61 research outputs found

    What grid cells convey about rat location

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    We characterize the relationship between the simultaneously recorded quantities of rodent grid cell firing and the position of the rat. The formalization reveals various properties of grid cell activity when considered as a neural code for representing and updating estimates of the rat's location. We show that, although the spatially periodic response of grid cells appears wasteful, the code is fully combinatorial in capacity. The resulting range for unambiguous position representation is vastly greater than the ≈1–10 m periods of individual lattices, allowing for unique high-resolution position specification over the behavioral foraging ranges of rats, with excess capacity that could be used for error correction. Next, we show that the merits of the grid cell code for position representation extend well beyond capacity and include arithmetic properties that facilitate position updating. We conclude by considering the numerous implications, for downstream readouts and experimental tests, of the properties of the grid cell code

    Simultaneous embedding of multiple attractor manifolds in a recurrent neural network using constrained gradient optimization

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    The storage of continuous variables in working memory is hypothesized to be sustained in the brain by the dynamics of recurrent neural networks (RNNs) whose steady states form continuous manifolds. In some cases, it is thought that the synaptic connectivity supports multiple attractor manifolds, each mapped to a different context or task. For example, in hippocampal area CA3, positions in distinct environments are represented by distinct sets of population activity patterns, each forming a continuum. It has been argued that the embedding of multiple continuous attractors in a single RNN inevitably causes detrimental interference: quenched noise in the synaptic connectivity disrupts the continuity of each attractor, replacing it by a discrete set of steady states that can be conceptualized as lying on local minima of an abstract energy landscape. Consequently, population activity patterns exhibit systematic drifts towards one of these discrete minima, thereby degrading the stored memory over time. Here we show that it is possible to dramatically attenuate these detrimental interference effects by adjusting the synaptic weights. Synaptic weight adjustments are derived from a loss function that quantifies the roughness of the energy landscape along each of the embedded attractor manifolds. By minimizing this loss function, the stability of states can be dramatically improved, without compromising the capacity.Comment: To be presetned at the Thirty-seventh Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2023

    An Efficient Coding Theory for a Dynamic Trajectory Predicts non-Uniform Allocation of Grid Cells to Modules in the Entorhinal Cortex

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    Grid cells in the entorhinal cortex encode the position of an animal in its environment using spatially periodic tuning curves of varying periodicity. Recent experiments established that these cells are functionally organized in discrete modules with uniform grid spacing. Here we develop a theory for efficient coding of position, which takes into account the temporal statistics of the animal's motion. The theory predicts a sharp decrease of module population sizes with grid spacing, in agreement with the trends seen in the experimental data. We identify a simple scheme for readout of the grid cell code by neural circuitry, that can match in accuracy the optimal Bayesian decoder of the spikes. This readout scheme requires persistence over varying timescales, ranging from ~1ms to ~1s, depending on the grid cell module. Our results suggest that the brain employs an efficient representation of position which takes advantage of the spatiotemporal statistics of the encoded variable, in similarity to the principles that govern early sensory coding.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figures. Supplemental Information available from the authors on request. A previous version of this work appeared in abstract form (Program No. 727.02. 2015 Neuroscience Meeting Planner. Chicago, IL: Society for Neuroscience, 2015. Online.

    Manning condensation in two dimensions

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    We consider a macroion confined to a cylindrical cell and neutralized by oppositely charged counterions. Exact results are obtained for the two-dimensional version of this problem, in which ion-ion and ion-macroion interactions are logarithmic. In particular, the threshold for counterion condensation is found to be the same as predicted by mean-field theory. With further increase of the macroion charge, a series of single-ion condensation transitions takes place. Our analytical results are expected to be exact in the vicinity of these transitions and are in very good agreement with recent Monte-Carlo simulation data.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure