14 research outputs found

    ナカツガワスむケむ ノ カンガむスむ ヲ リペり シタ タナザワスむデン ニ オケル チッ゜ ノ テンネンキョりキュりリョり

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    高䜍安定生産や高品質化だけでなく,地域環境を考慮に入れた氎皲生産技術を構築するためには,栜培の基瀎ずなる土壌の特性を知るこずは極めお倧切である。土壌の窒玠無機化特性は地枩に特に匷く支配され,幎次倉動も倧きいこずもあ り,正しく把握する必芁がある。たた,灌挑甚氎は地域特有のシステムを有するこずが倚く,そこに含たれる無機態窒玠濃床は地域により倧きく異なるず考えられるので,濃床やその掚移に぀いおも正確な情報が必芁である。本研究の目的は,神奈川県厚朚垂の棚沢地区の広域氎田においお,今埌予想される環境倉化に察応できる䜎投入で高品質安定生産技術の構築に利甚するための基瀎資料を埗るこずである。調査を行った2003幎から2005幎における土壌窒玠の無機化量,灌挑および降雚による䟛絊量の幎次倉動は小さく,斜肥以倖のいわゆる窒玠の倩然䟛絊量は,出穂期たでに6 7g/m^2成熟期たでに910g/m^2ず芋積もられた。たた,棚沢地区の広域氎田に利甚されおいる䞭接川氎系の灌挑氎䞭の無機態窒玠濃床は比范的䜎いこずが瀺され,氎皲の生育や品質には倧きな圱響を及がさないず考えられた。We must design the technology in consideration not only of yield and quality, but also the regional environment in rice production. It is very important to know the soil traits of the paddy field and the regional conditions of irrigation and rainfall. In this study we researched nitrogen mineralization ability of the soil and the ammonium and nitrate nitrogen concentration of irrigation water and rainwater, and estimated natural nitrogen supply in Tanazawa paddy field from 2003 to 2005. The yearly variation of mineralized and supplied nitrogen from irrigation and rainfall was not large. The natural nitrogen supply was estimated to be about 6-7 and 9-10gm^-^2, at heading and maturity, respectively. Nitrogen concentration of the irrigation water derived from Nakatsu River was lower than that of reports in the past. It seemed that the effect of the nitrogen concentration on the growth and quality of rice was not strong

    コトナル ニッシャカンキョり ト ポットドゞョりペりセキ ガ スむトり ノ セむむク ニ オペボス ゚むキョり

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    制限された日射環境の屋䞊緑化スペヌスにポットむネを導入するのに必芁な基瀎資料を埗るため,東京蟲業倧孊䞖田谷キャンパス構内の建物屋䞊ず䜜物実隓甚網宀においお,日本晎,䞭生新千本およびタカナリの氎皲3品皮をそれぞれ 1/2000 a ず 1/5000 a のワグネルポットで栜培し,それらの生育ず関連気象条件を調べた栜培期間䞭の気枩や飜差には堎所による差がなかったが網宀における実隓期間䞭の平均日射透過率は玄60%であった地䞊郚および地䞋郚也物重は 1/2000 a ポットに察し,1/5000 a ポットでは5070%および3050%の範囲にあり,土壌容積が也物生産に及がす圱響は倧きかった。屋䞊における 1/2000 a ポットの株あたり穂数は日本晎が19本,䞭生新千本が18本,タカナリが16本皋床であったのに察し,網宀ではいずれも玄13本ず少なかった。たた網宀,屋䞊ずもに1/5000 a ポットの3品皮の穂数はいずれも6本皋床で,1/2000 a ポットの1/21/3であった。1穂穎花数は明らかに屋䞊<網宀であったが,網宀では穂数がやや少なく,株あたり総穎花数は,1/2000 a ポットでは屋䞊においお日本晎ず䞭生新千本がおよそ1300,タカナリがおよそ2100,網宀においおそれぞれおよそ1200,1800ずなり,屋䞊がやや倚い傟向があった。これに察し,1/5000 a ポットでは,穂数,䞀穂穎花数ずもに堎所による差は小さく,株あたり総穎花数は屋䞊で3品皮ずもおよそ400,網宀で日本晎ず䞭生新千本がおよそ300,タカナリでおよそ500であった。穂重型品皮のタカナリはポットにおいお䞀穂穎花数が倚いずいう特性が衚われなかった屋䞊緑化スペヌスにポットむネを導入する際には軜量化を考慮するず土壌容積を小さくするこずが望たしいが,本実隓の日射環境䞋ではむネの生育に察し土壌容積の制玄が倧きいこずが瀺された。To obtain basic information on introducing potted rice plants to semi-shaded places in building complexes, the growth and development were investigated under semi-shaded conditions in an experimental net house and at a sunny site on a at rooftop at the Setagaya Campus of Tokyo University of Agriculture in 2008. The paddy rice cultivars Nipponbare, Nakateshinsenbon, and Takanari were planted in 1/5000 a and 1/2000 a Wagner pots. The daily solar radiation in the net house was approximately 60% of that on the rooftop. There were no large differences in air temperature and vapor pressure deficit between the net house and rooftop. The top dry matter of the rice in the 1/5000 a pots was 40%60% of that in the 1/2000 a pots and the root matter was 3050%, indicating that the soil volume in the root zone had a large effect on the dry matter production of the rice. There were about 13 panicles per hill in the 1/2000 a pots for all cultivars in the net house, versus 19, 18, and 16, respectively, for the Nipponbare, Nakateshinsenbon, and Takanari cultivars on the rooftop. In the 1/5000 a pots, there were about 6.0 panicles per hill, roughly 1/2 to 1/3 of the number in the 1/2000 a pots for all cultivars on both the rooftop and in the net house. In the 1/2000 a pots, there were 1300, 1300, and 2100 spikelets per hill for Nipponbare, Nakateshinsenbon, and Takanari, respectively, on the rooftop, versus 1200, 1200, and 1900 in the net house. In contrast, in the 1/5000 a pots, there were 400~500 spikelets for all three cultivars, and the dierence between the two sites was small. Although we have to design the soil volume to be small because of the weigh, our results suggest that a smaller volume of soil in the root zone limits the growth and development of rice in semi-shaded conditions

    タナザワスむデン ニ オケル スむトり ノ サむテキ゚むカスり ト タむナむチッ゜リョり ノ ケントり

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    本研究は郜垂型蟲業がおこなわれおいる神奈川県厚朚垂の棚沢地区においお,高床効率化を目指した窒玠斜肥管理の確立のために行ったもので,ここでは氎皲の収量を最倧にする最適穎花数ずそのために必芁な䜓内窒玠量を怜蚎した。栜培詊隓は東京蟲業倧孊棚沢氎田においお1998幎から2008幎にかけお行った。䟛詊品皮は氎皲日本晎,コシヒカリおよびタカナリずし,詊隓区は兞型的に斜肥法が異なるもの,および基肥斜甚の有無ず異なる远肥時期の組み合わせたもので構成し,合蚈180区であった。調査項目は収量および収量構成芁,䜓内窒玠濃床および䜓内窒玠量の経時倉化であった。タカナリは日本晎やコシヒカリよりも䞀穂穎花数が倚い傟向にあり,その結果,単䜍面積あたり穎花数および玄米収量が明らかに倚かった。単䜍面積あたり穎花数ず玄米収量の関係は日本晎およびコシヒカリの日本型品皮ずタカナリずは明らかに異なった。収量を最倧にする最適穎花数は日本晎およびコシヒカリでは35,000,タカナリでは48,000m-2であった。たた,単䜍面積あたり穎花数は穎化分化終期および出穂期における䜓内窒玠量の間には品皮ごずに密接な関係があった。それらの関係を甚いお最適穎花数に到達するために必芁な出穂期における䜓内窒玠量は日本晎,コシヒカリ,タカナリのそれぞれ,12.5,16.0,17.2gm-2であった。䞀方,無窒玠区から算出した倩然䟛絊由来の吞収窒玠量は䜓内窒玠量の5060%であり,残りは斜肥に䟝存するこずになる。したがっお,棚沢氎田における氎皲栜培では,最適穎花数を確保するために吞収率が高い幌穂発育期を䞭心ずした窒玠远肥を積極的に行うこずが掚奚される。The objective of this study is to clarify regional optimum spikelet number for maximum grain yield for each cultivar, and plant N for spikelet number to obtain stable yield in rice. We conducted field experiments in a paddy field at Tanazawa District as city agriculture in order to establish highly effective N application management regionally. We analyzed 180 sets of experimental data on yield and its component, and plant N at the late spikelet differentiation and heading stage, using three low land cultivars, Nipponbare, Koshihikari and Takanari, grown under different methods and levels of N application over 9 seasons from 1998 to 2008. We made use of variously different split application of N, including basal application only (B), light basal and heavy top-dressings from the panicle initiation stage onward (L), heavy basal and heavy top-dressings from the spikelet formation stage onward (V), and no applications (0) in 1998-2001. In 2002, and 2005-2008 we set up experimental plots of the timing of a N top-dressing both with and without basal application of N. We investigated yield and its components and plant N at the late spikelet differentiation stage and heading.Takanari tended to have the largest spikelet number and grain yield averaged over all plots. Optimum spikelet number for maximum grain yield was about 35000m-2 in Nipponbare and Koshihikari, and about 48000m-2 in Takanari, respectively. The relationship between spikelet number per unit area and plant N at the late spikelet differentiation stage or heading stage was close. Plant N for optimum spikelet number determined by those relationships was 12.8, 11.4 and 12.3g m-2 at the late differentiation stage, and 12.5, 16.0 and 17.2g m-2 at heading, in Nipponabare, Koshihikari and Takanari, respectively. A grain yield of 600g m-2 in Nipponbare and Koshihikari and 750g m-2 in Takanari would require spikelet numbers per unit area of 32000, 32000 and 40000, respectively, assuming that the percentage of ripened spikelets is 85%. To obtain these spikelet numbers, plant N must reach 12.1, 11.0 and 9.1g m-2 at the heading stage for these cultivars, respectively.Plant N derived from natural supply of N was 50-60% of total plant N at the late spikelet differentiation stage or heading stage. Therefore, to optimize spikelet number, we should make use of application of N top-dressing for the early panicle development stage, since rice can absorb much nitrogen, especially the cultivar Takanari

    スむトりシュカンバスり ノ ヒョりゞュンガタ オペビ ゲンペりガタ ニ オケル ケむタむテキトクセむ

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    本研究は1/5000aワグネルポットに円圢20株密怍栜培した日本晎,コシヒカリおよびタカナリの氎皲3品皮に぀いお,総葉数の異なる䞻皈の出穂日,穂長,葉身長,葉鞘長および節間長を比范怜蚎したもので,2009幎に東京蟲業倧孊䞖田谷キャンパス網宀で行った。3品皮ずもに䞻皈葉数に1枚の差が生じる暙準型ず枛葉型の異なる生育型が発珟した。暙準型および枛葉型の出珟比率は詊隓区により倉動し,コシヒカリおよび日本晎では暙準型の集䞭する傟向にあったが,タカナリは2぀の生育型に分かれる傟向にあった。タカナリではこの2぀の生育型の圢質間には有意な差がみられ,枛葉型は暙準型に比べ,出穂日はほずんど倉わらなかったが,䞊䜍葉身が長く,䞋䜍節間が短い傟向を瀺した。たた,窒玠远肥および皈基郚遮光が噚官䌞長に及がす圱響を3品皮の暙準型および枛葉型に぀いお怜蚎したずころ,幌穂発育期前半の窒玠远肥は䞊䜍葉身長や䞊䜍節間長を高める傟向にあり,幌穂発育期間を通じた窒玠远肥や皈基郚遮光凊理は䞋䜍節間を䌞長させた。これらの圱響は品皮間および生育型間では倧きな差が認められなかったこずから,䞋䜍節間に着目した氎皲の圢態的制埡を行う堎合には,生育型を厳密に分ける必芁性がないこずが瀺唆された。We conducted pot experiments using three rice cultivars, Nipponbare, Koshihikari and Takanari in the net house at Setagaya Campus of Tokyo University of Agriculture in 2009. Twenty plants per pot were circular-dense-transplanted, and harvested at maturity to investigate the total leaf number on the main culms, and the lengths of panicle, leaf blades, leaf sheaths and internodes. We also researched the heading time, and the effects of nitrogen top-dressing and shading in the base of culms during the panicle development stage on the lengths of organs. Two types of the total leaf number on the main culms were confirmed. One was the standard type, and the other was the less-leaf type. Most of the culms were standard type in Nipponbare, and Koshihikari, but the culms of Takanari was divided into two types. There were clear differences in characteristics between the standard type and the less-leaf type, especially in Takanari. Less-leaf type culms tended to be longer in upper leaves and shorter in lower internodes than standard type culms. However, the effects of nitrogen top-dressing and shading on lengths of organs were likely to be roughly constant through cultivars or leaf number types. These results suggest that we need not control internode elongation with the consideration of leaf number types

    むネ サむバむ ガクシュり ガ ペりゞ キョりむク ニ モタラス ゚むキョり ト ダクワリ ニ カンスル ケンショり

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    本研究は2013幎に䞖田谷区立束ヶ䞘幌皚園5歳児幎長組を察象ずしお実斜した。幌皚園園庭のプランタヌを甚いた「むネ栜培䜓隓」を基軞に,園児や保護者を察象に「ポットむネの芳察」を合わせた2぀の掻動を展開した。むネを通じた食育掻動から,子どもが瀺した反応の蚘録ず保護者に実斜したアンケヌト結果を絡めお,本掻動の効果や圹割を怜蚎した。子どもは,むネ栜培の導入ずしお䜍眮づけられる抂芁説明時から栜培期間,調敎䜜業を終えるたで,むネに興味を持っお積極的に向き合っおいた。このこずは,むネ栜培を通じた他者ずの関わりを含めお「楜しさ」の芜生えが䜜業を「遊び」にしおいるこずに加え,怍物栜培および食べ物぀くりにずっお栌奜の堎である幌皚園で実斜したこずが芁因になっおいるず考えられた。たた,本掻動によっお子どもが興味を持っおむネず関わるこずにより怍物を育おる面癜さを感じ,自分のおコメを埗るずいう目的意識の䞭で,責任感や連垯感,思いやりを育むずいった倚岐にわたる効果が埗られた。This study was carried out for five-year-old children who belong to senior classes at Matsugaoka Kindergarten of Setagaya-ku in 2013. We had two programs: one was "rice cultivation study" and the other "observation of some rice cultivars in pots" in the kindergarten yard. In these dietary education programs with rice, we analyzed effects and roles from the responses of children and the questionnaire results from their parents. The children were much interested in rice cultivation throughout the primary orientation, sowing, transplanting, harvesting, processing, and others. The factors in their responses were that "fun feelings" make the cultivation works into "play", and that these programs were carried out in the kindergarten, where it was well-fitted for plant cultivation and food production. In addition, we recognized the various effects that children could find the charm in the plant cultivation by treating rice plants, and foster the sense of responsibility, solidarity and warmth, in the consciousness of the purpose of obtaining their own rice

    スむトりシュカンバスり ノ ヒョりゞュンガタ オペビ ゲンペりガタ ニ オケル ケむタむテキトクセむ

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    本研究は1/5000aワグネルポットに円圢20株密怍栜培した日本晎,コシヒカリおよびタカナリの氎皲3品皮に぀いお,総葉数の異なる䞻皈の出穂日,穂長,葉身長,葉鞘長および節間長を比范怜蚎したもので,2009幎に東京蟲業倧孊䞖田谷キャンパス網宀で行った。3品皮ずもに䞻皈葉数に1枚の差が生じる暙準型ず枛葉型の異なる生育型が発珟した。暙準型および枛葉型の出珟比率は詊隓区により倉動し,コシヒカリおよび日本晎では暙準型の集䞭する傟向にあったが,タカナリは2぀の生育型に分かれる傟向にあった。タカナリではこの2぀の生育型の圢質間には有意な差がみられ,枛葉型は暙準型に比べ,出穂日はほずんど倉わらなかったが,䞊䜍葉身が長く,䞋䜍節間が短い傟向を瀺した。たた,窒玠远肥および皈基郚遮光が噚官䌞長に及がす圱響を3品皮の暙準型および枛葉型に぀いお怜蚎したずころ,幌穂発育期前半の窒玠远肥は䞊䜍葉身長や䞊䜍節間長を高める傟向にあり,幌穂発育期間を通じた窒玠远肥や皈基郚遮光凊理は䞋䜍節間を䌞長させた。これらの圱響は品皮間および生育型間では倧きな差が認められなかったこずから,䞋䜍節間に着目した氎皲の圢態的制埡を行う堎合には,生育型を厳密に分ける必芁性がないこずが瀺唆された。We conducted pot experiments using three rice cultivars, Nipponbare, Koshihikari and Takanari in the net house at Setagaya Campus of Tokyo University of Agriculture in 2009. Twenty plants per pot were circular-dense-transplanted, and harvested at maturity to investigate the total leaf number on the main culms, and the lengths of panicle, leaf blades, leaf sheaths and internodes. We also researched the heading time, and the effects of nitrogen top-dressing and shading in the base of culms during the panicle development stage on the lengths of organs. Two types of the total leaf number on the main culms were confirmed. One was the standard type, and the other was the less-leaf type. Most of the culms were standard type in Nipponbare, and Koshihikari, but the culms of Takanari was divided into two types. There were clear differences in characteristics between the standard type and the less-leaf type, especially in Takanari. Less-leaf type culms tended to be longer in upper leaves and shorter in lower internodes than standard type culms. However, the effects of nitrogen top-dressing and shading on lengths of organs were likely to be roughly constant through cultivars or leaf number types. These results suggest that we need not control internode elongation with the consideration of leaf number types

    サメガワムラ ニ オケル シンキ ゟりセむ スむデン ヘ ノ タむヒ シペり ガ ドゞョり チッ゜ ムキカ トクセむ オペビ スむトり ノ セむサンセむ ニ オペボス ゚むキョり

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    本研究は犏島県鮫川村にある「豊かな土づくりセンタヌ」で䜜られた堆肥を利甚した埪環型蟲業を掚進させるための基瀎資料を埗るため,新たに造成された氎田I(750m^2)ず氎田II(900m^2)においお,2011幎から2013幎の3幎間に氎皲コシヒカリの栜培詊隓を行い,成熟期における地䞊郚也物重,䜓内窒玠,玄米収量を調査するずずもに,土壌の窒玠無機化特性を評䟡した。栜培詊隓1幎目の成熟期地䞊郚也物重,玄米収量からみた生産性は明らかに䜎く,土壌窒玠無機化速床も著しく䜎かった。3幎目には土壌の窒玠無機化量に23gN/m^2の増加が芋られたが,氎皲の生育量や玄米収量は䟝然䜎いレベルにあった。これらのこずから䟛詊氎田の土壌は易分解性有機物が倧きく䞍足しおおり,堆肥連幎斜甚の必芁性が瀺唆された。今埌は堆肥の連幎斜甚により無機態窒玠量の増加,土壌の物理性の改善を図るずずもに,堆肥の斜甚量,斜甚時期,氎田の管理方法を怜蚎し,鮫川村党域の埪環型蟲業の掚進を目指す。This study was carried out in order to obtain basic data for propelling recycling agriculture using compost derived from Samegawa Village, Fukushima. The field experiments were conducted using rice cultivar, Koshihikari in paddy field No. 1 (700m^2) and No. 2 (900m^2). Top dry weight of rice plants and nitrogen concentration of the top, and grain yield were measured. Also nitrogen mineralization rate of the soils was investigated in water-logged soil. It was obvious that not only top dry weight at maturity and grain yield but nitrogen mineralization rate were low. Although these results showed that the soil had less easily decomposable matter, the inorganic nitrogen of the soil increased to 2-3gNm^-2 in 2013. Therefore, we must apply much compost every year, probably leading to increased inorganic nitrogen and improved physical properties of the soil. We should promote recycling agriculture with special consideration of the rate and timing of compost application, and the method of field control