138 research outputs found

    Acute arterial occlusion due to left ventricular thrombus of Takotsubo cardiomyopathy in a young adult: a case report

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    BackgroundThromboembolism is a rare complication of Takotsubo cardiomyopathy. Importantly, an acute arterial occlusion needs rapid diagnosis and urgent treatment to help save the patient’s life. Here, we report a case of arterial occlusion due to ventricular thrombus of Takotsubo cardiomyopathy.Case presentationA woman in her 30s, without previous medical history, felt sudden strong pain on her right leg and was diagnosed with right femoral arterial occlusion. An emergency operation was subsequently performed to take out thrombus. The patient’s oxygenation deteriorated to 93% of hemoglobin saturation just after extubation and exacerbated in the intensive care unit. Transthoracic echocardiography revealed Takotsubo cardiomyopathy-like left ventricular wall motion abnormalities and left ventricular thrombus. Heparin treatment was immediately started. After 10 days, the thrombus disappeared and the left ventricular wall motion improved and she was discharged from the hospital.ConclusionsThe patient’s acute arterial occlusion in this case report was mainly caused by thrombus of cardiac origin. We suggest to routinely check echocardiography reports before surgery and perform anesthetic management carefully to better control the patient’s blood pressure and heart rhythm

    Compact and scalable polarimetric self-coherent receiver using dielectric metasurface

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    The polarimetric self-coherent system using a direct-detection-based Stokes-vector receiver (SVR) is a promising technology to meet both the cost and capacity requirements of the short-reach optical interconnects. However, conventional SVRs require a number of optical components to detect the state of polarization at high speed, resulting in substantially more complicated receiver configurations compared with the current intensity-modulation-direct-detection (IMDD) counterparts. Here, we demonstrate a simple and compact polarimetric self-coherent receiver based on a thin dielectric metasurface and a photodetector array (PDA). With a single 1.05-μ\mum-thick metasurface device fabricated on a compact silicon-on-quartz chip, we implement functionalities of all the necessary passive components: a 1×\times3 splitter, three polarization beam splitters with different polarization bases, and six focusing lenses. Combined with a high-speed PDA, we demonstrate self-coherent transmission of 20-GBd 16-ary quadrature amplitude modulation (16QAM) and 50-GBd quadrature phase-shift keying (QPSK) signals over a 25-km single-mode fiber. Owing to the surface-normal configuration, it can easily be scaled to receive spatially multiplexed channels from a multicore fiber or a fiber bundle, enabling compact and low-cost receiver modules for the future highly parallelized self-coherent systems.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures (main manuscript) + 2 pages, 2 figures (supplementary info

    High-dose Dexamethasone Therapy as the Initial Treatment for Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura: Protocol for a Multicenter, Open-label, Single Arm Trial

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    Standard therapy for idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) has not been established. We are conducting a multicenter, prospective trial to determine the efficacy and safety of short-term, high-dose dexamethasone therapy in ITP patients aged 18-80 years with platelet counts of <20, 000 /μL, or with <50, 000/ μL and bleeding symptoms. The primary endpoints of this trial are the proportion of responses (complete plus partial response) on day 180 (day 46+180) after the completion of the 46-day high-dose dexamethasone therapy. The results of this investigation of the effectiveness and safety of this regimen will be essential for the establishment of standard therapy for ITP

    A patient with spontaneous rupture of the esophagus and concomitant gastric cancer whose life was saved: case of report and review of the literature in Japan

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    A 71-year-old man suddenly developed abdominal pain and vomiting on drinking soda after a meal, and visited a physician. Cervical subcutaneous and mediastinal emphysemas were observed on CT, and the patient was transferred to the emergency medical center of our hospital on the same day. Esophagography was performed at our department. A ruptured region was identified on the left side of the lower thoracic esophagus, and surgery was emergently performed employing sequential left thoracoabdominal incision. The chest wall was adhered due to inflammation, and large amounts of residual food and sloughing were present in the thoracic cavity and mediastinum. Moreover, necrotic changes were noted in the superior through inferior mediastinum. An about 2-cm rupture site was confirmed on the left side of the lower thoracic esophagus and closed by suture and filling with pediculate omentum. The presence of a tumorous lesion located mainly in the body of the stomach and lymph node enlargement were also diagnosed before surgery, for which gastric and intestinal fistulae were inserted to prepare for the second-stage surgery. The patient was admitted to an ICU after surgery. ARDS and MRSA-induced pneumonia and enteritis concomitantly developed but remitted. Curative surgery for gastric cancer was performed at 40 POD. Spontaneous rupture of the esophagus is relatively rare and that complicated by gastric caner is very rare, with only six cases being reported in Japan. Herein, we report the case

    Real time assessment of surface interactions with a titanium passivation layer by surface plasmon resonance

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    Due to the high corrosion resistance and strength to density ratio titanium is widely used in industry, and also in a gamut of medical applications. Here we report for the first time on our development of a titanium passivation layer sensor that makes use of surface plasmon resonance (SPR). The deposited titanium metal layer on the sensor was passivated in air, similarly to titanium medical devices. Our "Ti-SPR sensor" enables analysis of biomolecule interactions with the passivated surface of titanium in real time. As a proof of concept, corrosion of a titanium passivation layer exposed to acid was monitored in real time. The Ti-SPR sensor can also accurately measure the time-dependence of protein adsorption onto the titanium passivation layer at sub-nanogram per square millimeter accuracy. Besides such SPR analyses, SPR imaging (SPRI) enables real time assessment of chemical surface processes that occur simultaneously at "multiple independent spots" on the Ti-SPR sensor, such as acid corrosion or adhesion of cells. Our Ti-SPR sensor will therefore be very useful to study titanium corrosion phenomena and biomolecular titanium-surface interactions with application in a broad range of industrial and biomedical fields

    Transmission electron microscopic observations of nanobubbles and their capture of impurities in wastewater

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    Unique properties of micro- and nanobubbles (MNBs), such as a high adsorption of impurities on their surface, are difficult to verify because MNBs are too small to observe directly. We thus used a transmission electron microscope (TEM) with the freeze-fractured replica method to observe oxygen (O2) MNBs in solutions. MNBs in pure water and in 1% NaCl solutions were spherical or oval. Their size distribution estimated from TEM images close to that of the original solution is measured by light-scattered methods. When we applied this technique to the observation of O2 MNBs formed in the wastewater of a sewage plant, we found the characteristic features of spherical MNBs that adsorbed surrounding impurity particles on their surface

    マンセイ シンフゼン カンジャ ノ ジュウショウド ニヨル ヤカン ムコキュウ ト テイサンソ ケッショウ ノ ヒカク

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    慢性心不全(CHF)患者の重症度による夜間の酸素飽和度(SaO_2)と無呼吸の比較について検討を行うために安定した慢性軽症心不全患者6例(男4例,女2例63±5.2歳,左室駆出率:49.8±3.4%,NYHA class:IかII,mild-CHF群)と安定慢性重症心不全患者11例(男9例,女2例,62±11.9歳,左室駆出率:25.6±8.6%,NYHA class:III,severe-CHF群)患者を対象とし,両群を比較することにより検討を行った.全例において室内空気下にパルスオキシメーターを用いて24時間のSaO_2と脈拍数を連続記録した.そして夜間のSaO_2が3%あるいは4%以上低下した1時間あたりの回数(3%ODI,4%ODI),SaO_2の最低値を各々分析した.さらにポリソムノグラフィーを用いてSaO_2と睡眠に関する全てのデータを連続的に記録分析した.その結果,severe-CHF群のODIはmild-CHF群に比して有意に高値であった(4%ODI;5.8±5.1 vs 0.6±0.5,p<O.01.3%ODI;8.6±7.1 vs 1.0±O.9,p<0.01.).severe-CHF群のSaO_2の最低値はmild-CHF群に比して有意に低かった(82.2±7.1 vs 91.7±1.0%,p<0.01).severe-CHF群の夜間無呼吸は全例にみられ,大多数が中枢型であった(74.0±3.6%).以上より安定した重症心不全では夜間に低酸素血症と無呼吸がみられ,これらが臨床病像の悪化に影響していることが示唆される.Background : Patients with chronic heart failure (CHF) commonly experience Cheyne- Stokes respiration, central apnea, or obstructive apnea during sleep associated with oxygen desaturation. Nocturnal oxygen therapy and nasal continuous positive airway pressure (NCPAP) reduce sleep-disordered breathing in stable CHF. However, the relation between sleep apnea and nocturnal desaturation inpatients with severe, stable CHF in Japan is unknown. Objectives : To examine nocturnal oxygen saturation (SaO_2) and sleep apnea in Japanese patients with severe, stable CHF. Methods : The subjects were 11 patients with severe, stable CHF (9 men and 2 women, LVEF=25.6±8.6%, NYHA class=III, severe CHF group) and 6 with mild, stable CHF (4 men and 2 women, LVEF=49.8±3.4 %, NYHA class=I or II, mild CHF group). SaO_2 was continuously recorded with a pulse oximeter under room air, and 4 % and 3 % SaO_2 dip rate per hour (GDIs) and the SaO_2 nadir were analyzed. In addition, SaO_2 and sleep variables were continuously recorded with a polysomnograph. Results : ODI frequency in the severe CHF group was significantly higher than that in the mild CHF group (4% ODI, 5.8±5.1 vs 0.6±0.5 times/hour, respectively, p<0.01;3 % ODI, 8.6±7.1 vs 1.0±0.9 times/hour, respectively, p<0.01.). SaO_2 nadir in the severe CHF group was significantly lower than that in the mild CHF group (82.2±7.1 vs 91.7±1.0 %, p<0.01). All severe patients had sleep apnea, predominantly of the central type (74.0±3.6%). Conclusion : The frequency of nocturnal hypoxemia and apnea increases in patients with severe, stable CHF. Nocturnal hypoxemia and apnea may adversely effect the clinical status of these patients