5 research outputs found

    Early Management and Fluid Resuscitation

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    Initial management of severely burned patient is similar with a trauma victim. Determination of airway patency, evaluation of respiration and circulation, early recognition of concomitant trauma has vital importance in burn patients. In the early phase, mortality mainly depends on missed or un-treated severe injuries or pathologies, but not burn injury itself.In patients that have TBSA greater than 15 %, fluid resuscitation should be started. In the first 24 hours, crystalloid solutions should be preferred. .Several formulas can guide fluid resuscitation; however the amount of fluid that is given to the patient should be individualized according to the patient’s need. (Journal of the Turkish Society Intensive Care 2011; 9 Suppl: 7-10

    Guideline and treatment algorithm for burn injuries

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    As in many other countries, burn injuries are a challenging healthcare problem in Turkey. Initial management of burn patients is very important for future morbidity and mortality. Therefore, the Turkish Ministry of Health prepared "National Burns Treatment Algorithm" aided by the Scientific Burns Council. the basic aim of this algorithm is to guide physicians in the treatment of burn victims until they reach an experienced burns center. the content of this algorithm is first aid, initial management, resuscitation, and transfer policy. the Council started to work on this algorithm in 2011. Various consultants, including general surgeons, pediatric surgeons, aesthetic, plastic and reconstructive surgeons, anesthesiologists, and intensive care physicians, revised the first draft and it was sent to eight education and research hospitals of the Ministry of Health, four universities, and seven non-governmental organizations. in the last quarter of 2012, the algorithm was finalized and approved by the Scientific Council, after which, it was approved by the Ministry of Health and publishedYanık yaralanmaları diğer pek çok ülkede olduğu gibi Türkiye'de de üzerinde durulması gereken bir sağlık problemidir. Bu hastaların erken dönem yönetimleri sonraki dönem morbiditesi ve mortalitesi için çok önemlidir. Bu nedenle Sağlık Bakanlığı, Yanık Bilim Komisyonu katkılarıyla hazırlanan "Ulusal Yanık Tedavi Algoritması"nı hazırladı. Bu algoritmanın temel amacı, yanık kazazedeleri deneyimli yanık merkezlerine ulaşana değin klinisyen-lere kılavuzluk yapmaktı. Bu algoritmanın içeriği ilk yardım, başlangıç yönetimi, resüsitasyon ve transfer politikasıdır. Konsey, algoritma üzerindeki çalışmalarına 2011 yılında başladı. Genel cerrahların, çocuk cerrahlarının, estetik plastik ve rekonstrüktif cerrahların, anestezistlerin ve yoğun bakım klinisyenlerini içeren çok sayıda konsültanlar ilk taslağı hazırladı ve bu sekiz Sağlık Bakanlığı eğitim ve araştırma hastanesine, dört üniversiteye ve yedi sivil toplum kuruluşuna iletildi. 2012 yılının son çeyreğinde, algoritmaya son şekli verildi ve Bilim Komisyonu tarafından onaylandı. Sonrasında Sağlık Bakanlığı tarafından onaylanarak yayınland

    Changes In The Frequencies Of Abdominal Wall Hernias And The Preferences For Their Repair: A Multicenter National Study From Turkey

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    Abdominal wall hernias are a common problem in the general population. A Western estimate reveals that the lifetime risk of developing a hernia is about 2%.– As a result, hernia repairs likely comprise the most frequent general surgery operations. More than 20 million hernias are estimated to be repaired every year around the world. Numerous repair techniques have been described to date however tension-free mesh repairs are widely used today because of their low hernia recurrence rates. Nevertheless, there are some ongoing debates regarding the ideal approach (open or laparoscopic),, the ideal anesthesia (general, local, or regional),, and the ideal mesh (standard polypropylene or newer meshes).,PubMedWoSScopu