032 is in good agreement with that for Y-82192/3. The agreement in the K-Ar and exposure ages as well as in the trapped gas abundances supports the earlier result that Y-86032 is paired with Y-82192 and -82193. Y-793274 experienced most of exposures to cosmic-rays in the lunar regolith because the transit time from the moon to the earth has been reported to be very short, whereas it is supposed that Y-86032 experienced a large part of cosmic-ray exposure in the interplanetary space during the flight from the moon to the earth

    Slope efficiency characteristics of mode-hop driven tunable single-mode cholesteric liquid crystal laser

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    SPIE Photonic Devices + Applications, 2011, San Diego, California, United StatesYo Inoue, Hiroyuki Yoshida, Kenta Inoue, Yusuke Shiozaki, Hitoshi Kubo, Akihiko Fujii, and Masanori Ozaki "Slope efficiency characteristics of mode-hop driven tunable single-mode cholesteric liquid crystal laser", Proc. SPIE 8114, Liquid Crystals XV, 811415 (7 September 2011). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1117/12.89320

    Effect of Microstructural Factors on Tensile Properties of an ECAE-Processed AZ31 Magnesium Alloy * 1

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    Mg-3%Al-1%Zn (AZ31) alloy was subjected to ECAE (Equal Channel Angular Extrusion) processing under various processing conditions. Then tensile tests were carried out at room temperature to investigate the relationship between tensile properties and microstructural parameters that include grain size and the texture generated by ECAE processing. In 4-pass ECAE specimens processed at 523 K, tensile ductility is improved as a result of easy basal slip during tensile test along the extrusion direction, because such specimens have textures in which the basal plane is inclined at 45 to the extrusion direction. On the other hand, in the specimens processed at 573 K, 0.2% proof stress is higher than those of specimens processed at lower temperatures, but elongation is smaller. This is because of difficult basal slip caused by the textures in which the basal plane is oriented parallel to the extrusion direction. However, 8-pass specimens processed at 473 K and subsequently annealed, which have similar textures but different grain sizes (d), exhibit clear grain size dependencies of 0.2% proof stress ( 0:2 ) according to Hall-Petch relationship; 0:2 ¼ 30 þ 0:17d À1=2 . Therefore, crystallographic orientation has a profound effect on the tensile properties of AZ31 alloy, and grain size has a little effect

    Salient Object Detection With Importance Degree

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    In this article, we introduce salient object detection with importance degree (SOD-ID), which is a generalized technique for salient object detection (SOD), and propose an SOD-ID method. We define SOD-ID as a technique that detects salient objects and estimates their importance degree values. Hence, it is more effective for some image applications than SOD, which is shown via examples. The definition, evaluation procedure, and data collection for SOD-ID are introduced and discussed, and we propose its evaluation metric and data preparation, whose validity is discussed with the simulation results. Moreover, we propose an SOD-ID method, which consists of three technical blocks: instance segmentation, saliency detection, and importance degree estimation. The saliency detection block is proposed based on a convolutional neural network using the results of the instance segmentation block. The importance degree estimation block is achieved using the results of the other blocks. The proposed method accurately suppresses inaccurate saliencies and estimates the importance degree for multi-object images. In the simulations, the proposed method outperformed state-of-the-art methods with respect to the F-measure for SOD; and Spearman\u27s and Kendall rank correlation coefficients, and the proposed metric for SOD-ID

    Dependence of alkyl-substituent length for bulk heterojunction solar cells utilizing 1,4,8,11,15,18,22,25-octaalkylphthalocyanine

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    Tetsuro Hori, Yasuo Miyake, Tetsuya Masuda, Takeshi Hayashi, Kaoru Fukumura, Hiroyuki Yoshida, Akihiko Fujii, Masanori Ozaki, and Yo Shimizu "Dependence of alkyl-substituent length for bulk heterojunction solar cells utilizing 1,4,8,11,15,18,22,25-octaalkylphthalocyanine," Journal of Photonics for Energy 2(1), 021004 (2 March 2012). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1117/1.JPE.2.02100