122 research outputs found

    Vulnerability of Baitfishes of Handline and Lift Net Fishing Gear that Landed in Kendari, Bitung, Wakatobi and Larantuka Fishing Port

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    The high intensity of catching has an impact on decreasing stock, vulnerability, which has the potential affect to stock sustainability; such vulnerabilities include the baitfishs group in tuna fisheries. Vulnerability studies of baitfishs in Bitung, Wakatobi, Kendari and Larantuka in July 2013 were carried out to find out the pressure caused. The data collected is the parameter of productivity and perception of fish. The catches besides tuna are skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis), Indian Scad (Decapterus russelli), little tuna (Euthynuss affinis), Squid (Loligo loligo.), Anchovies (Stelophorus commersonii) and Sardinella (Sardinella fimbriata). Based on MSC (Marine Steward Council) Vulnerability Criteria, vulnerability index in Bitung (skipjack = 85.6; scad = 98.9; little tuna = 96.2), Wakatobi (scad = 97.9; squid = 98.5) and Kendari (skipjack=  85.6; anchovies = 98.5) and Sardinella fimbriata is about 96 in Larantuka. The conclusion of this research are the baitfishes state as low vulnerability and low risk and potential for sustainabilit

    Management of Mangrove Ecosystem Potency in Kuala Langsa, Aceh

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    The potency of mangrove ecosystems can be a provider of economic resources, preserving the ecological environment and providing environmental services. The existence of mangroves in Kuala Langsa is important to study about the economic potential, the potential of carbon sequestration in the form of biomass, coastal tourism potential and social potential of society in support of its development efforts. The result of the research shows that the potential existence of mangrove ecosystem to fishery sector is Rp. 657.563.000 / year, carbon sequestration potential in the form of biomass of 180.365 ton /year, with the economic value of carbon trade of Rp. 2.344.745.000/year, economic potential of coastal tourism reached Rp 22,921,107,253/year. Overall, the estimated total potential of existing mangrove ecosystems in Kuala Langsa is Rp. 29.923.415.253/year. To manage these potentials, a conservation strategy is required, performance improvement of customary institutions and the existence of such management institutions must be continuously strengthened


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    RINGKASANSejak pencanangan industrialisasi perikanan 2011 dan menjadi makin populer tahun 2012 sektor perikanan mulai melakukan pembenahan. Pembenahan tersebut dimulai dengan mendorong peningkatan produksi perikanan untuk komoditas yang potensial dikembangkan secara ekonomi. Beberapa komoditas unggulan diantaranya adalah udang, ikan patin, dan komoditas budidaya lainnya.  Sementara itu komoditas tangkap terus digenjot untuk mendukung industri UMKM (pengolahan) seperti ikan asin, asap dan pindang.  Namun setelah beberapa tahun berjalan, belum terlihat perkembangan yang signifikan dari tahapan pencapaian program tersebut.  Permasalahan terus menggeluti usaha ini mulai dari bahan baku yang langka, logistik yang tidak tersedia, sampai pada kebijakan impor dari pemerintah. Berdasarkan kajian yang telah dilakukan bahan baku yang ada di perairan mencukupi untuk bahan baku industri pengolahan ikan kelompok UMKM nasional.Kata kunci: stok ikan, bahan baku, industri pengolahan ikan, logistik perikana

    Analisis Degradasi Dan Depresiasi Sumberdaya Ikan Demersal Pada Perikanan Dogol Di Perairan Selat Sunda (Degradation and Depreciation Analysis of Demersal Fish Resources on Dogol Fisheries in Sunda Strait)

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    Dogol is one type of fishing gear which is operated by fisherman in Sunda Strait with demersal fishes as dominant catches, such as goatfish, threadfin brean, ponyfish, Indian halibut and drums.The utilization was done throughout the year and without control can lead to overfishing. The aim of this research is to estimate degradation and the depreciation rate of demersal fish resources of dogol fisheries in Sunda Strait. This research was conducted on February until July 2014 in Coastal Fishing Port (PPP) Labuan, Pandeglang, Banten. Data was collected through interview and questionnaire methods to dogol fisherman and other stakeholders, as well as time series data from Ministry of Marine Affairs Pandeglang district. The results showed that the average value of degradation and depreciation rate of demersal fish resources were 0,26-0,42 and 0,26-0,43 respectively. Those values still below 0,5, it means that demersal fish resources on dogol fisheries in Sunda Strait has not been degraded and depreciation. But, the CPUE values tended to decrease, so was needed preventive action, such as restriction of fishing effort and increase the mesh size to preserve the sustainability of demersal fish resources

    Community Structure of Grouper Fish (Serranidae) Landed in Peukan Bada Subdistrict, Aceh Province

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    Information on important and economic grouper fish (Serranidae family) in Peukan Bada waters, Province of Aceh is very limited. This objecives of this research were to determine spatial and temporal variabilities in species composition and community structure of grouper landed in Peukan Bada, Aceh Besar District. The research was conducted using survey method during February to June 2015 on three fish landing sites i.e., Ujong Pancu, Lamtengoh, and Lamteh. The groupers were caught by using handline. The landed fishes were therefore counted and identified up to species level. The data were also analyzed based on taxonomic information and individual number of each species, community structure using the diversity index (H\u27), eveness (E), and dominance (D). The results obtained 835 individual, 21 species of grouper belong to 4 genera (Aethaloperca, Cephalopholis, Epinephelus dan Variola). Based on species, Epinephelus fasciatus and Cephalopholis sonnerati were the most grouper fishes in the region. Based on community structure, diversity value (H\u27) in Lam-tengoh was higher than that in Ujong Pancu and Lamteh. Total grouper fish catches were not significantly different (P>0,05) among the three region. Meanwhile, total grouper fish cacthes were significantly different between seasons (p<0,05). The diversity species variation during five months of observation was affected by the differences in catches area, the condition of aquatic enviroment, and oceanographic condition

    Assesmen Risiko Ekologi (ARE) Perikanan Tuna Pole and Line di Flores dan Tonda di Flores dan Pelabuhanratu

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    AbstrakKegiatan perikanan tuna dengan penggunaan alat tangkap pole and line dan tonda berisiko menyebabkan kerentanan (risiko ekologi) yang dapat menganggu keberlanjutan stok tuna. Untuk itu dilakukan penelitian menilai kerentanan menjadi parameter risiko ekologi menggunakan pendekatan analisis productivity dan susceptability analysis (PSA) pada jenis ikan tuna sirip kuning (ukuran baby tuna), tongkol, lemadang, dan cakalang. Pengumpulan data biologi dan ekologi dari alat tangkap pole and line dilakukan di Flores dan pancing tonda di Pelabuhanratu. Selanjutnya, analisis laboratorium dilakukan pada Laboratorium Biologi Perikanan, Departemen Manajemen Sumberdaya Perairan, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan IPB. Hasil analisis produktivitas dan susceptabilitas alat pole and line untuk ikan baby tuna 1,42 dan ikan tongkol 1,98. Nilai ini menunjukkan tingkat kerentanan dan risiko ekologi pada ikan tongkol tergolong tinggi dan ikan baby tuna masih rendah. Analisis PSA dari alat pancing tonda pada ikan baby tuna diperoleh sebesar 2,34; ikan lemadang sebesar 2,34; dan ikan cakalang 2,18. Nilai ini menunjukkan bahwa kerentanan tinggi dan risiko ekologi pada ketiga jenis ikan tersebut juga tinggi karena penggunaan pancing tonda. Penggunaan alat tangkap pole and line serta pancing tonda pada perikanan tuna menyebabkan tingginya risiko pada ikan tuna sirip kuning (ukuran baby tuna), lemadang, cakalang, dan tongkol. AbstractTuna fishery activities using pole and line fishing gear and tonda have the risk of causing vulnerability (ecological risk) which can disrupt the sustainability of tuna stocks. For this reason, a study was conducted to assess vulnerability which is a parameter of ecological risk using the productivity and susceptibility analysis (PSA) approach to the fish’s species are albacares (baby tuna), mackerel, lemadang, and skipjack. Biological and ecological data collection from pole and line fishing gear was carried out in Flores and trolling and tonda in Pelabuhanratu. Furthermore, laboratory analysis was carried out at the fisheries biology laboratory, Department of Aquatic Resources Management, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences IPB. The results of productivity and susceptibility analysis of the pole and line for baby tuna and Euthynnus are 1.42 and 1.98.  This value shows the level of vulnerability where the ecological risk of tuna is high and baby tuna also low. The PSA analysis of the tonda for baby tuna was 2.34; lemadang was 2.34; and skipjack was 2.18. This value indicates that the high vulnerability and ecological risk of the three species of fish are also high due to the use of tonda. The use of pole and line fishing gear and tonda lines in tuna fisheries causes a high risk for albacares (baby tuna), mackerel, lemadang, and skipjack

    Waters Carrying Capacity for Development of Seaweed Culture of Eucheuma Cottonii in Luwu and Palopo Districts, Bone Bay, South Sulawesi

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    In seaweed Eucheuma cottonii cultures, a water carrying capacity is an important factor to optimize the seaweed culture. Carrying capacity can be determined by an ecological footprint production (EFp) analysis. This research was conducted in May 2015 (1st transitional season) and September 2015 (2nd transitional season) in Luwu and Palopo distircts, South Sulawesi. Map and land use were analyzed using GIS (Geographic Information Systems). The result showed that the ecological foot-print production (EFP) in Luwu waters was 67.88 ton/capita/year or equivalent to 235,823.93 tons/ year. However, based on the analysis of the water availability for seaweed was 59,781.79 hectares, it can produce seaweed (biocapacity) for 1,437,779.60 tons/year and the number of farmers that allows for use the waters is 21,432 capita. The ecological footprint production (EFp) in Palopo waters is 3.08 ton/capita/year, or equivalent to 4,589.99 tons/year. Water availability analysis is 1,771. 41 hectares are able to produce seaweed (biocapacity) for 18,287.46 ton/year and the number of far-mers that allows for use the waters is 635 farmers capita. The results comparison between biocapa-ci-ty and ecological footprint, ecological status for Luwu and Palopo waters are still in sustainable use
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