10 research outputs found

    Diphenylphosphoryl Azide as a Multifunctional Flame Retardant Electrolyte Additive for Lithium-Ion Batteries

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    Graphite anode materials and carbonate electrolyte have been the top choices for commercial lithium-ion batteries (LIBS) for a long time. However, the uneven deposition and stripping of lithium cause irreversible damage to the graphite structure, and the low flash point and high flammability of the carbonate electrolyte pose a significant fire safety risk. Here, we proposed a multifunctional electrolyte additive diphenylphosphoryl azide (DPPA), which can construct a solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) with high ionic conductivity lithium nitride (Li3N) to ensure efficient transport of Li+. This not only protects the artificial graphite (AG) electrode but also inhibits lithium dendrites to achieve excellent electrochemical performance. Meanwhile, the LIBS with DPPA offers satisfactory flame retardancy performance. The AG//Li half cells with DPPA-0.5M can still maintain a specific capacity of about 350 mAh/g after 200 cycles at 0.2 C. Its cycle performance and rate performance were better than commercial electrolyte (EC/DMC). After cycling, the microstructure surface of the AG electrode was complete and flat, and the surface of the lithium metal electrode had fewer lithium dendrites. Importantly, we found that the pouch cell with DPPA-0.5M had low peak heat release rate. When exposed to external conditions of continuous heating, DPPA significantly improved the fire safety of the LIBS. The research of DPPA in lithium electrolyte is a step towards the development of safe and efficient lithium batteries

    A bio-based intrinsically flame-retardant epoxy vitrimer from furan derivatives and its application in recyclable carbon fiber composites

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    The recycling of carbon fiber reinforced polymer composites (CFRPCs) is difficult because the thermosetting matrix is insoluble and does not melt. To overcome this problem, a furan-derived epoxy resin (HMF-GAN-EP) was synthesized from 5-hydroxymethylfurfural and cured with a furan-based curing agent (DIFFA). The cured HMF-GAN-EP/DIFFA system showed excellent flame retardancy (UL-94 V-0 and LOI of 40%). The glass transition temperature, tensile strength, and tensile modulus of the cured HMF-GAN-EP/DIFFA system were approximately 234 °C, 67 MPa and 2273 MPa, respectively, all of which were higher than those of the diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A (DGEBA)-type epoxy thermosets cured by 4,4′-diaminodiphenylmethane (DDM) (151 °C, 56 MPa and 1744 MPa). The cured HMF-GAN-EP/DIFFA system could dissolve in a mixed solution of THF:HCl (8:2, v/v), making it possible for the recycling of carbon fibers from CFRPCs

    A bio-based intrinsically flame-retardant epoxy vitrimer from furan derivatives and its application in recyclable carbon fiber composites

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    The recycling of carbon fiber reinforced polymer composites (CFRPCs) is difficult because the thermosetting matrix is insoluble and does not melt. To overcome this problem, a furan-derived epoxy resin (HMF-GAN-EP) was synthesized from 5-hydroxymethylfurfural and cured with a furan-based curing agent (DIFFA). The cured HMF-GAN-EP/DIFFA system showed excellent flame retardancy (UL-94 V-0 and LOI of 40%). The glass transition temperature, tensile strength, and tensile modulus of the cured HMF-GAN-EP/DIFFA system were approximately 234 °C, 67 MPa and 2273 MPa, respectively, all of which were higher than those of the diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A (DGEBA)-type epoxy thermosets cured by 4,4′-diaminodiphenylmethane (DDM) (151 °C, 56 MPa and 1744 MPa). The cured HMF-GAN-EP/DIFFA system could dissolve in a mixed solution of THF:HCl (8:2, v/v), making it possible for the recycling of carbon fibers from CFRPCs

    Side-excitation light-induced thermoelastic spectroscopy

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    : In this Letter, a side-excitation light-induced thermoelastic spectroscopy (SE-LITES) technique was developed for trace gas detection. A novel, to the best of our knowledge, custom quartz tuning fork (QTF) was used as a transducer for photon detection by the thermoelastic effect. The mechanical stress distribution on the QTF surface was analyzed to identify the optimum thermoelastic excitation approach. The electrode film on the QTF surface also works as a partially reflective layer to obtain a long optical absorption path inside the QTF body. With the long optical absorption length and the inner face excitation of the QTF, the thermoelastic effect was greatly enhanced. With an optimized modulation depth, a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) improvement of more than one order of magnitude was achieved, compared to traditional LITES

    Ppb-level gas detection using on-beam quartz-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy based on a 28 kHz tuning fork

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    In this paper, an on-beam quartz-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy (QEPAS) sensor based on a custom quartz tuning fork (QTF) acting as a photoacoustic transducer, was realized and tested. The QTF is characterized by a resonance frequency of 28 kHz, similar to 15% lower than that of a commercially available 32.7 kHz standard QTF. One-dimensional acoustic micro resonator (AmR) was designed and optimized by using stainless-steel capillaries. The 28 kHz QTF and AmRs are assembled in on-beam QEPAS configuration. The AmR geometrical parameters have been optimized in terms of length and internal diameter. The laser beam focus position and the AmR coupling distance were also adjusted to maximize the coupling efficiency. For comparison, QEPAS on-beam configurations based on a standard QTF and on the 28 kHz QTF were compared in terms of H2O and CO2 detection sensitivity. In order to better characterize the performance of the system, H2O, C2H2 and CO2 were detected for a long time and the long-term stability was analyzed by an Allan variance analysis. With the integration time of 1 s, the detection limits for H2O, C2H2 and CO2 are 1.2 ppm, 28.8 ppb and 2.4 ppm, respectively. The detection limits for H2O, C2H2 and CO2 can be further improved to 325 ppb, 10.3 ppb and 318 ppb by increasing the integration time to 521 s, 183 s and 116