1,156 research outputs found

    Ambassadors of the game: do famous athletes have special obligations to act virtuously?

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    Do famous athletes have special obligations to act virtuously? A number of philosophers have investigated this question by examining whether famous athletes are subject to special role model obligations (Wellman 2003; Feezel 2005; Spurgin 2012). In this paper we will take a different approach and give a positive response to this question by arguing for the position that sport and gaming celebrities are ‘ambassadors of the game’: moral agents whose vocations as rule-followers have unique implications for their non-lusory lives. According to this idea, the actions of a game’s players and other stakeholders—especially the actions of its stars—directly affect the value of the game itself, a fact which generates additional moral reasons to behave in a virtuous manner. We will begin by explaining the three main positions one may take with respect to the question: moral exceptionalism, moral generalism, and moral exemplarism. We will argue that no convincing case for moral exemplarism has thus far been made, which gives us reason to look for new ways to defend this position. We then provide our own ‘ambassadors of the game’ account and argue that it gives us good reason to think that sport and game celebrities are subject to special obligations to act virtuously

    Moral Actions vs. Virtuous Characters: Hursthouse's Virtue Ethics and the Problem of Personal Transformation

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    The central argument of this article is that the standard conception of character given in virtue theory, as exemplified in the work of Rosalind Hursthouse, is seriously flawed. Partially, this is because looking behind a moral action for a ‘character’ is suspiciously akin to looking behind an object for an ‘essence’, and is susceptible to the same interpretive errors as an epistemic strategy. Alternately, a character—once inducted and projected upon a moral agent—is supposed to be a more or less permanent property of that individual; a schema which leaves little room for the real possibility of personal transformation. I argue here that what is often referred to in virtue literature as ‘character’ can be productively re-described as the aggregate of all moral actions performed by any one moral agent: nothing more, and nothing less. My hope is that this interpretive strategy will result in broader and more coherent readings of moral actions, and thus also clarify moral confusion resulting from the current lack of the same

    The Normative Role of Utopianism in Political Philosophy

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    The thesis of this paper is that utopianism is a theoretical necessity—we couldn’t, for example, engage in normative political philosophy without it—and, further, that in consciously embracing utopianism we will consequently experience an enrichment of our political lives. Thus, the title of my paper has a double meaning: it highlights the fact that utopianism always plays a normative role in political philosophy, as its concern is inevitably the promotion of a certain vision of the good life; and secondly it suggests that there normatively ‘ought to be’ a recognized and respectable role for utopianism within political philosophy. The first meaning, I believe, is self-explanatory. Regarding the second, it expresses my hope to— in short— take what is old, and through a modest process of rehabilitation, make it new again

    Utopia, Myth, and Narrative

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    One of the most historically recent and damaging blows to the reputation of utopianism came from its association with the totalitarian regimes of Hitler’s Third Reich and Mussolini’s Fascist party in World War II and the prewar era. Being an apologist for utopianism, it seemed to some, was tantamount to being an apologist for Nazism and all of its concomitant horrors. The fantasy principle of utopia was viewed as irretrievably bound up with the irrationalism of modern dictatorship. While these conclusions are somewhat understandable given the broad strokes that definitions of utopia are typically painted with, I will show in this paper that the link between the mythos of fascism and the constructs of utopianism results from an unfortunate conflation at the theoretical level. The irrationalism of any mass ethos and the rationalism of the thoughtful utopian planner are, indeed, completely at odds with each other. I arrive at this conclusion via an analysis of the concepts of myth and narrative, and the relationships these have with the concept of utopia

    The trajectory to diagnosis with pulmonary arterial hypertension: a qualitative study

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    Objectives To investigate the patient's experience of the trajectory to receiving a diagnosis of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) and inform the provision of care for this patient group. Design Qualitative study using in-depth one-to-one interviews and pictorial representations. Data were analysed using thematic analysis. Setting Participants were interviewed in their own homes across England. Participants 30 patients with a diagnosis of pulmonary hypertension (18 participants were women, mean age 56 and range 26-80 02years and time since diagnosis ranged from a few months to more than 12 02years) participated. Results All participants, regardless of the time since diagnosis, vividly described the process from manifestation of symptoms to receiving a confirmed diagnosis. The authors present data using three major themes: (i) making sense of symptoms, (ii) process of elimination and (iii) being diagnosed with PAH. Making sense of symptoms represented an early period of perseverance 14people tried to carry-on as usual despite 18unexplained breathlessness 19. As time progressed, this period was punctuated by critical events that triggered seeking medical advice. Once medical contact had been made, patients described a period of 18elimination 19 and convoluted contact with the medical profession. Dyspnoea misdiagnosis was a key factor that delayed the PAH diagnosis. Diagnosis disclosure by some medical professionals was also viewed as lacking empathy. More positive experiences were relayed when the medical team disclosing the diagnosis acknowledged previous limitations. Conclusions A lack of awareness of this illness from both the sufferer themselves and the medical profession emerged as a central theme and led to prolonged periods of being misdiagnosed. The application of a diagnostic pathway for unexplained dyspnoea that alerts practitioners to rare conditions could expedite the process of correct diagnosis

    An implicit method for radiative transfer with the diffusion approximation in SPH

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    An implicit method for radiative transfer in SPH is described. The diffusion approximation is used, and the hydrodynamic calculations are performed by a fully three--dimensional SPH code. Instead of the energy equation of state for an ideal gas, various energy states and the dissociation of hydrogen molecules are considered in the energy calculation for a more realistic temperature and pressure determination. In order to test the implicit code, we have performed non--isothermal collapse simulations of a centrally condensed cloud, and have compared our results with those of finite difference calculations performed by MB93. The results produced by the two completely different numerical methods agree well with each other.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figure

    Towards an institutional PLE

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    PLEs in their broader sense (the ad-hoc, serendipitous and potentially chaotic set of tools that learners bring to their learning) are increasingly important for learners in the context of formal study. In this paper we outline the approach that we are taking at the University of Southampton in redesigning our teaching and learning infrastructure into an Institutional PLE. We do not see this term as an oxymoron. We define an Institutional PLE as an environment that provides a personalised interface to University data and services and at the same time exposes that data and services to a student’s personal tools. Our goal is to provide a digital platform that can cope with an evolving learning and teaching environment, as well as support the social and community aspects of the institution

    Characterizing the velocity field in hydrodynamical simulations of low-mass star formation using spectral line profiles

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    When low-mass stars form, the collapsing cloud of gas and dust goes through several stages which are usually characterized by the shape of their spectral energy distributions. Such classification is based on the cloud morphology only and does not address the dynamical state of the object. In this paper we investigate the initial cloud collapse and subsequent disk formation through the dynamical behavior as reflected in the sub-millimeter spectral emission line profiles. If a young stellar object is to be characterized by its dynamical structure it is important to know how accurately information about the velocity field can be extracted and which observables provide the best description of the kinematics. Of particular interest is the transition from infalling envelope to rotating disk, because this provides the initial conditions for the protoplanetary disk, such as mass and size. We use a hydrodynamical model, describing the collapse of a core and formation of a disk, to produce synthetic observables which we compare to calculated line profiles of a simple parameterized model. Because we know the velocity field from the hydrodynamical simulation we can determine in a quantitative way how well our best-fit parameterized velocity field reproduces the original. We use a molecular line excitation and radiation transfer code to produce spectra of both our hydro dynamical simulation as well as our parameterized model. We find that information about the velocity field can reasonably well be derived by fitting a simple model to either single-dish lines or interferometric data, but preferentially by using a combination of the two. Our result shows that it is possible to establish relative ages of a sample of young stellar objects using this method, independently of the details of the hydrodynamical model.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in A&A on June 1

    A Keck High Resolution Spectroscopic Study of the Orion Nebula Proplyds

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    We present the results of spectroscopy of four bright proplyds in the Orion Nebula obtained at a velocity resolution of 6 km/s. After careful isolation of the proplyd spectra from the confusing nebular radiation, the emission line profiles are compared with those predicted by realistic dynamic/photoionization models of the objects. The spectral line widths show a clear correlation with ionization potential, which is consistent with the free expansion of a transonic, ionization-stratified, photoevaporating flow. Fitting models of such a flow simultaneously to our spectra and HST emission line imaging provides direct measurements of the proplyd size, ionized density and outflow velocity. These measurements confirm that the ionization front in the proplyds is approximately D-critical and provide the most accurate and robust estimate to date of the proplyd mass loss rate. Values of 0.7E-6 to 1.5E-6 Msun/year are found for our spectroscopic sample, although extrapolating our results to a larger sample of proplyds implies that 0.4E-6 Msun/year is more typical of the proplyds as a whole. In view of the reported limits on the masses of the circumstellar disks within the proplyds, the length of time that they can have been exposed to ionizing radiation should not greatly exceed 10,000 years - a factor of 30 less than the mean age of the proplyd stars. We review the various mechanisms that have been proposed to explain this situation, and conclude that none can plausibly work unless the disk masses are revised upwards by a substantial amount.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures, uses emulateapj.sty, accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journal (scheduled November 1999
