233 research outputs found

    Knowledge of pelvic floor problems: a study of third trimester, primiparous women

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    INTRODUCTION AND HYPOTHESIS: Pelvic floor problems in women (urinary incontinence, faecal incontinence, uterovaginal prolapse) are common, and have an adverse effect on quality of life. We hypothesized that there is low knowledge of these problems amongst primiparous women in their third trimester of pregnancy. METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional study in antenatal clinics of three hospitals in London, UK, from 2011 to 2013. Primiparous women aged ≥18 years and in the third trimester of pregnancy answered questions on pelvic floor problems. Knowledge scores were calculated based on the proportion of questions answered correctly. RESULTS: A total of 249 women completed the question set. The average knowledge score across all domains was low at 45 %. Scores were lowest for the less common problems of faecal incontinence (35 %) and prolapse (36 %). The score for urinary incontinence was higher at 63 %, but low when questions explored more detailed levels of knowledge (41 %). Knowledge scores were positively associated with both education to tertiary level and the use of books as the information source on pregnancy and delivery. Only 35 % of women cited antenatal classes as a source. CONCLUSIONS: Knowledge of pelvic floor problems is low amongst third-trimester, primiparous women in this London-based population. Adequate knowledge of these problems is important for women to be able to make informed choices about their antenatal care and to seek help if problems arise. The data suggest scope for health-care professionals to raise these issues early during pregnancy, and to help women access accurate sources of information

    Expression of FAP-1 by human colon adenocarcinoma: implication for resistance against Fas-mediated apoptosis in cancer

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    Although colon carcinoma cells express Fas receptors, they are resistant to Fas-mediated apoptosis. Defects within the intracellular Fas signal transduction may be responsible. We investigated whether the Fas-associated phosphatase-1 (FAP-1), an inhibitor of Fas signal transduction, contributed to this resistance in colon carcinomas. In vivo, apoptosis of cancer cells was detected in situ using terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase-mediated dUTP nick-end labelling ( TUNEL). FAP-1, FasR, and Fas ligand (FasL) were detected using immunohistochemistry. In vitro, colon carcinoma cells were primarily cultured, and their sensitivity to Fas-mediated apoptosis was evaluated by treatment with agonistic anti-FasR CH11 IgM monoclonal antibody in the presence or absence of synthetic Ac-SLV (serine-leucine-valine) tripeptide. Fas-associated phosphatase-1 expression was detected in 20 out of 28 colon adenocarcinomas. In vivo, a positive correlation between the percentage of apoptotic tumour cells and the number of FasL-positive tumour infiltrating lymphocytes was observed in FAP-1 negative cancers, but not in FAP-1-positive ones. Primarily cultured colon cancer cells, which were refractory to CH-11-induced apoptosis, had higher expression of FAP-1 on protein and mRNA levels than the sensitive group. Resistance to Fas-mediated apoptosis in tumour cells could be abolished by Ac-SLV tripetides. Fas-associated phosphatase-1 expression protects colon cancer cells from Fas-mediated apoptosis, and blockade of FAP-1 and FasR interaction sensitises tumour cells to Fas-dependent apoptosis

    Current and future economic burden of diabetes among working-age adults in Asia: conservative estimates for Singapore from 2010-2050

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    Abstract Background Diabetes not only imposes a huge health burden but also a large economic burden worldwide. In the working-age population, cost of lost productivity can far exceed diabetes-related medical cost. In this study, we aimed to estimate the current and future indirect and excess direct costs of diagnosed type 2 diabetes among the working-age population in Singapore. Methods A previously-published epidemiological model of diabetes was adapted to forecast prevalence among working-age patients with diagnosed type 2 diabetes in the absence of interventions. The current methodology of the American Diabetes Association was adopted to estimate the costs of diabetes for this population. Diabetes-related excess direct medical costs were obtained from a local cost study while indirect costs were calculated using the human capital approach applied to local labor force statistics. These cost were estimated conservatively from a societal perspective on a per patient basis and projected to the overall Singapore population from 2010 to 2050. Results In 2010, total economic costs per working-age patient were estimated to be US5,646(US5,646 (US4,432-US10,612),ofwhich42 10,612), of which 42 % were excess direct medical costs and 58 % indirect productivity-related losses. Total cost is projected to rise to US7,791 (US5,741US5,741-US12,756) in 2050, with the share of indirect costs rising to 65 %. Simultaneous increases in prevalence imply that the total economic costs of diabetes for the entire working-age population will increase by 2.4 fold from US787millionin2010toUS787 million in 2010 to US1,867 million in 2050. Conclusions By current projections, diabetes in Singapore represents a growing economic burden. Among the working-age population, the impact of productivity loss will become increasingly significant. Prevention efforts to reduce overall prevalence should also engage stakeholders outside the health sector who ultimately bear the indirect burden of disease